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LINES OF THREE FAST TWOYEAROLDS Three finelybred twoyearolds which have so far comported themselves agreeably to their owners in excellent racing have their pedigrees presented here Two of them High Command and Distinction are the property of Major Thomas C McDowell and the satisfaction engendered by their remarkable speed is enhanced in his mind by the reflection that they are of his own breeding Through their sire The Manager their line of descent comes through the Hermit branch of Newuiinster and both of their dams owe paternity to Major Mc ¬ Dowells Kentucky Derby winner Allan a Dale Ina AAfood was bred in Nevada by George AAingfield and her evident high order of speed augurs well for the future distinction of his young Polymelus sire Honeywood On her dams side she is decdedly a reflection of Barney Schreiber her dam being from horses of his breeding on both sides f Friars t II Hermit 0 r tr u uj r voter J J Balsam Fi Fia Flow of Dorset DorsetH H ra a l3Iavourneen Us Rarcaldine 3 5 Gaydene Gaydenef f j I Brace JFonso fFonso JK King Alfonso 3 2 L 1 AAeatherwitch girdle tmlle1 T Peg TT Wof f H Longfellow 4 8 I fington j uaUet nuZTo J uaUetJ 2 1 S Allana rn fnalma n nuZT o = f DaleSSudie Julia I1 L Log og EnquirerS 9 I I McNairy Enquirer S i J Nannie McNairy 5 L I 1 1 I Queen f Kinglike K King Ernest 2 2 2 I HUe J M Mg Minn MinnA A 3 II I v Macaroonv Pouponne M MS Macaroon IFanfaii S r Friars II IIta Hermit ta Voter J Balsam Fl Flow HermitFlow of Dorset DorsetBarcaldine 51 vMavourneen Barcaldine BarcaldineGaydene Z d Gaydene GaydeneKing I Brace fFonso K KI King Alfonso AlfonsoAAeatherwitch I L girdle PeBWof J Longfellow LongfellowBallet AAeatherwitchLongfellow AAeatherwitch fington I Ballet BalletHanover Hanover am HanoverJulia aAllnnn Julia L LEnquirer I Dalei Sudie el I McNairy Nannie EnquirerNannie Enquirer McNairy McNairySt 3 Prince of St Blaise BlaiseCarina Monar J Monaco Carina ka Narka CarinaMacduff Macduff MacduffGadabout Gadabout GadaboutBona rC Bona AMsta AMstaArcadia Poly Arcadia melus 1 Maid ArcadiaHampton Hampton HamptonQuiver Marian MarianFriars Quiver Friars QuiverHermit HermitFlr Hermit Balsam Flr of Dorset DorsetSkylark Skylark SkylarkCoturnix Coturnix CoturnixMusket Musket MusketSlander Slander SlanderSt St Serf SerfThe The Task TaskJils Laura Jils Johnson JohnsonAgnes LauraAgnes Agnes Agnes AgnesMusket Foul 10111 Shot snot Musket MusketSlander J Slander Jungfrau nerfar SlanderOnondaga I nerfarI gilla Eloinore Onondaga OnondagaEloinore