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I I I GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Ccrmany i-- facing a situation similar to the one which confront"!! and overwhelmed the despotic government in Russia, if ward from such Herman a— reel as the leading newspapers can be believed. The end of the rule of kings in Germany is fast appraachhag is the gist of one of the articles ap- prariag in a hailing Herman daily, and the Berlin Votwaerts says in part, comparing the -itua tiou in the fatherland with the one in Baaala: Shall the world say that all the nations on earth are free except Germany .- The newspaper lompares the declaration of the Russian provincial government with the declaration of Chancellor von l,o|!_/ aaaaa Holhveg in the Prussian diet to the diacredfl of the latter. It comments: "How much longer.--The king should suaightway give back to the Prussian people their raaehtaa which was taken away in 1S4S." Grand Duke Nicholas will not. after all. be commander-in-chief of the Raaelan armies, according to a letrograd correspondent, the new govemjnei having found it necessary in order to checkmate the mischievous propaganda to nppoinr a generalissimo not connected with the Romanoff family. The cor respondent does not state who the new appointee will be, nor does he indicate whether Grand Da, • Nicholas is likely to continue to hold any subordi Bate command. Among the other signs of trouble, according to the correspondent, is dissatisfaction in some quarters that the former emperor was allowed to go to I.ivadia. This he attributes to rumors of a counter revolution. That the country is preparing for war on a larger scale than was at first supposed was shown by events materializing Monday when a large sum of money for offensive warfare was asked by President Wilson. It is assumed that most of the money will be used for the •submarine. chasing" purposes. which have been a source of worry to the administration ever aiace Germany declared her policy of unrest icted undersea warfare. An early session of Congress, to be followed by a declaration of war against Germany, is not such a remote possibility, -but that it may occur without warning in the very near future. Three 1nited States army halloonists landed in Gibbs. Missouri, after a thrilling battle for five hours in a snowstorm 111. INK feet above ground. The balloon was in charge of A. Leon Stevens. chief instructor of the nited States balloon corps at Fort rook, am! also Carried Captain II. .1. B. McClgin and Lieutenant L. C. Davidson. They left " Omaha at 11:23 oclock Saturday morning and lauded at 4:30 in the afternoon. On reaching about 10,000-feet they encountered a severe snowstorm, which cat off all view below and prevented them from al-t niptiag a landing for fie hours. The interned German sailors held on board the eaaaaaeree raider Prince Eitel Friederi.-h and the Kron Prinz Wilhclm at the League Island N.iy Yard made a break for liberty Monday night. A number managed to escape the navy yard barriers and acattered over the meadows hetWCea tiie built-up seition of South fhHaaV labia and the nary yarda. A large detail of mounted police and patrolmen was hurried to the scene to aid in rounding up the " escaping Germans. A number of the Germans were found floundering in large pools of arater and fished out. That the United States is near the verge of war. as the result of the sinking of the three owned vessels — tin- City of Memphis. Illinois and Vigilanoia -was generally recognized in Official circles .Monday. It is considered by authorities, who arc up on international affairs, to constitute tin-overt act which President Wilson previously warned against "as liable to cause war" between this country and the foremost Teuton paw**. It is a challenge from Germany and, as such, is liable to be met by firm measures from this government The latest news from the front accentuates the feeling of optimism in military circles here and convinces the critics that the Germans are now engaged in a most difficult and dangerous operation in view of the large front involved. French military critics maintain that it is more and more unlikely that the Germans can reach the Lille I. a Fere line without mishap. It is asserted that the Germans are facing an aggravation of an already difficult position and confront even less favorable lightim; conditions in the immediate future. Is Germany about to make a political Withdrawal matching in imiiortance her military retirement in France, which, according to Major Moraht, is purely for "strategic reasons"? The reichstag reassembles*. tomorrow to consider the foreign office budget and this may offer the opportunity for the declaration of a ic-w- policy regarding Germanys submarine warfare. An eleventh hour withdrawal on the submarine question still is a possibilitv, if not probability.