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SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Special Weights June 10 1919 62 2 107 INSPECTOR HUGHES b c 2 M 115 By Assagai Louisianno M C Moore 42775 Latonia 58 59fast 7 Ho 1 2 3 31 36J R Simpsonl2 II Coinaiul Westwood Patches 42741 Latonia 41 f 54slow 12 108 2 1 V 2 H Simpson 8 SFreedinan Sterling PPnant 42716 Latonia T8 l03hvy G 115 7 4 7 7 7is R Simpson 7 MUines LHauiilton HComiiil 42316 Churchl 12 48fast 22 112 8 8MAKE 8 7J 7i R Simpson 8 Spicebsh Bcoyiic WtheUreut WtheUreutBy MAKE UP b c 2 M 115 By Disguise Fairy Story J B Respess 42775 Latonia 58 59fast 44 115 12 12ACE 12 11 11 H10 J Kederis 12 HComand Wtwood IHnghPs IHnghPsBy ACE OF TRUMPS blk q 2 M 115 By Von Tromp Bonsetta E Cebrian 42666 Latonia 4i f 55 fast IS 110 C 4 41 3s T Murray 10 WtheGreat Warlike ASohller 42364 Churchl 41 f E4fast GO 112 4 4BY 3 El 6IS J Mclntyre 9 Angon Virgo Peace Pennuui PennuuiBy BY GOLLY b c 2 M 115 By Helmet Acutissima E R Bradley 42159 Lexton 12 49 good 195 110 4 4CAPTAIN 3 3 31 L Gentry 4 Friz Peace Pennant Ladylove LadyloveBy CAPTAIN MAC ch c 2 M 115 By The Manager Royal Dainty W J Young 42815 Latonia uS E9fast 20 109 S SMANDALAY 8 5 54 511 C Robson 9 MJcmTa SFreediutui MMoore MMooreBy MANDALAY ch c 2 M 115 By Marathon Foxy Mary J Livingston 42775 I Iitonia itonia 58 59fast 41 115 7 C 8 SJ S H Lunsfd 12 HComund Wtwood LHiighes 42503 Churchl 41 f 55hvy G 115 G 7 7 715 W Crump 12 Mty Man LIIamllton ASoldier 42347 Churchl 41 f E4 fast 19 113 11 12 12 12 T Murray 12 SFreedman Westwood Bestlal 42255 Lexton 4i f E5fast 27 11313 8 G1 6 3 W Crump J3 Chisca MickeyMoore Westwood 42155 Lexton 12 49 fast 2710 112 8 8 81 643 W Crump 10 Best Pal Spicebush LukeDillon 42113 Lexton 12 48fast 12 110 4 4TRAVESTY 4 4 451 W Crump 7 Friz Mighty Man Ziziz ZizizBy TRAVESTY b c 2 M 115 By Ballot Coy Maid H H Hewitt 42775 Latonia 5S 59fast 98 115 3 34271C G 7 7k 78J W Waronl2 HCoinand Wtwood Lllughes 4271C Latonia 58 l03hvy DO 115 3 3 2 2S 4 ° J Morys 7 MHynes LHainton UCinaud 42347 Churchl 41 f G4fast 33f 113 3 34230C 7 10s II30 W Varonl2 SFreedman Westwood ISestlal 4230C Churchl 12 49 hvy 70 107 7 G 7 7 H J Burke 9 Luke Dillon Atta Boy II Friz 42255 Lexton 41 f C5fast 27 113 10 10PAROL 11 9i Si H J Burkel3 Chisca MickeyMoore Westwood WestwoodBy Westwoodt t PAROL ch c 2 M 115 By Transvaal May Ellen W F Poison 42347 Churchl 4J f 54fast 33f 113 1 14231C 4 7 714 C Howard 1 SFreedman Westwood Bestlal 4231C Churchl 12 48fast 31 112 2 2RUNNYVEN 5 3 i 441 C Howard 8 Spicebsh Bgoyne WtlieGrfat WtlieGrfatBy RUNNYVEN b c 2 M 115 11540M4 By Runnymede Ventura A B Spreckels 40M4 FGnds 28 SSmud 10 114 7 7LORD S S J Mctcalt S Annabelle QVkFire DandyVan DandyVanBy LORD WRACK b c 2 M 115 By Wrack Gowell J Allgeyer 42741 Latonia 4i f 54i low 52 107 7 7W 88 8 H Lunsfd S SFreedman IIIiiglies Sterling SterlingBy W P MONTGOMERY ch c 2 M 115 11542S14 By Brummel Ruth Carter C H Carter 42S14 Latonia 58 l01fnst r7 11410 1141042U27 357 = 771 D Connllyl2 Suissc Maize Lady Roberts 42U27 Churchl 4i f 53fast rC 09 4 6 G5 G K Donhue G Marvin May Sterling Talisman 573 Churchl 5S l03hvy 125 115 S 999 IT K Simpson 9 C Uershler P Ptuuaut Alsace AlsaceBy DEWITT ch g 2 M 115 By Everett Miss Panmure I E Clark Kirst start Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched SEAPLANT b e Z M 115 1155S By Wrack Planless J H Wheelwright 42S14 Uatonia 5S l01fast 17 HO 6 489 9t3 J Morys 12 Suisse Maize Lady Roberts 42703 Latonia 4 f 54fast 103 6 64i C EU 7 3 T Murray 8 HLorch PaiilWeidel WJnaon 42CG6 Latonia 4i f 55 fast 1C 115 4 5 71 8 J Morys 10 WtheGreat Wlike AofTmps 42586 Churchl ChurchlPATCHES 58 l01fast 67 112 9 9c 9 y 9 3 J Morys 12 Sterling Jazz Alex Jr JrBy PATCHES ch c 2 M 115 1155S By Ivan the Terrible Beatrice K A B Gorden 42775 Latonia 5S 59fast C 115 S S4i 7 4 4i 4 i L Gentry lli IlCoiuund Wtwood I Hughes 42GC5 Latonia 4i f 53fast 125 110J 2 5 4 45J L Gentry G M Moore Cllershler Mariiay 42576 Churchl 58 l01hvy 25 108 7 7 3 41 2 C IJobson S M Irinima M Man AtBoylL 42155 Lexton 12 49 fast 95 112 10 7 71 S83 F Murphy 10 Best Pal Spicebush LukeDillon