Tribute To Popularity Of Racing.: Derby Days Enormous Crowd Attest to Wonderful Progress Sport Has Made at Latonia., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-21


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TRIBUTE TO POPULARITY OF RACING. Corby Days Enormous Crowd Attest to Wonderful Progress Sport Has Made at Latonia. CincianaU, O.. June 20.- No finer trihuto to the popnlarity of racing at Latonia under the Bach- meister regime could peoalbly have I a paid than oa Derby Day. The occasion certainly was one to en thuse over. The crowd was of such proportions thai it was a difficult matter indeed to find an inch of spare space nay where within the commodious enclosure. Many among the countless thousands in attendance had to be content with a mere fleeting glance of the racing, so densely were the apeeta tors packed in everywhere. Bal all took it good naturedly, realizing that the management could do no more for tieir comfort than had been done. The character of tin- patronage likewise presented a happy augury for the future welfare of racing at Latoala. Peraoaa prominent in the ie. social and commercial circles of this locality were present In large minim is it wna not always so at Latonia. For a time, before Manager Bachmeister look things i:i hand, the better element hereabouts was inclined to look askance at Lntoaia racing. Mr. Bachaaeisters incessant efforts in the carrying oat of progressive policies, coupled with the restoration of public confidence la the integrity of the racing Itself following the substitution of pari mutuel betting for hookmaking, have worked won dera at La tenia and it may now trathfaUy be said thai latonia will not naffer by comparison with any other racing point in all America, either in the character and volume of its patronage, the quality of iis racing or the detail of its management. An occasion such as that of Saturday unquestionably playa an Important part in popularizing racing, not only i-i this particular locality. 1 ill at other paints. N11 well-wishers of the sport could help feeling hearten.. over the developmcata .-f the day. which will go down In the annals of the Latonia Jockey] ■ cluh as one of the moat notable la its hi lory. No man could he more appreciative of the pablie re ■ speasa to his efforts than Mr. Ilaihmr later Bat-nrdaya sacccss, coming a- a clhaas to the generally pleasing results attending the earlier daya of the Latonia meeting, will spur him on to renewed ef foils to cater lo old patrons of the track and at-track new oaca. Mr. Bacfanteister decs not do thinga by halves and. in lie- carrying out of the banroveanenta which he has anicun-ed wttl be 1 a tered upon to provide additional accomodations for tie- public in view of the constantly growing patron age bestowed upon tin- aaort at Latoala, it maybe confidently expected thai a goodly part of the profits of tie pn sent meeting and perhaps more, will be expended. Striking Feature of th? Day. Aside from the wonderful way in which Liberty Loan established his superiority over the other contenders for Derby honors, the Derby was attended by some striking features. Many in the big throng of spectators were aanressed by the fact that the colt should have triumphed in such decisive fashion on the day following the successful closing of the b.M.ks for the great national undertaking in recognition of which his owner. Mr. Micombi r. so patriotically went to the length of hiving him renamed. The red ami white stripes of the Macombir racing colors heightened the impression of patriotism provided by the colts success and the patriotic impulse of the crowd was further intensified when it was observed that the management of the track had [irovided a huge wreath of led. white and blue flowers for the adornment of the victor. Needless to say, all these things appealed immensely to the huge throng. The opinion was general after the race that in Liberty Laaa Mr. Macaaaaet has the best three -year-old iii America and ther? was ungrudging satisfaction over it. in view of the sportsmanlike manner in which Mr. Mncombor has baea making lavish expenditures for horses during the past year or two with the single object of building up the best racing stable in America. With the closing of the Kentucky season of , spring racing a fortnight hence, there will come a | general scattering of the stables which have been j racing over this circuit since the latter part of April. Some of the more important stables are liookod for shipment to the Knipire City track and afterwards to Saratoga. Others will go to Canada Vor the racing at Fort Erie and Windsor. Still others will remain in Kentucky until fall racing begins. If the proposed Chicago meeting materializes some of the latter class will revise their program and ship to Chicago, which always appeals to the Kentuckians as a desirable racing point. With no rucing elsewhere in America during the entire month of August, as now seems probable, there will be a general movement of the devotees of the sport to Saratoga from all points and it seems altogether likely that the Saratoga Association will enjoy the most successful meeting in its history. Practically all the regulars who have j been patronizing the Kentucky meetings are plan- J ! ning to spend the month of August at Saratoga, I i

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Local Identifier: drf1917062101_1_5
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