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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY PARIS France July 14 The triumphal march of entente and American troops through Paris began at 8 oclock this morning The weather was bril ¬ liant being more like October than midsummer A thousand wounded soldiers with crutches or in wheel chairs and clad for the most part In civilian clothes led the parade being preceded by a drum corps Guns began firing at minute intervals as President Poincaire placed a wreath at the foot of tlte cenotaph at the Arc de Triomphe this morning Marshal Joffre the victor of the first battle of the Marne passed under the Arc de Triomphe at 845 oclock He rode alone Behind him came Marshal Foch the commander in chief of the allies forces during the final campaign of the conflict A storm of applause arose from the vast throng as the two marshals passed the presidents stand and moved down the brilliant avenue Gen Pershing with a number of American generals came next in line and was received with equal enthusiasm Forty American organizations soldiers and marines march ¬ ing with wonderful precision were greeted by a sea of waving handkerchiefs and flags and with deafening cheers Gen Pershing rode at the head of the American troops which were separated from the French by 300 yards Gen Pershings personal flag a scarlet field with a row of four white stars was displayed for the first time It was borne by a mounted sergeant riding directly behind the American commander in chief chiefCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 14 Weather forecast Illi ¬ nois Unsettled weather tonight and Tuesday prob ¬ ably thunder showers except fair in southeast por ¬ tion tonight and in extreme north portion Tuesday cooler Tuesday and in north portion late night Missouri Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday prob ¬ ably thunder showers except fair In northwest por ¬ tion Tuesday cooler Tuesday and In northwest por ¬ tion tonight Wisconsin Unsettled with thunder showers In southeast portion thia afternoon or to night cooler Tuesday fair cooler in southeast por ¬ tion General forecast The indications are for thunder showers in the middle states and Kansas tonight and from southeastern Kansas eastward Tuesday Fair weather will prevail throughout the northwestern sates The temperature will continue high in the middle states this afternoon but will be lower from the plain states eastward tonight and in the middle states Tuesday TuesdayLONDON LONDON England July 14 The British dirigible R34 was safely housed in her hangar at Pulham toddy having completed the round trip transatlan tic voyage early yesterday The airship left Mln eola L I at 35G a m Thursday Greenwich time 1150 p m Wednesday New York time and lauded at Pulham 702 a m Sunday Green ¬ wich time 302 a m New York time a flight of seventyfour hours fiftysix minutes Her fly ¬ ing time from East Fortune Scotland to Mineola was 103 hours ten minutes a total of 183 hours six minutes for the round trip The westward journey was approximately 3200 miles and east ¬ ward 3000 miles milesSPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD 111 July 14 The condition of corn in Illinois on July 1 1919 was eightynine per cent of the normal incidating a crop of 314024 000 bushels as compared with a condition of 958 per cent for the United States and an indicated crop of 2815430000 bushels says a joint crop report of Charles Adklns director of the state de ¬ partment of agriculture and S D Fessenden field agent for the United States bureau of crop esti ¬ mates which was given out here yesterday yesterdayPARIS PARIS France July 14 The French government has officially declared war upon the proletarian triple alliance Notice was served on the French radicals that if they attempted to launch their international protest strike on July 21 they would find the government prepared to resist even with force if necessary Railroad workmen who leavtt their Jobs will be guilty of abandoning their posts and subject to military courtmartial