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— j vj clo I s stew. Harry 11a 1 5 0 °* cr olds. 1H "J Did. In *fj .".il8J •"»• SSSBB " L-- »tl 3338 ."Ci-1 SB4S1 * 4 f SL tn -in. ehoei K try. try. 100 io t v Las Las i,i,. bred v ,:1V fair ing. ™5j 52 3-yi w» winner 52525 yV Ind. 930 328B8 SSI ."Iisio 522 BStBI :,• ,V 0«1 »g*V SSSB9 .-,• .-, ,-,-;4 .Vi4.* « BBf .Viol. TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Wednesday. January 26. 1921. Fifty -fourth day. Lower California Jockey Ctab. tOt 320 Winter Meeting of S or more days. Weather cloudy. Bsja Presiding steward. Francis Nelson. Associate mis. .1. w. Coffroth and Li Wing. Starter, fef;, tan Morrissey. Pacing Secretary, Lion Wing. str» Racing starts at 1:30 p. in. Chicago lime 3:."0|. vlr, 2fi0fi OUO First Race— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 1. 1921— las. 1:l 35-2-Ub. Purse 00. 2-year- " Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to — __ winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Bquiv. Odds. K I Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. tf. Incognance lis 1 •. j Qiaaa U80-MW in,i Plon Steel 113 ., 1: Hayward r-., Tabloid n.". q C Thompson 930-160 ,-.1 ." i3H0;Swift ticket 113 4 P Martinez - H.-. Pki M482 .,. 1 -Photoplay IIS ■ C Qraas -.",. -■•an.loros.i IIS I] W Varl.-y 1310-108 .7, .* -»421 Don T. J07 1*1 l. Gauge! una too -.;, Captain GreetllS I C WhlCington NB-IBI -,, M«l 5*4« iCoti|ded in betting as Mendowbrook Stable entry. r.535 -",. ICoapled in bettlag as Nevada Stock Farm entry. inutiiels paid. Meadow brook Statde entry. S..LO straight, sn to place, B3.4B shew: Tabloid. 313.BB s N . Raaivalent booking odds Meadowhrook Stable ea- p ,, ri DM 10 loo straight. 228 1,, loo place, 17o to s|,„w : Tabloid. 530 to Dill show. .. Mr Time. 37V5. Track slow. Winner Heedowbrook stables b. •■. by Disgaise :,.,, Plores, by Bearcatcher i trained bv ;. w Berry; .. m, " by Mi. Key S. Avery 1. •.. W.nt to tiost at 1:33. At pest 3 minutes. start s7 m and slow. Wen easily; ■ ml sad third dri * , 52607 S000111 Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June F% *~F 28. 1910— LOO1,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to 50: second. 00: third. 0. linlt U,,Wl Bquiv. Odds, oi] Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. .V,V SSS7I :Chrome 111 I* H Rettlg 1M-1M : :,: Ermitana 110 . P .Martin z DM pm gggj 325S3 Clover Junla mj jij r Carl i i.ii lou ei57« • ? VolhSU KB 4 R Taylor I0g|-I n Bttl I R4B4B4Bgh ....» Bhoreacres l«5 :, D Powell ISfls-RB Lettj Ree M Bj G reergin M -IB Little Romper S3 7 I Majestic l2B-loo SSBBBJohn Lake :«l s- H R Bower I329S-1O0 Adorock U0 • - R Graves Kath Carey 110 10- C Thompson nfA-101 Hii Hits p ■ i l ! Ce I Ihnl ■J J . the was | JJJ of . the [ jw is the be j K. R. .. * ami ,„1 to to e. •" .f lien ,.„ • *. the ,. j " the „, „. ,1, •" in l„ •] • — - ,- . * - ,. .: - ;, .j! ,., ,. jsr «, ,., .,, " • ,. 5 J iT1 , n . .. -. . -* -. .. -. H .» 11 |4 -j." • ■ NJ s- • fa 106 I • M ant, il — ,. Mr. Ml I go good nig. bn ! = :: ;» !!» iib, i: u i Slnmjtrtet . •; iim» Dr. Co,. ii., i- R McCnim *mn-m tMntml fold S2 mutucls paid. Chrome. St. 20 straight. S2..S0 • Ihtce. 32.80 show: lOrmitnnn. .0o place S3 40 y •how; Clover .lunia. S... 20 show. Kipiivalent booking odds thronie. 110 to 100 1 straight. 40 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show Prmitani . HKt to 100 place. 70 In 100 show; Clover .lunia IBS 1 , IS 100 show. Time, 1:10. Track slow. Winner I. McAfees ch. g. I. I,y Sigurd Qseee-" iii|i. by King. Laiistas trained bv I McAtee; bred 1 by Mr. II. II. Trawbridgc. Went to post at 2:ls. At post 1 minute, start I good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv lag. Overweights Adorock, I pounds. 52608 Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191C— 1:05 5— 3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to , winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. , , D/iniv. Odds. Did. „ Hoise. Wt. Fin. Jocker. Straight ■ .V»3!I Bv. HarrigranlM 1» A Zelgler SfiO-100 1 SSSBB Mild. Burettans V l: McCnnn MO-lOt 1 [**M Dol II US 3* C Thompson s.a-ion ! I .ci.Dil Maud M. 1 10 ■ ; foargin IS3v-M« 1 V»4tl Lady small li-i ;,.k m Matthews He-lOfl J SSSBB Miss W.Uh le, as ,, wiiiis i MMMog 1 , SS5SS*01d IIoin. T -.- B Taylor 336 -lot MBS6*Ooma MS 83 H Rowe 42BKM0 52A03 Iharmant ri" a- L Gauge] ,i,i, p | | .23W.» 1. S. MurravmL-PJ li:b,.: »K -M I S3 mntuem paid. Evelyn Harrigan. S12.00 straigTTi a S5.8I place. S3. pi show: .Mildred Limn. ,. s pi .1 Idace. si.iio show. Dm IL. si.i;o show. .1 Liuivalent booking edds Lvalyii Harrigan. r.00 to I 108 straight, ls » to loo place, 70 Is loo si„.w B Mildred Ruretta, 3JO to 166 place, IBB to 100 show Dol II. . 130 to 100 show. 1 Time. 1:1035. Track slow. sii Winner G. Kellys ,1,. m, 3, by Hnrrigaa— Vaa- ceaa. by Batten trained by E. P. Wright: bred by 1 Mr. P. C. Marmeti. a Went to past at 2:13. At |i,,sr 2 minutes. Stait . good and slew. Won driving; sec 1 ami third the same. Scratched 30146 Alajak, 04; 52584 sorrowful. 105. r Overweights Cbarmant, :. pounds: Dnacaa s V Murray. 1. — . ■ 1 52609 Fol,rtl1 Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24, v 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to " winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. | K ° Equiv. Odds. I 1 l",L "*"■ „ AVt- "• Joekey. straight. 3 5S5S4 ■ i-"k Sh, iniU 1iB Taylor 171-10 w 5SSBl*Voa Lady Ufi 2» R Carter IC30-RB .-»»5«0*Hi, Korvnut MB Ji D Hurn I42D - ."»4H!» I.y InCenee ipi 4=J J Huntamer li.:o-pn ." : 52548 •Boreas HJ ;.-• C WhlCaaton 120-MB SI 52SB1* Prairie MR i II Rowe S3S-PR i 3SSSB* Links Lady MS 7- T Kindle i;i-i,hi .y 52484* E| ne, 107 gij M RtauaRter TK 14* . ..J.»27 Pr Varlcate 117 :•• c Thompson 680-101 .V .»i.* 45 Regent 113 Hi .1 Mum* - v ." i." 48 Sky Filet US 11 BQntvnj V Miitnel li, id. S2 mutucls paid, Frank Shannon. sY-10 straight st 84.46 place, si-so show; Von Lady, 6.46 place 8j 85.08 show; Hickoiynnt, 810.60 show. Eqsjlvalenl booking odds -Frank Shannon. 170 to 2 l 280 straight, 120 to 100 place. 10 to IBS show Von st Lady. 420 to loo place. |56 to DMt show: Hickory- sh loo to 100 show. Time. 1:5135. Track slow. Winner— F. Uarmets b. g, :.. by Sir John Johnson CI Mariti. by Hindoo trained by P. Marmet; bred bv bv by John E. Ma. 1, lent. Went to pes, at 3:iis. .t ,,ost 1 miiiule. Start go and sl..w. W,.n easily; second and third dri - llr dril 1 Scratched 52131 Bockbora II. 102 ._ I • y 1 . 1 , 1 I , ■ 1 1 ! I 1 J 1 , | I a .1 .1 I B 1 sii 1 a . r V 1 v " | K ° I 1 3 w ." : SI i .y . .V v V st 8j 2 l 280 st sh CI bv by go llr dril 52610 F",l, iiB»-l l-Jfi Miles. ffsBJ 24 1916— 1:45— ;«— 1 10.1 Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. . Bquiv. Oddi. T Ind. T. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight S2SS49*lreat HnwklOt 1 • r. Marin. Hi Iand-10H SSSBB* Thrift 143 2*J R Taylor rio-MOh .-.4."»08 Jake s.has no ■■.■l G Tearrin Hie iu» 52S8S1*Dnmay 111 4" H Rowe U0-1B9 .".r.«: Horace LcrchlfS r. • Martinez 2360-100 .VMI0 Reydo IWi i, p Thompson 840-100 S3 paid, Croat Hawk. 84.40 straight. 88.00 place, sl. lo show; Thrift. 83.06 place, 82.86 show; .Like Schas, 84-28 show. Equivalent booking odds- Great Hawk. 120 to 100 straight, 50 10 100 place. 20 to 100 show Thrift, .mi lo 100 pia.e, p| ,,, I,*, „how; ake S.has 110 lo 100 sh. w. Time. 1:50. Track slow. Winner G. W. Crtppeas b. f. 4. bv Croat Pniaii Hawksora, by Hswkswick trained by G W. Crippcn: bred by Mr. Walter O. Parmer. W.11I to post at 3:33. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily; second alld third .in. in- — , 52611 Sixth Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 8. 1921— 53 -,—10— 105. Purse 1921.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. , , Bnuiv. Odils. Did. rr Hois.-. wt. Fin. Jockey, str.ileht 132425 *Phne Wrdll2. 1-! D Marinelli riOe 52441Shifty 183 tm C Thompson BSHSfl "TTSTiOt Hamilton A. 114 ;. B Taylor 7."A-lnu 52528 torncutter 103 1- P Martlnes r«-10i 5248S*Cnrric Moore I 1 :. M Slaughter 2520-00 "»-4»«- I... r Lake ;:i ,. • A Zelgier 714O-100 : 11HK Panhandler lo-i 7 C WhitKton Hlto-ioo ! 2 mntnela paid. Phroae Ward. 83.60 ttcnSBt 82.80 place. 82.40 show; shifty. 83.20 place, 82.60 nm -. Hamilton A.. 83L2B show. 1: inivaieiii 1 oking « Phroae Ward -"0 to nm Mrahrht, 3o to MB staee. 20 t.. dmi show shifty, co to dm. place, 38 lo 108 show; Hamilton A.. 88 to 100 show. Time. 55 ». Track slow. Winner Black well St Clippenl ch, 111. ." by Prospero Lulu Msrr, by Plorlst trained by U w. Crlppen; bred by Mr. Samuel A. Beckham, W.n: to |ios ,,t I :,s. ,| post 3 minutes, start go-. I and slow for all but Panhandler. Won easily ; second and third driving. Overweigkts Shifty, :. ssemds; Panhandler, ::. 52612 " Seventh Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191C— 1:053— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Hqnlv, Odds. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockev. Straight 52328»W. MtgmryMS 1 R Taylor :i .-livi .-»M4I Walter Mack 114 v R Carter 7*-100 StSISLiUle BeachMS :;- C Gross 2tK18i : ifil Hilly- J...- 114 4*J C Thompson 170 li • 524S3*Cover Up mi V C Wkdtnerton 1236 -1M 52882* Pull Moon K i;i- B Marinelli M 18" ■Visa I Crtsple n_ l»| p Martlnes i:-.i-. 8 524B8 Delaacey :i7 I E Hayward 1540-1 0i S2 inutiels paid, Woodie Montgomery, s7.2o straight. 85.40 place. 88.46 Show; Waiter Macl, 88.40 pia.e 88.20 show; Little Beach, s.Ltsi show: Kipiivah nt hostring m| 1s Woodie Montgomery. !•• 100 straight, 170 to Dm place. 70 to loo show: Walter Mack. 320 to loo place. -10 t, 100 snow; Little Beach, ."• to 100 show. Time. 1:08%. Track slow. Winner Rich A Pot-kins ch. g. s. ,v Rtgst Chip— Duchess .f M. nt. bell,., by Danastar trained .1. Xst tress; bred by Mr. s. Wsriag. Went t 1 post at 4:23. At post . minutes. Start good and slew. Won easily- eeeoad and third ing. Scratched 52328 Bees Wing. 109. Overweights Full Mo a, 1 pound.