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KING GEORGE OFFERS CHALLENGE CUP LONDON. Eng.. January 20. A show of thoroughbred stallions suitable for getting half-bred horses will be held at the Park Paddocks, Newmarket, iu conjunction with the Hunters Improvement and National Light Horse Breeding Society on March 4 and 5. King George lias offered for competition a cup for the champion stallion in the show to which a kings, premium is awarded, to be selected from among the stallions recommended for super-premiums. Tin cup will 1m; held by the winner for one year only, and must then be returned to the Board of Agricul- ture. A gold medal will also be awarded by the Board of Agriculture to the owner of the champion stallion. Sixty kings premiums of th6 average value of 295 pounds are offered by the Board of Agriculture for awaril to thoroughbred stallions not under four or over twenty years old. to travel prescribed districts in England and Wales. Super-premiums of the value of 100 pounds, paid at. th" time of award, will iu addition to ordinary premium, be given to selected stallions of exceptional merit. Not more than twelve will be awarded iu 1919.