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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Mondays races are Latonia Ky June 14 1 Cane Run Brisk Dairyman 2 Insitector Hughes Mandalay Make Up 3 Legotal Madras Gingham Carrie Moore 4 RANCHER Dodge Bribed Voter 5 Chisca Atta Boy II Alula 6 Leocharps War God Hcndrii 7 Deckmate Thinker General Haig 3 L Dempsey DempseyBuffalos Buffalos Laioula Handicap 1 Cane Run Jack ODowd Brisk El Mahdi 2 Patches Inspector Hughes Ace of Trumps By ByGolly Golly 3 Legotal Vansylvia Madras Gingham Kiku 4 RANCHER Dodge Brilied Voter Herald T Atta Boy II Chisca Spring Vale Sterling C War God Lillian Shaw Loothares Buford 7 Thinker Dick Williams Sands of Pleasure PleasureDeckmate DeckmateObservers Deckmate Observers Iatonia Handicap HandicaplCjne lCjne Run El Mahdi Jack ODowd Brisk 2 By Golly Inspector Hughes Patches Ace of ofTrumps Trumps 3 Legotal Vansylvia Madras Gingham Carrie CarrieMoore Moore 4 RANCHER Dodge Bribed Voter Herald 5 Atta Boy II Alula Chisca Pyr fi War God Lillian Shaw Ixrochares Buford 7 Thinker Sands of Pleasure Dick Williams WilliamsO O bolus Jamaica New York June 14 1 Germa Marie Antoinette Heyday 2 Duchess I aee Ophelia Scoots 3 Ivry Queen of the Sea Lucius 4 FREDERICK THE GREAT Damrosch Wood trap 5 King Plaudit Fairy AVand Valor 0 Neddaui Retrieve Marie Antoinette AntoinetteE E P Farrell FarrellBuffalos Buffalos Jamaica Handicap 1 Ehcrinite Oceanua Gcrma Marie Antoinette 2 Terentia Duchess Law Ophelia My Friend 3 Zenith Ultra Gold Ivry King John 4 War Mask War Zone Damrosch Frederick the theGreat Great GreatJJ JJ Rovci Rools King Plaudit Valor Fairy Wand 0 NEDDAM Retrieve Marie Antoinette Grays sian sianObncrvcrs Obncrvcrs Jamaica Handicap 1 Knrrinite Marie Antoinette Senna Occauiia 2 Teriiitia Duchess Lace Ophelia Scoots 3 Paddy Dear Zenith Ivry King John 4 Woodtrap Damrosch War Zone Frederick the theGreat Great 5 KING PLAUDIT Valor Royce Rools Camou Camoufleur fleur G Neddam Retrieve Grayssian Beck and Call