Jamaica Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-21

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JAMAICA FORM CHART. NEW Y0KK. WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 20", 1917.— Jamaica. Third day. MetripsMtaa Joekev Club. Seeoml Meetiag or 0 days. Weather clear. Steward to Represent Jock.-- lub. W. S. Yosburgh. Judges, c. II.-IVttiifrill and E. C. SniitnT Starter. Mara Ca sidy. Ractag Secretary, W. c. Edwards. Badag starts at 2;30 p. m" Tghtcajro time __§_ p. m.iT _________ a_____atice alowanee. 3t iJ ;_Q FIRST RACE -5-8 Mile. May lil. 1017— 50%— 3—100. 31,10-JBO Addwb-2-year olds. I J* O O *, / Belling. Net value to v.-iimei- ,017.50; seeond. 00; tiiird, 0. lades Horses AWtlISt1., y. %8trFia Jackeya Owaers O II c i» s SSOC0 HEREDITY wit 112 7 8 Q 3i 3= V M Baxton M L Schwartz E I IS 57-5 3-5 33733 CORYDON Will 5 2 l1 1- P _l R TroxlerW Travers 95 3 13-51 2-5 :, 373.. • .11 NE PPG w las l l » t aj "• A s.hugrj W McClelland 10 15 12 B 21 33807 -CAR I. A ST w 112 x 4 E* 4«i 4* 4- L McAtee G A Cochran 11-52. 17-107-101-3 :-::.!.•;.. -coral w Ml I I t;; :, 5i ."■ E AmbroeeR Parr 16 16 12 5 2j :-353.i PAGANINI w 101 I I 4* V 6 6* R HoffmnBrigbtoa Stable 10 13 12 4 2 32020 ELIZABETH 11. we. 102 4 5 8» 7« 71 7- A Collins AY S Payne 10 15 15 6 3 33735 FRAGONARD w M0 17 9 B* 8° .1 BatweU A Bebnont 30 30 30 10 5 SS974:hIARMONT wa MS 8 6 8" s- :i I AI C.Trn r T W OPrlen 30 30 30 10 5 L Time. 231i, 43, 1:01. Track fast. AY inner— P.r. c. by Sdia— Traditional traiaed by J. W. May: bred by Estate of Mr. James 15. Haggin. Weat to l o.-t at 2:33. At poet 8 mimics. Start fair and BMW. Wen handily; second and third driving. HEBEDITY began slowly and raced wide throughout, but secured a clear course and. finishing gamely under punishment, won gong away. COBYDON rushed into ■ long lead and set a Cast pace, but tired badly in the fiaal eighth. JINR RFC waa a forward contender, held on gamely and outstayed BALLAST. The latter met with repeated interference and closed up rapidly when clear. CORAL ran well. PAGANINI and ELIZABETH II. had rough races. FRAGONARD ran out. The winner, entered for ,500, was bid up to ,405 and bought in. Scratched— 33005 Stitch in Time, 108; 3S774Yocabalary, 108; 33117-Scabbard. 105; 33735 Wotona, 101: 33s:v Josje A.. 07. 3» __ _ "SECOND BACB -1 1-1G Miles. Jane is, 1017—1 :4*%— 0—123.1 .105US0 Added. 4-OOOVy ycar-ohls and upward. Selling. Net value to winner ,017.50; second, 00; third, 0. lade- AWtilSt : c. ", Str Fin .iQiTTys Owners 11 C P g _3738 OLD BROOM w:t ."• Ill 1 1 :.- 4»i 4* 8" 1- R TroxlerC Baxtoa 8 7 8 2 1 ::S805-*JEM w 5 114 7 2 1*1* 15 P 2". M Rowan [5 Mathenv 2* 3 9-5 4 5 1-3 :;:;soi» EAGLE w B 101 2 i 3" :: » q :. M BnxtoaN Hera 3 r r, I 1 33301 •TRACTION wa 5 SB I 8 2- 2» V P 4r R Troine A A Reilly 4 I IS 57 5 7 10 S373»=SAM McMEEKIN wa 6 MO :; f. T- 7" f» 55 6* A Collins D .1 Leary 3 ::j 3 r.-5 1-2 ::3:;o;-i:ricKI.i:v w C 1M 6 8 4* t» f r,s 6r J BatweU . c Walah 88 M 20 7 :: 33040 MAD HER1 .".CNN w I 101 s 6 4 1 0* 7* 7:" 7-1 M. Garner J W McClelland 1". 88 Si 7 8 32012 FAIRWEATHER wa 4 107 5TSSSS8E AmbroseW P Spargeoa M0 MO 100 30 12 Time. M«4, 49%, 1:14%. 1:40%, 1:47%. Tia :k fast. Wiaaer- R. g, by Broomstick— Rose of Dawn traiaed by C Baxtoa; bred by Mr. II. P. Whitney. Weat to post at 3:07. At post 3 minntt s. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OLD BROOM gradually improved his position and. passing the leader in the homestretch, waa going away. JEM set the pace, but was mach aned in racing TRACTION into defeat and tir -d whea the linal drive came. EAGLE moved ap meaaciagly aa the stretch turn, but tired -ia the closing strides, traction showed mach early speed and was in close qaartcni through the last three-eighths. SAM Mc-MEEKIN was always beaten. Scratched— 33511 Princess Janice, 111: 33800Ltbyaa Sands, 111; 33o ;7-Ed Band, 101; 33770 Arma-meat, 100; 33187 Prestea Lyaa, 110; S3730,Teaer, 108. Overweights— Old Ri-qqih. 1 1: __adj ______ _________ ____________ 4: __itr___ather. 3. t?* S_/-! 1 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. May li . liPP-1 :1_ — 1— ils.~ .5 Added. 3 y ar-OQnU 1 Olds. ________ Net value to winner seeoml, " third, 0. Index Horses _j _ -jStrFi.-i Jo.-k.-ys Owners "O II 0 P S 33155 STARFINCH WB 112 tt 2 _■ 1i P 1« R TroXler W Hogan 0 7 7 2k B-6 33501 MAST. McGRATH wit 111 8 3 Bl 3" 2- 21 A Collins W Travers 8 7 C 24 6-5 33710 GENESIS w KB I o 4 41 4 t" L McAtee i A Co-hrari 15 15 15 1 3 33770 SI!. RICHARD W M0 10 4 2- I" 8 41 L Lvkes W J Salmon 30 40 40 K S 33157 STARLIKE wa 114 14 :t 7 8» B1 V AY Knanp J Banford 0-S 7-S 1 1214 33772 CACHET wb M0 n 12 1"- 8" , o E CampbUE B Caaaatl 88 40 40 16 s 33333 BOND WB MO 11 14 s 1h V 7- J McTagt Nassau Stable SB 50 40 15 S 33170 KALMIA PAPJC w MO 111 12 13 Bl V M Garner R D Pari-- 30 50 M !■» 8 33155 IHNC.A DIN wi: 112 4 E !1 6* 7- •» F Keogh C N Park.- 0 7 5 2 4-5 33083 »* REBEL a r Ml 15 13 11- M* M" W Al Rowan E Arlington 50 50 50 20 S 33200 TEETOTAL WB Ml 5 7 61 11- 12 11 ■ F RobaonJ W McClelland 20 M 20 s 4 33504s •RIVERSIDE WB M4 1 1 P 9- IP 12- C KummerS McNaughlon 15 15 V, 8 8 32501 POLONIUM wa M0 12 11 13 IS1 13- IS* J Cratse A F Daytoa M0 M0 M0 31 12 SS773 » WONDERFUL WB 110 7 B 143 14° 14" 14"1 C Fbth-r W B Coe 16 15 15 C 3 80205INFER w MO IS 16 IB* U* 15* 16** J MnlcahyJ A! Zimmer 50 M0 W 40 15 ITERRFJ-A-FEU wb 1M 1 M M 16 M 16 A SchngrW P Austin 30 50 50 20 8 Ttate, 24, 47"i, 1:1325. Track fast. Winner— Ch. c. by Star Shoot— ! nterock trained by W. Hogan: br-d by Mr. John E. Madden. Weat to Boat at 3:37. At post 0 minutes. St irt good and slow. Wen easily; second and tliird driving. STARFINCH took the lead quickly, withstood repeated caaBeages and drew away ia the baaas-stretch to win with speed in reserve. MA8TEB McGBATH raced gamely and oatstayed GENESIS in the Ciaal drive. The Utter Ciaished fast. SIR RICHARD tired in the last eighth. STARI..KE was Coreed to race wide all the way and COald never get up. The winner, entered for £M0, was bid up to ,008 BBd sold to W. EL Travers. ___35___hot_ US: 33170 Rosanne. 101; 32003 Robin G__0_______r, llgj 33157 Hiekorynut, 103. QQWsC_fcJ FOURTH RACE— 1 1-1* Miles. June 18, 1*17— 1:45% — 1—123. Ninth Raanlag OOOU_5 Bardaa Ctty Soiling Stakes. Gaaraateed Value ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. " __e4 value to win:i-r $ L0__ ________ third. Index lloi-.is A WtliSt U •"■ Str Fin Jockeys iwjJH"- _lr K S_- 33*06* WOOD N snOESwa € MS 2 3 P« 2 3- 2- P R Troise Marron- Stable 5 5 5 4-5 out 1 33*3* NIGHTSTICK w 7 121 1 1 2« 8s 1" lu 81 A Collins Kentucky Stable I _ 2-5 9 BOowt— 33*41 s BLUE THISTLE wb 8 HI 4 14 4 4 I : A Pickens H C HaHeabeck 3 4i 44 7-Moat 33713 SPEAR LANCE w 3 M* 8 8 9 1*1 2* 3 l M Gamer D S Dryer M 13 12 4 out Ttaae, 24. 49, 1:14V., 1:4*%, 1H7H. Track fast. Winner— Ch. g, by Rurgomastir--Rreakdown traiaed by E. Wayland; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Weat to post at 1:00. At. post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won handily: secoad and thud driving. WOODEN SHOES was forced back while rounding the far turn, but slipped through next to tne rail when entering the homestretch and. responding ganoly when called on. won going away. NIGHTSTICK was saved behind the leaders la the early running and took the lead when railed on. but tired in the linal drive. BLUB THISTLE linished gamely under punishment and outstayed SPEAR LANCE. The latter quit in the last eighth. Bcratcbcd 337*0* Rirerdale, 0i : 32010 Eilmer. 113; 33M1-Nigel, 111. Oxerweightt Spear Lame. 3 pounds. . *~f i_ liUt PIFTH RACE- 1 1-IC Miles. Jaae 18, 1917— 1:45%— 0-123. 00 Added. 8-year- O O DO dds .-.ml upward. Handicap. Net valu- to winner second, .- HM ; third. 0. _ "index Horses AWtlISt 1i __ :-| Sr Fn Jook.ys Owners O II C P S 38_*3 " LE MAT I S II. w 4 107 !l 5 4" 4" 4 3 J pm F RobsonO Lewisohn i:A 21 13-5 ! 5 3-5 335*7 BBERR7 CNDIdSw 6 136 M 4 Bl 21 2i 8 V J Loflus .1 AV .May 2i 3J 13-60-6 3-6 33H0-WH1.MSV wi: 4 107 5 3 P IK 1 11 V A Collins Cleveland Stable 4 4 ■ 7-5 7-10 r*S47*FLITTERGOLD w I 117 1 1 in Bl 7l 6; 41 E Ambrosefi A Matter 8 10 10 4 2 33638* LUCIUS WB 3 MB 4 0 i 51 31 4$ P A SchufirH Davis 12 20 15 6 3 S3453*BELLA DESMOND w 3 iis BM N si ;» 9- 81 S MoGrawO Lewtao_a tfi 3i 13-50 5 3 5 33508 AMt MAM w4 AS 1 7 71 71 82 73 7- L McAtee i A Cochran 10 10 10 4 2 33171 JGE WINCFIELD w3 97 7 8 P 6 5J 5Ua M Rowan W L Oliver 15 30 30 12 6 33712 J. J. LILLIS wn 0 112 2 2 S1 10 M 10 9- B Troise Ma rrone Stable 8 12 12 5 M 33410 GILLIES wu 4 114 S fi 31 9 61 S1 10 M Buxton Olympus Stable 12 12 12 5 2J tCoapled in betting; no separate place or show lx-tting. Time, 25, 491-, 1:1415, 1:40%, 1:47%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. I, by Kings Proctor — i?onny Creeper trained by T. Murphy; bred in England by Mr. J. Ladh-y. Went to post at 4:35. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: seeond and third the same. CLEMATIS II. was in eloee quarters nearly all the way, but closed up fast, when clear and out-gamed RAVRF.RRY CANDLE in the ftaal strides. The latter was saved close up under restraint and raced WHIMSY into defeat, but could not withstand the winners rush. WHIMSY set a good pace and tired badlv at the end. FLITTERROLI closed a tremendous gap. LUCIUS run well. BELLA DES-JIOXI closed a ap. J. -LLIRLIS ran a bad race. Scratched — S28_70-__- Khayyam. 114: 33713Chielet, 110. Overweights — Air Man. 1 pound; Judge Wiugtiold. 2. QQQ CtA~ SIXTH-RACE— 1 Mile and~70 Yards. Oct. 20, 1004— 1:43%—*— 109. ,102.50 OOuOx Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to win- n-r ..007.50; second. glOO: third. 0. Index Haraee AWtlISt 4 .. % Str Fin _______* Owners O II C P 8 333*3 • ACHILLES w 3 110 S 4 3= 21 2- S l1 W Knapp J Banford 4-5 9-104-5 1-3 1-fi DUETTISTB w 5 115 2 7 5 » 53 i- 3U 2 F Keoiih J E Widener 2i 3 14-54-5 2-5 33736 GUNROCK ws 3 110 7 3 l1 15 li 21 3i J McTagt H L Pratt 12 20 15 5 2J 3*5*5 MITKROSS w 3 110 3 1 2:» 3 3l 4"- 4" M Ruxlon M L Schwartz 13 16 15 5 2 S2 749-PPPKBOARD w 3 110 5 5 4- 4i 54 53 5° E CampbUE B Cassatt 8 10 6 2 4-5 33595 ROCKPOST w 3 110 10 8 71 6i 6 6= i« M Rowan AV C Daly 50 100 100 30 15 33481 MELODRAMA wr. 3 110 6 11 10= 102 10- 9! I1 J P Ryan J E Davis 15 50 50 15 8 32887 2 BAR OF PHOENIX w 3 110 9 6 8* 9« 92 81 81 M Garner W D Afthouse 16 30 30 10 5 33739 MEADOWORTH wb 4 115 1 2 G 8l 71 7J 99 A Pickens H C Hallenbeck 15 20 20 6 2J 32877 SATURN w 4 115 4 10 11 11 11 11 10» O Willis J O Talbott 30 40 40 12 6 29795 BLACK EAGLE wb 3 109 11 9 910 71 81 103 11 C FbtherW R Coe 30 40 40 12 6 Time. _4=/5, 49, 1:14%, 1:40%. 1:45%. Track fast. Winner— B. c. by Star Shoot — Veil trained by II. Hughes; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 5:04. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; Recond and third driving. ACHILLES, afler racing in close pursuit of the leader, finished fast and held DUETTISTE safe in the final drive. DUETTISTE run green, but finished gamely under hard pressure and outstayed GUN-ROCK. The latter set a good pace, but tired in the last eighth. MUCKROSS ran well. The others were outpaced. Scratched — 30322 Russian Pinion, 110. Overweights — Black Eagle, 4 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917062101/drf1917062101_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1917062101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800