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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY WASHINGTON, D. C, November 19. Speaking with the authority of Tresident Wilsons cabinet. Fuel Administrator Garfield told representatives of the bituminous coal operators and miners here today that "the people of the United States need, must have and will have coal and as long as the government stands they will not be prevented from getting it by "anything the operators or miners may do." Dr. Garfield explained that his purpose was "to furnish the conference with the data which lie would use in determining what wage advances, ! if any, agreed to by the operators and miners could be borne properly by the public. ROME, Italy, November 19. Latest reports indicate the Constitutionalists won 300 seats in the Chamber of Deputies in the recent election, the j Socialists 120 and the Catholics ninety. In this ;city there were elected four Catholics, four Ministerialists, four Socialists and one each by the Nationalist, Ilepublican and Independent Liberal parties. " . i PARIS, France, November 10. The American delegation to the peace conference will sail for home on December 5 or 6, it was learned today. The British delegation will probably leave about "the same time, although no official announcement has ;been made. The American delegates will sail on the transport America from Brest. : STRASBOURG, November 18 Delayed. Five thousand Alsatians were arrested and interned by German authorities during the war, and announce-jmont Is made that the German ..government has pledged itself to pay to France vnu indemnity of .25,000,000 francs in reparation, i BOSTON, Mass., November 19. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals today issued anorder staying execution of the preliminary iniimotion granted :by Judge Arthur L. Browu. restraining federal officials in Rhode Island from enforcing the Volstead prohibition act. . OMAHA, Neb., November 19. -4The special grand jury investigating the courthouse riots September 28, reporting today, after returning 120 Indictments, mostly in connection with the riot, said the cause of the riot was crimes against women and undue criticisms of public officials. ; WASHlifGTQN, D. C, November 19. The Lodge resolution ratifying the peace treaty, with the committee reservations, was defeated in the Senate.