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LATONIA FORM CHART. LAT0NIA. KY.. V/_D _S_ AY, JUNE 20, 1017.— Ninth day. L-toaia Jockey Club. Bpciag Meeting of 21 days. Weather clear. Stewards, Charles V. Price and T. J. Clay. Judg s, W. II. Shelby and J. B. Campbell. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. J. B. CamphcU. Baring staits at 2:30 p. in. Chicaa time 2:.- .i p. _».. Indicates apprentice allowance. * * O PT i FIRST RACE— 5-8 __•. June 22. 1910 50 2 100. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. OOOU-i llaidens. PiBiea. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second. 30: third. 0. Index I lorsej? A Wt IlSt j _■ -S Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.,|uiv. Odds Strt 33835 2 AZALEA w 112 I 1 1«J 1 1- !• B .Martin TC McDoweU 150-108 33720 MARCH WIND w 112 22 2 2i 2* _» V Murphy J C Rodgera WO-MO 33703*CRYSTAL DAY w 112 7 B SI ■, l"l W Keisay W L L-wis 725-140 33033 LA DAINE wb 112 :. 4 V 6| 41 4 L Gentry J S Barbae 2090-100 .2743 BANDYMO will 1 3 H 4 9* V J liorya Tackett Stable 630-101 QUEEN TROVATO w 112 B I V 71 7 8 J Hanover C C Van Meter B139-100 ARMA LOUISE w 112 B r 4; B* 6«i 7| IT ThnrberW D BerBhardt 485-ltti MACHERE v 112 s 7 B»J Bl s1 Si R Winglld.T G Greener 11275-1*0 S37C3 RED SALMON W 112 9 B a- :• Si ! ■ C Hunt K Spence 342S 160 PHONETA W 112 MM 10 10 M M R McDott H Oots 3380-100 Time. 231i. 48:,/5. 1:01%. Track fast. mntnels paid. Aaalea, .00 stralsht, .00 place, .80 show; Match Wind, .30 place, .40 show; Crystal Bajr, .10 show. Ivpiivah nt booking odd-, -Aaalea, 150 to 100 straight, SO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; March Wiad. 185 to 100 place, 70 i 100 show: Crystal Day, 55 to 100 show. Wiener :.. f, by Peep oPay — Belle of Ashland trained by R. Denny: bred by Mr. T. C. McDoweB. Weal to post at 2:26. At past 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; aecoad and third driving. AZARKA. away fast and thowiag the most speed, won al! the way and finished in a canter. MARCH WIND raced in closest pursuit all the way and held oa well in the Baal drive. CRYSTAL PAY stood ■ hard drive ganad.v . LA DAINE was going fast at the end. BANDYMO had 110 mishaps. ALMA LOUISE dropped back in the grst quarter. 3* c pr • SECOND RACE 3-4 Kile. J_ae 27, DM 1—1:11- 5 lit;. Pane OTOOl S-year-olds .rd. Claiming. Ne ralae to winner 50; ■______, 00: tliird. 0. *_ade___ Horses A Wt ___8t__4 __ i __________ jeckeys Owners- lui7T7 dds"Strt :,3!47 KrXXKV W 4 117 S 1 M_-Li 2- 1| F Marphy .1 B Goodman 2S5-M0 3374M ARCH PLOTTBR wa 4 111 3 8 t*| 21 1* - R Goose Knebelkamp and Howcrton 140-W0 33704 z RE_ RANI waS 114 7 E 5: .""• 4 3» R McDott.l L Merle S8O-M0 3374U JOHN JR. W 4 Hi C 4 4» B» :.l 1- W Keisay I FJ Mulholland 755-100 33800-TRCSTY WB 2 Ml 2 2 V 0 B» B" ■ Craves W Perkins 3S9O-1O0 335341 SlARKRFR 5 111 1 40 0* 8" 0* J HanoverWoodmaa Pros 2630 MO 33511 BIDDY w 1 K! a 7 7- 73 71* 71 H ThorherJ M .Shilling 24246-100 337tt *ARDENT wc 4 _U IS 8 8 S 8 C VanDunW Schmidt 2728 100 Time. 2323, 47, l:13:/5. Track fast. mutmls paid, Kinney, .10 Straight, .40 place, .00 sho.v; Arch Plotter, .10 place, .70 show: Redland. .30 show. Equivalent book-Bg edda— Kinney, 255 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Arch Plotter, 53 to loo place, SS to 100 show; Bedlaad, 05 to 100 show. Winner— R. g, by Pick Welles— Lady fill llliaasil trained bv J. B. Goodman; bred by Mr. T. T. Hayes. Went to post at 2:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won dririag; second and third the same. Kl.NNRV moved into the lead at om e and. standing a hard drive well, ontgamed ARCH PLOTTER 1 he latter regained his speed suddenly, raced forward!* from the start and tired slightly near the end. BBDLAND had to race wide, bat B___ed fast. JOHN JR. tired ia the last eighth. TRUSTY quit la the stretch drive. Overweights -Ardent. 1 pound. ij pr M THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Oct, 7. —18— 1:43%— 3—122. Pane 00. 8-year-eids 3* O O *] _C and a_____rd. Claiming. Net value to winner Si:.-,; si _ end, 00; third. 0. judex Horses a Wt _j , c j_ Str Pla lackeya Ojaacia ___a____0_da 8tr*t 33801- PRINCE S. w 0 113 2 4 a- 4» 3* 11 1 WLIIley J L Paul 1245-100 33740 FRV HOME w .", UO B 3 3 Bl P SJ 2« .1 HaaoverC T Worthington 14B-M8 334M4*FIOHT PAIR wit 2 M 12 7 i.s C" 4* P J Grub, r K Ppcawe 17290-100 13004*JOIIN HURIE wa 7 140 3 1 P P V V P W Kelaay R P Marshall 2420-100 33««J- BKA1 IV SHOP wa 1 KB 4 E S» 2= 2= 5" B" N Barrett Rills - Koeract 3M ON 33734s WATERPR4 1 l- wa S 112 J 7 P 3 51 0" 0»» F Murphy C ■ Hamilton 250-KO 335:!6 FASHION GIRL w3 BM 7 f. « 7 7 7 7 ¥ c Benjamin 19010-100 Time, 24 l/L 48%. 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:47%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Prince BL, 0,110 straight, .00 place, .10 show; Fly Home, .70 plaee, .20 show; Fight Fair. 1,50 show. Equivalent booklag odds — Prince S., 1215 to 100 straight, 330 to 100 place, 195 to 100 show; Fly Home. 88 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Fight Fair. 075 to MO show. Winner R. g, by Campus — Sympathetic traiaed by J. L. Paul; bred by Mr. T. L. Shilling. Went to post at 8:18. At post 2 minutes. Start go Ml ami slow. Won handily; second and third driving. PRINCE S. moved up with a rush after going a halt" mile and. finishing fast, held FRY HOME safe ia the final drive. FRY HOME was forced back on the first turn, but gained steadily under hard riding. PhOHT FAIR closed a big gap in the stretch drive. JOHN HURIE tired slightly. WATERPROOF ran much below his true form. BEAUTY SHOP aalt. Scratched 33f,35-i. is -inating, 104; 3370K Cliff Field, 111; 33709 Monotony, 90; 33S04 Margaret E., 100: 83804 Solid Back, 100. Overweights ________ Rirl. 1%. pounds. O P_ p_ FOPRTI1 RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 27. 1911— 1:11— 5— 110. Purse . 3-year-olds. 3*h *5£j*J *J Al!..wai:c- . Net value to winner 1917.sh50: second. S100; third. 0. Index Horses ______*P8t_ _ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 33801 1WESTY HOGAN W IIS 3 1 l_ 1- 1- 1« b entry J O Whitlow _M00 33801 BBLVE ME ROYS wa BOB 1 4 B« 21 2- 2* F Murphy E R P.radley 1575-100 33704 QU_ZBN ERRANT W 102 4 3 4° 4" 31 3h E Martin T C McDowell MSO-KO SSOO-GUY FORTUNE w 110 3 5 3J 3» 4= 42 M Rarrett Pastime Stable U4B-K0 33529 GREEN JONES w 107 5 2 5 5 5 5 It Oops- W H Raker 1MS_0 Time. 24, 47%, 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid. V.esty Bagaa, S2.50 straight, .40 place, .20 show; Believe Me Boys, .20 place,