Bowie and New Orleans Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1919-11-20

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BOWIE AND NEW ORLEANS WORK-OUTS 111 . : At Bowie. I.OWIE, Md., November 19. The track was fast at Bowie this morning nnd some good gallops were recorded, the following being the best: Weather clear; track fast 109 Armistice, three-quarters in 1:19. Attorney Muir, mile in 1:49. 110 Arrah Go On. half mile in 51. 107 Halarosa. half mile in 51. 110 Blue Devil, half mile In 52. 109 Clean Gone, mile in 1:50. 108 Celto. five-eighths in 1:01. Col. Holloway, half mile in 50. 109 Cinderella, three-quarters in l:10?s. 97 Edwina. five-eighths in 1:03. 109 Enos, three-quarters in 1:18?.-,. 107 Frank Monroe, three-quarters in 1:22. 100 Fell Swoop, five-eighths in 1:10. 109 Glasstoi, mile in 1:49. Harwood II., five-eighths in 1:04. 109 John I. Day, half mile in 52. 109 Joseph P. Murphy, five-eighths in 1:0355. 70 King Tuscan, half mile in 55. Lowtide, half mile in 51. 100 Lady- Ivan, five-eighths in 1:003. 107 Liola, three-quarters in 1:22. 110 Le Bleuet, three-eighths in 39. 107 Little Maudie, three-quarters in 1:21. 109 Mock Orange, seven-eighths in. 1:33. 103 Miss Bryn, three-quarters in 1:19. 110 X. K. Beal. half mile in 54. 100 Northern Belle, five-eighths in 1:02. H Old Rosebud, three-quarters in 1:15. G8 Peregrine, three-eighths in 42. -109 Puts and Calls, half mile in 52. 103 Padua, three-quarters in 1:17. 109 Pastoral Swain, half mile in 51. 101 Rubidium, mile in 1:49. 100-Salvestra. mile In 1:50. 109 St. Isidore, three-quarters in 1:18. Santana, three-eighths in 40. 93 Turf, mile in 1:47. 10S Toadstool, three-quarters in 1:20. 101 Thorn Bloom, three-eighths in 42. 110 The Belgian II., half mile in 51. 107 Torquato II., half mile in 52. 102 Wood Violet, half mile in .52. 109 Warsaw, three-quarters in 1:21. 10r War Machine, five-eighths in 1:03. 10S War Zone, mile in 1:40. !07 Yankee Notions, mile in 1:49. . At th Fair Grounds. NEW ORLEANS, La., November. 19; The following were the work-outs at the Fair Grounds tliis morning: Weather clear; track fast 88 Alexander, three-quarters in 1:10. 109 Allivan, three-quarters in 1:15. Blue Bannock, mile in 1:40. 109 Betty Curry, three-eighths in 37. 109 Brown Bee, half mile in 49. 109 Besthoff. three-eighths in 37.. 108 Beck and Call, three-eighths in 375. 109 Blackie Daw, three-quarters in 1:20. . 107 Biilie 15.. three-quarters in 1:15. 00 Bethel Hill, five-eighths in 1:05. - 70 Bugle Call, five-eighths in 1:13. 10S Cacambo, three-eighths in 40. 08 Coinnie Ci, three-eighths iii 41. 103 Cortland, three-eigliths in 39. 109 Cerinus, three-quarters in 1:18. 103 Connecticut, half mile in 51 .. 103 CoK1 Rockilighorse, half mile in 52. "f?lIcK Bariciey.- three-quarters- in 1:23. 107 Cadillac, triree-quartivs in 1:15. 107 Flapper, half mile in 51. 10S Frank F;, half mile iii 51. 108 Flyaway, three-eighths in 35. lOT Great Hawk, five-eighths in 1:03. 107 Green Gold, mile m 1:43. 109 Gleipner; mile in 1:45. 88 Hudrian, five-eighths in 1:04. 107 Honolulu Boy, three-quarters in 1:10. 89 James Foster, half mile in 36. 108 Jack. K., three-eighths in 39. 107 Jack ODowd, three-quartci-s in 1:19. 10S Kirsties Cub, mile in 1:14. 107 Kultur, half mile in 49. 89 Ljikes let, three-eighths in 30 108 Lively, half mile in 4S. 00 Lady Waldcck, mile in 1:18. 108 Udy in Black, five-eighths in 1:01. 91 Little Sandy, half mile in 30. 10S Malva, half mile in 50. 107 Montague, three-quarters in 1:1s. 108 Miss Manage, five-eighths in 1:05. 103 Mabel Trask, five-eighths in 1:03. 10S Manicurist, half mile in 49. 10S Mary Josephine, half mile in 19 91 Madrid, half mile in 54. 91 McAdoo, mile in 1:42. 90 Milda. three-quartres in 1:19. 109 Mab. five-eighths in 1:02. 90 Mahony, half mile in 52. 107 Mountain Rose II., mile in 1:42. 107 Marasmus, mile in 1:44. 10S Napthalius, three-quarters in 1:18. 109 Ophelia W., three-eighths in 40. 84 Plumcot, five-eighths in 1:04. 107 Philistine, mile in 1:48. SS Pizarro, half mile in 51. 84 Prince Henry, five-eighths in 1:01. 107 Polj gamist three-quarters in 1:13. 102 Poiroma, half mile in 51. 92 Quito, three-quarters in 1:20." 103 Riddle, half mile in 53. 108 Retta B.. half mile in 51. 10S Senator James, half mile in 4S. 90 St. Germain, half mile in 52. 107 Sun God, three-quarters in 1:17. 109 Stitch in Time, three-quarters in 1:10. Scorpii, three-eighths in 40. 02 S testy, threee-ighths in 40. 109 Stepson, three-eighths in 41. 107 Sungold, three-quarters in 1:10. 10S Sherman A., hair mile i:i 50. 108 Tiajan, three-eighths in 30. June 24 Tito, three-quarters in 1:10. 107 Tantalus, three-quarters in .1:19. 10S Talisman, half mile in 48. 80 Tanlac, five-eighths in 1:03. 10S Ultima Thule, three-eighths in 3S. 109 Watersmeet. half mile in 49. 10S Youneed, three-eighths in 30. Western Queen, half mile in 30. 10S War Garden, five-eighths in 1;C3. 07 Waterproof, mile in 1:40. 107 W, U. Buckner, mile, in .1:41. At Jefferson Park. Weather clear; track fast 50 Arrowhead Inn, three-eighths in 39. S9- Breadman, three-quarters in. 1:21. 109 Cobalt, three-eighths in 3S. 70 Challenges, three-eighths in 39. July -. Coltina. three-quarters in 1:18. 90 Ourward Boberts, three-eighths in 37. 91 Diamond Girl, three-quarters, in 1:23. 91 Dieke.ry Dare, three-quarters in. 1:1S. 91 -Dancer, three-quarters in 1:17. Continued on fifth page. BOWIE AND NEW ORLEANS WORK-OUTS Continued from second page. .June H Dandy Vaii, three-quarters in 1:10. Ester L.. half mile in ri33. Harry Mason, three-eighths in 38. Irish Maid, three-eighths in 3S. 74 James V. Cummings, three-eighths in :5.. j,IIlt. -tlazz Band, three-quarters in 1:21. SI Keziali. three-quarters in 1:21. 83 Koh-i-Noor, three-eighths in 39. Kerry Lass, half mile in rl. SI I.uciie P., mile in 1:53. Little Juiks. lialf mile in 53;... Lady Eileen, three-quarters in 1:18. 11 Lloyd George, five-eighths iu 1:03. 77 Lonely, three-eighths in 373. 81 Luther, three-quarters in 1:1GS. Little String, three-eighths in 3S. Miss Perkins, five-eighths in 1:05. 7.jliss Kruter. half mile in ZZ. Monneh. five-eighths in 1:00. May L7 Modiste, three-eighths in 3S. 1.- On High, half mile in uOVr.. S3 Port Light, three-eighths in 37. I Si Iluiene. half mile in 52. 59 Revolution, five-eighths in 1:03. - 91 Kosemaiy. half mile in o0. 109 Sedgegrass, tlirce-quartcrs in 1:1S. 90 True as Steel, lialf mile in 5L 57 The Leopard, thrce-eigliths in 37 7.-.. S4 Tiger Rose, throe-quarters i:il:19"75i-SO Tie Pin. three-quarters in 1:21. St Valerie West, three-quarters in. 1:21. Vagary, three-eighths in 3T"z. 49 Yodeles, three-quarters in 1:22-5.

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