Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-21

past performance

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Connaught Park Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, June 21. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:.*10 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. ■ Buns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Trade r Beard : June 20, B»17— 1 :01; — fl— 110. , Todays ■ Ind. norse. ~ Wt. Rec. A.Wt.lBin. 337921 Seme, na 184 1:48% MS X 728 83817 Lady Moore lot l:04t-.3 188 .720 33.S253 Divland 10Sl:02:, 105. .71:, .MAI Little Sweeper 188 1 :04:1-, 188X713 3375t! Laudator Ill 1:01-, 10.1. .710 ;,::til7 Wicbaka lno i:i:,i- MS... 786 SSS11 Scarf 112 1:o»i.% 107. .700 33617 Start Right 118 1 :07h 114. .188 33823 Saints bridge ....188 1:05 US.. 890 S885S Dandy 108 l.os--.h 118.. 898 Gcraldine F.. 1,. f. by Uarriaaa — Beatrice s,,ule .. ioi Foxs Choice, ch. c. by Tuny Bonero — May Lata li I Dalwood. br. c. bv DallMiisie — Bryn- wood 102 Also eligible to start should any of the above be snatched: .3791 Kittiwake 88. .888 Seawena seems li;Bt ly best. Socond Race — About 2 Miles. Country Club Steeplechase Handicap. 4 -year-olds and upward. Track record: Aag. 30. ISIS— 3:47!i — fl— 148. 337*3 Barly Lbjbl 7 148X788 XWM Rhomb 7 152Xt; »5 33793: Tropaeolnm s 142XSJS 33758s New Haven s 145. «*. o 8884S MooaUgbt II « 145 . . ;st Barly Ugbt may do better here. Third Rnoe — 1 Mile. 3-year-ohls and upward. Selling. Track record: Ang. M, ISIS- ISt 1 188. 8SS43* Arauna 8841:41% 4 184X788 33849 old Pop 105 1:43V. 4 114X886 :;:9",s« Rxmer 188 l:4ii..h 7 111X888 33788 sir Laaacetot S M8XSJ8 :;.- .M7 Dandy Kay M ...186 1:46% I 88X898 33702 Bala Day 4 114xtiS5 88788 Froissart 1111:44% 8 HI X 888 33827 Tyrone Ml 3 88. .888 S36793* lixieledi Ml 4 88X886 SBS2 Detention M MS 1:46% 8 W. .888 83845 Abet.. M 119 1:46% 4 8SXS78 S84S5 Woodrutr M loo 1:50s 3 88. .876 Nothing out tandiujl here. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Directors Handicap. ,000 added. 8-year-oMa and upward. Tr.irk record: Aug. flg, BIS- 1 13"i — 4— 1* S 33S98 FRBIT CAKE ....901:121." fl 112X750 32985 Graphic 103 1:141b fl MSX748 337941 The Maaqaerader..lll 1:12 5 11SX740 337943t Water Bady 188 1:12 »i 113x735 3:;. 01f Tea Caddy ! !». 1 : 13 -, 4 105x735 337943 Back Bay 105 1:12- 9 118X788 2ra5S V;U" , " ". 104 X :,:i • "" "•" X w Reprobate 11.. 1:1 :t fl 183x788 335091 SeaiMinou.h 118 1:13 5 100X720 ,J. Arthur and M. Shea entry. JW. Stormont entry. Fruit Cake is fast and a superior filly. Fifth Race — 3-4 Kilo. 3-year-,d. Is and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. SB, MMS- 1 :13", — 4— 12S. 33895 Miiamiehi llfl l:15%a 7MSX72B :«s:.!» P.eanty Spot Ml.. 103 1:14% 3 168X728 .i.B.n Bird Man 107 1:14 0 113x715 33851 Cardoate 188 1:13% 4 188X716 3S7«1 Broom Corn 105 1:144. 4 1080713 ".H-U •"■•» -i:sia 1831:13% 5 181X718 :]".l ostimier 112 1:14% 4 113705 :;,-•••• iJe.ybourn no 1:14% 10 108x786 30838* Meha 98 1:18% 3 07 705 ieill!,1 "■■ 185 1:13% 6 188X788 ...104 v-":l:l Night Owl 180 1:14% 3 105X70O 33051 Baby Basel, Ml ..112 l:tt% B ». .M8 Also eligible to start in order liamed should any of the above be scratched; 33101 Rhymer 84 1:1S% 3 107x715 33829 Miss ;.,yle ]o7 1:14 li 188x718 .131.1 Manik 1111:12% 5 188X716 33579 Eddie Henry 118 1:13% 4 111x705 33821 Qordoa US 1:14% 8 114X788 Baee of doiilit fill outcome. Sixth Race— 1 1-1C Miles. S-year ahth and awn aid, claiming. Tr..ek record: June 22, B 14 — 1:4S — 4-97 552 !,ril "S! 4 u- wsj nil Miss hay 86 1:51% 4 86X896 io-ri-* V;1"" M 105150-;, 33797 Perpetnal 186 1:61 8MB »»M :!:ji:" 5uf,HSt*,rp*fJ,» ns i:4i% 7 Msxsss 33797 Malheur M 187 148% 5 104xti»5 Bxtremely bad race horses. Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 22. 1914— -1*48 4 97 88797* Alston US 1:48% 6 MSX72S 338;* Tootsie as 1 :47:; 3 95 X 7"0 20753- Astrology M ... 5 I12V71S 33740* Enjoy 3 ,„lx7i-! **£* E?W» H4 1 :482: 0 losi®?!! 38761 Birka MS 1:47% i 107 A 705 Alstons last race would win here. FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. — Claiming. June 20. 1917 -1:01 , 2—110 Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SEMCENA, b. f. 2 M 105 " Sempronius-Azucena Erodi! G. S. S37J2 Connjht SM: ! fast .12 Mj 3 2 2 2 !■ W Doyle ! Sweep! "pi I E Herbert tlM w t B617BloeBon. 5-1 1.46 %hvrB -lof ill I 2 2 21 V W Doyle 12 Tocolan Pr.ui..™fJ i o BUJBlneBon. 5-S 1:0a hvy 26 IB] t B S M WChX 10 SSttcS Maraud b Sweeper LADY MOORE, br. f. 2 M 103 By Rapid Water-Effie Paton E McBridel 33417 BloeBon. 5-8 l:0:V .-,hvy Sl-M IB 2 B I WUTuep 12 To°d,nd LIwJS i i" BXUDorval 5-8 1:04 slow 29 5 ioi i i i r 4* L Lykea 8 Lerbert. Waeeritr Vn2? BmPhnllca 41 f B%teat 31-5 99 6 3 3 4J V W Collins J CSSTTb£ZThiJ»iS MSB Pimlieo 1-2 49fast 52 112 2 S SI 9" R Estep 11 Tre a Tr ve I ulriV/U w!S 32610 H.deGce 1-2 4S4;,f:St 17 MM 8 12 12»" IB J Connors L3 JlhdtmBWar ££Z SBS1 Bowie 1-2 98%f008M 107 2 1 4i 5j J Connors 6 Virginia Yell Irish Kiss L™ 32440 Howie 1-2 49%fast 73 112 2 1» 4 J B*j J Connors 10 R.Baw. Diauthea M ICgomTer DIVLAND, b. g, 2 M 105 By Deutschland— Divina G. W Wine-fieBH «*B Connht 5-8 l:fe%faat 73 l«4 4 5 5 V ::-- A Jobnaon 8 San Pickett ToaS and WI« BB4 U-v"shire E I 1 *l%faat ST IB 4 ! B *•? W Mclnr, 11 Let,. HaVty M b.d TnS :;:,:. 16 Devshire 4J f BHfctaat 13-K HI 1 4 7 9» W Onnea 12 HU ", st T I htiv ti iY tn BBIBehmontlltat 53 fast 30 1.2 13 IC 16 M» R Troaler 17 lianAnVacaSlbl Santte? HT-TfF SWEEPER, b. f 2 M 103 By Sweep-Star of Runnymede H. G. Bedwell 13617 BloeBon. b-S l:ur,hvy I llo 5 3 3 SI :- W Collins 12 Togoland, Pr odneer Sem !,,, 33519 Blu.Bon. Ml* hvy 39-10 111 7 6 4 3 34 W Collins 10 Saddueee Mar ler Brie ggSE! aff,2Land?t,P«!5 I 3 4 4" P Merimee 0 Mid. Sun L ad K een L Lubber MTU Pimhco 4 f 57=„slow 23-10 12 2 3 2 6 7:,1 J McTaat 9 D-ilrose P»«, u«rf!i .■ . 32716 Pimlieo 4ft f 57-slopl5 102 3 3 2 I 1 2? F MeVim 6 Plancy! flinn?HuLRS£ 32691 Pimlieo B2 50 fast 18 111 2 6 4 J 4« R Troxler 13 O.ofHavana SMuerUe plancy LAUDATOR, b. g, 2 M 103 By Plaudit— Lacrimae W. Stockton B7B Connbt 5-8 S3 10 111 C 3 3 0= .V W Crump 7 Marauder Miss Sweep SmWMbino at 5C%hvy CO 109 9 I I 8* 8" W Collins 9 J.HeaagrKaklaxS Atvaauai 2761 P m ,o 4i f 57 Rood 42 112 5 3 I 5U 8*1 E Foreh"d 8 Af .Arrow Jua it III Producer BSMPtaUeo 1-2 50 fast 14 107 11 11 11 11" B Ambroeell Rbmoade. J-altoHl Whroab 8573 Il.d-C-ce 1-2 49%taat 235 112 3 5 7* 7" K Forehd 11 Tr.Trove. EdithF. MonevMart BBM Bowie 1-2 M%hvy 25 114 6 6 6= 6" J McTagt 7 Ba nil Lubber, SnuvHiU Onward WICHAKA, ch. g, 2 M 101 By Whisk Broom IL— Rose of Dawn J. Arthur !;7Blu,Bon. .-S BOMihvy B 1;4 10 11 11 H« M J RodgvexU Togoland. Prodacer. LTSmracr ..:.•. 1 Dorval 5-s lfftfaat 76 B 6 « 7 7 B] J Rodcvoj 7 Btecerity Salveatra SaMpVritett SBlDorval 5-s l:4 .slow 79 Ml 7 7 7J 8* J Rodgaea 8 B. Herbert, Sincerity ill Hml 33347 Dorval 5-8 l:!l,fast 84 KM 5 7 9 l»u 7= J Rodgnexll Theo.Kair, Baseen B i.BC.v Mr 33175 Wdbine r, I 1 01%faat 19 MB 1 S 8 8 V* J Rodgaea 8 Kw.Alraaaai. HoUiacer H M.ili SSfiS11" HJlrZ " m 4 ■ 7 7 7"J R*»S«e. 7 BEileen. j" X "t: B "agstoa BBJWdhbM 6-81«%faat - IB l 4 6 6 6" J Rodgaea o SrmBound. E.Eileen LOerbert SCARF, br. f, 2 M 107 By St. Volma— Ocanya P. L. Levdecker £2J£orT*i A ! *L slow 2 1,,! ? 2 " S S!.*""" * I* Herbert, Sincerity. H. Bland • I "" 1 0 4F f , S?* 2 ,"■ 7" F M" ■•»»««• Oarydaa. Dalrose, Land Lubber :;-;"; oc L!m!° ,J1;VS t:::t 5 112 i 5 7 8 s4* .1 William. 8 BeaSana. l.owDegree, OareMaa .liMPunico 4ft t 7 slow 6 112 1 4 7 8 C» J Williams 8 I.audl.ubber. Risponde. Plane" BBM Pimlieo 1-2 M last 57 107 9 7 8 8=-2 T Parton 11 Risponde. .Pnitalll Wdthrush START RIGHT, ch. c. 2 M 114 By Stalwart— Torrid J. S. Tyree. POTBlaoBon. 5-8 1 J8%h l73-Bf Hfl B S 9 V 7*| R Sohel U Togoland. Producer, L Sweeper SAINTS BRIDGE, b. c, 2 M 110 By Bridge of Earn— Ste. Denise Mira£ol Stable BBS oi,n ht 5-s Boii. fast C4 MB 8 8 8 S ?■ T Barton I Sam Pickett, Togoland Divl ind DANDY, ch. c, 2 M 113 By McGee— Mirror. ::..6.l BlueBon. 5-8 l:01*ihvy 53 MB 6 6 6 6 «-"• J Bell 0 M.Maud. SweeptpII Virg Yell GERALDINE F, b. f, 2 M 101 By Harridan— Beatrice Soule. Plant start. First start for the following: FOXS CHOICE, ch. c, 2 M 100 By Tony Bonero— May Lutz Mr. Swift. DALWOOD, br. c, 2 M 102 By Dalhousic— Brynwood. Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched: KITTIWAKE, ch. f. 2 M 9G Bv Charles Edward— Miss Lintie J Whvte 33791 Connht 4i f 56 fast B 109 I G C 5= 98 Collins 9 Tw. Bells, B.s Ally ! Confidence f iTMBltBfl1 VttX*** IBB.?111" Conntry Club steePlease Handicap. 4-year-olds and upward. EARLY LIGHT, b. g. 7 149 Bv Peep oDay— Wantage CH. G. Bedwelll 33793 Connht Ab 2 t:« fast 3-2 BM 2 4 4 4 4* ¥% 1 Kmith 5 II. ,rf ollT TropaeoTnm Stucco 33620 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:27%hvy 21-10150 12 2 2 V VI Barrett 4 Hearts of Oak? OabjrRhonil? B6B BlueBon. Ab 2 4:12%hvy 43-10 146 3 4 2 2 3 P I Barrett 7 Rhomb, Roy SpmYier N Haven 33176 Wdbine Ab 2i 5:06 fast 73-10 149 7 8 5 6 ««~4«» N Brooks 8 Rhomb Trooaeolum , Ballrbay 33010 Wdbine Ab I 4:16 hvy 53-10 145 2 5 4 1 B* m J Smith 7 Rhomb NewHavea Sh.n River 32958 Wdbine Ab 2 4:12%fa»t 14 146 9 9 9 4 IJ 2» J Clark 11 R.Saiier, C V.G Jinger T Haven 32845 Pimlieo 2 1-4 4:22%fast 34-5148 6 8 8 C 7J 8" J Russell 9 New Haven, Rhomb Ball vbar 32692 Pimlieo 2 4:01Vfefast 15 144 5 1 2 Fell. C Grand 12 Meshach. StBCCa, JJJSnJSJ9 RHOMB, ch. g, 7 152 By Fathcrleaa— DUmontina W. Stockton. 31620 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:27%hvy 8-5 150 3 3 3 Lost rider.J Clark 4 Early Bight, IPts of Oak Galir 33542 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:12%bvy 11-10 154 7 7 5 4 4* f J Clark 7 Ely Light, R.Spinner N Havea 33176 Wdbine Ab 2J 5:05 fast 47-10 149 8 6 4 4 IJ 1« J Clark 8 Tropaeoluin, BaUybay EiiLlKht G3109 Wdbine Ab 2 4:12 goodl9-20 142 5 4 2 1 1» l» J Clark 5 Cynosure, fropaeolum Nov Fear 33010 Wdbine Ab 2 4:16 hvy 11-5 140 6 4 5 3 2« 2h J Clark 7 EarlyLight, NewHaven Sh River 32958 Wdbine Ab 2 4:12%fast 8-5 142 2 1 2 1 Fell. W Allen 11 R.Spinner, E.Light. C F Oinaer 32845 Pimlieo 2 1-4 4:22%fast 17-5140 9 6 4 5 4» 2J F Johnson 9 N.Haven, Ballybay! Sperhuman TROPAEOLTJM, ch. g, 8 148 By Naatnrtium— Fair Annot G. W. Beardmore. 33793 Connht Ab 2 3:48 fast 31 141 4 2 1 3 2» ll J Bussell 5 H. of Oak. Stucco EarlyLight 33758 Connht Ab 2 3:48%fast 13-10 141 4 112 l"k and * J Russell 8 Stucco, New Haven, Welsh Kinit 33176 Wdbine Ab 2S 5:05 fast 41 146 2 1 1 1 2» 2« J Russell 8 Rhomb, Ballybar, EarlyLiaht 33109 Wdbine Ab 2 4:12 good 17-5 140 3 112 31* 3" J Smith 5 Rhomb, Cynosure, Never Fear 32958 Wdbine Ab 2 4:12%fast 12 154 6 Lost rider. E Groves 11 R.Spinner, E.Light. C F G inter 29292 Wdbine Ab 2 4:01 fast 2ft 163 3 3 7 6 6 6M S Quarton 7 U.ofOak. Robt. Oliver, N Havea 28798 Connht Ab 2 3:47%hvy 2 155 2 1 1 1 1» lJ S Quarton 5 N.Haven. C.F.Ginger, Collector 28735 Connht Ab 2 3:48%fast 31-10 150 3 1 1 1 1* l ft S Quarton 5 Garter, NewHaven, IndlanArrow 28285 Ham ton Ab 24:02%faat U-5153 2 3 Fell. H Simpsn 5 In. Arrow, EarlyLight, N.Haven NEW HAVEN, b. g, 8 145 By Filigmne— Ethel Thomas W. Broith. 33758 Connht Ab 2 3:48?ifast 31-10 147 6 4 2 3 S"? N ltrooks 8 Stucco. Tropueolum, WelshKing 33542 lilueBon. Ab 2 4:12%hvy 6 Mill 1 I 4s* X Brocks 7 Early Light, Rhomb, K. Spinner 2S142 Wdbine Ab 2 4:12 fast 12-5149 2 6 3 3 410 4 J N Brooks 8 MarchCourt, Stucco, Shan. River 33010 Wdbine Ab 2 4:1G hvy 21-5 162 13 2 5 45 315 N" Brooks 7 EarlyLight, Ithonil, Shan.Uiver 32958 Wdbine Ab 2 4:12%fast 49-10 155 8 3 5 2 620 47 N Brooks 11 It. Spinner, E. Light, C.F.Ginger 32845 Pimlico 2 1-4 4 :22st fast 23-5 152 3 11 1 I1 DUN Brooks 9 Khonib, Bnllybay, Superhuman 32734 Pimlico 2 4:04 hvy 5f 144 9 4 6 3 5» 5l» N Brooks 14 Bryucor, B. of I.. Mawr, Hibler 32692 Pimlico 2 4:01%fast 12-5155 4 5 4 Fell. R CruwTdU Meahaeh, Stucco, Bnniboo 32637 H.deGce Ab 2 4:00 fast 14 156 3 3 3 3 41 3*1 R CrawfdlO Dorcris, Em. Isle II., Battery MOONLIGHT II., b. g, 6 145 By Jaqucmart — Moonbeam G. H. Browne. 33615 Devshire 3-4 1:14 fast 22 111 10 11 10 8» 64 A Claver 1- Balder, Kinglingll., Conn. Court BM limiico 2 3:55 fast 7-5 154 2 3 2 I L.rider.J Russell t; M::nSl;iyer. Masterful. Pandean 32*03 Pimlico I 3: 67% fast 17 119 7 2 3 1 l4 ll .1 B— a til » M. Slayer. Reddest, Eug.McOee 32011 H.deGce 3-4 1 35 115 6 6 7 7l 710 J Butwell I Royal Writ, Snadi, Past Master 325S9 H.deGce 6jfl:08 fast 29 -lOf 115 11 10 9 71 810 T Par ton 14 Sm. Money, Bladen. RoyalWrit Ballina Ire. 2 2 145 3 4 Sparkle, P.Wiily, Shin. Buttons THIRD KACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Aug. 20, 1916— 1:39 !i— 1— IOC. ARMINE. ch. f, 4 104 By Bassetlaw— My Honey H. Giddings. SMS Connht S-l l:lS%faa* 59-10 105 I 2 I 8* 4|: .1 ivn 1:1 CornBroom, IsabellcH., Ravenct 33796 Connht 3 4 1:15 fast If, p» 1 4 2 3l 4-i .1 Bell 11 B.London, M.Gayle, T.Calhiwnv SMI BlueBon. 3-1 l:lSVr.hvv43-10f KB 4 3 3 31 :," .1 Bel] U Cardome. Beaut vSpot, Koserinn MaWMH 3-4 l:15good67-10 MS 4 5 4 Bj 7*1! W Obert 7 . Broom, Tartarean, M CtttrfJ MM Dorval 3-4 1 :18%slow 19-20 118 1 1111 4i F Robson 8 Katli.H.,, P.Plstlioriie 29107 Dorval lm70v l:57%hvy 10 105 3 1 3 4 6» 6- B MeDotl 7 Cop. King, MossFos, Ilaii.I aine 2X969 liluoBon. 7-8 1:29 good 16 103 3 5 5 I 4» 2" T Hayes 8 Ampliion, C. Broom, Pep. Sauce 28797 Connht 3-4 1:19 hvy 19-5112 1 111 31 T Par ton It Good Shot, Sinltl.field, Vivian S. 28737 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 18-5 103 1 1111 2J W Obert 8 Hniiip.Damc. Ditollours. Oldlop 28633 Windsor 3-4 l:1476good 26-5 92 2 2 3 48 3J W Crump « Tartarean. EdyCurzon. C. Broom OLD POP, ch. c. 4 114 By Martimas — Cannie Maid C. A. Crew.. MM Connht 1 1-16 l:4S*4faat S 9S 1 I I 2 2 1 A Johnson T LndyWard, Inquietu, Longfellow 23700 Connht 1 1:12 99-10 MB 14 3 2 4-1 2J F Cooper 12 Statim, Bed Post, Gartley MM BloeBon. T-S l:22%hvy 43-10 111 2 S S 3 5" 4:x L Mink 8 Gartley, Benconrt, L.Sndthrift SSMB BlttttBott. 7-8 1:34 hvy 7-5 98 8 6 7 7 7-" 713 J Bell K Corn Broom. Copper Kins, Sacal MM Dorval 1 l:48!isood47-10 M E 3 3 4 6 74 C, Schem-rll L.Spark P. Pliilstliorpe. Bavarde MlDoml 1 1:48 slow 9-5 M 3 7 5 6 76 fi:i 1, Lykes 10 Meissen. 11. Dame. Pr.Plstliorpe MM Dorval 3 4 l:tt%mo4 2 107 I 8 0 53 2»* I. Dykes 12 LaslSpark. Frin.Kny, Hartley 33177 Wdbine 1 1-16 1:48 fast 20 Ml 3 5 6 5 51 3=i II Jeffeott 11 PepperUaoce, GalleyHead, Kama MM Wdbine lnrjuv l:46-,hvy 31 103 10 8 9 9 S4 7,n II Jeffeott 10 Max.sChoiee, Budweiser. Boxer MM Kenilwh .1-4 1:19 hvy 6-5 111 5 4 9* 10 » S WobtmM Exmer. VivianS., DorotiiyCarlin Mi AVdbine 3-4 PlGVislow 11 105 4 5 6 58 3° H Cuttrlss i Viley, Blue Cap, Lily Orme EXMER, b. g, 7 111 By Exclamation — Myra Morella A. T. Stewart*. 3381 BloeBon. 7-8 l:32:l-,hvy I 1P5 7 7 7 7 fi1 61- W Ward 8 Gartley, Benconrt, L.Sndtlirift :•;:.:," BloeBon. ?-S l:32*.-,hvy 15 109 5 11 1 1» J» It Bntep 12 I Statim. Bavarde, Pepper Sauce MM BIneBon. 1 l:46t-,hvy 23f M I I 3 S 85 V* W Wnrd 11 Bararde, llamp.Damo. Amphion MM Dorval 1 l:48Vfgood 15 US 7 11 11 10 10° 9-" W Ward It Lu8park, P.Pbilstborpe, Bararde 30010 Kenilwh lm78ylT%hvy 12 i*« 4 4 4 42 37 W Qoorley S Ham. Dame, KatklnU., Vivi.-ms. MM Kenilwh 3-4 1:19 hvy 47-5 111 1 2 1 11 W Oourlejr 11 ivian S.. DorotiiyCarlin. Otero MM Kenilwh lm70yl:53 hvy 41-5 Ml 4 6 6 52 44 W Oonrley 8 Hamp.Bame, Katli.H., Amphion SIR LAUNCELOT, b. g, 6 106 By Ynsilanti II — Dolores III. C. Hagan. MM Connht 3 4 1:15 fast 23 102 7 2 5 8*1 W Collins 12 L. London, M.Gayle, T.Callaway M Wdbine 8-4 l:lS%arood 39-5 Mi 2 2 2 2l 4:I A Pickens 7 . Broom, Tartarean, M.C.aiety MM FortKrie 3-4 1:14 fast 14-5 105 1 1 1 2 4-J T Par ton 8 Moss Pox, Arniine, Dor. Carliu 27:195 Hamton 3-4 l:14%fn*t 6-5 108 7 3 4 l1 45 T Bice 12 Uavencourt. Muss Fox, Gartley 27277 Hamton 3-4 l:14/5fast 25 106 4 3 3 3l 34i A Pickens it Kumn. Splutter. Siik Bird 22770 BIneBon. 3 4 1:14 slow 9 M B 5 5 5 S1*! Callahaa r Slip. Day, OomBroMn, Pi 1 1 aaanj 17369 Will. ine 3 4 l:134,fast 19-5 99 7 1 1 l8 Is U Neander • Surolta. Caper Sauce. Herruianii DANDY FAY, h. g. 3 M 9G By Stanley Fay— Ethel G. W. Walker. 33827 Connht 3-4 1:14 fast Iflf 9s 10 10 M H 11" G Both Id 13 Stnrdee, Corn Broom, B. Gaiety 3343S Dorvnl 1 l:48ftgood 43 99 S 5 6 7 7,|Maa W Collins 11 L.Sparl;, P.Philsthorpe, Bavarde :::,::i:; Dorval 11:48 slow :;i 9s 2 2-13 8* «•$. F Merin IO Meimen, H.Dame, Pr.Plstliorpe MM Wdbine 11:11 fast 13-5 105 2 2 2 I 43 4*R Harton 7 .I.W.IhuiIey, Hornet, 1. Stream SMS Wdbine 8-4 l:17,:,hvv 8J 97 1 13 V 1»1 P Merimeell V..tiieForth. Kxiiorter. Victrola 2957:: HiUcreat Abfr-1 IM fast E 991 3 3 31 4-J F Jenkins s Bertkier, Gratitnde, Bdes Park MB* BIneBon. 5-S 148%Siow 97-10 MS 5 6 6 42 MB Brown 11 Stnrdee, Tea Cup. The Lost Bird SMC Connht H f l:12!0slop 69-10 109 1 4 4 4« 45i A CoUhU Statim, Stnrdee, Bavarde GALA DAY, b. c, 4 114 By Galatine— Court Maid II. J. E. Seagram. 33M2 Connht 11-18 1:49 fast 19 Ml 9 9 10 ] M 9i:i ¥ Cooper 10 San Mick, Boxer. Minda ZSMS BIneBon. 7-8 129 good 49 101 7 7 7 7 S 7° L McAfee 8 Amphion, Armine. Corn Broom ma Hamton 1 l-S l:G8%Cnst 17 105 2 3 3 6 6 613 A liikcns i F. Montacne, L.Curzon, Splutter 26197 Wdbine 1 1-1 2:12 good 2-5 113 1 2 2 2 21 3J W Warun ti Mandarin, Gala Water, Old Fop 21381 Windsor 0. f l: iS"f,tast 5-4 1o8 8 7 5 5* 43j A Clavrr !l Mandarin. Amine, Miss Fay 218.13 Hamton 5-8 1 :or-,fast 3* lol 1 I I 3 l"k A Claver 5 Armine, Kathleen II., II. Flame 2X702 Windsor 5-S i:02vv=low 51-98 181 6 5 5 5 3*1 W W T"Mr S SweetColleen. Armine, BUIyFrew MSI Windsor andS 1:02 last 3-4 I06 8 5 6 Z"*- 33i W W Tlorll Armine, Tliornclilte, Miss Fay FR0IS?ART, b. g, 6 111 Bv Havoc— rrou Frou D. Raymond. 33389 Connht 1 DlLSfast 13f 107112 9 10 9 8» M" L Mink 12 Statim. Old Pop, Bed Post 3M23 BIneBon. 1 1-8 2:04Vhw 15 107 1 ." 8 8 6 ti:,« L Mink ti D.Charcot, Fairlv. L.Whii.Rton 33SM BIneBon. 1 Dttl-.hvv 24 107 11 11 11 II 11 in1" W Cramp 11 Bavarde, Hamp.Bnme, Ampliion 8M3 Dorval 1 1:4J slow 10 Ml S 5 3 4 41 7"! R McOottlO Meissen. H.D::mc, Pr.Plst.iorpe MM AVdbi:ie lmTBy l:47%fant fid 188 8 9 9 9 85 713 H Gray 12 Kath. IL, Hamp. Dame. Exiner 29111 Dorval 11-16 2:02 hvv 10 109 14 4 4 4* 3 H Gray 8 Good Shot, L:isrSp.nk, C.Vobnl 29016 Dorval lm70y l:48%tn«t M 1M 4 7 6 6 6 » Ink h Gray 8 Reddest, L:-st Spark, Kath. U. 291S BIneBon. 7-8 l:32iLvy 58 112 10 9 10 4 4= 42 II Gray 12 Baser, Irish Heart, Kath. H. TYRONE, ch. c, I M 90 By Win. Wright— Dynasty J. Hcndrick. :.::s27 Connht 8-4 1:14 fast MC 188 7 11 11 11] 8*1 G Lomns 13 Stnrdee, Corn Broom, It. Gaiety 335M BIneBon. 7-8 1:34 hvv 27f 91 S S I S S V 3 Bodxnez S CornBroom, CopperKins, Sacnl 33278 Dorvnl 3-4 l:lS%fnnt SS-M 97 6 4 6 6* B»» B Donohue 7 BedPost, CrnBroom, LnstSnnrfe 33886 Wdhtne 3-4 1:19 hvv 8f KS 4 4 M 13 B** M BmhmlS Corn Broom. Ptessfay, Gartley MH8 Devshira Si f lMlfcfnnt 73-MME 7 I 6 1 8" J Howard 9 D. Carlin, Wishaway, S. Arthur 988M Kenilwh 3-4 l:17%sIow M 9l 7 I 3= 22 B Kopmn 7 Viriss S., Bnenl, Gay Life MM Dershire 3-4 lOSJfcfhat 94 M 9 9 9 9 9° K Merimee 9 H. Dame, Moss Fox, Vivian S. TIXIELEDI, b. f, 4 M 93 By Van Bu— Maude Lcdi N. R. Sutherland. 23679 Hlllcrest Ab." s 1:05 slop 2 315 8*s C Knlfrhl in Victrola, Some Bench, St. Win 23001 II Ilk rest .Ali"-s 1:01 f.good 4 108 8*1 N Taylor 9T.SIre.ini. M.ofFronie, M.ireovil 33S66 Hlllcrest Ab5-8 l:03%8iow 1 103 r.-j D Bloom 10 M. Represent, M.Sbot, T.Stream 33488 Duff crin AbG-8 l:02%fast 7 115 7i J Deavpt 8 O Tis True, Lit. Pete. W.McGee 33385 Duff erin AbS-8 2 113 :; II Walts 8 H.-e. Flame. T.Stream, L.I.etly 33296 Duff rin Ab5-8 1 :02V,fast 3 108 1" H Walls • Plunger. MaryMssters, Greyfoot 29132 Dufferin Ab5-S l:J2Vf.Iast 4 104 5« C White 7 Proctor, J.W.OShea, Bthelllill DETENTION, b. c, 3 M S9 Bv Detective— Golden Wedding C. Boyle, Jr.. 83952 Dorval 1 1 :.S fast 23 lm 6 S r, E E S» W Hoag •", USpark, P.Pliilathorpe. P.Sanee .".3140 Wdbine 11:44 fast 19 M 7 S E 6 6s 5" F Cooper 7 J.W .Huul-y. Hornet, T.Stream 88MS Wdbine 2-4 1:19 hvy 8.f 8M 10 10 11 U* M,T B Donohue 13 Corn Broom, PeessFay. Gartley 32959 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:4S%fant 70 100 7 S 10 10 10 IO" W Collins 10 Gala Water, Sturdeo, Pep.Sauce ALECTO, h. f, 4 Ml 99 By Inferno— Irish Witch P. Gorman. 23845 Connht 3-4 l:15%fant 33f in:, 13 i: , rj io M" A JohnsonlS CornBroom, IsabellcIL, Rarenet MM BIneBon. 7-8 1 ::!2,hvy 23 100 8 8 8 8 8 8** C Hughes 8 Gartley, Benconrt, L.Sndthrift SUM Wdbine 11:44 fast 27-5 IIS 5 7 7 4 S] 6"L Mink 7 .I.W.Hnnlev. Hornet, T.Stream 2966 Wdbine 1 l:4S%slow 48-M MS 3 3 3 2 2* 21 C Dishmon 5 Akeldama, Wishaway, Single 2*M6 Connht 1 1 :54Vihvv 21 105 6 6 6 5 5« G13 A Pickens 7 Exmer, Miss Fay, Kathleen H. 28775 Connht 3-4 1 :174/islow 15 90 5 S 4 43 4" W Collins • Costuinor, Lost Fortune. W.Cash MM Windsor 7-8 1:28 fast 10 Villi 6° 5" J Bell % Good Shot. Sinithfield, Mausolus WOODRUFF, b. g. 3 Ml 9G By Bowling Brook— Bardino .T. G. Gorman. SMS Dorvnl 1 l:48%good 27f M S 8 9 8 .".- 4", F Merimeell L.Spark, P.PhiLstuorpe, Bararde 33313 Dorval 1 1:4* slow 35 188 6 9 10 9 8" 8" W Hoag n» Meissen. H.Dame, Pr.Plsthorpe 33238 Dorval 8-4 l:18%sood 31f MB M 11 11 M C] W Hoag 12 LaslSpark, OldPop, irin.Fav S38M Wdbine 11-8 2*4 hvv 35 112 1 5 S S 6 S*» W Collins 5 Iaraheva, GalleyUend, Stnrdee 22957 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:i.s«!, 108 MS 9 8 9 I V* f W Ward 8 BelleMabone, Tarabera, ..Dress MM Dorvnl 5 f 1 :09,:,fast 59 109 7 8 8 t* T** C Dishmon 8 Ten Cuddy, Bavarde, Wishaway 28758 Connht 5i f 103%ntop 30 109 3 6 6 6 6-« L McAtee ti St.itim, Stnrdee, Bavarde FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Directors Handicap. 3-year-old and upward. Ans*. 28, ItM— 108 %— 4— 12s. J FRUIT CAKE. b. f. 3 112 By Diok Welles— Parisienne E. T. Zolllcof f er . MM Devshire lni20vl:41f,hvy 13-5 116 4 2 1 2 2* 3- G Moles th 8 Gin. George, Grumpy. G. Russell MM Devshire lm70yl:4iysf 1st 21-10 112 3 3 3 I 211 1J F Merimee 8 Gip.George, CrumpsaU, Grnmpv 33549 Devshire 8-4 1:12 fast 12-20 M 4 6 5 51 8*1 F Merimee 8 Etruscan, Tiajan, Liberator 3:171 Wdbine 1 1-8 l:51"ifast 6i 111 2 3 3 4 41 4j E Haynes IS Runes, Kancber, Arriet 329*1 Wdbine 1 1-8 l:SS%fnat 2 117 1 1 1 1 Is 1= B Haynes 8 Nebraska, .I.Wglield, Crmpsall 32*29 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54%fast 48-M 116 6 14 3 3l 43 W Obcrt 1 1 Kalitan. Al M. Dick, Ken. Bov 327S5 limiico 1 l:4Z%j8oW 14-5 :24 i 2 2 1 l2 2J W Ohert IS Al M. Dick, Ken. Boy, Piraeus GRAPHIC, b. f, 3 100 By Glorio— Picturesque Thorncliffe Stable. S298S Wdbine 3-4 l:13*.-,fast 21-6 Ml 2 2 2 2- PJB MeDoit 7PanZareta, Arriet. WaterLady 283M Wdbine 7-8 l:26:h;fast 8-5 95 3 1 1 2 l 31 w Collins 4 Arriet, Orniulu, Incog 2*919 BIneBon. 3-4 1:16 hvy 19-20 107 2 I 1 1- 1" F Robson 8 Btterscotckll., i.Cus. Cadillac 98773 Connht 3 4 1:17 slow 2-4 K8 I 2 1 I« DJF Robson 8 Lidv Moll. Cant. Ray, Solveig 2S603 Windsor S-8 lM%fant 36-5 109 2 3 2 22 lJ B McD*Ottl2 .I.ltufus, Olsego, Butterscotchll. THE MASaUERADER, b. g, 5 118 By Ogden— Masg.uorade W. Stormontl. 83794 Connht 3-4 l:14%fast 3-2 HI 1 1 1 1* 11 W Wnr*on SWsterLady, BackBay, Hanberk 33531 BIneBon. 8-4 l:H.!;.hvy 13-10 Ml 2 3 5 5 8»» Li Ljrkes 8 Hanberk, Grecawoed, Hubbub SHM Dorvnl 8-4 ld£%fant 1 110 2 111* !•"• L Dykes 7 Hanovla, TeaCaddy, Green wood MM Dorval 3 4 1:17 fast 36-5 1M 1 1 1 1= l3 L l.vkS 8 Back Bay, Cdto, Pesky 8MB N.oiins 3 4 1:14 fast 3J 119 6 til1 23 F Itob.son 7 P.ris:z. Gainer. Korfhane 31697 N.Orlna 3-4 1:M mud 44 108 3 3 2 4h 6»i F Robson « S.of Plsure, Filiutee, Oprtunity 315*3 N.Orlns 3-4 1:19%hvy 18-5 1 »S 2 2 2 3 3«i F Robson 8 Fleetabelle, Korfhage, J.Wakely 21275 N.Orlns 5i f 1 AH/r.mud 7 122 3 3 3 3J 3=1 T Me.Tagt T Talebearer, Costumer. R. Uosse 31020 N.Orlns 3-4 1 :15Vislow 12 108 4 5 5 5 Cl L Lykca 0 B.audStars, P.ofComo, A.Pltei WATER LADY, b. m. 6 113 Bv Waterboy — Duche8» of Towers J. Arthnrl. 337M Connht 3-1 l:14-"-;,fast 9-5 IM 3 4 3 2= 2l W Crump 8 T.llasqnerader, B.Bay, Hauberk 33468 BIneBon. 8-4 l:18%hvy 14-5 113 4 4 4 3J -l L Mink 5T, by .Jury. BackBay, Hnnberk MM Wdbine 8-4 l:13fkCnnt 6-5 112 4 4 2 21 2l L Lvkes B A.N.Akiii, s.ofPsure, Wankeng SMS Wdbine 3-4 l:13%faat 8-5 113 7 7 7 4J 4-J F Robson 7 Pan Zareta. Arriet. Graphic 328i:6 Pimlico 3-4 1:14%fast 16 12" 10 9 11 8 J 4s ¥ MnrhneelS T.byJnry, T. Decision, Kewessa 3 i442 Bowie 7-8 1:29 slow 2J IM 3 6 6 4 4J ll J Butwell 8 IndianCiiant, M.Henry, Christie SMMBowM 7-8 l:26%fast 39-10 112 9 9 9 9 9 61 A Rchugrld Hanberk, Morse Henry Kewessa MM Bowie 7-8 l:28Vandhvy 8-5 106 5 7 4 5 2* Vi K Ambrose S Thornhill, Marse Henry, Christie TEA CADDY, ch. c, 4 105 By Rock Sand— Teas Over M. Shea. 35581 BIneBon. I l:48%faat 67-M MS 2 111 3i 4" D Dykes 4 Banrhrr. Candle. Iron Cross II. 88M Dorval 3-4 I MTfOort H MS 3 3 2 21 4:ii A Johnson ti B. Bay. S.ofiieasure. Amperell. 33354 Dorval 3-4 l:15%fast 35-10 108 7 5 2 23 **| L Mink 7 T.Msiiuerder, Hanovia, Gwood 32230 Dorval 1 l:47%good 8-5 112 1 2 2 5 53 61* D Dykes Christie, Burglar, Kim; Neptune 32171 Wdbine 1 1-8 1 SHbnat 42 10,8 6 2 2 2 6J 712 R McDottlS itiiues, Rancher, Arriet 32984 Wdbine lin70y 1 :45%fast 17-10 116 2 11 1 2 3J F Robson 8 Runes, Iron Cross II. , Christie 32*63 Pimlico 7-8 1:27 fast 14 118 6 1 1 1 l8 1" J McTagt 9 Bay. Candle, Candle, TrialbyJury 22818 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 29-5 114 2 4 3 2l 2=1 A Collins 9 It. Maiden, Startling, Kewessa 32697 Pimlico 3-4 l:14y5fast 71 111 1 6 2 5* 4f F Robson 8 Hyannis, He Will, Damrosch 32676 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%good73-10115 1 7 6 5s 4s E Arnbrosel5 Nightstick, Crimper, Jock Scot BACK BAY. b. g, 9 110 Br Rubicon— Genua P. nkendan, 237:11 Connht 3-4 l:14%fast 24-5 109 2 2 2 34 3« J Dreyer t» T.M.iueradr, W.Lady. Hauberk MM BIneBon, 3-4 l:16%hvy 7 111 2 1 1 1 2s D Stirling Ti, Hauberk. WaterLady SMM Dorvnl 3-4 l:16Agood 11-5106 2 1 1 1* l1 D Stirling « S.ofPlsure, Amperell., T.Caddy 8MB Dorval 3-4 1:17 fast 81 110 2 2 2 22 2J D Stirling ti TheMasqnerader, Celto, Pesky 328i6 limiico 3-4 l:14%fast 48-5 118 7 1 1 62 710 R Troxler IS, T. Decision, Kewessa 32676 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%good 101 118 5 3 3 21 531 W Collins 18 Nightstick, Crimper, .lock Scot 30495 Bowie 11:43 good 10 105 6 1 2 4 4* 5« C Dishmon 8 In. Chant, Wise Matt, Ken. Boy 30404 Bowie 7-8 l:26?£fast 18 103 5 3 2 2 5" 1012 W Collins 10 Hauberk, Marse Henry Kewessa CELTO, blk. m, 5 105 By Celt — Toots J. S. Tyres. 33795 Connht 11:41 fast 7-10 MS 4 3 2 1 l»k B G Lomas B F. Fay, Pris. Mullens, LadyMoll 23576 BlueBon. 1 1 :45%hvy 3-2 lo7 2 11 1 l3 23 I.. Mink 4 Arriet, P.andCalls. Bach. Blend 38523 BIneBon. 11:45 hvy 24-5 109 5 2 2 1 1"* 2n F Cooper B Arriet, Prise. Mullens, Waukcug 33396 Dorval 11-16 1:53 fast 61-10 105 2 12 3 3* 3nt T Parton 4 Christie, Hanovia, Burglar 33249 Dorval 3-4 1:17 fast 3-2 114 3 3 3 41 3i A Johnson ti T.Masquerader, BackBay, Pesky 32847 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 91 117 2 6 3 3« 2* E Haynes 6 Crimper, T.Deeisn, Sunflashll. 32818 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 32-5113 6 5 4 62 54i E Haynes 0 Rh.Maiden, TeaCaddy, Startling REPROBATE, ch. c, 3 102 By The Commoner — Hortensia E. McBrlde. 33691 BlueBon. 1 l:44*,hvy 27-5 M 6 1 1 3 45 512 J Boll 0 S.of Pleasure. J. Reeves, Christie 33622 BlueBon. 3-4 l:18*ahvy 47-10 106 1 1 1 ll 1* R Estep 11 Fairy Legend, Anita, Pomp 23524 BlueBon. 3-4 l:16%hvy 13-5 113 5 1 2 Z3 24 T Parton 9 Blebanuock. Pomp, Aristobulus 32848 Pimlico 7-8 l:28%fast 33-10 106 6 3 3 2 U 1« T Parton 8 M.Kruter, EarlySight, E.Henry S2800 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%fast 2 112 4 3 3 l»i 11 T Parton 10 SwiftFox, Owaga, Gold.Bantam 3703 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 11-5 104 8 5 3 33 331 T Parton 9 Iniperator, W.Pitzer, Estimable S2621 H.deGce 3-4 1 :13%fast 63-10 110 6 8 6 6 **» J Connors 6 Sea Gull, Starfinch, Courtship SCARAMOUCH, b. g. 6 100 By Hamburg — Lady Frivols* W. Stormont. 33500 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14V5fast 11 114 9 8 8 8 10" W Wartonlo Hondo, Perpetual, Lady London 33275 Dorval 51 f l:10%fast 27-5 108 9 9 6 7» 8" D Lykes 11 Nellie B., Bachs Blend, Encore S3228 Dorval 51 f l:10%good 43-5 110 6 10 6 1h 6JL Lykes 12 Bluebannock, BdMan, Ale.xGets 30274 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:49%fast 20 107 5 3 2 4 4« 6«1 L Lykes 10 Tie Pin, Goodwood, Blackford S0237 Pimlico lm70y l:46ifast 20 111 4 2 4 3 44 4s j L Lykes 7 C. Francis, Voluspa, ManSlayer 30176 Laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 39 105 1 I 5 5»M|F Robson 8 Y. Notions, W.Lily, Psumption 29853 Laurel 8-4 1:14 fast 31 106 7 5 6 5* 5«i F Robson 8 T. as Steel, Squeeler. FairHelea Z97M Laurel 8-4 1:14 fast 75 113 9 8 8 7* 7*4 A Ammannl3 B. Cunarder, Estimable, B.Skot FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Aug. 28, 1910—1:13% — 4—128. MIRAMICHI, ch. g, 7 108 By Voter— Running Stream M. Smith. 23695 Devshire 51 f l:10%hvy 12 104 3 2 2 | 1J J Dreytr 10 Brandywiue, Violet, Encore 33584 Devshire 51 f l:07V»fast 32-5100 5 1 BH 10"1 F Merimeell Foxy Griff. Novnim, Blaise 33433 Dorval 3-4 136%KOOd 13 112 4 2 1 34 310 F Merimeell Hazelnut, Stttt, Margerv 27461 For tErle 51 f l:07%fast 13-5 107 2 4 6 62 923 T Parton 10 Outlook, Scaramouch, Souvenir 27328 Hamton 5| f l:07Vfcfast 5-4 110 2 11 1» 21 F Robson 8 Astrologer, Outlook, T.ilebearer 271S3 Hamton 51 f l:88%faat 5-4 107 2 1 1 l4 1B A Mott 12 Eulogy, Baby Cal, Anxiety 26997 Connht 3-4 l:22%hvy 31-10 122 1 13 41 4» A Mott 8 Borax, Handfull. Commensia BEAUTY SPOT. blk. f, 3 M 100 By The Commoner— Lady Eastman N. Macfarlane. MM Connht 3-4 l:134hfast 53-10 101 4 2 3 32 4S$ W Crump 12 Philistine, Bet. Is. Astrologer 33651 BlueBon. 3-4 1:1s1. -.hvy 59-10 101 3 2 2 l1 2* W Crump 14 Cardome. Armine, Bose Finn 33924 BlueBon. 3-4 lOSSfchvy 13 102 1 8 7 62 8*1 W Crump 8 Bluebannock. Reprobate, Pomp 33138 Wdbine 3-4 1:1 lVifast 47-10 103 2 1112 8* J Dreyer 8 Parr, Exhorter, Spring Song 32979 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 36 10112 6 6 7" S-J W Crump 10 Alex Bettt, Eddie Henry. Hondo 29890 Latonia 51 f l»H8%fast 5 105 6 3 3 3 311 W Crump 11 Blue Plum. Pollvanna. Pluneer .9428 Wdbine 8] f l:08s;.Kood 34-5 109 2 4 4 3« 2* H Gray ! Stirrer. B.andBarty, S.T.Sugar 29325 Wdbine 5i f lMUM 41-5 109 2 2 3 51 771 H Gray 12 P. Mullens, Crepuscule, Starter 29103 Dorval 64 f l:142shvy 21-10 112 6 3 3 3l 21 H Gray 12 ILShuck, S.ThanSugar, Starter BIRD MAN, ch. g, 8 113 By Marts Santa— Whisk Broom J. B. Dunn. 33757 Connht 3-4 1 :l." 39-10 112 1 114- 8*1 T Rice 10 Anita. Between fs, Savilla SMS Dorval 81 t l:lMk«ood 17-5113 4 11 1«| Vi W Wartonl- Blnebannock, AlexOeta, Sw.Fox 32922 Devshire 3 4 1:14Vifast 14-5 114 1 1 1 Is Is A Claver 12 Poppee, Th. Seven, Alex Gets 31832 Devshire Eft t l:10/6fast 11-5 112 9 6 5 B* 4JJ T Nolan 12 Luzzi, ldsm dile. Salon 22658 H.deGce Sft f 1 :07 fast 19 119 2 7 6 6 73i J Butwell 12 Nonesuch, Blazeawav, CddleUp 32609 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 43-5 117 2 11 lft 1* J Butwell 9 Lit. Nephew, Margery, Sable MM H.deGce 3 4 1:14 fast 19 116 3 2 4 21 4° .1 Butwell 9 Nightstick. Max.Choice. Hops 32552 Bowie Sft t 1 :0S,Rfast 25 115 Left at the post. T Parton 11 Refugee. Margerv, Colors 32462 Bowie 3-4 l:17z5slow 33-5 115 1 2 2 2p* 5« R McDottll R. Interest, Refugee, O. Prince CARDOME. ch. f, 4 109 By Jack Atkin— Toots Mook P. Lcydecker. 33651 BlueBon. 3-4 l:18/,hvy43-10f MSft 2 112- !■ T Bice 14 Beauty Spot, Armine. BoseFinn 33091 Bait. Ab 5-8 l:0v%faat — 108 5-i K Seharf 0 Otisco, Bttvy, Aunt Klsie 83833 Bait. Ab 5-S 59-.-,fast — 112 2s B Seharf 8 Thrill, Purple and Cold. Nolli M47 Latonia 3-4 l:134s,fast fid 188 6 5 7 72 75J 1 Conn llyl3 M. Declare. R. Queen. Lukemae 29217 Douglas 3-4 1 :13-r,fiist fid 108 3 2 9 11 llia D Connllyl2 .M.Kruter. "armeuse, Pportant 28012 Loxgton 3-4 1:13 V.last 23 106 8 5 5 51 5»J J Kederis 9 Luzzi, I.usy Joe, Bapids 2H34 Hthorno 3-4 1:16 fast 4 104 6 11 11 111 Hu H Phillips M Birka. Sun Kist. Brvn 2S057 llthorne 3-11:10 good 3-2 100 1 4 3 6and 8*JR Hack 12 Solid Bock, Biddy, Lady Powers BROOM CORN. b. f, 4 106 By Ben Brush— Tonawha F. 3. ColenuuO. 33796 Connht 3-4 1:16 fast 10 105 9 9 s 94 B»J W Crump IT I. Tendon. M.Gayle, T.Callaway 33757 Connht 3-4 l:15%fast 97 185 5 9 9 9- l""1 .1 BodguexlO Anita, Bet.Us, Savilla 32533 Bowie 6i f l:24%good M KKJ 8 6 4 41 S*ft W Collins « Sleepy Sam, Joe Finn Ada nne 32507 Bowie 6i f 1 :24%,slop 2.8-5 iMll 5 4 4 4 5 J McTagt 10 ParlorBov, Dr.Chareot, Refugee 32461 Bowie 3-1 l:17 .-,slow 36-5 106 6 6 4 3 3- W Obert 11 Parlor Bov. Anxietv, Brickley 32202 Onklwn 8-4 l:M%faa* 5 113 8 8 7 6 6" W Crump 10 Tantivy, JoaeflnaZarate, Dash 32087 Oaklwn 3-4 1:16 good 8 110 1 4 7 71 C3J W Crump 12 Blk. Frost, Gibraltar, Commensia COMMENSIA, b. m, 5 101 By The Commoner — Hortensia G. Hartley. 2811 Devshire 8-4 l:16*and*ood 11 MS I 11 II 11 9,i W Gourleyll 8ourcnir, Minstrel Ancestors 22171 Oaklwn 3-4 1:11 fast 15 MB 7 S 8 5 510 F Merimee 9 Ophelia W Violet Tantivv SMM Oaklwn 3-4 1: 15 good 15 10s 6 6 7 6 07 F MttrliBtm t RpacHa W., Tne-Lsl Recluse 32310 Oaklwn 11:13 fast 10 107 2 2 3 5 6 7,2R Troise 8 Voluspa, Iliindiemar. Plaudito 32202 Oaklwn 8-4 l:U%raat 5 116 3 6 6 6 5° W Gourleyltt Tantivy, JosefinaZarate, Dash 2211S Oaklwn 8-4 l:M%mud 10 104 2 7 4 8 817 W Gourley 8 AlcxC.ctz, Ed Howard A Kruter 32087 Oaklwn 3-11:16 good 3 113 6 2 2 21 3-1 L Gaugel 12 Black Frost. Gibraltar, B Point 31846 N.Orins 3-4 1 4 MS 6 2 3 3 7=1 W Crump 13 Med. Miss, Ophelia W., Souvenir 31695 : Orlns 3-4 l:18%inud 10 105 5 10 10 10 1014 W Gourleyll Costumer, Superintendt, S. Heart COSTUMER.b. g, 4 113 By Ogden— Masquerade F, Harlan. 33757 Connht 3-4 l:167£fast 43 M7 7 5 7 51 8*1 0 Lomas Id Anita. Between Is. Savilla 33643 BlueBon. 3-1 1:17 hvy 17 105 7 5 4 3" 3- L Mink S BlueFox. L.Mexiean. Nourcddin 33433 Dorval 8-4 1 :M%ffood 31-5 Ml J S S Tft 7» O Lomns 11 Haselnnt. ZaU, Mhnmlehl 32577 H.deOce 2-4 1:15 fast 44 Ml 10 8 10 92 M*l B Harton 12 Pros. Lynn, Transit. MissKruter 325::7 Howie lm20y 1:46 good 91 113 3 4 5 4 2 3-.:i E Haynes H Boxer. Mr. Mack, Fonctionnalra 32492 Bowie 7-8 l:274 ,good 6 116 110 11 11 ll2 9:2 F Robsonl2 M. Kruter, Joe Finn Ualawar 32445 Howie 6i f l:22.-fast 26 112 4 8 7 71 5j F Haynes 11 Korfhage, Dollna, BeptOU 31832 N.Orlns 11:42 fast 7 112 4 7 7 3 81 6«3 F Robson 9 Alex Beta, Tom Caro, Progressive REYBOURN, b. g, 10 108 By Star Shoot— Last Resort W. Stormont. 32659 H.deGce 3-4 103%fast 43 110 7 4 6 6 1 5 1 F Merimee 10 ZaU Two Borah Laura 25681 Bowie UnMy l:48%nlop 31-5 KM 3 5 3 4 41 34i J Dodd 7 Euterpe Eagetic LUpirituefla 25675 Bowie 1 1-18 l:49%faat 21-5 109 3 3 4 I 6 6"* J Dodd 8 Blackford, Batwa, Mary Warren 25630 Bowie 7-8 l:28-5fast 6 113 Left at the post. B Haynes 8 R..uliette, IdaClaire OTisTrue 25614 Bowie lmJoy 1:45 V:. fast 27-5 111 7 6 5 7 72 62M Buxton 8 Harry Lauder, Bnterne KtteeftH ■:j527 H.Spgs lm70y 1:40 fast 6 108 5 5 5 5 Pu.up.J Dreyer B !flagration, Flilaway. S Savin 25488 Il.Spgs lmTOy l:44*4fast 8 110 7 7 7 7 7 7» J Dreyer 7 OuidePost, RedCross B Ht nsley ■si, a lm7oy i:i;vv;:,st 12 110 17 7 5 2 ljj Dreyer 7 Birka, Jack Beeves, Goodwood «-y« 25409 H.Sp gs 51 f l:07Ufast 30 111 Refused to break. J Dreyer 8 Car.Orme, Souvenir Pontefraet 25319 N.Orlns 2 3:30 15 104 5 1 1 1 4l 44J M Gnrner 8 Polly H.. Cadenza Bus -.-nt 25269 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 2 107 1 2 2 3 31 3» A Collins 11 Birka, Roy, Lady Spirituelle 25211 N.Orlns 1 1-8 lSlftfnttt 3 112 fi 6 6 6 6 5™ A Collins C Aristocrat. Injury, Bus. ASttttt MELIA, ch. f, 3 97 By Meelick— Regea P. Sheridan. 30838 Havana Sft f lM%tttat 20 100 1 | BJ r* B C Wattt S Olyn O.. Otisco, Ed Garrison 29401 D.dtGce Eft f 1:0s fast 22 M8 5 I 6 52 43i M Andson 8 Aimee T. Bky Iteorobtte IjjBM H.deOca 5-8 l:01%faat 216 115 2 4 5 4 4" M Andson 7 Senest, Q.oftheWater " B Witch 2SS65 BlueBon. Sft f l:09%hvy 21 102 5 2 7 84 825 D McAfee 9 Rhymer, Med. Miss Kath Gray 28759 Connht Eft f l:14%alop 63-10 107 8 7 8 7J 7SJ T Parton 18 Begreso, Haselnnt Omeea 2S632 Windsor 6-8 1 :02,r,good 9-5 10511 1 1 1» l2 f Robson 7 ThtsLQueen, Gratitude Rcreso 28175 Hthorno 51 f Dfast 30 109 1 2 2 3« 3 R Hack 8 Sedan, Sleeper Jovial 28101 Hthorno 3-4 l:17Vifast 15 93 3 1 1 21 6si U. Hack ti Deckhand, Meetageae, Jovial VARDA B.. blk. m, 6 106 By Sorcerer— Flirt N. Kitron. 33796 Connht 2-11:15 fast 17f MB 5 S J 10 FI F MerlmeelS LLoadoa M Gayle TCaBawar 52513 BlueBon. 3-11:17 hvy 45 lot 6 3 2 8 V W Collbts s P.lue Fo L Mexican Costmner 23312 Dorvnl 3-4 l:17%slo« 16f 110 8 6 5 5 6SJ V Collins 12 Little Abe, Qaien S.ibe Yennik 29716 Hillerest Ab5-,s i:oiyr.Kood 5 112 5 4 4 | 34 T McCulh 8 Cuddle Un bdui Parcel Post 29696 Hlllcrest AbS-S l:00-:,.fast 6 108 5 4 3 4-1 B Byaa 8 Doctor D. BirBarmond T Han 29576 Hlllcrest Ab5-8 1 :0iv-.tast 10 10S 6 4 8*1 6*9 B Ryan B Brookcress. Cork, y W Y Lady 29452 Keaapton S t i:l34-5mud 6 loa 4 4 41 B*ft B Byaa S BunJee, 8aDJeO*Day, Odd Cross NIGHT OWL, b. g, 3 105 By Star Shoot— White Owl J. K. L. Ross. 33104 Wdbine 3 1 l:15%g;ood 11 183 2 11 12 IM 12" W Collins 13 Anita. Lady Mexican Gold Bov 32954 Wdbine 3 4 l:i3%fast 76 VQ 4 3 3 n» 5Ti W Collins ti Rancher, Hauberk. Bondage 32806 Pimlico 8-4 l:14%fast 21 f MB 9 8 9 8* 11" W Collins IS T.byJnry, T. Decision K.-we ma 22762 limiico 3-4 l:15%good 97 112 2 5 B 81 6"3 T Bice 10 Nebraska, CornTssel Gold Rod 50221 limiico 3-4 1:14 slow 13 IM 4 6 6 51 62 J McTagt 7 Reprobate, F. Wand, Courteliio 29462 H.deGce SI t IM mud 13-20 113 1 1 1 1" 1« J McTagt B Monomoy, H.Columbia Dlxiell 29395 H.dctlcc 5-S 1 :01Vf,fast 41-10 115 2 3 5 51 4-J J McTagt 12 Friendless, Kilts Swoon SMM H.deGce 5-S l:01Vr,fast 3 115 1 1 2 21 32 J McTagt 8 Lively, Golden Bod, Monomoy BABY RASCH, ch. g, 3 M 99 By Cyclades— Black Pearl C. F. Brant. 35651 BIneBon. 3-4 l:18%hvy 120 MM 11 11 13* 12" B Dcnobuel4 Cardome, Beauty Snot Armine 3M78 Devshire 3-4 1:15 fast 47 io4 6 4 3 61 S" E Smith 12 CrumpsaU. January Soring Sonc 318M N.Orlna Sft f IM slow 30 MS 7 7 7 7- 7*3 P Lowder 9 El Rev, Sir Oliver," Velvet 31142 N.Orlns 1 l:42fast 15 MS 6 7 7 4 7l 6" W Obert 10 Mikifula. Fleurou II. . Cuneo 31092 N.Orlns 3-4 50 .112 7 8 5 4 . 410 W Obert 0 Kultur, Tioga, Griintiv 30439 Bowie 51 f l:M%alOW 85 112 10 10 10 ]oj 10 A Collins 11 Al Hudson, R. Finn "M-igneHna 27132 Jamaica. 5-8 1:04 good 40 110 1 8 8 9 94C Fbther 8 Mhtta, Old Dmry, Jitney 20939 Jamaica 5-8 lMtstttttt 30 104 4 4 4 4 411 M Garner 4 KathrynGr.iy, fllllliT. Solveig Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above lie scratched: RHYMER, ch. c. 3 107 By Salvation— La Poeta J. J. Troxler. 33104 Wdbine 3-4 1 :15%good49-M 93 11 13 10 9- 8*1 H Jeffeott IS Anita, Lady Mexican Gold Boy 33011 Wdbine 3-4 l:17,hvy 7 113 I 7 7 61 S*ft L Lvkes 7 El Rev, Comacbo, Q.of the 8«a 32706 Lexgton 3-4 l:15/ofast 33 10 110 12 10 7 7J 3 B loose 12 Peter Jay, The Duke. Juvenile 32838 Lcxgton 3-4 1:18%hvy 13 103110 8 4 11 l2 E Martin 11 S. League, Curlicue v de Leon MM oaklwn 1 1 :42/-,fast 21 113 6 6 5 6 41 3° G Warren 8 Lady Ward, Dr.Prather Perseus 32515 Oaklwn 3-4 1 :14%fast 8 10917 7 6 3" 2" G Warren 11 Douglass S.. Thirst, The Duke 32369 Oaklwn 1 l:40V5fast 4-5 112 4 3 2 2 2s 23 T McTagt 7 Alert, Ella Rvan, Nepotism 22296 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15%hvy 8 109 6 5 5 2a 21 T McTagt 0 Mice Girl. Perseus, Sir Richard S22M Oaklwn 1 l:40%fast 6 106 6 6 6 6 41 44S F Merimee 7 Dan, Dr. Prather, Sybil 32232 Oaklwn 1 l:43%good 4 100 6 1 3 3 52 53 G Schc-rrer S Spectre, Petit Bleu. Hazelnut 22119 Oaklwn 3-4 1:17 slow 6 113 4 6 5 4h 5J L Lykes 11 Hondo, Hazelnut, Spectre 31S96 N.Orlna 1 l:44%slow 7 97 7 9 9 4 21 2» F Merimeell Stoneheuge, HsBrther, C.McMab 21866 N.Orlns 3-1 l:15%fast 7 108 12 7 6 4» 31 W Crump 14 KIRey, Bluebannock, Chemung 31789 N.Orlna 1 1 BTjlU/ 2 112 6 5 3 2 2 24 T Rice C Dan, Wat, Hester Smith :!1732 N.Orlns 3-4 l:16l/5hvy 4ft 10S 9 10 9 9 8"J V Robsonll 1ontefract. AlexGeta, L.Mildred MISS GAYLE, b. m, 6 106 By The Commoner — Alpaca C. A. Crew. C2S29 Connht 3 4 l:134£fnst 17 lol 6 6 6 8*1 S10 .1 Dreyer 12 Philistine, Bet, Is, Astrologer 33796 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast IM 107 I 6 4 4- in H Cuttriss 12 I.yLoiil.m, 1h.Callawa v. A; mine 23579 BlueBon. 3-4 1 :19"/-,hvy 52 105 3 M M 10 10- D Lomas It Pom. Park. Montreal. BghtSand 23351 Dorval 8-4 DlOvifast 13 10S 4 2 3 I1 11" L Mink 12 Poppee, Mies Girl, Boy. Interest 33806 Wdbine 3-4 l:18%hvy 38 ins 5 4 5 ll1 1224 II Cuttriss ll Dr. Nelson, Br. Sand, Astrologer 32989 Wdbine 3-4 l:14%fnst 33 188— — — — 13- L Dykes IS Q.ef theSea, Dollna, Cannenade M44 Kenilwh 3-4 l:15! ;good 23 h 5 7 2 I2 4* A Casey s Kootenay, Lohengrin, BlncaiU 29918 Kenilwh Sft f 1:10 slow 31-10 M E 3 4i 4si A Casey 12 Bale Home, York. Bov. Harwoed EMS Hlllcrest Ab5-8 l:00%fast 2 107 6 4 31 ll A Casey 8 M.Johnson, 1n.Dick, MaudeLcdj MAZKIK. b. g, 6 108 By Mazagan— Nikita E. J. McGraw. 33651 BlueBon. 3-1 1 :18**hvy 9 ill 13 B 8 11 !!-• L Mink 14 Cardome, Beauty Soot. Armhrn 33588 BlueBon. 8-4 l:HV:.f;«stl3-10f 109 I 9 13 IP 12" L Biak 18 Hondo, Perpetual, Liidy Dmdon 23351 Dorval 8-4 l:18%fuut 18-5 115 10 6 6 ll1 12» ■ Haynes 12 Poppee, MieoGirl, Boyallaterest 33275 Dorval 5ifl:10%fast 10f M8 4 3 3 31 4 A Johnson 11 Nellie B., Bachs Blend, Em-ore 32632 H.deGce 3-4 1:14%fast 31 115 5 I 2 M 1» B Troxler 14 Gain way. M. Choice, Prhnllarry 32617 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 24 IM 10 8 6 72 41 R Troxler 15 Owaga. Kncore, Lttnaj 32593 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 54 108 5 6 3 31 5,lA Johnson 9 Nightstick, Max. Choice, Hops EDDIE HENRY, ch. g. 4 111 By Cunard— Melton Mowbray D. A. OMcara. 33579 BlueBon. 3-4 l:19%hvy 13-5 102 1 7 5 G2 8*» A CampblllS Dmn.Park, Montreal. BghtSand 33500 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14%faat 21-5 112 1 3 4 31 5Jff Colltea IS Hondo. Perpetual, Lady London 32979 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 24-5 103 9 8 8 4h 2 .1 Drwer 10 Alex Getz. Hondo, Early Sight 32998 PlmllCO 3-4 l:l." 24-5118 3 4 4 31 31 J McTagt 8 Iaa Kay, Sea Bench, Estimable 32848 Pimlico 7-8 19 P 8 2 11 1 3ft 41 J P Byna 8 Reprobnte, M. Kruter, E. Sight 32695 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%fast 17 115 1 6 6 3l 421 S WolsfmlO Surprising, BteBarina, MnrhuttM MM Laurel 11-16 1:16 fast 31 108 2 1 1 1 4»k 64i B Taplin 0 Gold. Boy, B. Thistle, W. Shoes 29539 Laurel 1 l:40%fast 33-6 112 4 3 3 2 2» 221 E Taplin 8 Jem, Transit. Wodan GORDON, br. h, 6 114 By Martinet — Suave S. Bruce. 33829 Connht 3-4 l:13%fast 36 MS 2 7 7 C3 5"3 T Parton 12 Philistine. Bet. Is, Astrologer 33878 Hlllcrest Ab6if l:25%fast 21 120 73i II Watts 8 Divan, Miss Brush, Frontier 33613 Hlllcrest AbOAf 1 :24%fast 8 US ll H Watts 8 Rubicon II. . Inez, Dr. aim 23465 Dufferin 11-16 1:56 fast 2 116 3H H Watts B Batata, Virgledot, San Jon 33157 Dufferin Abfi.f 1:27 fast 3 120 I3 H Watts 7 OTisTrue. J.W.OShea, Mazurka 33M8 Dufferin AbSftf l:27%good Sft 113 3»1 H Watts 8 Constituent, Ada Anne, San Jon ."3272 Dufferin Ab7-8 l:33%fast 4 118 »2 II Watts 10 Bertnudian, Dr. Kendall, Betala 33006 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%hvy 16-5f 119 8 5 8 92 9»f F Robsonl3 Dr.Nelson, Br.Sand, Astrologer SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 22, 1914—1:18 — 4—97. SHRAPNEL, b. g, 4 108 By Out of Reach— Ferrol C. W. CampbelD. 33761 Connht lm20y l:424*faat 86 90 3 3 3 4 51 514 J Rodguez 7 Alhena, Reno. Bluebannock 23651 BlueBon. 3-4 DIS/shvy 11 109 9 11 9 7s 512 T Parton 14 Cardome, Beauty Spot. Armine MM BlueBon. 3-4 1:19%hvy 83-10 102 2 6 8 71 57i J Rod guezlO Dom. Park, Montreal, BghtSand MM WdbtttS 3-4 l:lS%hvy 16-5f 109 9 9 10 101 105 J Rodguczl.3 Dr.Nelson, Br.Sand, Astrologer 32864 Pimlico lm60y l:46%fast 138 97 8 3 8 8 8 824 J Rodguez 8 Infidel II. , Goodwd, K.Baiiinn 32695 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%fast 233 110 9 9 9 94 9" W Collins 10 Surprising. Stellarina, Mariauao 32631 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 19f 100 10 11 9 91 ll12 W Collins 12 Encore. Znli. Laura 32506 Bowie 51 f l:10%slop 10 126 7 4 3 2ft 4" T Parton 9 Pastella. Brickley, Brave MISS FAY, b. f, 4 95 By Stanley Fay— Kyle W. Walker. 33760 Connht 1 l:42%fast 13f 971 7 10 12 11 11B 914 E Donohuel2 Statim. Old Pon. Red Post .O010 Kenilwh lm70yl:57**,nvy 39 98 6 6 8 8 8»» A Collins 8 Ham. Dame, Kathleen!!., Exmer 298S3 Kenilwh 3-4 1:19 hvy 26 106 9 9 8 531 A Casey 10 Exmer, VivianS., DorotiiyCarlin 29492 Wdbine 1 3-4 s:ra rast 24 94 1 5 6 5 5* 6" W Crump 7 Cop. King, U. of Oak, Tartarean MM Wdbine 1 1-4 2:10W good 28 115 4 4 4 3 3« 215 T Rice 4 Gala Water. GoodShot, OldPop 29329 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:48%fast 64 96 3 U 11 10 10* 10» W Crump 12 Amphion. Silk Bird. F.Montague GALAR, br. g, 6 M 109 By SolitairoII. — Arisbe J. F. Hynes. S38M Connht Ab 2 3:52 fast 14 145 2 7 5 4 3« 310 W Daly 8 Reddest. Welshman. Tredettc SjeO BlueBon. Ab 2 4:27%hvy 15 137 4 4 4 3 3 3 W Daly 4 EarlyLight. H. of Oak, Rhomb 33522 BlueBon. Ab2 4:23%hvy 30 146 6 Lost rider. W Daly 7 Chevron, Slumberer, Welshman SMM Dufferin 1 1-16 1:56 fast 25 109 7»J J Dodd 8 Harwood, Fly.Feet, F. G. Hogan 3-549 Bowie lm20y 1:50 slow 23 105 7 6 6 6 61 541 H Wakoft 7 Life. Brave, Tom Hancock 32485 Bowie 1 1-16 1:56 hvy 29 105 8 8 8 8 8 8» R C Watts 8 F. Duster, Inquietn, Ed Bond 32444 Bowie 1 l:45%fast 63 116 1 1 1 1 2l 65| A Minder 8 Minda, Spectre. Brown Prince 32256 Havana 1 l:43%fast 3 108 8 8 8 7 42 B*8 A Minder 8 Gauo. Oakhurst. Dronii PERPETUAL ch. g, 6 109 By Ornament — May Hempstead W. Obernester. 23797 Connht 1 1-16 l:49%fast 22 110 2 4 6 7 7 7«1 W Doyle 7 Buzz Around, Minda, Alston S3762 Connht 1 1-16 1:49 fast 18 106 2 1 1 2 41 812 W Doyle 10 Sam Slick, Boxer, Minda 33500 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14%fast 74 109 6 7 3 41 2 W Doyle 15 Hondo, Lady London, Broom vale 121* F Merimee 13 Q.of theSea, Dolina, Cannonade 32960 Wdbine 3-4 l:14%fast 28-6f 111 — — — — 29490 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 29 113 7 3 4 6ft 42i J Wtlliamsl3 Casco, Lady Mildred, L.Fortune 29429 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:49%good 63ft 105 6 2 1 1 6* 610 J Willlamsll 0 bolus, Fairly, Weyanoke COWTEHPAET, b. « 7 109 By McGee— Little Whit A. Smith. SS V.8J!re, J l:41%fast 16f U2 7 12 12 12 12 12" A Claver 12 Virg. W.. Impression. Day Pay SS 5ov sh.!re lm70yl:45%fast 27 101 9 8 9 I 9 9 R Bolton 9 Star Bird, Caro Nome, Petlar ™cl£eY,?h,re 3-4 1:13%fast 12f 103 10 I « ■ 4=1 F Merimee 12 LmL Tillotson. Alex Getz otJR*,.*11 ll:46Vsmud 20 111 2 4 7 7 91 9" M Buxton 10 L,WinKton, Tsport. C.onDvery «»I!£a,k,1.wn , ll:«2%goodl0 111 6 6 6 10 10 10" W A CarlllO r.Morpm, R.Onkwood. Til til II 22SSRaklwn lm"0.v l:46%fast 15 112 8 9 9 9 10 10" E Haynes 10 PetitBleu, Plaudito, Pri.Mover 32077 Oakl wn 1 1-16 1:52 slow 8 114 6 3 3 6 4» 4" W A Carll 7 B.Baker. Stelcliff, Transport MALHEUR, ch. g. 5 M 104 By St. Simonian II.— Fleur de Marie L. Miller. 221 ."ii"1 1 1-M l:«Mtf««t 119 HIT f, C 5 3 6* 6«3 D Stirling T Ban Around. Minda. Alston H-.i, ™, d£lne , 3-4 1:17%hvy 11 107 3 9 7 6« 6"S D Stirling 11 W. the Fourth. Exhorter. D.Fav t£in£,ml!co lm60y l:60%alow 50 115 8 7 8 7 8* 71 D Stirling 9 T.BgianlL, Bkboanl. Mdrama Jo-.- Sowle ll:46%slup 26 109 4 6 6 6 41 4 5 D Stirling tt Dolina, Egniont, Repton *??«-* S"*1* 61 f 1:2Wut 21f 112 9 10 8 8b 8«i D Stirling 11 Korfhage. Dolina. Kepton 303,6 N.Orl ns 3-4 l:18%hvy 3u 111 3 3 3 4* 4*4 W Doyle 12 MissKruter, Earlvmoru. Recluse SEVENTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 22, 1511 — 1:4S — 1 — 07. ALSTON, b. g, 5 109 By Albert Star— Presentation E. M. Fine. HfgCO"** 1 1 16 l:! 8 5 107 7 5 3 4 8* »«§ V Collins 7 Ban Around. Minda. Inquieta ........ .nun ht 1 1 16 1:19 Cast !• los 8 4 3 3 3"t 4i T Rice 111 Sum Sli.-k. Boxer, Minda 33231 Dorval 1 1-10 l:f.S%good 29 107 1 8 13 12 8* 9IU W Oolllna 14 CoLMatt, Col.Gutelius, Pr.Harrj 32808 Pimlico lm70y 1 :48%fast 38-3 112 6 5 5 4 4* 8* W Collins 8 R.Langdoa. Infidel II., Rovnlist o..«99 Pimlico 1 1-K l:53%fast 26 115 14 6 4 3- 1J ■ Haynes T IT. Lauder, Pi. not. MaryWarrea UI2 H.dcGce lm70yl :47%faat 22 109 9 8 10 8 8 J 7J K AmbroselO Oc.Prince, R.Lnngdoii. Briekley 32556 Bowie lm20y l:46ifast 7 107 5 4 5 5 3l 38 H Wakolt 7 In.iuieta, Joe Finn. Devil Fish TOOTSIE, b. f. 8 95 By Hessian— Phida C. Reed. 33850 Connht 11-16 1:50 fast 51 9" 7 7 7 7 7 7"i G SuthTn.l 7 K. Hamburg. BsssAroand, Tito 83882 HlUcrest Ab6f 1:38 .slop 8-5 113 5- II Dennler 8 Miss shot. Treowen, Cashup 38489 Mlboro 1 l-l«i 1 :6S%faat — K f .! Gartner 8 rredaJohason. BnnKtet, T.Harc 83333 Prospct U-H1M mud — 95 •: .I Gartner 5 L.Hugld. FredaJaKon. L.lY.-n.-e .-..22;. Prospct 11-16 1:53 fast — MS :;•» R Watts r. cho.-t.iw. Lane Star, Merry Lad 33130 Bait. Ab 1 1-10 l:52 , — St I* .1 Gartner S L.lnVenee. Laatana, T. Hancock .,.045 Halt. Ab 6i f l:22%fast — 1«3 ::« C Jackson 8 I nn, Freda Johnson, Onar 32861 Pimlico 1 1:43 fast 45 101 7 8 8 8 71 7= A Collins 8 Kcbo, Plumose. Cannonade ASTROLOGY, ch. m. 5 M 112 By Star Shoot— Elsie B. J. E. Madden. 2OTa3 Belmont 1 1 :.?.». -.last 10 92 4 6 I I 41 S*j P Louder N Bac, G. M. Miller. Cuv Fisher 20726 Belmont 8-4 l:U%fast 12 91 2 3 3 I 8*f P Lowder 4 Housemaid. Kilknv Boy Prairie 20.66 Belmont 64 f l:20*gond 1 Ml I 3 4 4 4«| C B D. Shore. Presumption Bethoves 8MSS Belmont 8| f 1:21 mu.l 15 M8 I 3 3 :;- 3J C Brady 5 Thornhill. Presumption Spbead 20369 Belmont I l:49%fast 30 9S 3 1 4 4 4- 4*1 C Brady 5 BlueThistle. Amain Wood Shoes 1.29, Belmont 3 1 st 1:12 fast 7 Ml 3 3 3 3 8«»|J McTagrt 3 Pullux. Monrrosa 17 i7. Belmont 51 f st l:05%fast 6 M8 5 7 3 2 . 8* J McTagrt 7 Bbroidery, Change M.Mgoswiw 16992 Belmont 5 s st 59%fast 20 104 6 6 4 41 6» J McTagrt 7 Sharpshooter. Sarsenet Doublet 16868 Belmont 5J f st l:08%fast IS 10S 10 7 5 4* 4" H Banter 10 Sbpabooter, R.Martyr Gloaming I06I6 Empire H f LOSigood 15 107 4 4 4 4 4°J C Turner 4 Lady Teresa, Pierrot, Ceo. Bocad ENJOY, b. f. S 96 By The Elector— Enameline E. Lutz. 33716 Hillcrest Ab6jf l:2S2f,good 8 loy 65 JDodd 7 Virgiedot. Cherrylteile Harwood S::60S HillcreHt Abtlf IM good 10 109 77J J Dodd S Clint. Mex Tis True 33458 Dofferin AbCK 1:26 fast 10 107 V3 Dodd 8 Minstrel. Jtubicn II.. .Muzanti 33302 Dufferin Ab.r.-S 1:02 good I 107 l3 J Dodd 7 Al Court. Minnie F Canto 33131 Dolmicr Ab6if l:32%slop 14 104 1J J Dodd 7 Hen. Walbank. Plunger, Harold 88M8 DeTmier Ab5-8 1 :03%fnst M 104 and*§ J Dodd lO Detour, Bal.ODay Panhachapi 32516 Oaklwn 11:12 fast 50 ST, 11 13 12 12 11* 11s* H EricksnBt Scrutineer. KingK E Greeting* 22390 Essex Pk 61 f 1:07 fast 100 93 10 10 10 10 10-8 H Ericksn 10 Kilkenny, Sir Oliver, Perseus FAIRLY, b. g, 6 109 By Marchmont II— Locust C. F. Brant. 38888 Connht 1 1-8 l:5.;.-,fast 19 M8 2 4 6 I ::- 5" L. Mink 6 Baby Slater, Boxer Sam Slick 88888 Connat 11-M1:48 fast 15 103 5 S « 0 V* §*| B DonohnelO Sam Slick. Boxer, Minda 33623 BtaeBon. 1 1-8 2:04f,hvy 59-10101 5 5 4 3 2= 21 ■ Donolme 0 D.Creot, L.Wiagton I! roiind 3352. BlueHon. 118 2:02 hvy 12 M2 4 6 6 I 5« 43 ■ Donohue 8 B. Sister. G.Pickett L Winston 333.". Dorval 1 1-1 2:12%faat 44 106 3 8 9 9 S3 9-4 R McDoCtlO Cot.Gatelius, Monoracy Boxer 3327s Dorval lm2*y l:48%faat 14 M8 2 6 6 6 6 5,SD Stirling ti PrimHarry, T.Bnaybody T.Cara 32882 Devshire lm20yl :46-f,-ist 27 110 S 10 10 10 M 10s1 A Pi.-kcns 10 CMcFerrn. Budweiser, P Money 8MC8 W.OrTna 1 1-8 1 :." ;yr,fast 6 ho 1 2 4 7 8* l*f W Obert 8 Taakagiriag, Vodelei Pirat8tar 31755 N.Orlns 1 1-4 2:15 hvy 10 105 5 4 4 6 5l o1 W Obert 7 Moscowa. Men. Park. StolciiAnte BIRKA, br. m, 6 107 By Solitaire II.— Lily Golding J. Lowenstein. 33757 Connht 3-4 1 :l.V-,fast 93 M7i S 10 io io 9*1 L. Mink li» .nita, Betweea Is Barilla 33275 Dorval 5 f l:M*4taat MC MI 7 s M n li14 R Har*ton 11 Nellie p.. Backs Blend Kncora 32924 Da v-shire 1 l:4:tv,fast 1 1 »3 9 6 6 7 5 433 A Claver II r.ogart. F.ut.rpc. Frosty Pace 8MB8 Devshire 8-4 1:1.". -fast 12 IDS 10 10 10" $»• W Mor"seyl2 Kosemarv, Cn rt Roberts, Dash J9?»69 Hatonia 11-8 1:53 fast 22 l 7 1 4 3 4 32 8*1 I l.vkos 8 M.Dulwcber, .1. Louise, Lit. Bigger 29803 Latonia lm70y 1:45 fast 21-5 106 13 1 1 P 3«J L Lvkes 11 B. Velvet, C. Brown Camellia 29766 La tonia 1 1-18 1 :50*-h.vy 17 104 5 3 4 4 5 5»J L Lvkes 8 Ask Her, R. Shooter. S B Meyei 29113 Dorval 3-4 IS%kvy 11 113 7 7 7 7 5J T Haves 7 Med. Boy, Minstrel, Springmase

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