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, | j LIBERTY LOAN TO RACE IN CANADA. A. K. Uacor.ibtrs Latonia Derby Winner Is Entered in the Hamilton Derby and Frontier Handicap. Advices from New York are to the effect that A. K. Maeomber, owner of Boats, Liberty Loan am! other crack perform, rs. intends to race a parttoa of his extensive string a; the Hamilton, Fort Krie and Windsor meetings and that Liberty lx.;ni, the Dick Biiiuell colt, which won the Latonia Derby last Saturday, will be a sure Sim all in the Hamilton Derby, the feature race at tile opening of Hamiltons seven-day meeting next Tuesday and iu the Frontier Handicap at Windsor July II. .Mr. Maconsber paid 0.000 fir Liberty Loan. That he showed good judgment iu pay bag a big sum for the colt was appiient when he annexed the rich Latonia feature. Liberty I41.n1 may be the favorite for the Hamilton Derby, which is at a mile and a aaarter. He is rather a slow beginner, however, as was shown in the Lntoaia Derby and he may not have such an easy time as some will expect. There an- a number of other high-class th] year olds eligii le for the Hamilton flxtare, in •hiding Opportunity. Tumbler, Fruit Cake. Atwell. Sun-flash IL. Iron Cross II., Smart Money, Bicki ty, Belhinger and many others. Secretary Loudon has sent on word from Hamilton stating that stable room will be at a premium by the end of this week. It looks like a record-breaking number of horses and a great meeting.