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GOT THE TWO TWOTOES How Hunter Mclutyre Killed Pair of Destructive Wolves WolvesAnimal Animal Had a Record of 3OOO Worth of Liveiitock in a In a recent Issue of the Denver News Maurice Leckenby tells what one of these hunters accom ¬ plished after months and months of tireless hunting and trapping trappingAlbert Albert Mclntyre of the United States biological survey added some new laurels to his record last week when he succeeded in trapping near the head of the Laramie River the consort of Old TwoToes a she wolf whose record of destruction is second to none In the mountains mountainsFor For more than a dozen years stockmen of that region have offered large rewards for the scalps of TwoToes and his mate The most skilled trap ¬ pers were brought into the country to lure them to destruction for they have a record of killing more than 3000 worth of livestock in a single winter Two years ago Mclntyre brought in the scalp of TwoToes Last week he got Mrs Two Toes and there is consequent rejoicing among the stockmen now that the heads of the family have ceased their work of destruction These wolves have been known to stockmen throughout the moun ¬ tain region for many years and they had become so wary of the wiles of humankind that for long their capture was despaired of But Mclntyre has at last triumphed although the wolf just captured was so old and her teeth were so worn that a snowshoe rabbit was about the limit of her vic ¬ tims But strange to relate this old queen among wolves had obtained a new mate after the death of TwoToes and he killed the victims and pro ¬ vided the food for the mother and the litter of pups that were brought fortli each year yearMclntyre Mclntyre is the most skillful trapper employed by the biological survey Big of frame tireless in pursuit a natural woodsman familiar with all the habits of predatory animals he comes naturally by his skill in outwitting the beasts of the mountains His father was Battle Snake Jack Mclntyre a pioneer of North Park and noted throughout the Rocky Mountain region as one of the shrewdest wolf trappers that ever matched his skill against the destructive beasts that work such havoc among livestock livestockHTTNTEE HTTNTEE McINTYRES RECORD RECORDMclntyre Mclntyre has been with the biological survey since it was organized in September 1915 He was sent up to the head of the Laramie Blver in the Medicine Bow Mountains and his record is a most creditable one Innumerable wolves coyotes moun ¬ tain lions and cats have met their match in this trapper But while he was doing all this he had one big ambition all the time the capture of Two Toes and his mate But after he got Two Toes he was again partially defeated For strange to relate in some mysterious way the word went out in wolfdom that this old female which had reigned so long at the head of the Laramie was without a mate mateA A big wolf from the Castle section near the con ¬ fluence of the Eagle and Grand Rivers known many years there for his rapacity and cunning moved over and mated with the relic of Two Toes His progress across Middle and North Parks could be traced with absolute certainty and his peculiar markings left no doubt as to his identity And each year a litter of young wolves were brought forth For the last two years the government men have endeavored to destroy these young ones and liave gotten part of them but the crafty old female would take her young high up on Bull Mountain in the jack pines and down timber and thus evade her pursuers pursuersIt It will not be long now until that region is cleared of wolves for this new government department is tireless in hunting down the animals that prey upon livestock