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BRUCE LOWE NO. 15 FAMILY ♦ — Alarm and Hanover Two of Its Most Distinguished Members. • Strength of the Domino Line Still Unproven — How the Group i : Has "Petered Out." • BY EXILE. s« far :is I :■ in aware, with the exception at Aliii in and Hanover, no first-class race horse, 111:11c or gelding, owe* allegiame family o 18. Alarm :in l Hanover arc possible exceptions, indeed. I wish I whs not canape Bed to put it so. tint from the present outlook Haaorer, in tke nala line, is doomed to pass away. If tin- Domino line be BOt :i strong lino, which 1 . time alone can prove, then there is not one strong Uae to eitber Herod. Matchcm or r Bpne hrcnghi . forward by a So. 15 borne. Ptutue, grandsire of Kayou d*Or, went fairly wall for :i -ini • bat Bayou d*Or left no really good sons ben.*! and bat J little now is beard of the doing t of Maximum irneatien is. is Llaacrc to apoej ih- aoa-sire perpetuation eharactcilatlea of the No. 15 family? The No. 1* li rse Uedshank back la 1S33 sired a few good brood mares. Inn failed as a sire of sires. * : The line of Alarm still makes headway in tins 1 eonntry, but Hanover, in the male line, is de. eidedly on the deoline and in spite of tlie soeeeai as -ires of winners of Alarm and Hanover. I should 1 never dream of using a No. 10 horse regularly as * a sire. Members of the No. IS family of iae yi :is Lara met with but little success a- race no--. and tiiis - 1 ill no way due to the lack of material, for in 1 Volume is ,,f the general Bead Booh as many as * one hundred mares are returned as members of this 1 family and. Iheu. there are all the descendants of f imported Selima in this eonntry. l.esides family No. 15 was up and doing when other families. . now more productive of winners, were ju-t begin nihg to BhOW sign- of life, for no fewer than thirty mares of family No. IS are recorded in Volume 5 of f tho General Stud Book as against three for familj No. 10. seven for family No. 11 and only two far r family No. HI. Tile ill success abroad of family No. IS sires, no 1 matter their race course slices-, i- proverbial. For i instance. PoxhalL probably the best race boree evei 1 fated lit this country which raced in England and 1 France, waa winner of the Cambridgeshire, Ceaare-Wtteh, As,,i odd Cup ami tiratn! Prix lie laii-. Yet. as a sire. Poxhetla failure was abject. The No. 15 horse Harvester some years ago managed to make a dead heat of it with SI. iatien for the Derby, but who can sa. offhand wait. Harvester illd afterward as a sire? The plodder Chair art. BJI 1 won the Oaarewiteh aiid was seal to Prance, but t I never heard of his being Coaated anything of 1 a snece-- a- a ire. Waal lid I.nechus. Ilay : Actor. Hornsea. Skylark or the rest ever accomplish as sires. For my purl . I have less regard for r members of the No. 15 family than 1 have for any f other of the entire forty • three.