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MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL, QUE., Tuesday, June 19, 1317— Third day. MMisonneuve Iark Jockey Club, i irst Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. W. Lyles. Starter, William Murray. Racing Secretary, W. W. Lyles. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. 33818 First Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33C02 Bad ProspecU15 1 J N Tavlor fl80-100 33812 Ellen Smyth 112J 2" C Grand 150-100 33678 Mamita 110 31 A Hullcoat 2605-100 33609 = Industry 115 4 C Knight S2.r, 100 33787 Horieon 118 5i W Hinphy 570-100 338123Rky OBrien 115 65 M Mountain 885-100 33171= Sir Dyke 115 71 A Minder t 33099 Ridgeland 115 SJ H Dennler t S999S Proctor 112 ! R Ryan 5710-PK 33f»8l* W. 105 10JF Baker 8315-100 33784 Red River 112 11» C White Iisd-loo 30243 Hearthstone 112 12 N Fotlen 3490-100 tMutuel field. Time. 1:00%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Pad Prospect field, 1.10 straight. .20 place. .50 show: Ellen Smvth, .59 place. .10 show; Mamita, 0.40 show." Equivalent booking odds — Bad Prospect, field. 4S0 to 100 straight. 199 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Ellen Smyth.* 75 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Slamita, 420 to 100 show. Winner— C. I. Crippens blk. g. 6. by Dick Welles Mary Craves trained by G. W. Crippen; bred by Messrs. It. and IE lots. Went to nasi at 2:37. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights — Industry, 2 pounds; Ellen Smyth, 2/j iKXinds. 33819 Second Race About 9-9 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 25; second, 0; third. 5. Eipiiv. bids Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockev. Straight. 33989 Littlest Rebcllll 1 D Poland 395-191 33743 Uncle Dick IE ] II Chnppell 299-198 337.H4 Moss Rose lin :;. V Hopkins 1959-198 33251 Be 115 I A Hullcoat 2000-101 33459 Scrimmage 115 5" C Knight 7345-198 33787 Little Attn Ho 1 W Hinphy t 29889 Sordello 112 7" N* Foden 1985-191 3377«".I. of Froinc 198 •»! i Corey 14|o -100 337 48 Regards 115 v A McCloafcey 7-"."» 198 :;:r,K8 Heartbeat 115 10s w Gargan 51". urn 28057 St. Leo 112 11 It l:an 3S70 100 TMutuel field. Time. 1:00%. Track fast. miitui Is paid. Littlest Rebel. -99 straight, 99.19 place. 90 show; Inelc Dick, .70 place, .59 show: Moss Rose. .30 show. Bquivaleat booking adds— Littlest Rebel. 395 to 100 straight. 205 to 100 jilace. 195 to 100 show; Uncle Dick. 135 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Moss Rose. 3.5 to 100 show. Winner — W. R. Hursts b. m. 0. bv MoGee — Cold Eos- trained by J. Hope; bred by Mr. J. D. St. vers. Went to post at 3:0S. At post 5 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched- 3307! Ron Pox. 112. Over* eights -Littlest Rebel. 1 pound. 33820 Third Raee About 5-s Mile. Purse 99. 3 year olds :m,l upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 330 13 Dr. Cann !M 1* R Evan 11 MOO 33785 Classy Curl 111 V A McCloskey 2135-100 .",3784 Tern. Duiicanlll :;- c Grand 286 190 33461 Ktb.d Welles 112 4;i A Hullcoat 1405-191 33805 .1. Crawford 114 5 II Stuart 2998 198 33679 Ramona 112 V V Call 5045-190 33939 Tactless HI 7J F Hopkins 1335-198 337 T! Satlsfii d 105 v i Bloom 11765-190 33742 = M. Bradley 10:1 9* K.xi.n l!»«,-1oii 33615 Van Horn 114 19* C Knight 2515-108 27969 Coincidence 105 11 C White I tMutuel field. Time. 1:00. Track fast. mutuels paid. Dr. Cann. .20 straight. .99 place, .70 show; Classy Curl. 9.99 ]dace, .79 show: Tempy Dunenn, .19 skew. Bourvak nt booking «lds— Ilr. C.11111. 110 la 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 85 to KM show; Classy Curl. -100 t.. loo place, 235 to 100 show; Tempy Duncan. ."..". to Too show. Winner - W. R. Padgetts blk. g, 5. by Cesarioii —Ruth Pariish trained by J. OConnor; bred by Messrs. B. Vihy and Sons. Went to post at 3:37. At post 5 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 33821 — Fourth Unci — About li 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 99. S-yeur-oMa and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third. 5. Enuiv. Odds Tnl. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33787 Resistible no 1. w Gktrgmn 958 M8 33077 Sultana 112| 2] c Grand 989-198 33815 Passion 111 Jl H Dennler 330-198 33655 S.ica! MG 41 C White 315 100 33741 English LadvlOL.. 5. F Baker 750-100 33913* Hamerkop 107 V H Bobel 1165-100 SS663xMlss K.-p sent 105 7- .1 Dodd 1499 loo 33778 Pu. and GoldlM s1 W Dunkinson 1090-100 3307 1 J. Marshall le7 8 N Foden 1935-190 Time, 1:24. Trsxk fast. mutuels paid. Resistible, 5.00 straight, 20 Panes. .20 show; Sultana, 7.80 place, show; Passion. .20 show. Equivalent beokhag odds— Resistible, 550 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. 199 to 100 show: Sultana, 700 to 100 place, 240 to 100 show; Passion; 110 to KM show. Winner— J. R. Sheridans b. f, 4, by The Commoner Irresistible trained by J. J. Sheridan; bred by Mr. W. O. ParmorE Went to post at 4:08. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wen driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 33 i7!l-Some Reai h. 107; 337M Kimbcr-ly. 192; 33815 BiBetta, 99. Overweights— Miss Represent, 5 pounds; English Lady. 2; Sultana, 22; Passion, 1. 33822 Fifth Raee— About fi 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4 year-olds ami upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third. 5. , Eipiiv. Odds 1 Tnd. Horse. ,„ Wt. Fin. Jockev. Straight 33799 Love Day IIS 1| C White !»! 0-loo 33778-*Ha Penny 112 9] L Gtouy H9VM9 33799 Petelus 115 V C Knight 27;. 100 337KO-F. Johnson 113 4i .1 D-nnison lLT.-KH 33782 -Frontier 115 5 Hrand M99-M9 33032 Lieut. SawyerllS V A McCloskey 7020 100 8S746*Glint 113 7J F P.ak.-r 45-100 33814 Gano IIS si , Hullcoat 2Tta5 100 33746 *Virgiedot 10S ;r- d Ploom 2s7".-Khi 33108 Molly . H.-. m k Ryan 2710-100 Time, 1:24"J. Track fast. mutuels paid, Love Pay. 1. SO straight. 99.59 place, 4.!H show: HaTennv. 2.70 place, ;,i| show: petetus, S3. so show. Eliiivabnt 1 king odda Lose Buy, 000 to 100 straight. 375 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show r; Ha Penny, 1535 to loo place, 475 to 10O show Petehaa, 99 to 100 show. Winner — M. CeutOUrea b. h. S. bv Peep o|,v--Lovelight trained by M. J. Simmons, Jr.; bred bv Mr. o. p. Mardonough. Went to post at 4:33. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 33TW Electric. 113. Over weights — HaIenny, 2 pounds. 3C823 Sixth Race About 7-S Mile. Purse 99. 3-year-olds and Upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eipiiv. Odds Ind. Horse. W t. Fin. Jockev. Straight 33812 Scallywag 117 l« C Knight 139-M9 337 70 Investment 115 2- H Chappeli y:r.-ioo 33082 Geneva 105 .",.». D Bloom M95-M 899941 Fawn 115 4| M Mountain 199MM 3378! Massenet 117 .". X Foden fU" 198 33082 Hanan 107 $ ] W Hinphy M38 188 33779*Politician 112 7- L Gray IM9-M9 33742 *Pat Gannon 117 s" w Gargaui 980-108 3360! Shar. KnightlE . E Martin 1550 IN Time, 1:28. Track fast. mutuels paid. Scallywag. .49 straight. S3 "0 place, ,09 show: Investment, .99 place, .90 show; Geneva, show. Bquivaleat booking odds Scallvwag. 120 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 place, 50 to 199 show; Invest meat, 245 to 100 place, 115 to loo show: Geneva, 205 to lot show. Winner .1. W. rinkliams br. g. 7. bv Arnnath II Skadi trained by .1. W. Pittkkam; bred by Mrs. 1.. A. l.i ingston 1. Went to post at 4:59. At post :[ minutes, start K 1 and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. 33324 Set. nth 1 1 k; Miles. Purse 00. 3 year -obis and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 35; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 33718 Cm!. Mia 188 1- W Melntvre Mo loo 33696 *Bogart 161 2 D Bloom 95-101 33580 River King M8 3" .1 Domtnlck Co.". IM 33788-E. V. /.molt 1*9 4. W Gargan 930 Ion 33587 C. McFerima 113 5* N Taylor 170-100 33679 Tatiana M9] i- K Hopkins E98S M8 33788 Centaur] 187| 7 W Hinphy 4iir,-ioo Time. lrat%. Track fast. S2 mntuela paid. Camellia. 2.86 straight. S5.30 place, ..0 show; Bogart, . 20 place, .00 shut : River King. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Camellia, 540 to loo straight. 165 to loo place. 86 to 199 show: Bogart, 60 to 169 place. 50 to 100 skew; River King, 55 to 109 show. Winner E. J. Ramseys b. m, 8, by stalwart -La Muj.-r trained by E. .1. Ramsey; bred bv Air. G. I. WBseu. Went to post at 5:21. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights— Luke Van Zandt, 1 pounds; Tatiana, 21;. ; Ceutauri, 2,-.; River King, 3.