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THREE STRAIGHT FOR CHARLEY McFERRAN. Victory in Fifth Race Marks Third Success in as Many Starts for C. I. Crippens Old Gelding. Windsor. Out.. May 10. — BtraSCSB, running in the colors of ]•:. ;. viveii. at counted for the St. Clair Handicap, todaya teatare, over Arthur MhMIeton aad Pan Zareta. The dash was at five and ■ half forloaga aad was the fastest race run al the meet inj;. Etrnscsa qaickly dashed Into ■ long lead and in a bard drive through the stretch, laatrd long enough to be proclaimed the winner. Threatening weather condition* had no effect on the attendance, there being a goodly crowd on hand to witness the running of the card. Charley McPerran scored his third straight victory at the meeting arhen he ramr from the rear to tin the fifth. At a meeting of the earners, who freqaenl the half mile tracks in Canada, held here this ateming, it was decided to race for the first two daya oi the Deioiimier Park meeting for the parses offered in the book. The parse a are all M00. It was decided by the owners that they accept the e ran ditions. in view of the fad that the i lull has bees fired to install mutinls, bat if the letting in the machines warrants an increase, they will ask for MM para -. Jockey Bcherrer lias been suspended by the stewards for lidiug in the fifth race, arbile astride Craakie. Jockey Teahan Dangerously 111, Fred Teah.ui is lying daageroasly ill in XI Marya Ilosp-tal. Detroit, with an attack of typhoid pneumonia, contracted en route from Lexington here. Teahan shipped op several hoi.-es ami eteci I to accompany them. Exposure and the delay in the shipmi at broaght .-.bout a cold, which developed into the mere serious sickn -ss. .lames Caaa, trainer foi O. W. -I. BtaeeU, has announced that in- will ship from here to l.alonia mi Monday, following the close of this meeting. The filly Hasten Princess, which started early ill the week, was atrock in the eye hy a flying pebble and it was thought for a while that the use of the organ WOaM be lost. Improvement in the past few days has been shown, however, and it is expected that siie will be started ia a tew days. Jockey hf. Anderson Was set down by the stewards for incompetency following his performances on aeveral starters. King Box, Hose Juliette and Kismet K. have been placed oa the schooling list by starter Tribe. J. D. Bnrger, the promoter of the ptepaat i ThorarUffe track at Toronto, arrived this morning from Ottawa. He expresses eoafldeaes that ti . irnck win be completed next aaaaaaer. Sheridan Clark wired the Canadian BaeJag Asm ciations for license Masks, to supply the demand made by oaraera and trainer., at this meeting, wiio intend to race out the t.uiailian season.