Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-21

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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, June 21. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30. XKuus well lu mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: June 22, 1910— 59— 2— 100. Todays Iiid. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 33728 = * Pin Tra v 104 .. 720 33703* Tumble In 1111:02% 104x710 B27S0* Hamilton A M8..7M 88789* Roaallad IM 1:84% 104. .705 MM Zu Zu KM 1:02:-. 109.. 705 88888 Tom Tit 112 1:112+5 112.. 705 33728 Aaaaltae 197 "1:92 148X799 83831 Little Princess ... 199.. 194 SHM BaMf Tail—kl . .109 1:88% 112.. 700 Before Dawn. b. c, liy Mushroom — Lady Colonist .. 109 Darnny, br. c, by Magneto— Mizzle 112 Tnar, cli. c, bv Mi- i.t — Itoyal Tna. 112 Also eligible to start in order mimed should any of tin- ahem lie scratched; 88788* Miss Bonero 118 1*8$ 109. .710 38798 Colter MB 1:92% 148.. 798 33817 Lady Luxury 199.. 788 19988 Pi i.rfay 112 1:03 112. .705 3SR31* Breeay 199. .718 83738 Laggard 112 1:02.m 112X780 33714 Lady G 107 1*2% 189X718 33732 W. V. Hastings. ..UMi 1*8% 199X796 33CS8* Walter Brady 112 1:02% 112. .728 33631 Stripes 198. .715 .!3.s:2 .lad: Hill 112 1*4% 112. .7oo IS1M K.ilo 112 1:02% 112X710 Race of doubtful outcome. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3 rear ■Ma. Fillies. Ctatatta*;. Track record: June 27, 1914—1:11—5—110. I37M I.iidy Kathera 110 1:14% 199X725 ■SMS* Hasty Cora 102 1:14 112X720 33193 Saffron Girl 199 1:15% 109X715 83749 Adeline I.. Ml 103 1:15 199..7M 27542 Dental lot*.. 705 S37S4 Gretcaen It 90 1:14% 199X795 33.02 Ghnrer Quill M.. 105 1:14-, 109/700 * ll::ii..s.i Bose, b. f, bv Handsel — Ar- d. n Beee 101 A., br. f. by Filigrane — Mistv Light 109 Lady Katie in may prove slightly/ best. Third — 3-4 Mile. 8-year olds. Fillies. Claiming. Track re... id: June 27, 1914—1:11—5-110. 33702- Hlnhlaad Lassie ..MS 1:14% 199x723 33s.-,4:i Matin 115 1:14% 112X728 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. 33441* Mill. 103 1:13% 107. .715 ! 38782 Arrow M 107 1:10 109.. 710 ; 38198 Bel] Cow 109 1:18% 109.. 705 33527s SophlaGateweodM 109X705 88888 Honey Shuck 105 1:15% 109X700 33S34 Bird Lore 104 1:15% 112X700 Highland Lassie seems decidedly best. Fourth Race — 1 1-16 Miles 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: OcC 7. 191»;— 1:48%— 3— 122. 33S34 Clare lor, 1:47% 107X725 33707* Alert 108 1:48% 105x720 38708** Irregular 9S 1:50 102X715 33709* Bqaare Dealer M0 1:47% 110X7151 I 33800 Sister Kmbl. in ... 102X710 88728 Day Dreaai M4..TM 38798 Pernod 104 1:47% 107x705 33411 Evelyn V MS 1:40% 102X708 33709 Monotony 107 1:47% 107X700 Clare is fast and in good form. Fifth Race— 3-4 Milo. 3 vcar-oMs an I upward. Allowances-. Track record: June 27. 1914 -1:11— 5 Ho. 83838 SA2ISYM1NG 117 1:13% 4 112x725 83884 Old Miss 112 1:18% 3 101x715 33527 Keaward 105 1:10% 3 102x715 33797 Valor 112 1:14% 8 188x715 33794* Si.iifliisl. 109 1:13 f, 3 97x710 83765* Safety First- 108 1:13% 4 109X710 38636 Dr. Harlow 100 1:14% 3 88X700 88808 Bard 105 1088 3 101..700 Siinsyming should win again. Sixth Rare— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year aids and upward, claiming. Track record: Oct. 7, MM— 1:43%— 8— 122. 33837* Sun Maid 107 1:47% 4 100x725 SSN372* Grasraere 1M 1:45% 10 101X780 33804 Margaret E 80 1:47% 4 100X715 33107 Cue!.. Will 95 1:47-, 4 102X710 :n7.t! * Belgian Trooper... 4 97 705 33838 Col. Miirelimoiit ..108 1:48% 8 188. .70S 33730 Spadix M 101 1:51 4 M2..7O0 88788* Tboraweed 1081:48% 4 102X700 Sun Maid baa ix«n racing well. Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miler.. 4-ye:ir obis and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 7. MM— 1:48%— 3— 122. S3 hi Chief Broara 103 1:17% 4 110x725 33729* Southern League OI 104 1:48% 4 100X720 33799 Lindenthal 105 1:48% 5 106X7151 33799* Harry Gardner. ...107 1:48% 4 87X710 82929 Uusy Alice 4 loo 705 33837* WiUdo 112 l:48%m 4 107X7116 88788 Batcaler 109 1:47% 5 111. .705 Nothing outstanding liere. FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Jane 22, 1910 88— 2—109. Index Conrse DistTiuieTckOdda Wt St i tt *4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish PIN TRAY, b. f, 2 M 104 By Peep oDay— Ten Pin J. S. Barbae. :: K» l.iitonia 4ft f 84%faa* IS MK| 4 1 Ift 2ft K Martin 12 IhnaSchorr, B.Priaces« M.Wlad 22111 churchl f| f H teat 10 Ml 4 5 6* 4: b Kleeger IS Desire, Korea Bda Uerrnuiaa TUMBLE IN, ch. f, 2 M 104 By Plaudit— Auvergne J. W. Mav. :. EH Latonia 8-8 l:01-.-,fast 73-10 lh 8 8 3 S 7". I Hanover 8 Ameiita Jam-Vr inres Crvs D ,v MM8 Deftaioajt 4ft f at 53 fast 7 M8 K 14 14 15 « J Williamsl7 Paganini. Aiaackaacia. Santiago 33163 Jsaaatra 8-8 l*S%taat 8 118 4 4 I 4 8*1 J Wllliama 7 Ballast, Bcabbard, Confiscation 23025 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 5 loS 6 5 4 f»B o* J WilUanaa 7 Corydoa, FnmkKeogh A Arrow :hjM Jamaica 5-8 1 :02Vif ast 4 111 3 4 3 2 8* J WUliaDM 7 Starwort. Josie A. Bafauaariea ::_m;h Plnmlleo 1-2 49%fast 5 111 11 7 74 8* J Wtlllaaaall Treas.Trove, L.Ilerbert. Wetoaa :!2:m Pimlh-o 45 f 8T%1aai 81 112 I 8 0 51 4 J WUliaaai 1 Daliaae, peeper. Martial Masie o271ti Iimlico 4i f 57%slop 17 Ml 4 4 C G" B1* K Hayaea 0 Plancy, Lit. Sweeper, Suunyllill HAMILTON A., br. g, 2 M 109 By Todtiington— Kollybush W. E. AppleEate. 327M Lexgton 4 f 87%a|oar 27-10 111 1 2 2 V C ilunt 6 C.A.Ciskey, T.Sahib. 1. Wilson ::•.:•. L«x*gt«a 4i f 8*%hvy 11 IM 4 I I* » » c Hunt 10 Poatxaaster, At. Jtair, Haseen U8M Lex-gton 1-2 4«i fast Ml Ml C 7 7- !•• C limit HKoridy, FaHadr. Half aad Half ROSALIND, ch. f. 2 M 104 Bv Dick Finnell— Peace D. E. Mulholland. 3384 Latoata 8-t l**%faat 7!f HON 9 10 lo- h » N Barrett 12 Pastime, k Tn.vito U Baaete 1372k Latonia 41 f ..! . .fast 42f M I M M* W*| N Barrett 12 IlnaScnorr, PiaTray E P*ace-w 8M0 Doutlaa 4 t 8t%8»ad JO 112 11 11 11 M* a Claver 11 Clp Qatcn. Jes.onnsby, Aatdlta ZU Ztl. ch. f, 2 M 109 By Dick Welles— Woodlawn Belle W. P. Reed. :,:;;i.;r. Liitonia 8-8 l*l%faat 82 Ml 33 l * 4ft H Tnurber 8 Gipay Qaeea. Aaalea, silk Lady 33748 Latonia 8-8 l*t%faat 14:» hi 2 4 4 oi ;,» 11 Ttaarber 8 OcJSweep, J.HareJr J as Foster SMMDoaclaa 84 l*l%taat at M 7 0 4 ;- i,i 11 Tiiuri..rl2 W. Daat Rookwood. Pret P.iit.y :.:;oi7 DouglaH 4i f M%a»ad tS-M N8 3 11 7* 7::i il Tfrarl erl2 PrankWOaaa, LadyG MJkcaea 83231 Douglas Ah t M%aa«d 27 11- C s s- 47 H ThorberM Koran. ilist.Pollv. Kharenanek :111 Churciri 4i f f.5 U Ml 12 12 1H 12** H Tliurh,rl5 Desire, Koran Bda Herrmann 8M81 Chunhl 1-2 49 fast 63 112 5 4 4J 8*1 II Tnurber 12 Pretty Paby. Noontide. Pazza TOM TIT. b. c. 2 M 112 By Sweep— Chicklets C. C. Van Moter. S3G58 Latonia .. x 1*21 Ill 112 8 2 2 7 .1 Haaoverll Ambaacade, WalterBrady Kale 88488 Douglas 44 r r.:,-fast 121 112 S 7 8£ 8i C Dishmonl2 K.Hrmann. Stripes Kremui-h 3:tl% Douglas 45 t 88%aaad 54 lor, S 8 8 7=" J Callahan S Desire, Fr.Babv. W.W Hstinxk :t:illl Churchl 4* f 55 fast UXf 112 10 10 10* 8« J Morya 15 Desire. Koran Bda Herrmann 8M88 Churchl 4] t 54%fast 35 Ml 8 7 7* 7a C Diahmonl2 B.ofBlaraey, Kling. Gear Kellv 8MM Churchl 1-2 4sy0fast 62f 112 7 5 5= Cj A Pickens 11 J.T.Clark. Koran. War Machine ANGELINE. b. f, 2 M 109 By Dick Welles— Cutwai J. B. Respess. 8»Lataate 4ft f 8t%faat 88-M 111 7 5 « V L Gentry 1£ Mn.aS.-horr. PinTrav. ci-ncess .U..". Douglas 41 f 84%atad 11 ill I 2 3 V L Gentry s Mehaffes rreecatter Pce Icor :;:i253 Douglas 8-8 l*8%faat 01-10 197] 4 4 3 4 V W Kakxay IKOaj, Jaartette, W. P. Dabay LITTLE PRINCESS, ch. f. 2 M 109 By Peter Quince— Little Oasis 3. Viley. SamLataala 8 f 88%taat it;f Mi S 7 6- 6*fJ "Vaacii 11 ■■okwoad, Breeay, Katie Canal HAPPY THOUGHT, br. c, 2 M 112 By Ben Trovato— Cappadocia C. B. Reid. 23888 Latoata 8-81*1 fast MS M8ft« 5 7 S B" W Lilley 9 Kroon Peddk r. Nepe Desire 83791 Latonia 8-8 l:0:;r.hvy 120 112 G 9 9 9 8«» K Lapallte 9 rreecatter, Nib. Taalac :::14.-1 Dpnatal 5-X l:00i5fast JO 107 « 6 C « »;-= K Lapaille « V.Arica, J.IL-reJr B.B I*aaaa 3:U1G Churchl 5-8 l*8%flaat 163 Ml 7 7 9 9 8** K Lapaille 9 Louifacc, Jas.T.Clark, Herald Hirst start for the following: BEFORE DAWN, b. c, 2 M 109 By aTnunroim Eng.— Lady Colonist !*■ I ■!!■■■■ ; and Howcrton. DARNAY, br. c, 2 M 112 By Magneto— Mizzle Talbot Bros.. UNAR. ch. c, 2 M 112 By McC-ce— Royal Una Gallaher Eros.. Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: MISS B0NER0, ch. f. 2 M 109 By Tony Bonero— Busy Miss J. Livinfr*ton Xim Latoata 8-8 l*2%faat 19 118 7 7 6 5 »*ft J Metcall 12 Pastime. K. Trovato 1 Duncan Ota Liitonia 41 f Btjsaat 27 5 IM 11 10 9J 8" J Metcalf 11 Kookw NNL Breear. Katie Canal .-440 Douglas 41 f 54%good Glf 112 7 4 « 4" B Gooae 11 iip.Ouee,,: .1. s.OnuslV u,i Slta COURIER, b. f, 2 M if»9 By Una* Bonero— Eda Collins J. M. Gooaa 3788 Latonia 5-8 l*2%faat 13 US 3 2 3 0; I" H ShlBJnc 12 Paataae, K. Trerate M. Beam1 tam Latoata 4if K%faat48 llo« 4 8% 6| P Lowder 11 Rookwood Breear Katie Caaal ggg"" 5-» l:01%fast 35 Ml 4 4 8» *4 P Lowder 8 Honolulu. Koran. Sasen a MM8 Douglas 4i f 54-r.good 42 112 1 9 9i 8" H Shilling 11 Gip.Uueea, Jea Ormsbv melifi BO] Douglas 4 t 55%good 43-5 112 5 3 8* M*l H Shilling 10 Koran. Mist Poll-.- Kliirem inch 33111 Churchl 41 f 55 fast 23 HO 6 7 7» 8* P Lowder 15 De*uV. Korai TKaa HerraTann 32947 Churchl 4ft 54%fast 40 112 4 G 8- 8= P Lowder 9 Plum. Pazza. Ameiita .DY LUXURY, b. f, 2 M 109 By Tony Bonero— Lady McGee G. W. Innes. ESaiOoaartaa 4i 1 Ff%amd tftf Mil 5 Gl .-.•■:, T Henry 12 kraakWUaea, LadyG If Inn PARFAY, b. c, 2 M 112 By Boronte— May B. II. S. T. Baiter EMU Latoata 8-8 l*2%faat S9 11211 in 10 io« 10" w LIUey 11 Aartiacade, WalterBrady Kale S5J«5°" 51:Sffi g ]- 1 6 4 4 ffWLIlaw 8 8t.Aueo*tiBe, KHag, .las F s er ggOLeaEton 41 f BS%knry 52 113 7 I | 8*1 A Ctaver 10 Poatauutter, At Haaeen SMH Le£staa 1-2 51%hvy 24f 112 9 7 8% 8« A Ctaver 12 Compadre. B PeddW, Iiils-en I BREEZY, b. f, 2 M 109 By Dick Welles— Lady Roller fO. Arvin. ::.i;:i Latonia 41 f .".":. fast 12 IM 1 1 2ft 2 R Gooae 11 Rookwood Katie Caaal hum a 100 Douglas 4ft t 88%faatM Ml 4 T» 7ft H Ttnarberl2 Brataaa. Stripes.reaVVnek nzaDoaaxtaa 4ft f 5r,,good22 1121 7 8* S* M Oamer 10 Kama. aUatPoUyT Knamaaath LAGGARD, b. c, 2 M 112 By Alvcscot— Semprite G. J. Lonir. 8MB Latanta 8-8 l:02%fast 11 lis 5 f, 7 8" 8* D Connellylf p7atuae. K TroJato M Baaaaa aXBLataada 8-8 l*l%faat 88 M7 1 :: « gu VV.ii t d Connelly W Nepe I tatcaer P. v -Or. -it , 23112 Douglas 6-1 l*l%caod 14 M0 1 s 9 ?ft *•• l Connelljr 8 Brcltawell BeSfre Hoaotalo ampaaataa r.-s l*2%aaad a III 2 2 I 8 8*1 D Connelly 8 B. MclfetwelL l Uoii,. Di "t w 32927 Churchl 45 f 55 fast 32 113 8 M 8* 8*| D Connellyl:: B. Peddler. Char Nolle jiyliird 1? G-" vCh# M", .o.rlf?, By.PMPoDny-Hattie Walker J. M. Henry Jr..! ...•14 — D. n v shire 41 f a;, r 24-5 111 4 , G V 6*ft B Smiih 12 Star Baby CobriU Rafferfcr aWDonstaa E -8 l*l%faat 36 5 107 4 2 3 «ft 6* R Uooae s UoaoluJu Koran 8a* 1 i 2231, Douglas 4* f 88%aaad 51 10 MB 6 4 3* 2= R Uooae 12 F Wilson IfiaaAne* • Keiiov 23179 Douglas 41 f M%faat8S 112 5 5 3 8% K «.,«,ae M VtaiKica. AaleUta. Ptonnea W. W. HASTINGS, ch. g, 2 M 109 By Karrigan— Royal Lady A. E. Rogers .32 Latonia 5-8 l:01%faat nM MS 8 9 S 71 I 8 Shann ,„ lo Nepe. IJuTcli liov Great Cull tatSRSS*" i 3 ; 4" 4"Z i""-n 9 Ih-Mi-Dawell IVsre, lion. -f11lSH22?Jtt«2S 4ft f 88 %Md 97-10 100 8 BggP"*! 3 4- 3*ftl Shannon s Desire. Pretty Baby Pine! rst MM churchl 41 f B faatM-Mf M» 4 8 Ift 9«* X SkauinonlS B.PeddlerTcnarjiolte. JayBlrd WALTER BRADY, br. c, 2 M 112 i By Marathon— Miladi Love W. H. Baher. SMB8 Laton.a UlM»nat nMlB 1 1 1 l»"l« BOaa, 11 Kale C .Klhv.-ingor ! IfE.8, f .2. M-- . 109 By Eyebrow— Patsy Carol A. L. Kirby. 55 H,,orila !t nf%faat 4 lio 2 5 41 -Ii k Martin 11 Koakwoad Breen Katie Caaal ! ::::1. 0Dougas Si gjtatl M8 I 2 21 fV ■ Martin 12 K.Hrmann. KnmAen I Salt, fSS£2Z!2l ?, 5 p5%good 43 5 112 3 2 2U 51 K Martin 10 Koran. Mist.Pollv. Khareiaeh "1UJ« S5 S iust 2l !0" 4 c 4 4" Q ° W Cejfll 8 Itaeaant, PreLItabyTs - N.b, I2S ££«*•■ 9 * 55 fast 47 5 104 6 7 5* 0*ft G W CamlllO Dr.Shafer B.ofBlnruey Cruelty 32727 Lexgton 41 f 66%hvy 62 112 6 6 84 5= G W Carll 9 Ebony, L. Longfellow? Noontide -vP.1! IL" b C- ISSLm . 12 By Evcbrow— Kay Willie Menger and Stocss. .32 o-8 l:02%faat 48 .0 112 „ 8 S 8 8 s « L Gentry 8 P.olster. Clairvoyant Benefactor KALE, br. c, 2 M 112 By Martinet — Peeey Williams Bins 33798 Latonia 5-8 l:02%fast 21-5 118 1 8 f" T S S« V K U, paill Ciistim Trovito M Bonero am Latanta 5-S l:02%faat 31-5 112 4 8 5 8* 8* K La.aillelT Abusc rte. wSFSZ C Kllwger I ;; FWeh-1 A r «inlud l J2 I . I 4* " K LapainalS FrankWilson. LadyG., M.Agnes J2932 Churchl 41 f 55 fast 17 105 5 4 5 5- 5 K Lapaille « Pinehurst. Pret.Baby, S.-Naiiiy SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. FiUics. Claiming. June 27. 1911—1:11—5—116. YTAT?:KK• ?-,f;9L 8?. . . By Harathon-Aimee C. J. E. Paul. m 22£l£**2* WSSteHLj* 101 3 7 7 C G* G-" It Wingf,1 9 So. Dealer Irregulir Fl of Steel 33a27 Douglas 1 l:4075fast 81-10 107 6 2 3 3 3i 4 » W Lilley 7 Keaward rW Ti* V"?i « % 33441 Douglas 3-4 1 :14%good 52 110 6 3 3 3 2J W Lilley 12 WxSwUcMM?""* 32419 Tijuana 1 l:40*fa8t 10 98 10 10 10 10 10 10? W Brazel 10 Aug Heinze Striker LfistSnark 32362 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 7 1117 6 7 8* 9" W Lilley 8 Bat. Belle Ponee del eon M-fh I 32054 Tijuana lm/Oy l:45 sfast 15 91 6 1 1 1 6s 613 S McGraw 7 Sasin Otaa Star Ki-todo Him Tijuana 3-4 l:14tifast 3ft 105 7 4 4 4| 4*J W Lilley 11 Sy.Boy. KedCircle, Beaut.Girt HASTY CORA. b. f. 8 118 Bv Halting*— Nortliumbria " CO. d. Cteaaonllor . 23702 Latonia 3-4 l:16Ah vy 29-5 106 7 2 1 2 3« P Lowder 12 Clare Hiibland lawto May W £3507 Douglas 3-4 l:14%fast 4 101 2 1 1 lft 2 R Wingfdl2 Irregular, I f.cdenthal May W 8344H Douvlam 3-4 l:14%good39-10 107 4 2 I M 8| C TndS 12 Mllbrey. Lady Ka tbern. Mab . KM2 Douglas 3-4 l:14%mud 88-MM6 2 1 1 B Al Martin » Fuzzy Wuzzy. Briza. SafetyFirst 32788 Lex gton 8-4 l:15%alow 43-19 108 4 5 4 4" 4" W Crump 8 Brizz, Sister Susie. Buck Shot 32754 Lex gton 3-4 1:14 fast 11 102 2 1 1 |i| ij w Crump 10 Blue Cap. Briaa, Blue Racer 32722 Lex gton 3-4 1:16 hvy 47 100JU 7 I 61 6 * P Lowder 11 Sosius, Blue Cap, GroverUugbea ! ; I SAFFRON GIRL, ch. f, 3 109 By Peter Quince— Mary Morris Gallaber Bros.. :.31!i3 Douglas 3-4 l:lti*imud 8ft IM 1 3 4 4 » G" W Andressl2 Immense. Matin. May W 32740 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 fast 14 112 3 5 3 8 88S W Andress S Battle. Meliora, Clare 88848 LexKton 3-4 l:14ifeslow 149 113 9 9 9 83 8" W Andress 9 Diamond. BelieveMeBovs, Mida 30138 Latonia 3-4 l:13%faat 36-5109 1 3 4 71 Sl IV AndreaalO Bullion. Ben H.impson." Basil 88888 Latonia 81 f l-*B%alOW 16 Ml 1 2 2 21 26 J Callahan H Pas.Kaucv. M. Belle, Bed. Stories 2P9.9 Latonia 61 f l:M%aaad 5 110 8 6 6 51 3-J W Andress 8 P.ed.. Stories, Diamond. Ldylvan 8MM Latonia 5i f 1:07 fast 51 115 1 4 5 4 4» W Andress 9 Vatue. Suuflash, Latonia 29G15 Churchl 5-8 1:01 fast 31 110 2 2 2 2» 1» W AndresslS S.Wellons, Mil.idiAnne Pulaski 2921S Douglas 8ft f l:07Vsfast 26-5 111 2 1 2 2* 3ft W Andressll Diamond. Uhvme, Geo. C. Love 2S895 Lexgton 6-8 1:02%fast 7-5 112 6 6 4 31 5JW Andressl2 T. Baroness. L.Katbern. Q Park 262C9 Churchl 4J f 63%fast 15 109 1 3 4 3»ft W Andress 9 Sunflash. Greentree. Lit. Spider ADELINE L„ ch. f. 3 M 109 By Rapid Water— Mae Erwin M. Shields. : 3703 Latonia 1 l:4f%ftnr* 31 97 112 2 # 514 J Gruber 9 Sq.Dealer, Irregular. Fl nfSteel 33141 Douglas 8-4 ld4%food I3f 103 3 7 8 6* 5i J Gruber 12 Mllbrey, LadyKataera, HaaUaia 27427 Tijuana 5-Sl:01%fast 20 106 6 5 4 43 tjW Ormts 8 Svbil. Wand. Lady Laaaa 27310 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%fast 1-5 108 8 4 4 21 21 E Pool 0 M. Smith. Ella B. Hester H 27154 Tijuana g»8 1 :01%fast 7 110 4 4 4 4* 32 J Boland 7 1,. Leona, Trcowen, Geraldauie 27058 Tijuana 5-3 1:02 fast 8 105 3 3 3 32 3J E Smith » Wand, Persevere, Giraldame 2G953 Tijuana 5-8 l:02yofast 9 106 7 5 3 2b 31 E Smith 8 Fighter. Lady Leona. Hester H. 207S7 Tijuana 5-8 l:01"ifast 15 112 8 9 9 91 9" D Boland 10 Sybil, Persevere, FancyFcathcrs DEKTAL, b. f, 3 109 By Stalwart — Dentifrice G. W. J. Bissell. 27542 PortBrle 8ft f 1:09 fast 34 1114 4 5 51U :.« J Divyer 0 Bon Otis. LnoilcP.. ValerieWest 27447 PortErta 5-S 1:03 slow 17 105 G 4 3 31 78i J Dreyer 9 lacaa, Fan O.. Queen of the Sea 27327 Ham ton 5-S l:01,fast fid 118 I 4 G S2 B"f F RobinsnlJ Swiftiox, BlaePol Beaat Morn 26809 BlneBon. 5-S l*2%alap 14 109 6 6 6 8» rji T Parton 7 Manokin. P.lue Fox, Cr. at Dolly 2G357 Wdbine 41 f 27-10 112 4 7 7 711 C Jones S Savilla. P.. and Early. I.ynette 882M Wdbine 41 f 55%mud fid 114 9 13 122 I221 C Jones 15 Vel. Sally. M.moUin, G Baataai 2.".934 Lexton 41 f 5Shvy 26-5 112 5 4 31 38 D Connelly 7 KoruuilM-ga, Solveig. Diamond C-RETCHEN R., br. f, 3 1C9 By Bryn Mawr— Tchoupetoulas J. W. Schorr. 337«4 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 12S M 7 7 7 7 7" V Jmlv 7 Qaeea Erraat, K-lhmd S.-din 332S3 Douglas 3-4 l:H-,mud 40 M6 9 9 9 9 9" F Marphy !t Palatable, BlaeCaa. Conn. Court 3325S Douglas 8ft t l*8%faat 97 92 11 11 8 S2 s" F Judy 12 Sqaeeler, OpaeltaW., John Jr 8M63 Lexgton 3-4 1:17Vohvy 82 97 9 8 8 81 S»2 F Judy 9 Alert. M:iry II., laaakaiaa 252G5 N.Orlns 12 48 fast 10 112 8 7 5J 5J J McTagt 9 Khvmer. Lakcftta, Maud Paeon 251il N.Orlns 12 47%fast 6 112 4 4 3» 4aJ J Kederis 0 Vei. Sally, MaiidBaeon, ld.elia SMI N.Orlns 1-2 4S fast 6 112 4 4 4s 23 J K. deris ; Lobelia, Wistful Boa Otis J4957 N.Orlns 3* f 42%faat 5 116 4 3ft G» J Ktderis S Chemung. Maud Bacon. L Ward 474« N.Orlns 3 8 S8 hvy 3 US 7 3" 391 J Kederis Weraaib.«a, The Duke. Caai Hob GINGER QUILL, ch. f. 3 M 109 By Star Shoot— Lacrimae C. E. Hamilton. 33702 Latonia 3-1 1 :K.-hvy 11 mm; 2 1 2 71 9— ■ Martin 12 Chin-. High. Lassie. Hasty Cera 23.-.2I, Douglas 3 4 l:13"v,fast 33 MS 3 2 2 41 4» J Morys 12 Pert Williams. C.Laae, UyCoart 2MI..S II lliorne al f 1:09 good 12 101ft 8 9 10 9 1022 C VanDunlo Milbnv. Barbaak Deckhand 27807 Hthorne 5-8 1:02 List 6 101 7 7 8 8 8*» C VanDun 9 Jocular, Oakwood Boy Bessanta 27.03 Latonia 5-S l*l%faat 4 110 14 13 13 14 14= E Martin 14 C.Dwvcr, P. oDawn. Immense 87938 Latonia 41 f 67%arad Gl-10 M8 2 3 3J 2» BJj Martin 8 Boar. Loss Lit Spider Beaaaata ZfiSa Latonia 41 f K fast 12 100 1 1 2ft 2» E Martin 11 Innocent Iaea, Clare Peachie 20. 83 Douglas 5-S 1 .02 -good 26 107 1 6 6 6 6" J ■ Martin 11 Katabdta, Hester Smith Trustr 26590 Do uglaa 5-S l:01%,faat GG 112 3 2 2 3ft 4Ji E Martin 11 Fan G., Ieachie, Innocent lne» First stnrt for the following: HANDSEL ROSE, b. f, 3 M 104 By Handsel— Ardcn Rose W. V. Walsh. MAT A., br. f, 3 IS. 109 By Filigranc— Misty Light T. P. Agnew. THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds. Fillies. Claiming. June 27. 1811 Ill 8 118. HIGHLAND LASSIE, ch. f, 3 109 By Marathon— Edna Shannon J. B. Rcsnes- 33702 Latonia ::-1 1 :l€%hi y 33-10 loi 1 5 3 1 9 K Wingfdu ci . :. Hasty Cora Zt 30180 Latonia 2-4 1 :14%raat 77-10 m I 4 5 * 2«ft T Buckles 8 Lytic. Diamond kiBettaber am Latonia 1 l:48%faat 11-5 102 4 2 2 3 52 5* T Huckl-s ; Spring V. heat. Lucilel- Iv.irod 29742 Latoata H f l*»%h*T 79-10 M 1 3 8 8* 2 T Bveklea 10 Uhvme. Geo C L, 7e l-eraeaV 2-H72 Churchl 8ft f l:lo..andhvy 43-10 lot 7 5 2 1i I2 T Buckles 8 Net. Walcatl Birnorette M-.tTn 2*278 Douglas 8ft f 1*1 fast 11 103 9 11 11 8l 63J T Buckles 12 Rhyme Geo c Lore iiii,,, l 2£Z :niwn i-SLiHcfast 1 Mkft 3 2 2J n L Gentry 11 Mab. Bttteraweet, Little Wonder 27SM Windsor 8-8 l*l%taat 8 112 5 4 4 5a 6 | L Gentry 10 Thoughtful. The Gadder. Blaise MATIN, ch. f. 3 118 By Broomstick— Rose of Dawn J. Livincstonl 2834 Latoata lasTOy l:4S%taat M-8M4 E 4 5 S v V R Gooae 8 ctare. WalLH.P*aree!Taiaieaaa 33.90 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast 13 IMS « 5 » 8*1 J kfetcaU 9 J. Rufus, PIlaenVBert WUUau 33193 Douglas 3-4 1 d8%SBUd 23 10 107 I 4 2 2 2 R Goose 12 Immense M.v V l-irc 82749 Lexgton 8-4 1:18 fast 8 Ml 8 8 8 72 6*1 R Gooae 8 Battle Meliora Claire Mm LexKton :Ml:15hvy 12 98 7 7 7 5" 4- V Crump 8 Ped.Stori.s. Marvll I. Mexleaa 32879 Lexsrton lni79yl:4S%raat 46-5 100 4 10 10 10 10 9- w Crump 10 Billows Guide PoaL Bh.rkvw.t 82388 Oakiwn 5ifl:0S fast 6 M8 7 C C 5 Pft W Cramp 7 Kultur. Rhyme Lytic 31779 N.Orlns 11:40 hvy 4 K 1 6 8 8 I*| 7*» L Lykes 8 J. Beeves. M. Ivruter f ileb. irer .:1«15 N.Orl ns 1 l.M%kl J 2ft 9SJ 2 3 5 2 2 2= W Crump 5 Candle, Baby Lynch. Mice iirl MAB. br. f, 3 107 By Me.elick — Dona Hamilton J. Livinsrs*onl B44ipooa;taa M104%C00dl less I 7 lft 4J R Goose 12 ItUbrey. LadyKatTruHaaCora :.:: 2 Douglas 3-4 1 :14-,mul 33 MS 7 G 9 9 8" F Stevens 9 Fuzzy uzz.v." Brian, SafetyFirst SS ,h,!r,hl 3-4 l:l»t3faat 29-10 114 8 7 7 7* 7*ft P Ftevens 9 James oTTB.Haaiaoa7 Mav.SUar B412 Tijuana 8-4 103 fast G 10:1 6 3 3 2:. 2- F Stevens 7 M. Bacon, Wan-more P del eon 322G2 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 107 1 8 1 P 8% F Sevens 9 Sat.Belle, P. de Leon Hem p ,rk 12183 Tijuana H f l*9%fJow I 107 G 2 3 8* 8* F Stevens 7 Waremore, SaLBelle Lidvf.oVcT 21446 Juar-z 5ft f LOG-fast 4-5 Ml 11 1 H R Troise 5 Hondo. Deckhand. EuKliihL-uy ARROW, b. f, 3 M 109 By Sir Huon— Foursome G. J. Lcn 0 3Z7U3 Latonia 8-4 l:lC ,hvy 12G MS I 8 9 S» 7«* D Connelly 12 Clare. Hick Lassie Haste c.,r-. 33193 Donelaa 8-4 l:M%mad 53 197 M 5 S 7- 7" D Connelly 12 launense. Matin MaTW 33813 churchl 2 4 1:15. -.slow 50 :.;-M2 S 8 9= M** J CaltahaalS May W.. Stater Baale •"- Imsz Churchl S-4 1:14%faat 17 Ml I I 4 8*1 V F Murphy • GaUaat Lad, King Belle VabW I 2«.sib Latonia ft t l**%faat 10 110 1 1 1 tft 2 ft D Connlly 1 1 y. Krraat Milidi i-i.e it m, ,„ I 29j.-i U-xtonia 6ft t l:0S,fast 39-5 119 5 4 4 4* 2- D ConnllylL- L. Kathera. WoePlum ItelWo* M438 Churchl 8ft f l*»%nrad H 110 9 10 5 M 8*f H H PllpalS K*belkamp. L.Khern B Hnaoa [288aPonataa F4fl*7%taat 25 109 3 3 4 4 4 - D Connlly « raaaaaat, Jckatraw. S Welkaai j BELL COW, ch. f, 3 109 By Canard— Eonic r. E. Erown 33183 Doug-Ian 3-4 l:16%aaad 51 lu3 11 12 11 lo- M*» F Judy 12 lauaeaae M-tia Man W ! 30342 Bowie .-..1 f 1 :0"..-slow 31 1CGJ 6 8 9 10 108 J McTagt 10 Med. Miss. G Vent lie K -,.•, fl«M 3-.131 Latonia 8ftfl*8%faat rid IM I I 4 in l« T Rice 11 V.-lv-t. Immense Mav s, .r I 29*96 Latonia 8-8 l*E%hvy 36 110 6 5 5 71 75i T Bice 12 Alert. Quiu V.-lvet 28898 Latoata H t l*8%teat 16 no 8 7 7 6- ««« M Buxton 11 P.lue Plum/ Pollyaaaa R i,u« M831 Latoata iftfl*»%faat 32 99 S 11 11 M 8? J Drown 11 Matin. Spring Boat Cvn IlwlJr 29774 Latoata 8ft f !*8%Taat 70 M6 I 2 2 2 4»» H MTcott 12 L. Kathern. Blue pium ArroW 89728 Latoata 8ft f l*7%faat 72 IM 7 5 7 82 8" K LapafllelO Latonia, Penrod Snowdrift 29567 Churchl 3-4 1 :14 %faat 110 109 5 6 7 7 7» J Hanover 8 Jackatraw Latonia iv m ,t ! 2911s Lesgton 5i f l:ll7,hvy fid 197 U 10 10 10 19** J Drown 12 ■ Tmpson. Pollyauua Zainora SOPHIA GATEW00D, br. f. 3 M 109 By Radford— Determination P. J. Milesl , 33527 Douas 1 l : 57-10 103 5 5 4 4 i"1 :: ■ p Lowder T Keaward, Clare K-,th. n. ; 33462 Doueiaa H-lGl:l7-r,fast53-l0 1o0 2 1 1 2 4ft 4- q A Ctaver .1 Square Dealer. Clare Khg sker Sa87Doactaa 1 1-M l:48%nmd 23-10 M 3 3 5 3 4 2J R Wingfd 7 Pr.Janice, H.Grdner t 8BM5 Churchl lin.Oy l:4S%faat 6-5 105 C 5 3 2 2-2 C Dishmon 8 Saf.First, FichtFair T • ,,Z1, 132914 Churchl lm70y 1:48% fast 29-5 101 3 5 4 2 2 2= IS Kleeger 7 Evelyn V. Cruces Benll , i s j 28813 Wlndaor 8-8 l*l%taat 106 11110 10 10 10 92 T Hayes 10 Fruit Cake Sybil K-itl.rv «r- HBM Latonia 8ft f l*8%faat 14-5 104 11 8 6 5 5*5 E Graves 12 OkwoodLov. M Finle 1 It Vssie . 87487 Latonia Bft f l:07Afast 17 99 4 4 4 42 4»i E Graves 9 H.Gear. ADLDick W II Pe ™ 27113 Latonia 8ft f l:0S%fast 47-5 112 1 2 3 3= 2- FJ Giaves !• Kagara B L-ssie A r« I ,-h 27362 Latoata 5-8 l*l%taat 11 110 4 2 2 2» 2i E Graves 11 K tag Dick Tom Mans, ,1 C ..1 27264 Latonia 8-8 l*t%faat 36 106 2 5 5 42 4i F Cooper S Hot Toddy Pomn Milbrev 27165 Latonia 5-S 1 :M%f ast 22 103 3 3 3 3 3s C VanDunll Peac-hie Itacan Perseus 88287 Douglas 5-8 l:01%good 85 112 3 6 6 6ft 6"5 W W Tlorll Fan G., Sweet Helen Milbrey HONEY SHUCK, b. f, 3 109 By English Lad— Bessie Welles L. Marion :.-.V.: Douglas lm70y 1 IGsmud 79 92 4 7 7 S S V* R WTngTd S Alert. Alfadir. Bqaare Dealer :::.•■! :l Donglaa 3-4 lU4%srood M MB 12 12 12 IM 8*§ J HaaoverlS Mllbrey, LadyKatta rn llisCora 83183 Douglas 8-4 l:16*smud 35f m I 10 10 S3 S-- K Lanaillel2 Immense Matin May W 83974 Latoata 1 l:41%faat 64 94 3 6 5 I 41 4"ft W Crump 7 Lucile P., Backaer "Perseus 30081 Latonia 1 l:4S%hey 49 198 7 9 8 8 71 7-3 C Hunt 8 B.Hapsoa, Kbelkan.i. I ucilel 299MWdbta« 3-4 l:15~slow 25 103 7 7 7 6" 5»J W Obert 7 Med. Miss HaatTcan 293S1 Wdbine 3-4 1:15 good 45 103 4 10 8 8ft 8s W Ward 19 Bas.Lily, Hazelnut HastvCora 29290 AVdbine 3-4 1 :18%faat 15 105 5 6 7 7 8% L Lykes 7 Arravafi Eiist.-r Lllv llic MM8Pocaaj 5J f l:ll=5hvy 4ft 112 5 4 2 lJ 1* F Robsonl2 B. Spot. S. Than Sugar, starter BIRD LORE. br. f. 3 112 3y Sain— Sister Ccrline W. Hurley. SMM Latoata lm79y l:45%faat 12 MS 2 S 7 I 8*1 8" F Murphy 8 Clare. Walter!] Pearce Matta 32,40 Lexston 3 4 1:15 f:ist 27 lo4 5 « 8 li 4;i p Lowder 8 Battle, Meliora Ctare SM48 X.oiTns 1 l:41%faat 25 9G 9 3 8 10 10 9" P Lowder 11 J. Beeves M Kruter Talebearer 1 31276 N OriM T-8 1* %awad 10 107 3 1 3 3 4 6-» P Lowdoi 6 Warsaw, Diamond Fizei" 31018 N.Orlns 3-1 1 :16 .-.slow 30 lo3 3 1 1 lft In P Low.ler ti Warsaw. Whirl. Dun Di-uuoud tMSI Latonia 8ft f l*8%faat 41 112 5 4 5 6J ««i L Gentry 11 Matin, Spring Song era n.vvrr 23H13 Lexgton 5ftfl:10 fast 31-10 11? 3 5 3 32 1" K Lapaillel2 Polly. inna. Q.sPark Snowdrift 2S709 Saratoga 5ft f l:09%good 5 101 6 5 5 4s 35 J Brown 7 Aimee T.. Couutv Court Biaaea 2S644 Saratoga 5-S 1:03 slop 10 111 2 2 2 3* 3* K LapaillelO Fan. Bala, Phantom !• de Leon FOURTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Oct. 7, MM— 1:48%— S— 122. CLARE, br. f, 3 107 By Bannockburn — Augusta Victoria J. M. Henry, Jr.. 23834 Latonia lm70y l:48%faat 4-5 M I 7 4 1 I* 1- C Hunt S Walt.H.Pearee, Matin Immense 33702 Latonia 3-4 l:16.5hvy 4 MS 11 M 8 8ft 1» C Hunt 12 High. Lassie. HstvCori UayW 33S27 Douataa 1 l:48%faat 3-4 los 14 2 2 2** 2* ri Shilling 7 Keaward, S.Gatewood L.Katk*a .-: !02 Douglas 1 1-M l:47., -11-10 M8 4 5 4 4 Q 9 H Shilltag 8 S. Dealer, Kingtisher 8 0 it.wd ! 33321 Douglas lm79y l:47%ansd 3S-M191 8 7 € 4 :! 2: H Shilling 19 Kilkenny, Craves Kiaaasaer 3319.: Douglas 3-4 1:16%mud 28-5 lu7 3 9 7 V 471. J HasoverlS Immense. Matin May W 32740 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 fast 31 107 7 7 7 31 3ft H Shilling 8 Battle, Meliora, Bird Lore 2!I27G Douglas f,l f 1 -IS fast 19 110 7 5 5 7= 9"j W Andressl2 Rhyme, Gee. C. Love Milbrey 27330 Latonia 5i t l*8%fat 1-2 109 4 4 3 3" 2" L Gentry 4 Bessanta. Perseus. Sweet Helen ALERT, b. g, 3 105 By Marathon— Miss Alert C. E. Rowe. 22707 Latonia 11 10 l:48%ato« 3 83 1111 1" 1- R WiasTd 8 Intone. Miss raaate V-.Ior S36SS Donglaa itn7«v l:40.,niud 19-10 h»l ill 1 1* 1»| F Marphy 8 Alfadir. Bqaare Dealer Mare E 33117 Churchl 1 1-14 l*I%faat 37-8193 7 5 4 4 3i i;j. Barrett 8 Da.Holbert, 8. Dealer UoagUasH 33918 churchl lm7oy l:48%teat 31 5 Ml 4 6 6 5 3* PIN Barrett 7 Graady, Geo 0 Lore Irrecalar 32.s43Chur.h-l 11:41 fast 8J !o4 4 2 2 4 K1 i"j N Barrett 11 Monotony. Ueo.C.Lore S Dealer 8MM Lexgton lm70yl :4G" 11-10 ; « 1111 1- lft L Lykes 8 Feared, Ben Haaaaaaa, lir Tuck 32453 Lexgton 8-4 l:17.andhvy 23 102 7 7 6 2 1" L Lykea » Mary 1L. Laagharac sipoer BM| Oakiwn 1 l:48%faat 8 loo 1 1 l 1 12 13 F Marpoy 7 Bay am. Ella Ryaa, Nepotism aaSOakrum 5ft f 1 3ft 106 1 5 5 8* 3J W Ohsrt 10 Thurs.Nighter, Plunger. S.Oliver IRREGULAR, br. c. 3 102 By Hastings— Armilda T. P. Hayes. .3703 Latonia I l**%h*y 9ft 114 4 3 4 4 2i 2C L Gentry 9 S.j. Dealer, Fl.ofSteel Monotony 33M9 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fust 11 111 S 7 7 Gl 5-J W WTlorPJ. Bufus. Pilsen Matin ::."2,o7 Douglas 3 4 l:14%fast M-Sfttl G 5 4 4 I* W W Tlorl2 Hasty Cora. Lindenthal May W. 22283 Douglas 3-4 l:14%mud 14 111 7 7 6 M 4H W W T" lor 9 Palatable, BliieCap Conn Court 82883 Churchl 1 1-16 1 :48 ifast 99-10 98 7 7 7 7 7 5" J C.-tllahau 7 Cleipner, Ir.Gentleman Billow* 8918 Churchl lm70y l:48%faat 5ft 110 1 4 3 3 4* 4*1 9f W Tlor 7 Gruiidv. Ceo. C Love Alert 8898 Cheachl 11:41 fast 35 115 3 4 5 6 7« r.j W W Tlorll Mouolmiv, Geo.C.Love S Dealer 32756 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 38 111 10 10 10 7«» S»* W W TlorlO Peter Jay. Treviseo SQUARE DEALER, ch. g. 3 110 By Marathon — Senora Maria W H. Baker. 337G9 Liitonia 1 1-8 l*8%faat 21-5 94 6 7 4 4 23 l- H Wingfil 7 W.s Last, Flv Home CliffField 3.:."03 Latonia. 1 l:42:t.-.hvy 19-20 111 S 4 3 1 lJ 1« R Goose » Irrecalar. Fl...fSte.l Monotony 8998 Douglas lm70y l*8%aand 59-10 106 5 6 4 4 3A 3J It Goose S Alert, Alfadir. .Margaret ■ 33402 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47y5fast 17-20 105 13 2 1 1U lh B Goose 0 Clare. Kinglisher, 8 Gatewood S2255 Douglas lm70y l:44%*aat 3ft 1 10 1 2 2 4 2J 2ft It Goose I DotiglassS.. Penrod. Keuward 33117 Churchl 1 1-16 l:4f%faat 83-10 108 6 4 3 3 2ft 25 R Gooso 8 Dad.Ilolbert, DonglassS Alert 32843 Churchl 11:41 fast 8 108 1 3 3 2 3 3s K Goose 11 Monotonv, Geo C Iove Grundy 32756 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 43 108 9 9 9 10 104 R Goose 10 Sedan. Peter Jay Treviseo 326S9 Lexgton lm70yl :46%f ast 97-10 108 2 2 3 5 5 o" R Goose 5 Penrod, Alert, Ben H.impson SISTER EMBLEM, b. f. 3 108 Br Ballot— Are Marie G. W. J. Bissell. SMM Latoata 8-4 l:13Vfefast 1.8 103 5 7 9 7! i»! K Murphy 11 Impressive, Trust v J Bufus 2MSJ Latonia 3 4 1:14 fast 12 102 J 4 1 1 1» l4 F Murphy 12 Sis .iSnsie. Benjamin JamesO. 32921 Devshire 5ft f l:08%fast »-6 105 3 3 3 2ft 2* E Smith 10 M.Folly, Pon.dcLeon, Spr.Soug 32740 Lexgton 3-4 1:16 fast 9 107ft 2 2 4 5 OS J Howard 8 Battle, Meliora. Clare 32707 Lexgton 3-4 1:13%fast 41 106 2 7 8 8 8* J Howard 11 Kalitan. Geo.C.Love. Trapping 29979 Latonia 5J f l:10andmud 21-10 107 4 3 6 4ft 57i M Buxton 8 Bed. Stories. Diamond, Saff.Girl 29804 Latonia 6J f 1:07 fast 36 108 8 7 8 S- 820 J Hanover 9 Vague. Sunflash, Latonia 29529 Churchl 51 f l:07Mifast 7 108 4 2 3 3* 3»J J Kederis 9 Meliora, SunBash, Signorette 29439 Churchl 6ft t 1:08 mud 38ft 98 5 1 1 2» 2J J Brown 0 S.Gilsey. W.II.Pearee, Ktenish 27652 FortErie 6ft f 1:07 fast U 105 4 3 3 4ft 7" W Obert 8 Savilla. GldenBantam, Bondage DAY DREAM, ch. f, 3 104 By Ballot— Dreamy Eyes J. K. Bedmon. 3372 Latonia 1 Ltlfast 24-5 108 6 C 5 2 2 P» R Goose 11 S. League, CoraLane. Protection 33470 Douglas ll:40yifast 18 102 7 4 4 4 4* 4« C Dishmon 8 B. Voter, Waterbiue. Fl.ofSteel 33234 Douglas 1 l:40%fast 17 103 4 7 5 4 3» 3« T Buckles 8 Des.Dav. Waterbiue, Fl.ofSteel 33193 Douglas 3-4 1:16%mud 80 107 9 8 6 5J 5»J C Dishmon 12 Immense, Matin. May W. 32843 Churchl 1 1:41 fast 88 104 9 8 8 8 8l 8* E Martin 11 Monotony, Geo.C.Love. S. Dealer PENROD, br. g, 3 107 By Helmet— Gun wad J. W. Schorr. 237G9 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53%fast 29 94 7 5 7 7 63 G°3 F Judy 7 W.s Last. Sq. Dealer, Flyllome 3P707 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4R*fcB»ow 32-5 94 7 7 8 7 6 6"| F Juoy 8 Alert. Intone. Miss Fannie 33323 Douglas 1 1-8 l:55%mud 3-2 98 3 5 4 4 3- 3- F Judy 5 Prince S., Checks, Brian Bora 33255 Douglas lm70y l:44%fast 1 110 1 5 5 3 J1 ! F Murphy ■ DouglassS., S ]. Dealer, Keuward 33150 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47Vhfast 5 102ft 4 4 3 3 3J 4«l F Murphy 5 Grui-dy, Wad. Last, Gleipner 33064 Churchl 1 l:3S%fast 23 103 4 4 4 4 4 4»J F Murphy 4 Sleeth, J. J. Murdock, M.Goosby 32829 Churchl 11-16 1:46 fast 4 104 6 5 5 4 4,s 3*1 F Murphy 5 Aldeburan. Bedland, Sleetb 32732 Lexgton 1 116 l:49"ihvy 27-10103 8 8 8 7 2ft lft F Murphy 8 Turco, Guide Post, Good Counsel EVELYN V., br. f. 3 101 By Jack Atkin— Metzie 0. 0. Tan Meter. 33441 Douglas I 4 1 :14Bood 13f 11- 5 5 4 72 6=i C Dishmonl2 Milbrev, Lad] Kathern, Has Cora BSD DoocUui lmTOy l:47:Smud 16-5 107 4 3 4 5 6b Vi C Dishmon 10 Kilkenny. Clare Cruces ntTCtankl 1 1-16 l:f7%teat 14 105 4 3 5 2 6« 614 H Stearns 8 Da.Holbcrt. S.Dealer DouglassS 311114 Church 1 lm70y l:46M fast 57-10107 6 4 3 3 1J l3 C Pi-hmon 7 K.Gatewood. Cruces. B Hrapson 32869 Church" 1 lm70y l:45%faat 21 107 5 6 6 6 65 6si It Goose 7 Trapping. Bribed Voter Phocioa 28956 Lexgton 5J f l:07%fast 101 109 8 8 8 9 9 J J Kederls 9 Mary Belle. Rosabel. Diamond 26S96 Latonia 5-S 1 :007srast 18 109 6 6 6 6 6«J F Murphy 7 Buford. America. Lytle 26820 Douglas 6-8 1:01 fast 11 110 6 7 6 6 6SJF Murphy 7 America. Rewood, B. of a Devil MONOTONY, b. c. 3 107 By Ogden— Tenotomy J. H. Baker. BflB IttMh 1 1-8 1 :53%fast 101 99 4 4 3 5 6l 581 X Barrett 7 W.s List, So.. Dealer, FlyHome BBS Latonia 1 l:42«shvy 37-10114 5 G 6 3 5« 4 2 C Dishmon 9 Sq. Dealer, Irregular, Fl ofSteel £117 Churehl 1 1-16 l:47%fast 38-5 114 16 6 6 5» 613 C Dishmon 8 Da. Holbert, S.Dealer, DouglassS 32992 Churehl 1 1-16 l:48 4fast 13 104 3 5 7 4 3l 3*1 F Murphy 7 Intone, J.Wakely, Fascinating" 31919 Church" 1 118 1:53 fast 23-5 107 3 4 4 I 4 571 D Connelly I Turco. Solid Bock. Olga Star ::i 4:s Churchl 11:41 fust 44-5 110 6 7 6 6 2J l5 D Connellyll Ceo. C.Love, S |U. Dealer Crundy 31776 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:4«%fast 22-5107 5 4 3 3 3- 2* D Connelly 5 Dglass S.. Jocular, B. Hanipson J2744 LngtMi lm70yl:42%fast 117 97 4 6 7 7 7 7" K Wingfd 7 Badj Botha. Tokay, Kalitan FILTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds end upward. Allowances. June 27, 1914— 1:11— ." — 116. SANSYMING, b. c, 4 112 By Santry— Symington Toll J. Livingston. BUB Latonia 1 1-M l:4SKfSut "7 10 Ml 3 11 l l3 14 B Gooee ST. Grader, Wat. War l"ce Mbert BBM l.atonia 3-1 l:l:i fast 6-5 10914 3 4 ;~» uJ .1 Metcalf 7 Queen Errant, Redland Sedan COg Latonia ::-4 l:124f,fast 18 117 8 I 4 lh 3J J Metcalf 12 Bimlov, BribedVoter Nobleman 33U61 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 26-5 10S i 5 4 P* 4*| R Goose 7 K inner. Gip.Gcorgc PleetabeUe BB8 Lex*gtoa 1-4 l:15%hvy 26-5 111 3 4 3 4" 5si W Trump 8 BtepbeaR., Redland, Laagborac BMW Lexgton 3 4 l:13%faat 8-5 1M 4 4 2 1 l1 W Crump g Kinnev. Droll. Ophelia W ISI1 OakPwa 1 1-16 l:4T%faat 2 10s 2 1 l l l« l8 W Crump 8 Baby Cal, Gtbraltar ivtHr BatOakTwa 11:46 mud 6-5 111 3 1 1 1 I5 I5 R ITniuhrt S C. Buford. llau lito, VirginiaW mil Oaklwn Eft f l:08*fef:tHt 115 116 1 I 2 22 2* K Ui iuh"rtll Aunt Eiz, Sir Richard llandito 314*:: N.Orlns 3 4 l:20Vandhvy 7 106 6 I I i f|L Lykes 5 Talebearer, Alex Getz, Briza OLD MISS, br. f, 3 101 By Hapsburg— Lady Lexington T. M. Murphy.;::4 Batonia 1 l:S%Caat 17 97 2 1 1 1 M 4-J 11 Tharber t Daddy II. .Inert. Dor.Deaa Matt BM D.iuglas 1-4 l:l.;J5good M MJ 1 1111 1IU Shilling S Cr.Joni s, Pbocioa, JaekSabaoa S3322 Douclaa 1-4 l:14%mud 24f lo7 3 I 5 4"k 44 H Shilling 11 Uida. Pbocioa. Ciallant Bad 3l*!"li; Chi.nhl :: 4 1 :13%f:ist 39 IN I 5 7 7 5" H Shilling 7 Mari, Miller, Bed. Stories Battle BOB church" l 5L f 1 16 h,s 5 4 4 6and 6" K lapaille 1 MeUara, Bnaflnah, Sis Emblem 29.i.".i; Doonrlaa Eft f l:67%faat 69-10 95 3 N M 10 lo12 J Brown 10 Kan ;.. rbiilua 1 minis MR Saratoga 3-4 1:15 fast 4 121 3 1 3 3s B* C Kirschm 7 Nash ille, Biverdale. Hanobala 28162 Saratoga 5-8 1:01 fast 8-5 109 5 12 1 22 C Kirschm 11 Kateaka, Katlirvn Gray Sky 27953 Windsor 6-8 l:00%fast 9-5 107 1 11 1« 1* J Williams 7 Bomp. Great Dolly, Peachie KENWARD, ch. c, 3 102 Bv Alvescot— Bashford Belle G. J. Long. 33627 Douglas 1 l:49%fast 24-5111 3 111 1" V N Barrett 7 Ctare, ■o.Oatewaad, l/vKatliern BBS Doaglaa Im70- l:44%faat 19 109 111] 4"1 4" D Coniiiiv r DouglassS., ga.Deater r arod BKSCburchl :Ml:i:i fast 19 BS 9 7 7 !• 7,: B Kleeger » Solly, Pboeion, Gallaat Bid MMS Latoaia Si t l:0*w.slow 11-10 113 4 111 1 1 Coaally ".» Iluto. Raggedy Maa Quin BBJ Batonia 51 f l:0:-»Afast 45 1 1 -i 1 11 2* :$ D Connlly 7 Ben Hanipson Quin Junes G BBC Char h"l 6-8 1:01 fast fid 113 3 6 10 B* W W Billev 13 Saf. C.irl. Sir Welloaa M Anne BBJ Churehl 6-8 l:01%faat 39 115 7 7 9 91 918 F Murphy 10 Dr. Harlow. Q.Kirant. lad.Dear VALOR, ch. c, 3 106 By Ballot— Muriel W. J. Young. r.Vi.V l.atonia 1 1-16 1 : i..slow SO b«» C 1 4 4 4 44l N Barrett S Alert, Intone. Miss Finnic S336I Douglas 1 l:10/ 139 102 10 10 9 I 9- »•« H Stearns 10 Dalb.lbert. Br.Choice G Kortue BBS church 1 1 l:41%faat 11-B WJ 3 2 2 1 !■ I| J Hanover 7 PiaTeatber, Sai.lirst Beet Bus BBSCfMirebl 3-4 1 :14%taat 12-5112 7 5 3 4= 2- .t Haaover • GaUaatLad, Kiagllelle CCeart :.27;s Lexston lm7tyl:4f%mad 3-2 110 4 3 6 7 8° s=4 D Coaaelry » PlearealL, B Voter Ptafatber 32745 Bexgton I l:41"/ofast C3-10 112 7 2 1 1 l1 2 D Connelly 13 Trapping, Bin Feather, C. Court SUNFLASH. ch. f, 3 97 By Peep oDay— Algie M. Pastime Stable. ::.7H l.atonia 3 4 1 :l.".»i,hvy 17 106J 4 5 4 r.1 ::■ D Connelly « Bed.Btories, Q.Erraat Rseweed BBJ "hur hi 3 4 1:13 fast 50 H»6 4 4 4 7" 714 D Connelly 8 MarieMiUer, Sunbonnet Battle 329:6 church" 1 3 4 1 43-5 no 5 4 :: B |»| D Connelly 7 MarieMiUer, Bed.Btories Battle BBS Batonia 3-4 l:13-fast 12-5 109 I 3 3 2J 2- D Conn*lly g Latoaia, Sir WellOttS I ucile 1 29804 Batonia 6 f 1:07 fast 23-5 108 6 6 3 2- 23 D Connlly 9 Vague. Batonia SatTron Cirl " BSBCnurcnl 5. f l:07Vifast 12-5 108 1 3 2 22 2 D Connlly t MeUora, S. Raiblem Signorette 29. H Churchl 5J f l:0G%fast 17 10S 2 2 2 3 33 D Connlly 0 Sunb«uuiet, W.Hogan. Acabado SAFETY FIRST, ch. g, 4 109 By Marathon — Scnora Maria R, McMillan. IBB LatOBia 1 4 1 17 102 .". ." G 4i» 3i N Barretl 7 Burdey. Water War .[olni.Tr BBS Latonia 3-4 l:13%faat 22 M r 4 4 I* 1" X Barrett 0 lapressire, Marrre S it Merer :::r.94 Batonia lmTOy 1 : 154ifast 2 104 112 2 2- lh N Barr.-tt 7 BrinceS.. Liadntbal 8 R Merer EBSDoualai I :; M IMktaat 5 Ml 111 1 23 ] ■ N Barrett 6 Willdo, Surpaxsinr MatiorieD BCISDonelaa 1 1-1C l:4C%taat 4 los 0 4 4 4 4J !» C Todor S M.Pannie, BeautyShop B itchier BBS Douglas 1 1-1C l:47%SOod37-BlU 3 3 3 2 2* 21 B Bonder 8 Intone, OlgaStar StmMaid BBI Douglas 3-4 24 119 1 3 2 B 32 P Bowder ■ Panjr W«BD I!rii;z Sosius 33145 Churchl lmTOy 1:4ft1 5t"ast 41-10 115 3 2 1 1 1J l1 P Lowder 8 So. Jatewood! Fi.Fair, T.M;inson DR. BARLOW, b. c. 3 99 By Tod.lingtoTi— Eric Belle J. S. Hawkins IBM Latonia X-4 l:12%faat 45f Ml I 2 E s= s", .1 CaUabanl2 Pardey, BttedVoter naaas—l— B3B Churchl 6-8 1 11 113 1 1 1 l2 U W AndresslO Q.Erraat, lad.Dear S Wellons 29156 B-xgton 2-4 1 :14:igood41-10 HO 4 2 2 44 5-J M Garner 8 Monotony. It. Hanipson Batonia BBS Bexgton 5-s l:0t--fast fid 113 4 1 3 32 34 M Garner 12 Sleeper. J. RnftM. Boht Bodes 275X0 Batonia 55 f 14S%fast 1G 112 1 3 2 7 63J C VanDu"n ■ Paramount, Immense Irreculur 2743S Batonia l| t l:08--fast 43-10 111 2 3 2 2 3 G Gainer 7 Piraeus. Trapping Irre-ular 27231 Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast 15 112 4 3 2 2 2» G Garner 9 W.H.Boarce. Pauiount, "liraeus SARD. b. f. 3 101 By Een Srurh— Jane Eyre J. N. Camden. BBS Latonia linTOv 1:45 fast 125 BQ G 6 6 6 6 «=•• J Morya S Bribed Voter SoiGilsey Pboeion 2: 7c| Batonia 3-4 1 :154f.hvy 24 105 I 4 5 5« 6»« J .Morys g Red. Stories, Q.Errant, SiinHash BtBDoaglaa 3-4 l:l3-good 16 112 7 7 7 i C" J Morya 7 GayPortaae, Ilig.Lad Crumusal BBI Bex ton 6-8 14B%faat 7-5 109 2 2 1 l1 l2 F Murphy 7 Irregular. Jargon Outfit SIXTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. it. 7. P110— 1:43% 1— 122.1 RUN MAID. ch. f, 4 100 By Peep oDay— Lillie Turner T. P. Haves BB7 Latonia 1 1-1C l:474tfaat I BS 111 1 1» * K Mnrphy 7 CliffPield, ChiefBrwaT RatrhW 3%l2Uougiaa l 1-n: 1 :47%raat 97 -ltM7 322 1 2- 1- F Marpny 8 Waterpf, Marx. 8 bc.envJnsl :.:..•;:: Dong las 1 1-16 l:47%cood B-C IB 6 0 4 1 «] rF Marphy • latooe, BafetyPirst OIcaMtar BBJ Douglas 1 1-B t:47«COOd B MM 2 11 I V 2« F Murphy g John Ilurie. H.Gardaer -G Field BtM Douglas lmTOy l:47%m«d 8 104 13 4 6 7" 7" F Murphy 8 Checks, FuzzyWuzz- if„ir BBI Cburcbl lm70y l:40sfast 41-5 95 2 3 3 3 4-" MB Wingfd 7 BeautyShop. ABadir Juid -rost BBI Churchi lm70y l:47%fast 8-5 100 2 4 4 5 48 Is! P Lowder »! Jovial. Rapids ftfamntt l BBJCbJHchl 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 14 101 12 4 4 4" S*| V Crump g GaidePost, Billows Be uitvShnn BBlLexStoa 3 4 l:1544hvy 17 110 4 4 4 4J 6-« K Bapaille 8 Bed.Stories MarrH IMee,.£ BBI Bexgton 1 l:41%fast 15 110 1 2 3 6 62 63 M Gamer g Solid Bock, Soslns Redl .ml zBB Batonia lm70y l:50=;-.hvy 10 Ml 1 1 1 1 1« 1" M Buxton «J Jas.Oakley, g Beague P erceW 28955 Bexgton 3-4 l:15yafast IS 107 4 12 12 10 12» H Phillips 12 Reaa.GW South.Beague Turco GRASMERE, ch. g, 10 101 By Meddler— Rotha II. Williams Bros » :;-.;; l..,tonia I 1-8 1:54 fast KM 111 1 1= 2 | K Bapaille 7 S. B. Meyer, WiUdo Mariorien BBILaBnia 11-16 1:48 fast 87-10 112 114 5 6* 6" K Lapaille 8 Wterpronf, IU»au Shon 5 !H«.£ XOa Chntcbl 1 1-1« 6-5 110 2 3 3 4 V b»» K Bapaille 6 Turco. W. Crown I Vn-i, .„,: ,, B7B LexVton 1 1-8 I:57%fcvy 11-10 112 4 I I I 8 S" K Lapaille 8 Intone, I. Geatleai aa il....c" ■ BBI HtadRM 1 1-16 1:47 fast 2-5 109 2 3 3 2 1» 1« F Willms 5 8. of Lore, Rapids Be 1 v si BBI iriliome 11-8 1:33 fast 9-20 107 5 2 1 1 r» f W Iloag S Mlas Kanaie, Injurl Hi", H, ps 27961 H thorny 1 1-16 1:51 Vjslow 4-5 110 3 2 1 1 1« 1« W lloag V, JustBed. Nan U |-Dei- I it VuZ, , 27.09 Batonia 1 1-16 1:45 V,tast 2 116 5 1 1 1 1 2» F Murphy 7 Fly Home. Biiiows 1 C en tie,,, m BBS Latonia 1 1-16 lHBbCaat 23-10 115 5 2 2 2 1" ll P Murphy 8 J. Louise. LGleman, C :.Mlimo" MARGARET E., ch. f, 4 100 Bv Cyclades — Diplomacy N. F. Dortch :::■ HI Batonia 1 1-M l:4s-"f,fast 86 IB 111 1 B 9ci C Hunt 11 intone. Prince S 1,1,n T,-i0 BBi Douglas lmWy l:B%nrad B Ml s 8 8 5 52 48 P Lowder 8 Alert, AUadir Boaara I eiler :,3312 Dougl::s 1 1-16 l:472ifast 35 JOS I 0 | | 42 3s C Hunt 8 Waterpf, SanMa id IrGentln BtBDoaslaa 1 3 16 2:03%mud 14 10.3J 9 6 8 7 74 7-» J Morys !t Bnrpnssinc Iriiins P 33131 Ctrarchl 11-8 1:55 fast 35 107 4 4 6 5 44 44 Cllunt 8 PriaceS., Ir.Gentlemn OfVmn.i BBS Churchl 1 1-16 l:50%slow 36 102 9 8 10 9 S3 S2 P Lowder 12 Sosius, Ir. Gentleman Wmi BBI Churchl lmTOy l:47,5fast 17 loTJ 3 5 6 4 31 43 C Hunt « Jovial Rapids s,,„ V.,i.i 293:;7 Doi-glas 1 3 16 2:01%fast 48-5 99 1 4 4 6 6 5,s C Hunt 5 Manasseh, Clubs W s Wonder 29281 Douglas 1 1-8 1 :54«*fast 37 97 2 4 5 4 6 6SJ J Callahan 8 Surpassing, W Crown Inhirv 29248 Douglas lm70y 1 : 19 98 2 2 3 6 4* 498 C Hunt I Disillusion, E. Paul, Surpassing UNCLE WILL. b. g, 4 102 By Transvaal— Cyprienne C. R. Richards 13307 Douglas 3-4 1:14* 59 119 9 9 9 9 B| P Lowder lflrre*ular. HaatyrTLindeBtfcal 3-4 1:194thvy 6 101 J 7 6 4 4» 43H B Kl.eger ! BallBand. Loekland sisteiBil v BB7 Havana 3 4 1:14 fast 5 97 1 6 6 73 •« It Wingfd 8 Dan. Star. B and Gold M rrit 31174 Havana 3-4 llUttfaat 20 H»3 1 6 7 7 7" L Mink 7 Bonner. Edith l-a Hat Bin ton 31105 Havana 3-1 1 :ll-ufast 15 103 7 8 8 8 S«i B Mink 8 Dionii. Nairn c J v" Ir PI -in ,!. BBS Havana 11:41 fast 6 Ml 8 6 7 8 8 8=« L Mink 8 Malabar. York Boy T-i-i n» BTM Havana lm20y l:44%fast 12 87 3 6 6 6 72 75 B Wingf Id 8 Scorpii, Father Kellv Bunw-iv :-0719 Havana UnBy 1:41 fast 10 98 2 3 6 6 71 65J A Collins » Father Kelly Raau luwT 30707 Havana 1 1:43=. fast 2 101 9 9 9 9 9 914 L Mink 9 AfterNight, -Nigadoo, BankBUl BELGIAN TROOPER, b. g, 4 97 By Sain— Wayward Lass F. E. Brown BBI Batonia 3-4 1:14 fast 70 1111 7 7 9 SI 8*] L Gentry 12 WUhlte, Ardent Bister Susie 32837 Chur.h" 1 3 4 1:14Ufast 90 11111 11 11 9i V J Brown 11 Stout Heart, Droll Billv oe 2M1S Saratoga 3-4 1 :14" 12 103 12 9 8 94 «*| J Brown 1 4 B„j -.-.list. C.onDvery "•;r, euse 28367 Saratoga 1 I:41fast 10 105 17 5 4 3 22 2-1 M Buxton 19 SamSlick, BoyalMeleor lack 1, t BBJ Saratoga 7-8 1:26 fast 60 107 8 8 8 S 8 7-3 .7 Brown 8 Con. Tower E Teresa I,n ivi- 2tiT,92 Douglas 3-1 l:124ifast 38 102 3 3 4 4 V C VanDun 4 J.J.Mnrdock. lljoe rockichoo BIMChnrehl 11:39 fast 59 98 6 7 7 6 C» 6" C Hunt 7 Solar Star Con Tower I c ,,,1 261 S4 Churehl 3-4 l:12%fast SZ 108 8 9 8 61 57i R Goose 10 B. Baggage, .„],„ jr., raux-Col COL. MARCHMONT, b. g, 9 106 Bv Marchmont 11.— Nina F. f J. W FuVlarl BSBLatcnU I 1-M l : ttaat » Mill 7 7 7** C VaaOnn 8 Baaayniag. T. GiaderWaLWar MSB Douglas ll-l«l:48%nmd 41-5 11.: 1115 7 7n C VanDnn 7 Pr Jani.-e. B.Gatewd 1 ;d,,,.r BBS Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47%faat 3 105 5 5 5 5 I 4- C VanDun S Bbrtodo, Leah Corhraa Cheek" 31247 Tijuana 11:40 fast 2 108 6 6 5 5 5 6T C VanDun 7 Guide Post B Cochran Birtoda 32005 Tijuana 1 1-M 1 :50%goo l 1 110 4 2 5 4 3" S*§ C VanDun S Bbrtodo. Dolina loba crihlm 31728 Tijuana 3 4 1 :t.! 12 103 6 6 6 52 «*| C VanDun 7 Silver Moon Ti ij in Cus House 30796 Tijuana 1 l:390fant 3 ,05 5 4 4 4 ll" 22 C VanDun 7 J. Goebel, J Bra ham B lolinson BBI Tijuana 3 4 1:13 fast 15 M 6 6 6 6 6SJ C VanDun «i Kootenay. Sayonarra 11 Malidi BM* Tijuana I 1:39 fast 7 lo3 2 3 3 I 2J l"A C VanDun 8 RedJaad, TebJt Mab Bnlweber ::nr,2S Tijuana 7-8 1 :l6%tast 8 109 1 6 6 6 6 61U C VanDun I Camellia. Sam B Meyer Suy BBI Tijuana 1 l:4t%fnat 7 los 1 3 3 3 1" 1 C VanDun ,r Bogy Johnson. Say. Camellia SPADIX, eh, g, 4 M 102 By Nasturtium— Scattercash Keystone Stable. B7B Batonia 3-1 1:14 fast S47 US 9 9 8 72 V14 P Spencer l Billv.Be, BuckSLot MilesPuilea BIB Douglas 1 l:4*%faat 247 112 3 8 7 6 6J 6-T P spencer 8 B. Voter. Waterblue Fl of steel BBS Latonia lm7oy !:45 .fast fid M I S 10 12 12 li"2 F Ku.rst 12 Camellia. Orange first Stir 29619 Churchl 1 1:42 fast 78 98 7 8 8 8 7* 52 F Fu. rst 10 Marg.N., W. Wonder H Howdy 2!t526 Churchl 1 1-16 l:48* 4--3 10SJ9 9 8 8 8 S14 R Goose ! Meditation Boy Pierce W 2MkM Windsor 1 l;B%lnB 47 99 4 1 1 1 l2 l"i A Newer lg FairOrient, Gaiaw.iv. FleurouTI is543 Windsor 1 1-4 2:07i!,fast 107 9l 3 C 6 8 8« 7eJ W A Carll !♦ Birka. Anna Brazol* FirstDegree TH0RNW00D. br. g, 4 102 By Patriot— Mary Sayre H. J. Seidenock. BBJ latonia ::-4l:14 fast 2Sf B4 K 8 8 7*1 S*f C Roaa 122 WUhlte, Ardent. Slater Susie :iH"i-.9 Latonia 2 4 l:13*£faat 115 B 7 7 K 7l 7" R Simpson ! Impressive. SafetyKirst .Mirtre B6M Douglas 3 I l:15T.-,niud B I04 I 7 6 f,h 4 N Barrett 8 Martre, Fuz. Wnzzv, Bindenth il :;:i363 Douglas 1 1 16«l 29 lo3J 2 113 6 fjC Tudor »! Intone, SafetvFirst, OlgaStar BBC Douglas 1 1-M l:4f%aoud 25 lo.S C 2 4 4 6 6;Ji Tu.lor g I ftleman, V*rproof, W. Crown 5::r.i7 Douglas ]m70y 1:48 mud 11 IB S 6 6 6 65 62 F Stevens 8 Zim, Stoul Heart Fascinitiug 331 1 3 Churchl Bn70y 14 104 7 7 6 6 7 733 C Dishmon 8 Billows, Johnllurie, BlueCnp 82948 Churchl 1 1 16 l:50Vsfast 34-5106 7 5 5 6 3" 2J C Dishmon 7 DnyDay, Johnllurie, Bindenthal SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. 7 ,1910— 1:43%— 3— 122. CHIEF BROWN, br. g, 4 110 By Bannockburn— Merida G. L. Strang. 6B4 Latonia 1 1 -16 1:4s". fast H 108 3 7 8 S 7 6 J Hanoverfl Intone. Prince S John ITurie BBI Batonia 1 1-16 l:474ifast 20 105 7 7 6 I 32 3*1 C Dishmon 7 ClifT Field. Sun Maid Batchler .1132 Tijuana 1116 1:51 slow 8-5 107 1 2 2 2 22J 1 A Iickens 8 B.Chran. Cmauretta F Degree 22K 5 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:50%good 4 106 5 6 2 3 5 5s 1 R Harton 5 Bigtodo, Dolina, Col. Marchmont 31957 Tijuana 3-4 l:22%hvy 6 104 2 6 6 42 3 R Harton I Bronco Billv. Hocnir. Popnee 31920 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:5S%hvy 2 103 5 6 5 3 11 121 R liar" ton 6 Executor, Prince S., Crucos 31885 Tijuana 3-4 l:20: shvy 8 117 6 4 3 2J 2J R Harton TM1— ■■. truces. Red Circle 31749 Tijuana 1 1 16 1:47 fast 10 101 7 7 7 7 6! 47 R Harton 8 Zetetic, Bigtodo, Executor SOUTHERN LEAGUE, ch. f,4 M 100 By Garry Herrmann— Dixie Hart F. Peyton. 33729 Latonia 1 l:41%fast 25 108 2 3 2 4 li 2h D Connellyll D. Dream. CoraLane. Protection 23632 Batonia 3-4 1:14 fast 17f 106 10 7 7 6- 5« H Thurberl2 Sis. Emblem, S. Susie, Benjam.n 23401 Douglas 3-4 l:13%fast 76 104 6 8 6 5 4=1 H Thurber 8 Martre, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Blue Cap 33254 Douglas 1 l:40andfast 65 112 3 3 7 8 73 723 R Simpson 8 Des.Dav, Waterblue. DayDream 33112 Churchl 3-4 1:14 fast 14f 107 1 8 8 8»J 812 C DiFhmonla Primero, Lingtal, Trusty 32988 Churchl 1 l:41%fast 18 112 2 1 1 4 6* 520 C Dishmon 7 Valor, PinFeather, Suf.First, 32929 Churchl 3-4 l:14%fast 58 117 3 6 6 9l 8i C DishmonlO Palatable, James G-, Trusty 32898 Churchl 1 1-16 l:48%fast 63 106 1 3 5 7 7s 7»° F Murphy 8 FairOrient, Gleipner. Johnllurie 32783 Lexgton 3-4 1:16 slow 24 104 3 4 6 7° 7" R Bolton 0 Blue Cap. Running Queen, Wat 32742 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 35 108 6 3 4 61 6»1 C Dishmonl2 Martre, Run. Queen, DouglassS. LINDENTHAL, b. g, 8 106 By Star Shoot— LyndaU W. Perkins. 33799 Batonia 3-4 1:14 fast 11 111 11 12 12 12 12" F Murphy 12 Wilhite. Ardent. Sister Susie 33594 Latonia lm70y l:45%fast 2 107 3 3 3 3 32 35i D Connelly 7 Prinee S.. Snf. First. S.R.Meyer 33554 Douglas 3-4 l:15%mud 43-10 111 S 8 6 62 31 J Hanover 8 Martre, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Linden tlial 33507 Douglas 3-4 l:14%fast 16-5121 4 4 5 52 351 J Hanover12 Irregular. Hasty Cora, May W. 33471 Douglas 3-4 l:13%fast 27 108 5 6 4 3» 4:1 J Hano ver 12 Kinney, Billy Joe, Douglass S. 33287 Douglas 1 1-16 l:48%mud 18 112 4 2 2 1 2«» 43 J Hanover 7 Ir.Janiee, S.C.atewd, H.Gdner 33198 Douglas 1 3-16 2:03%mud 17 107 4 2 7 8 9 **• J Hanover » Surpassing, Prince S., F. Orient 33113 Cburcbl lm70y l:46%fast 19 106 6 6 7 7 8 8i F Fuerst 8 Billows, JobnUurie, BlueCap HARRY GARDNER, b. g, 4 97 By Dick Welles— Fluid W. Covington. 33,99 Batonia 3-4 1:14 fast 3Sf 109 4 6 7 6 771 K Lapalllel2 Wilhite. Ardent Sister Susie £2 r rltonia lm"0yl:4545fast 89-10103 4 2 4 4 5J 6" P Bowder 7 PrinceS., Saf. First. Bindenthal ..2.69 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46V5good 10 107 2 4 6 4 4- 4" P Lowder g Stoutlleart, Zim, JimWakelv ?;3?J r °us]as 1 1-16 l:B%arad 13-10112 2 6 6 4 3 3i P Lowder T Pr .Janice. S.Uatewd, Ldenthal SS EE22K V;5 JiSS* 2 V1 5 ? 5 6 4h 3? P H»w** ■ Jolin 1Iurie- SunMald. CUtrltU -mi hurcand. .Md J:, f?8t S. m 3 1 1 2 5i 6" p Lowder 8 PrinceS.. Ir.Gentlemn, G.Counsl oo2!2 r C;turch/.! 1 1-16 l:50%slow 12t 104 11 7 8 11 11M122 J Morys 12 Sosius, Ir. Gentleman. PrinceS aBSF*?11 3-«l:"V»fa«t 67 107 3 10 10 11 ll4 K Ipaillell Stout Heart. Droll SllyJoT 29177 Douglas 3-4 1:13 Mast 24 98 2 6 6 6 6" T Hunt G J.W.Klein. Lrator, J.J.Mdock BUSY ALICE, ch. f, 4 100 By Cunard— Sweet Alice G. W. Innei. 32929 Church" 1 3-4 l:14%fast 11 112 8 7 7 Ci 5»i N Barrett 10 Palatable, James G.. Trustv V.i -t t gton H ! :13M,fast 94 105 2 3 3 4» 44S W Hoag 8 Ophelia W.. Droll. Lucky R. -99, S Batonia 3-4 1 :17«T.mud 13 97 3 4 5 4* 4* J Brown 7 P.. Beauty Remiiram B Mildred BBJDanstafl 3-4 l:13%fast 67-10 98 3 4 6 6 6«J H H Plipsll Rapid", WaadaPUnW Bbrtad! 29217 Douglas 3-4 1 :13?ifast 19-5 10S 8 7 7 7* 7"" R Ooose 12 M.Kruter CarmeusJ Paartaat 2SJ2 3-44:13 goodB-10 104 3 2 2 IJ B K Bapaille 8 Tun-o ! Charm™ Blarney 5£ *x gton 3"4 I:1:i,/Sfast 24 103 2 3 3 64 4» K Lapaille 8 Kootenay, Banghorne, Billv Joe ??Ex ton 3-4 1:13%fast 29 106 4 3 3 « 4»1 K Bapaille 9 Buzzi. Busy Joe, Rapids !M0O II thorne 3-4 1:16 fast 9-5 102 4 « 2 6» 6J H Stearns 10 John Robert, Dash, Barton WILLDO. br. g. 4 107 By Waldo— Froken Wright and Mahoney. ..S3, Batonia 1 1-1 l:54Kfast 19 -10 M8 2 2 2 2 34 :i«! F Murphy 7 S. B. Meyer. Crasniere M-iri D 33,. 14 Batonia 1 3-16 1 :59*£fast 17 MC 7 6 6 6 6 7" H Stalling 7 Olga Star. Waterproof S Heart IBB Latonia 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 71 10 103 6 6 7 7 7 «« P Lowde? 7 CliffField SaaMaU ChiefBrw,! MSB Douglas 1 3-16 46-5 103 6 5 4 2 lh B P Bowder «i Saf.First. SurpassinV Marjor I 3340; Doug as 1181:53%fast 13 103 6 7 8 7 71 ?! P Bowder » Waterproof. Prince fl , C K ield BBS Douglas 1 1-16 l:4S%mud 11 112 2 6 6 5 5 05U II Shilling 8 I.OUenian, Wrnroof W Crown SSSJ*1 Hfi"it 14-5107 6 6 7 7 7 7 H ShUIInc 7 Day Da v. Tborowoed. JonnUaria SSSST."- 1316 1:59 fast 18-5 104 2 2 2 1 2" 24 F Murphy 7 Solid Rock. Zudora Baby c M 3.31b Uaklwn 1 l:42%good 11-5 105 2 4 3 4 31 2» C Tudor 7 M. Roblee. Hops, Miss Watere ?.rrSH7EE* *• *• ,6. ,. , lal By Marchmont IL— Fay House H. T. Batohler. .3,99Baon.a 3-4 1M fast 32 111 10 11 10 »| VI P St. v. ns 12 Wilhite. Ardent. Sister Susie 3 ■■ ■■., Latonia 1 1-M l:«%faat »-i M 3 3 4 5 i| 1 JF Stevens 7 CliffField, Sui.Maid. ChiefBrwn 33J7S Dongas 1 1-18 l:«%faat 39-10 109 S 5 j | I HPUvdH 5 M. Fannie. Beau.Shop. Saf First -TvoT,°UKaS ;; f 1: -r, Kood 32 1 i! 11 10 8 71 7«I F Stevena 11 Droll. Martre. Kindly BM Dong las 3-41:l",tast 221 M 8 8 8 84 V* H Stearns 9 Brad. Choice, Amazon, S.pieeler •rS,y 1h,nhl *i!:HMMt !" 109 9 a 8 7 "F Btev-WtJ 9 Arch Plotter. Othello. Primero 32375 Tijuana 11:39 fast 7 102 7 6 7 7 7 7» F Stevens 7 Shell Do VuUus Star of Lova 32333 Tijuana 3-4 1 :12*last 8 102 7 6 8 1M F Stevens 7 Hocnir, encl Estimable

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