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JOSEPH BOYLES HORSES SOLD AT AUCTION. Toronto. Out.. May 10.— The thoroughbred horses the property of Joseph Boyle were sold at Woodstock by auction, and some of the horses which have won on the Canadian tracks sold at what were considered low prices. In the band were Golden AVed-ding. Helen Winters. Rosedale, Nelchen and Cypher Code. These mares are now eight years old. and were bought by Charles Boyle, dean if the Canadian turf, at a disposal sale in New York when they were yearlings. Cypher Code sold for 10. and the others ranged around .890. AVoodstock horsemen were the purchasers. A promising colt by Inferno -Code was sold to J. D. McKenzie of that city for .855. He also bought Golden AVeddiug. Helcii AVinters and Cypher Code.