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Jamaica Entries and Tast Performances for Monday June 16 WEATHER CLEAR TEACE FAST The figures under the heading BecV in the I entries b low show the best timeiof each horse I at the distance sinca January 1 1017 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Itacing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mnd runner X Good mud runner jj Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Bace 58 Mile Mile2yoaroMs 2yoaroMs Maidens Fillies Special Weights Track record May 19 1917 59 2 109Todays Todays 109 Ind Horse Wt Bee AWtHan AWtHan42473s 42473s Encrinite 100105 112 725 42822 Gcrma 112 720 42822 Marie Antoinette 112 101 107 715 71542S12 42S12 Ocoanna 108102 112 710 42548 Heyday 112101 112705 112705Encrinite Encrinite is gifted with spcetl spcetlSecond Second Tlace 34 Mile Mile3ytaroIds 3ytaroIds Fillies Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Oct 13 1918 lill 3 12G 12G425R13 425R13 Ophelia 109 113 111X750 111X7504243U 4243U Scoots 10S 110 111X745 427213 High Born Lady 115 114 111 745 42 i2l Duchess I iice 107 113 114X740 40202 Trisraloosa 110 l14s 121740 42474 Phantom Maid i05 113 107735 42810 MV Friend 118 113 117i735 117i7354202H 4202H Terentia 11M 113 1211735 42733t 121173542733t Hermllas 109 li3 111X730 111X7304029S 4029S Alplicu 112115 111 725 725tAV tAV II Coc entry Ophelia is racing in good form formThird Third Race 1 116 Miles Miles3ycaroldrf ClaimingTrack 3ycaroldrf and upward Claiming Track record June IS 1917 145 5 123 42750 Lucius 113147 5113X725 42355 Queen of the Sea 110 147 5 1070720 418SV Dragon Rock 103 147 4 KM5X715 42579 Ultra Gold 4 113 7K 42809 Ivry 103148 3104X715 42795 Paddy Dear 100 l4tt 5 117X710 42795 Zenith 4 111 710 42811 Miss Hryn 99147 4108X710 42809 King John 110 147 4 1171710 427153 or piew 4 112X711 42S09 Teddy Rousseau 3 110 705 42781 Oriwa Ill l50 l50in fi 108X705 42809 Zinnia 108 1 48 5 103 X 705 42795 Pkdra 427S5 Alma B 97 140 5 103X700 T95 Millrace 1051145 4 100X700 42052 Tantalus 92150 3 9SX700 9SX700421S9 421S9 ln Rae 3 100X700 42538 Tailor Maid 3 100 700 700Luciup Luciup should win again againFourth Fourth Baccrl 116 Miles MilesEleventh Eleventh Running Garden c City Selling Stakes StakesGuaranteed Guaranteed Value 2000 20003yearolds upwardTrack 3yearolds and upward Track record June 18 1917 145 T 123 123427S3 427S3 DAMROSCII 107145 51150750 42783 = War Zone 3 1011740 100X74O42808s 42811 Frederick the GreatlOC 147 4 100X74O 42808s Rlairgowrie 3 Jll740 42235 KohiNoor 115 145 5 97 740 42795 Kilts II 115 lr lr0s 0s 5 110 735 42831 = AVoodtrap 112 145 5 107X735 42825 Matinee Idol 103 147 4 111x737 42710 Kose dOr 4 103X735 42808 Ceramic 3 103 730 42794 liecount Ill 14 4 1090730 42703 Camoufleur 98 145 3 1020730 42710 Dorcas 108 1 45 0 107 X 725 42811 Miss Bryn J9 147 4 90X725 90X725Damrosch Damrosch is fast and in good form formFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds HandicapTrack 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record June 18 19i7 145 5 123 414502 Orestes 102 145 4 117X750 42712 Valor 108 144 5 1210745 42749 King Plaudit 3 115x740 42500 Itiiycc Kuols 103 145 4 1250740 42825 Thunderstorm 3 97 735 42823 Fairy Wand 115 145 5 1151735 42825 Henry G 102 145 4 105 730 42783s Jack Stuart 4 95 730 42703 Camoufleur 98 Ii45 3 1030725 If fit and good Orestes should win winSixth Sixth Bace 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 19 1917 59 2 109 10942703s 42703s Retrieve M 107 725 42780 Neddam 120 720 72041372s 41372s Grayssian 115 715 71542747s 42747s Ira Wilson 115 715 42799 Furlough M 115 102 110 715 42812 Beck and Call 110103 112X710 42799 Glen Light M 115 107 110X703 42822 Marie Antoinette AntoinetteM M 112101 107 705 42780 lilazes M 110 700 42454 Romany M 110 700 42220 Doughboy M 110 700 700At At the weights Retrieve seems best