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BELMONT PARK AIR MAIL DEPOT Woatchester Racing Association Offers Its Property to the Government Free of Charge. Washington. B. c. April S. — Belmont Park has lnt« sel ted as the New York landing place for tlie new aerial service between Washington and New Y«Tk. This service, according to announcement today bv the Postoffice Department, will start not lat.r than May 15. possibly much sooner. The generosity of the Westchester Racing Association is rcs|»onsihlo for the selecting of Belmont Park. High rental was asked of all the other locations und-r consideration in New York City, but the Itaciug Association, in a spirit of patriotism, offered it- property free of charge. Construction of hangar*- ,| Kclmont Park will begin at once. Potomac lark in Washington and Bustletou, North Philadelphia, are tlie other lauding places selected. ot only will the new service shorten the delivery ..f mail Utuccii Washington. Philadelphia and New York by niaiiv hours, but by making quicker rail i m» rti n it* effect will lie felt throughout a wide nrva.