Coincidences In English Racing.: Striking Happenings on British Turf--Doubles and Trebles Scored by Owners and Jockeys., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-21


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COINCIDENCES IN ENGLISH RACING. Striking Happenings on British Turf — Doubles and Trebles Scored by Owners and Jockeys. In relating some curious incidents of the Middle Park Plate and other big English races Pailys says: "Between 1S5S and 1S73 four horses whose names commenced witli the letter V won the Lincolnshire Handicap. They were Vaiideniiiilin. Vigo, Vender velle anil Y« stniinster. liitil 1999-97 no owner had won the race two years in succession, neither had the same horse, but Ob broke the spell when he gave two different Jockeys winning mounts, yet they were both Ci-orgi s. i. e.. BelBtOUse and Stern, and both of English pan nt age. Still, the Lincoln has often been won in successive efforts bv certain Jockeys, for Instance, Makteent in 1872-73; Charles Wool Is iss;s s-i ;M,,| h. Cannon In I8W 07. lu tin alternate years ana otto MndoV n won the fence -1899, 1991 and 1999. "Tin city and Suburban, however, tells a peculiar story of doubles and trebles. Three yean Ill end did Wells win the race, In 1858 u Ethelbert, 1854 oil Virago and 1850 OU Irelands Eve. The next ruriositj to catch the eye is the three ||*a, Mordan, Morbey and Mills steered Ike winners of 1873-74 75. Then in 1N70 end ls77 End Archer won on Thunder and Julio- Caesar. Gallon chipped in on Seftoa in 1878, but Archer mussed his victories again to the extent of a trick on rand- in is7!». Master Kiidar in 1889 aM| Bend or in 1881 — what a trie of bersea to ride. "Now from 1888 to 1884 five peers won the Citv in ibis order: Hastings. Arlington, g/aaainsii . Rose-berjr and Bradford, of course Lord Alington is re-tuned as the owner of Bend Or, the last winner Fred Archer had la the City and Suburban. Morn-Ington Cannons autetsata in this race have also run in curious sequences, as tor Instance ISM, Reve dOr; 1891, Nuntkorpe; 1883, Reminder; 18M, Worcester; 1889, Newhavea IE. and 1990, The Grafter. "Morntugtoa has not wen it since The drafters year and do you know that three colonial hot at ■ carried off the City from 1899 to 19911 They were Newhavea II., The Grafter and Australian Star. Peru, Australia and South Africa have held a Strong grasp on the race. m. Cannon with his two Antipodean wins. ]|. BandaB with his two Dean Swift victories and William Halsey, Australian stars jockey, have established aa invasion record difficult to equal. Oid Johnnie Six Victories. "In connection with the One and Two Thousand Guineas, at any rate since the fifties, only two owners have carried off the races in successive years. In the fillies event Mr. Crawfords Thebaia and St. Marguerite won in 1881-82, and in the Two Thousand Guineas for the same years the Bon-K. Groove nora Peregrine and the Duke of Westministers Slio tot or won. Now both really belonged to the late duke. Among the jockeys, however, there sre three duel successes in the Two Thousand, notablj 1871-72, T. Osborne; 1894-99, I. Watts; 1905 0ft, H. .Tones, obi .Jennie Osborne, between 1857 on Vedetk and 1SSS 011 Ayrshire, won the race on six occasions, against the four recorded by Fred Archer. Tom Cannon and Herbert .Tones. "Three years running did a duke win the One Thousand Guineas: that is. the Duke of Westminster*! Farewell la iss.-, the Duke of Hamiltons Miss .lummy in 1888 and the Duke of Beauforts Reve dOr in 1887. Between 1899 and 1899 Ford-ham rode five winners of this fillies race, anil do u 11 on the list as late as lss:», he won again, on Hauteur. Poor John Watts, between 1889 and ls!»7. won the rat a four occasions — for the king on Thais in lsoo. anil for Lard Booebery on Che. landry the next year. Bepeat wins in the one Thousand Guineas since the sitics have been notched as follows: Fordham, 1898-69; Watts, 1898 -97, and H. Randall. 1992-03. Coincidence runs riot through the result of the Chester Cup. for three horses have rallied olT the spoils Halby. 189S-98; Pageant, ]n77-7n. and Dure DevU, 1892-99. The last nnnwed aiaaost made a treble event of it. The lat" Puke of Westminster could never win the Chester Cup. How many times his hors.s have ben second or third is a problem worth probing. Modern jockeys to secure a brace of winning brackets are Hibbard, GriaTttka, Glover and George Barrett. Five years running did ten horses, neither more nor less, go to the post for the Cestrain Cup. a curiosity in OtCUlienceS surely. "T!ie returns of the Jubilee are built up of double events. Mr. Wortous Victor Wild won iu 1895-98, and W. Bradford mile that horse on each occasion. Nat Robinson steered Clwyd and Dinna Forget for different owners in 1897-98; F. Rickaby accomplished the same feat on two Ss, Sirena and San-toi. 1900.01, and then A. I". CunUffea Vpsilanti won in 1999-94. Bernard Dillon had the mou:it. "Since lsr,8 esdy three OUneia have carried off the Derby in successive years, and these were Sir .lames Hawh-ys Beadsman and Musjid, ridden tor Wells to victory in 1857-59; the Duke of Portlands Ayrshire and Donovan in 1888 89, and Lord Itose-berya Ladaa and Sir Visto in 1894-95. Since Wells seer, d his dual wins four other jockeys have repented that performance and these wen- T. French, ned Archer, 0. Wood and Danny Maker. "Of modern toe keys, Danny Maker won the Derby en three occasions, but John Watts, who did his work si mcthodicuBy and quietly, was four tines successful ;, gainst Archers five wins. Herbert .lopes has tWO Wins to his credit, Charles Wood three, counting ill his deaii leaf with Sammy Loatea en Harvester, and Lsetea himself haa notched two victories, his brother Thomas having also ridden a brae- of winners. Otto Madd n only has one win to his credit, but he rides to fight again; alas, the Cannons. Moralngton and Kemp-ton, have only scored a win apiece. Engli-:h Peers Successful for Fifteen Years. "The House of Eon!:; from 1ST." to Ts;i7 dominated the ownership of successful mares iu the Oaks. Fifteen times in that period did the race fall to an English peer, and Lord PalntOUths a ad the Duke of Portlands trios of wins stand cut conspicuously, in all. the Duke of Portland has won the Oaks four timea with Memoir. Mrs. But-terwiek. Amiable and La Roche. If only like did produce lik" on the nee course. Double event riih s in this raee since the 70s have neen enjoyed by lnd Archer ami W. Bradford the Ihj.v who once fell off a steam roundabout hobby horse, so it is alleged. "The Manchester Cup has been won in successive years by t. Parr, with Rataplan and Bauceboz, 11. a. ollara with Ivanhoff, Sir Bicnard Jardine with Borncs and Uiveisdale. and Mr. Buchanan with Bkancrotha, which dead heated on the second occasion with Kid Ensign. The mare. Bumbling Katie, won the race twice, in 1011 in the colors of .1. Duwaou, Jr., and in 1992 lor A. M. Singer. buries Wood and Fordham are the only jockeys to enjoy a brace of successive wins in 1855-59 and is,s2-s;;. respectively. "In the Qoedweed Stewards Cap Archer and M. Cannon possess the leord of having ridden two successive winning horses and that is the boast of W. lliggs and Otto Madden in connection with the Croat Eb or Handicap, wherein Mr. Caclwright and .1. C. Sullivan are the only owners with two con aecutive wins, the former in 1S72 73 with Albert Victor and Louise Victoria and the latter in P.itll-05 with War Wolf and The Page. Higgs. however, won the race again last month on Dili;. "From the sixties to the nineties in connection with the St. Leger, many liuaini double events were recorded and twice did Tom Chaloner ride successive winners, once did Maidnient, thrice Fred Archer and once each did .1. Watts. W. lbbiason and Charles Wood. Down to 1998 D. Maker had won the Middle Park Plate on four occasions, against F. Archers three and 6. Barretts three. .1. Tod Sloan won twice and so did J. Goater and George Iord- llMIIl. "Nat Flatman in 1844 48 rode successive winners of the Cambridgeshire, but no other jockey has since duplicated the feat. T. Parr, the late William C. Whitney am Captain Forester are the only owners to notch dual -vents and Hecklers Pride, who carri.-d the captains colors, is the only horse or mare to win the race at two successive efforts. "Samuel LaateS is the only jockey who lias ever ridden the winner of the Liverpool Autumn Cup two years running, on Count Schomb rg in ISOli and Cklselhampaou iu ls:7. Thrice did Mr. Merry win the race on end. in 1S57-5S 50. Special License being the successful horse on the first two occasions and Meg Merrilees on the third. Mr. Jackson won the race in 1894-95. Sir Joseph Hurley in 1898-99 and Baron de llirscli in 1892-93 with Windfall and La Fleche."

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