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MAIS0NNEUVE MEETING CALLED OFF Montreal, Que., August 30. There was no racing at the Maisonneitve track Monday, and it is highly probable that betless racing will not be attempted in Montreal again. The local public, educated to the syndicate ring and pari-iuutucl, did not take kindly to the secretive method of wagering which was necessary under the system in vogue at Maisonneitve. It was planned late .Saturday night to continue racing Monday at Maisonneuve and entries were out, showing the best fields which had yet been carded to start. A reckoning-tip of finances over the week-end showed that the promoters were far behind financially and it was therefore decided to call olf the meeting. It is said that another local independent track will start an oral betting meeting, but this seems hardly likely. : 1 ; 1 ; ; 1 i I