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GOOD RACING AT FIML1C0 MEETING CLOSES TODAY WITH ATTENDANCE AND INTEREST UNDIMINISHED. Quietude an Ea-y Victress in the Clabaugh Memorial — Sv.ilt Fox Takes fas Hiil Top Handicap— Broomvale in a Ghana Finish. Phnli •• . M.I.. May 10. The Clauh:iugh Memorial. Me of the :i tm ii.i i fixtures of the spring meetings of the Maryland Jockey flab, WUH featured at Pimlica this afternoon. It broaght out n - of the WMllest fields thai ever went Is the post for this race am! resulted in an easy victory tor A. II. Morris Qiiietnde, uhirh heal her opponents in a raster. Today iraa the twelfth rnaaiag of the Clahangh Mi mortal, the history of which appear* here in lens, il form : Vear. Winn.;-. vi. lackey. V.-il. Thaw. 1905 Consistent 112 McCain- ...$ irjr, .:,-;■, P.MMi Woodline 107 Diggins . . . 77r :.,7:S 1807 BiUfe Uibba 112 J. Tilinma l,«7tt IM IMS Canning 112C. Keener. 1.10a :535s IMS The .Monk 117 J. Mrlntyre 1.37U :"..•. 1810 Chilton Belle . . . In7 Wit. W*ker. 1.4i:. :35% 1911 spring Board ..105 J. Mclatyre 1.410 :54% 1012 I .in ■ • 112 A. Brhagr. 1 ,:ti_M» :SS 1810 Cutaway 100 B. Hoffman 1.140 :■".-. 1014 Banquet HOE. Taplia.. 1.430 : i.V"-. I*1S ItoMea List 117 i:. Taplia.. MO :35% 1017 traletadc 115 J. P. Ryan ISO ■.:.:, ;, Not run in 1010. The Hill Pap Handicap, :i dash af a mil-, for three year olds, followed the Clanbaagh and was carded as the fifth wee. Bwift Pox proved the win-aer f this race, going to the front at the atari and racing into a hang lead in the first half Mile. i one stage be was ■ doaea lengths in front. Imt .it in.- end be tired badly and, la ■ driving finish. aaaaaged to last long enoagh !• win by a length aad i half from Cherry Ripe. A. II. .Morris was present to witness Qnletndea rietory ia the Clanbaagh Memorial. It is seldom t . ; Mr. Morris visits the races, although he still retains his lore for the thoroughbred and still maintains a small breeding establishment at Mr. Wal dens farm at Middleborg, Maryland. The best finish of the afternoon mine with tin-running of the six:h race, ia which Broomvate and Itefngee fought II out all threngh the last three eigbths, and finished noses apart in the order naaaed. Pre tunntiou was third, beaten a head for second place. Santiago wonld probably bare won the first race lui for sarerving oat. BoMn wn was naaUe t keep him straight, and after racing wide all the way, be «l -I tit- with a great hurst of speed .-mil iv.p ,- .in t lasted Ion,: enoagh to best him by ■ head. J. K. L. Ross String Leaves for Toronto. AVilliam Hayward I. -ft for Toronto this mamlag with the .1. K. L. Boss string. He took with him for Thomas Clyde the three-year-old Tioga. The latter h!*s been entered in aeveral stakes at the different Canadian tracks, Mr. Clydes trainer. A. ;. Weston, will officiate ;is oae of the Jadges at tin- Geatlenaenx Driving Park aad rtoapril Park meetings. The Clyde horses will reasaia at Plmlico for a month or sis weeks, when they will be shipped to Saratoga. .1. ll. MeDoaaldi plater Chemong has been s--nt to Dr. .1. McCarthys hospital in the Green Boring Valley, where be will i»- fired and castrated, iir. McCarthy has ■ aamht r of Ihniiwuhhuda at bis place for the aosanter. s. MeNaaghtoa aad hf. Daly ihlpped their horsi-s to Belmont Park last night. Many ««f the members of the httrhjge Hunt :inl Oreen Spring Valley Hunt Caaba hare joim-ii i!u-i-olors. A maiiirity of them hrlsailai t1 battery A .mil tln-y fuiiiishcil their own mounts, taking their hunters, which have been roaanag ill the point -to point r.u-es with them. Tw-o rarlaada of horses left Pimiico today for Wilmington to take part in the three days meeting at f/awaset Park, which begina tomorrow, laothrr carlaad will teare in the morning. Some of the jockeys who will ride at Wilmington are J. Driver. N. Huff. C. Sterling, W. Koliinson. K. C. Watts ami hf, Bowaa. Tom Metniy received anari from his father in Monmouth county. New .Jersey, that the government has taken over both tracks at Monmouth Iark. the ohl and the newer and will establish a military i amp there. Tom MrCrery leaves tonight for Toronto. Canada, taking with him ltacelu-ook ami Siinlram, the latter a juniper that has never Matted.