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IMPROVEMENTS AT SYRACUSE FAIR GROUNDS New York. March 2K. — Extensive changes un to be made this year on the racing inclosiue of the New York State Fair grounds in Syracuse, which will include tiie moving of the huge grandstand. tearing up the old track and building a new one further north, where the present infield is. ahM the construction of up-to-date stalls for hundreds of horsi -.. eer.vthing according to the plans already made, in modern and MBttarj st.le. The fact that n big percentage of the total appropriation of MMMMMXM made for the improve meat of th- Fair Ground* has been set aside for the big annual lairs racing, horse show and inhibition of horse breeding classes, is ample e idence that the commission attaches great importance to the exclusively horse features of the greatest agricultural fair of the country, not only as directly affecting the produce of the farms, but as pa.ving attractions for the support of the annual events.