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THIRD BACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Juno 18 1917 145 6 123 LUCIUS ch g 6 113 By Isidore Roxane M F Bonncr 42760 Belmont 78 l27good 10 117 6 G 21 I3 J McTagt 9 Celto Tarascon Tie Pin 42713 Belmont 1 l39fast 165 115 3 3 3 k 4J Loftus 7 Poacher St in Time Com Law 42167 HdeGce 1116 4Sfast 6f 10410 8 7 8l 8 i L MoAtee 10 Polrotua Bill Hunley Thrift 42111 HcleCce Im70yl49hvy 65 108 8 1 7 7 71 L McAtee 8 Sibola Zinnia Simon Pure 42090 HdeGce 1 116 l47fast 245107 23 3 41 411 L McAtee 6 Br Peddler iGhipliic ThBloom 42011 Oaklwn Im70y 145 fast 5 103 4 2 3 3h 2i C Robson 8 llissKruter Tito BarbJShillinr 41915 Oaklwn Im70y l46fast 3 113 6 4 2 31 3 iM Rowan 9 Miss Kruter Tito Lucius 41875 Oaklwn ll43Hmud 1110 113 532 532QUEEN 1 M Rowan 7 HHorse Lit String Sea Urchba UrchbaBy QUEEN OF THE SEA ch m 5 107 By Sea King Cantaloupe G y Forman 42356 Pimlico 1 116 l49fast 1S5 105 7 6 5 11 I1 J AVesslcr 8 Pplroma MissBryn Joan of Arc 42313 Pimlico 1 l43slow 24 108 G G 5 5 5i J Staplctn 7 HaulHirk Game Cock Mid Sun 42277 Pimlico 1 l44mud 7 103 1 11 9 7 SJJ T Rowan 11 N K Heal Kilts II Celto 50538 Bowie 1 14 217hvy 145102 211 23 4IU R McCrnn 4 Ballast Valspar N K Beal 40459 Bowie 1 14 212 fast 135 109 421 2 = 22 R McCrnn 0 Poor Butterfly Ilubetle Dolina 40368 Bowie Im70y l51slop 1910 108 333 4 411 G AValls 7 Cobalt Liss Dollhi I zy Ix u 40355 Bowie 1116150 fast 195111 664 12 2 L Lyke 7 Obolns Prunes King John 35 Laurel Im70y l475 hvy 1310112 5 G 5 5DBAGON 21 33 Q Preece 7 Cobalt Lass Graphic Dolina DolinaBy DBAGON BOCK br g 4 106 By Trap Bock Consuclo II J Cardcmas 4JS85 Havana Im50y 142 fast 95 111 G 1 2 3 3s 43J E Hileman 7 Fritz Ernst P to Point Artist 41715 Havana ImaOy l42fast 12 104 11 1 1 I3 Il G Howard 8 Clark M Kingfisher Corydon 41616 Havana 1 l40fast G 109 7 6 4 5 6 683 C Howard 8 Phedodcn Circulate Anlace 41G Havana ImSOy l42fast 6 103 S 5 6 5 6l 712 C Howard S FtBliss G Duncan WoMtlirush 41363 Havana 1 l41good 1 97 2 4 5 5 21 I2 S AVida 5 Cavan Boy Austral Vocabulary 41318 Havana ImMy 14 4fast 8 102 6 1 1 1 21 3i C Howard 8 Sascnta Klngflshor Circulate 41226 Havana 1116 147 fast 8 103 111 111S1172 1 1i 1i C Upward 10 Frank Keogh Mud Sill Flare S1172 Havana ImSOy l43fast 6 105411 1 I2 I1 C Howard 9 LittlcBuss BrlghtSand Dalrose 41105 Havana 51 f l07f ast 8 1031 9 8 6 52 771 C Howard 12 BevJames Closer SnowQucen ULTRA GOLD ch K 113 By Golden Maxim Ultimate B A Smith 42579 Belmont 61 f l18fast 12 113 S 44 31 I1 L Stalker 9 Tarascon Peasant Our Nephew 42520 Belmont GJfl19fast 7 115 6 3 3 Si 4S3 L Stalker 1 Taniscon AlbcrtA GolrfenKing UnChild4237S 42437 Jamaica 34 l16slop 4 117 6 334 7 i L Lyko 14 Toadstool Ap AViske UnChild 4237S Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 20 112 7 7 7 51 3 L Stalker 11 ElectedlL TaLing Pasamena 11095 FGnda 61 f l10hvy 20 112 1O 6 9 82 8 L Stalker 11 Amclita Bathilde Mar Tom 37744 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 4 10210 10 10 7 7i R Bolton 12 HaseCn Black Bass Parlor Mnlfi 37700 Oaklwn 34 l12fast 5 109 8 32 2 2 L Lyke 12 StarBaby WaltDant WMaster 37634 Oaklwn 1 l42Vigood 12 106 Lost rider L Gentry 12 Tumble In Flapper Cobrita CobritaIVBY Dalley42S09 IVBY ch g 3 104 By Olambala lady Navarre H B Dalley 42S09 rJamaica Im70yl45 fast 12 98 1 G C G 3l 2i L Fator 12 King John Alors Hong Kong 42414 Jamaica 1 116 l4Sfast 13 103 3 3 8 3 2i 2J J Drcycr 3 Padily Dear Jack Mount Belle421GG 42381 Jamaica Itn70yl15fast 6 103 3 S 10 10 1021 Q Prccce 11 Favour Millrace Mary Belle 421GG ILdcGce Im70yl 46f ast 54 111 5 4 6 5 Ol 46i L Fator 8 Houdini Sylvano Antoinette 42103 deGce 34 l16hvy S3 105 4 8 S 8 63i L Fator 8 Ticklish Crys Ford DtichLacs 715 Havana ImMy l42fast 5 98 7 7 8 8 71 5 T Murray 8 Drag Rock ClarkM Kingfisher 41515 Havana 1142 fast 45 104 6 6 5 3 In 1 T Murray 7 BIClark IronBoy Sunnincdalo 41431 Havana 34 l13fast 3 110 7 7 6 2 1 W Doyle 9 Sentimental Sky Man L Mack 41345 Havana 34 l15slow 4 105 3 7 6 31 34 II Bullman 9 Sentimental BabyGirl IronBoy PADDY DEAB ch g 5 117 By Celt WyoU W C ClancyJ 42795 Jamaica lm70yl44Jifast 10 105 4 G 7 9 7 = S11 L Fator 12 Kilts II Zenith Our Nephew 42425 Jamaica 1 116 l48fast 165 136 1 3 2 2 31 41 AV J OBn 5 Orderly Bar of Phoenix Zinnia 42414 Jamaica 1 116 l48fast 13 113 122 1 I3 Il AV J OBh 3 Ivry Jack Mount 42361 Jamaica Im70yl45fast 2 US 6 C 5 4 4s 2 W J OBn 5 Orderly Bclario SWmJohnson 41356 FGnds Im70y 145 fast 13 5113 333 3 11 I2 W J OBn 6 Sayonarra Berlin H Breivogel 41337 FGnda 1 116 l47fast 6 1 8 2 3 3 3 3M165 52 5s R Simpson 7 Sayoharra LihSands SirOliver M165 FGnds Im70yl47slow 3 112 1 4 3 6 61 7S5 W J OBnll Dipscorido Lottery Lib Sanda SandaS 10941 FGnds 1 l43slow 95 109 8 7 6 4 S 3 i L Lyke 9 Obolus Baby Lynch Graphic Graphic2l 10901 FGnds Im70y l46faat 4 109 2 4 3 3 3ZENITH 2l 2 L Lyke 7 Irish Kiss Obolus Grayson GraysonBy ZENITH br c 4 111 By Ogden Zahra G W Loft J2795 Jamaica Im70yl44fast G 107 9 2 2 1 1422S7 23 2J AV Kelsay 12 Kilts II Our Nephew Favour 422S7 Sylvano422TO Pimlico 1 l44Vimud 1110 113 426 6 6422TO 6 6 W Kelsay 13 J of Arc S de Verdun Sylvano 422TO Pimlico 1142 fast 54 119 2 5 5 5 5 421 W Kelsay 0 SweepOn OldRsebiid PolkaDot 39273 Saratoga 1 l38fast 12 108 8 7 3 4 1J 1s AV Kelsay 14 Wingold Impetus Onward 39203 Saratoga 1 l3Sfast 6 115 4444 4 414 M Buxton 5 Cailso Puts and Calls LnckyDay LnckyDay3SG04 3SG04 Belmont 1 141 hvy 20 105 6 6 6 7 7 4T M Buxton 7 Sycamoor Guelnnd Tombolo 38391 Belmont 51 fstl04fast 50 10212 12 12 12 12 W Kerr 12 Snlifli hII Abadane CornTaaael 3S112Pimlico CornTaaael3S112Pimlico ImGOy 147 fast 26 106 8 4 4 6 72 7 3 M Buxton 15 Claquer Fencer Gibby MISS BBYN b f 4 1M 42S11 Jamaica 1 116 l473fast 50 101 477 42642 Belmont 1 116 l44ifast 30 tt 5 G 3 6 6l 518 J Callalian Princeps Benevolent Bolster 42524 Belmont 1 l33fast 15 106 S 7 7 5 7i S11 J Dreyer 9 War one Uns Lassie Orderly 42356 Pimlico ll16149fast 11 110 1 4 4 4 2n 34 E Sande 8 Q of the Sea Polroma JofArc Sun422T1 42313 Pimlico 1 l43islow 31 112 446 6 6 ° f ° AV Kelsay 7 Hauberk Game Cock Mid Sun 422T1 Pimlico 1116 l4Sf ast 20 106 2 4 4 4 3i 35i J Dreyer 11 Polroma W Bedotte NKBeal 42193 Pimlico 1144 slop 3310 112 2 1 3 2 3 J Dreyer 411 Breivogel Romeo Mohican 42138 ILdcGce 34 l13fast 14 105 3 76 4 43J E Ambrse 9 Murphy Amaekassin K Bright 42107 ILdcGce 34 1l5hvy 18 110 7 7 7 4 3J J Dreycr 7 Onico DVandiver Tommywaac TommywaacKING KING JOHN b ffi4 117 By Sir John Johnson Deviltree J Lumsden J2S09 Jamaica Im70yl 48 f a jt 7 IK 6 4 5 3 2A in T Rice 12 Ivry Alors Hong Kong 42521 Bolmoiit 1 l33fast 15 11314 48 8 S 7 i J Murphy 9 War Zone Uns Lassie Orderly 40551 Bowie 1 l45slow 27 102 6 4 4 4 B1 6 i H Myers 5 Bolster Deckmate Minto II 40537 Bowie 1146 hvy 14 105 6 44 4 4 411 J McTagt 0 Kashmir Drummond T Bloom 40499 Bowie Im70y l47fast B 113 7 7 4 6 6 4T R McCrnnlO JusquauBout PeerOne Poacher Poacher1013S 1013S Bowio Im70y l49fast 24 10T 545 C Z In A Johnson 9 Bravado Prunes Hauberk Hauberk403SI 403SI Bowie 1 116 153 hvy 7 102 2 4 4 3 3IS 2s J Rodgcz 0 Prunes Grai hic N K Heal 40355 Rbwie 1116150 fast 2 110 3234 41 4 M Buxton 7 Obolus Q of the Sea Prunes 40326 Bowie Im70y l48Hfast S 108 1 22 2 1J I2 M Buxton 5 Thorn Bloom Whimsy Obolua OboluaOUB OUB NEPHEW b g 4 112 By Dr Leggo Georgia Girl J Gar son 427 Jamaica Im70yl44fast 10 110 5 1 1 3 3 3U L Lyke 12 Kilts II Zenith Favour 42579 Belmont 6i f llSfast 2 111 7 C 7 6J 4i II Myers 9 Ultra Gold Tarascon Peasant 42427 Jamaica BJ f l07fast 165116 S 4 5 BJ 2 T Nolan 7 TaLing Toadstool Pasamcua 42398 Jamaica 31 l13fast S5 112 2 1 1 1 I5 T Nolan 5 P Butterfly UnChild Kewessa 4Z57S Kewessa4Z57S Jamaica 5J f 107 fast 4J 117 5 6 4 6i 5 C Fbther 11 ElectedlL TaLing UltGoId 42176 HdeGce Ei f T07fast 22 113 2 4 3 4 42 T Nolan 12 Irene Toadstool Amaekassin 42093 HdeGco 34 l14fast 3 110 7 4 1 11 I1 T Nolan 15 Leoti Fay BarOne MarConuell 42053 ILdeGce 58 l03hvy 17 118 2 1 2 21 2 T Nolan 10 Hurricane Joe Joe Consistency 40201 Empire Ab34 l03fast 8 98 4 3 3 3s 2s II Myera 0 Turf Paddy Jane Mary MaryTEDDY TEDDY ROUSSEAU b g 3 110 By Assagai Mountain Mist W J Salmon Alors4265S 12S09 Jamaica Im70yl46 fast 7 104 8 7 9 9 S1 7S3 J Callahanl2 King John Ivry Alors 4265S Belmont 1 l3Sfast 15 111 7 6 7 8 6l 712 R Troxler 8 AVarZono StarKealm AVndovcr 42439 Jamaica 34 l15slop 7 101 2 7 6 4J 5 1 J Callahan 8 Past Swain RoiCraig Ceramic 42401 Jamaica Im70yl47fast 115105 111 1 I2 1 J Callahan 4 Alma B PicrruaFcu Itclarin 423T7 Itclarin423T7 Jamaica 34 l13fast 31 1 3 6 66 6 6 G PrecccJr 0 Eliicicnt Young Adam W Zone 3X925 Zone3X925 KJane387t0 Aifduct 58 68fast 12 108 2 6 4 4i 3s E AmbrscM DVandiver Es iuimau KJane 387t0 Aqduct 68 101 fast 12 104 4 6 4 6i 451 E Ambrsell FlccSheik Blalrgowrie TheBoy 3S705 TheBoy3S705 Jamaica D8l01fast 7 107 5 2 I2 I2 E Ambrsel2 Holiokus Little Malidie Tippler 3S6S5 Tippler3S6S5 Jamaica Bi f 107 fast 20 106 7 7 7 61 6 J E Taplin 9 Fleeing Sheik Osgood Lion dOr dOrONWA ONWA ch h 5 108 By Dalhousic Thistledown J J Fitzgerald J27S1 Belmont 6i f llSfast 30 110 1 5 G 7 S12 G AV Carl 9 Nhtstick ElectedlL Bellringer 42520 Belmont 6i f l19fast 10 11511 13 12 10l 9 G AV Carll Tarascon AlbcrtA GoldenKing 41SC5 Oaklwn 34 l14Vifast 12 llll 1 7 7 7 7 FJ Hayncs 8 KirstiesCub Kuklux Huf faker 41695 Oaklwn Bl f l07fast 6 111 G G fakerG 6 5 5s E Hayncs 11 MISTrman CMster Lerator 41659 Oaklwn 34 l16slow 115 118 1 2 2 11 21 E Hayncs 10 BarSliilling Jane LibertyStar 41645 Oaklwn 34 l14HBOOd 60 110 5 88 9 914 E Haynes 10 MarsMonse Bringhurst Kcrenest 40379 FGnda 51 f 107 fast 15 112 7 3 1 31 42 H Hayncs 12 Sahretash Ina Kay Liberator 40S98 FGnds Bi f l075ifast 30 11312 12 12 12 12 E Hayncs 12 Star Baby Ophelia W Langden 40S160 FGnds BJ Cltina hvy 15 110 3 9 9 10 103 ° E Haynes 10 Pepper Key Mar Amelita 40697 Jcfson I 34 l20V hvy 10 110 6 6 7 8 8 Et Hayncs 8 Marg N Key Mar OllieMartin ZINNIA b m 5 By Voorhees Emir G A Shipman 42S09 Jamaica Iin70yl46 fast 30 10S 3 11 11 11 101 9 = J McTagt 12 King John Ivry Alors 42547 Belmont 1 116 l46fast 7 91 6 7 7 7 7 7 = ° F Cltilctti 7 Alma B Favour SirW Johnson 42425 Jamaica 1 116 l4Sfast 30 91 3 5 G 4 4s 3 = 1 F Cltilettl 5 Orderly BofPlioenix PadDear 423S1 PadDear423S1 Jamaica Iin70y 145 fast 20 106 10 5 8 8 9l S M Mountnll Favour Millrace Mary Belle 42167 HdeGce 1116 l4Sfast 13 103 61013 8 92 9 1 M MountnlC Polroraa Bill Ilunley Thrift 42111 HdeGce Im70yl49hvy 31 103 7 8 8 4 31 2 = 1 M Mountn 8 Sibola SimonPure VirginiaYell 42086 ILdcGce 34 l14fast Bf 104 2 11 8 5l 65J M Mountnl2 T as Steel Miss Bryn Zouave 42041 HdcGco 34 117 slop 75 106 5 G G403S4 6 51 C M Mountn 0 Amaekassin Sibola Miss Bryn 403S4 Bryn403S4 Bowie 114218 hvy 7 103 8 7 7 7PIEDBA 8 8 7M Sndman 9 Babette Tootsic Miss Fannie FanniePIEDBA PIEDBA b g 4 112 By Magellan Premiere Marche B J Mackenzie 42795 Jamaica Im70yl 44f ast 8 107 6 7 10 1042GSC 7 S1 710 L Stalker 12 Kilts II Zenith Our Nephew 42GSC Nephew42GSC Belmont 1 1N 1 52f ast S5 16 122 1222 3nt L Stalker 5 PBtertly DCIioiie GalaDresa 42524 Belmont 1 l39fast 12 111 1 G 5 6 6l 63 L Stalker 9 War Zone Uns Lassie Orderly 40520 Bowie 1 14 212slow 5 102 6 4 5 6 6 G L Stalker G PButterfly PanilCalls Luther 40429 Bowie 1 14 213 fast 1710 105 6 3 3 4 3 3 L Stalker 0 PandCalls FounFay GoIdBoy 40397 Bowie Im70y l51hvy 310 106 3 7 6 6 B2 3 L Stalker 8 Bravado Valspar Peerless One 40209 Pimlico 1 14 208fast 4 105 3 2 2 2 2 in L Stalker 10 KenBoy Wdthrush PandCalls 40277 Pimlico 1 14 208 fast 1710 107 2 3 4 4 33 l kli Stalker 9 Valspar Sunnyland Ss Bridge 10214 Pimlico 1 18 l56 3low 3 108 221 221ALMA 1 I4 le L Ensor 7 Tie Pin BofPlioeuir PecrOne PecrOneBy ALMA B br m 6 103 103427S5 By Hessian Court Dance G W Atkinson 427S5 Belmont 1 18 l53V fast 25 107 4 1 2 5 G 5 = ° J AVessler 5 DChoice Benevolent PBtertly 42GS6 Belmont 1 18 l52fast 6 94 3 3 3 5 5 54 J Staplctn 5 P Butterfly DsClmice Piedra 42517 Belmont 1 116 l46fast 20 97 2 4 2 2 21 1 J Staplutn 7 Favour Sir Wm Johnson Dan 42425 Jamaica 1 116 l4Sfast 10 93 4 4 4 5 B B12 A Richcrk 5 Orderly Bar of Phoenix Zinnia 42401 Jamaica Im70yl47fast 10 10S 442 2 2s 24 J Stapletn 4 TRbussu PierreaFeu Bclario 42314 Pimlico 1 116 lBOslow 60 105 2 5 4 3 3J 4 J StapletnlO Kilts II SistcrEmblcm Prunes 42293 Pimlico 1 116 152 mud 20 116 166 5 6 6 E Ainbrse 7 Plenty Houdini Sky Pilot 42251 Pimlico 1 1161 4Sf ast 33 100101110 11 11 II22 J Callahan 11 Polroma AV Bedotte MissBryn 421S1 MissBryn421S1 HdeGco lm70yl46Vifast 7if 93161111 5 62 2n J Wessler IB SirAVJohnson BHuntey Fairly 42123 HdcGce 118156 good 25 101 3 5 5 6 61 61 R Moore 9 Lutlier Sleeth Kingfisher 42097 HldeGce Im70yl45fast 12f Wll 99 7 64 43 J AVessler 12 IndChant SimPure Kingfisher KingfisherMILLBACE MILLBACE b f 4 106 By Bapid Water tucile B E Sietas 42795 Jamaica m70yi44fast 12 1W 8 10 S 10 10 II21 J Callahanl2 Kilts 11 Zenith Our Nephew 42CG2 Nephew42CG2 Belmont 1 110 l45fast 30 lOGi S S S 5 Snk 4s G Kummer 9 Fell Swoop J nil Bout Celto 425S3 Celto425S3 Belmont 1 l38fast 31 107 4 4 4 4 41 4J C Kummer 9 Dan Bellringer Holiokus 42381 Jamaica Im70yl45fa8t 15 J06 7 3 2 2s 2J C Kummerll Favour Mary Itelle Plenty 42180 ILdeGce Im70yl40fast 12f 10013 9 D 12 9 12 F Weiner 15 Favour Dan Mary Belle 42136 HdcGce 1116 l47fast 14 104 7 4 5 6 7s 79i J Dreycr 9 Cnimpsall Bar One Refugee 42097 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 12f 105J 967 6 72 8 FJ Sande 12 IndlChant SimPure Kingfisher 420S2 Kingfisher420S2 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 8 105 4 3 2 2 21 33i E Sande 11 Dan Indian Chant Alnia It 42044 Hde ce Im70yl53 slop 9 98 4 4 3 4 4 4 F Weiner 5 Indolence CapitalCity Kilts II IITANTALUS TANTALUS b g 3 98 By Knight of the Thistle Tantalize R H McC McCPotter Potter 42662 Belmont 1 116 l45f ast 15 92 9 9 9 9 9 9 F CMtileW 9 Fell Swoop Jf an Bout Celto 42477 Belmont 78 l2Sslow 10 105 5 555 410 H Hamtn 5 ULassie SVerdict StQuentln 41898 Oaklwn 1 l42hvy 10 88 6 6 6 6 11 I1 M Schwtz 0 Omond M Rose H BabyMneli 41787 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 21 112 2 3 J5 3i 33 L Gentry 8 Cacumbo Court Gallant FoUi 41657 Oaklwn 51 f 110 slow 1 110 5 6 4 11 1 D ConnllylO MissOrb Byrne Ernes Pride 41492 FGnds 5 f lllhvy 6 115 6 544 4SJ D Connllyl2 Milda Nelle Yorke Vision 41177 FGnds 1 l41VbRood 20 103 3 3 3 3 4 4l H Ericksn 4 Sajlor Under Fire Antoinette 41116 FGnds E f l13Vfhvy 10 106 6 75 4 3 II Ericksn 7 Discussion JJCiiscy C Downs 41083 FGnds 1 l49Kvy 86 116 542 3 4 4 ° D AVlshard 7 Newel W ETrautir CBoothe 40839 FGnds 5lf 108 fast 20 1W 12 12 12 9l 8 K Donhuol2 Romeo Marmite F and Square 404CS Jcfaon Bi f l15iilivy 12 114 2 23 41 3 i D WishU S Salgeorge Fran Star Jliealey 399 jamalc 61 f l07faat W 116 8 10 U Ul U W Collins W Grimalkin OTerTJiere ea JSt DR RAE b g By Sea King Stake and Cap W Stockton 42189 Pimllco 34 115 slop S G5 O18 C Mergler 10 T Desert Ballyionncll Sylvano 42093 HclcGcc 34 l14fast 1710 15 14 = = T StapletnlG Our Nephew LeotiFay RarOue 41850 Bowie 51 f lOSVfrast 9 f G C Mergler 11 Wisest Fool Frizeur DncliIjace 40495 Bowie 61 f l20irast 31 31 2 J McTagt 7 Wyndovcr Poultney Vigilante 40434 Bowie 1 l43fast 12 21 1 J McTagt 10 WndoVcr Poultney ClcanGone 40337 Bowie 34 114 fast 22 22El 31 2 C KummcrlO Poultncy Latkawaima Poilu 40230 Laurel El f 110 hvy 10 10El 3h 3 i C Mergler 13 Mor Elder StQuciitin JofArc 40075 Laurel El f l07fast 34 34Bl 12 ll J Callahanli Bagliccra Ceramic Sylvano 39776 HdcGce Bl f lOShvy 5 2 k 4f c Mcrsler 9 Tomuiywaac LFieIder Poltntj S9661 H lcGce 65 f 109 fast 41 41Bl 3J In C Mergler 14 SusuilM llllollins Simnincilale 39635 ILdcGce Bl f 108 fast 58 5858100fast 6s 61 C Mcrgier 11 Translate Baghcera DucdcUiilse 88857 Agduct 58100fast 8 61 6 C Mergler 20 St Qucutin Gath Sylvnno TAILOR MAID ch f 3 100 By Fair Play Toggery J Schaughncssy 42638 Belmont 7Sl23fast 41 109 3 7 7s 1 ICnsor S JVrclilwanr Trophy MIIollins 40192 Kmjdre Ab34 ino faat 7 1071 8 C1 6rl M Buxton 11 Tiger Rose BlueDevil UoldyuU 40183 Empire El f 107 fast 3 113 8 84015G 5 4 K Taplin 9 Roi Craig T Kose Hindoostan 4015G Kinpire 5i f l07fast 145 1 1 2 2i 2 L Ensor 0 Lckiiwauua NYorke Wilfred 39599 Belmont 6Jf at l06fast 9 110 6 3J 1 E Taplin 11 Pluviada Sailor Wilfreda 39365 Saratoga 5S 59fast 7 113 1 1S92S2 31 4T G Byrne 11 Goldvale Virago Duclicss Lace S92S2 Saratoga E8 103 slop 8 107 8 Gl S 3 B Wsehcria DCarnival Lanientlon VHoui 39233 Saratoga 61 f l06fast 40 1123 01 7 ° B Wscherl4 Sketchy Milk Maid Cerinus 29179 Empire 5S l00fast 30 112 8 8 A Collins 0 Daydue Peter Translate