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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY r A dispatch of yesterday from Washington says s that more than 1 :t Mi mid men have been called in u the draft so far and either :ire in France, in camp i. or under call to go into service before June 1. . The total of 1.34UI.OOO includes all men summoned I in the May contingent. There is every indhatiui a that even a larger increment will 1m- summoned in ii June than was summoned in May. and a progressive e monthly mobilization continue through the summer r and fall months as the cantonments are expaa led. It is expected that at such a rate the army will reach a full strength of well over ;;.itoo imki within the next twelve or thirteen months. It is possible, • some officers say. that the numlicr will be closer to .-..SHI.OOO than 3,00*1.000. The signing of the treaty of peace between Germany j and Koumania will lie by no means the last : act in the Roumanian tragedy, according to the view current in London. The announcement by German newspapi rs that Queen Marie would rather abdicate than reign over the country under the German iM-.iee conditions is held to be a case of the ,. wish probably being fa I her to the thought. Troops of the national army of the Inited States K arrived in Ixmdou yesterday for a parade through 11 the principal streets of the city. Then- was a rcgi-inenl of three battalions iii line. The men were • brought in from a near-by camp. large crowds 1 cheered them in the streets and they were reviewed 1 by King George and Ambassador Page, according to u a Ivoiidoii cable of late yesterday. The situation in the Ikraine has become so disturbing that the Germans have dispatched large e detachments of Bavarian cavalry from Flanders to i» tlie Ikraine. the correspondent at Amsterdam of the Exchange Telegraph company reports. Word that fighting is to Is- resumed in the Ikraine has Is-en J received from Liege. Belgium. The Bavarian cavalry detachments are said to have arrived at that t city! The casualty list issued yesterday at Washington shows the capture of five American officers a J captain and four lieutenants. In the list issued I last night the capture of three lieutenants was I reported. ■