Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-28


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1 Hj — ret — 1 — PT *J In, 50 -o m 1 -,■ -.» gjj r L F Pelta . to :. ,.,i 5" MX ~~ CT t™ ind Index .2881 ■•■ -. ■ -.J; I.,., ol8»4 -7j -7," tOt 320 Bsja fef;, str» tan vlr, las. 1:l " — __ K I tf. in,i r-., ,-.1 -.",. M482 .,. .7, -.;, -,, 5*4« -",. M«l r.535 s N p ,, ri .. Mr :,.,, m, " .. •.. * s7 m , F% *~F linlt U,,Wl oi] .V,V SSS7I : :,: gggj 325S3 ei57« • ? Bttl I R4B4B4Bgh ....» Hii Hits HAVANA FORM CHART ____ ______ HAVANA. CUBA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 27. 1921. Oriental i-irk. Fiftv-third dav CubaTTmci Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meet,,,, ,„ DM days or more. Weather clear; temperature 90 retao,T,;■t.1la"onl,n,iSt,,■, * "" ***** :"" • «",,,,. StarteTlame, F. Milton. Ka-ing SeTT lacing st.,,|s ;,t L :30 ,,. ,„, ichi-ago ti„„, t ..-- ,,, „77."""»rmlic„tes am.rTntice ..llowance. 5261.1 FIhST R°f~b 11?.F«1»»»*- *"■ 24. 19n-l:05».._8-102. Purse 00. 3-yoar-"A-V*-i-t* olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00 third 0 Index Horses AWtPPBt R g % str Fin Jockeys Ownera O l| e P 8 524S»6 tiisca we. 101 1 ■ p.u ;. ■■ _ v p Hunt G I, Gardner r~Ar~AT~rrr rrfc?? w-:l,« . •. J mm VI F Merimee, i small .1 I fgfS ,;a.,- ***rl S S 7 V ■■• •- Barnes H B Swan SJ :;-. | f « • H D .IA K w ]X, .. 1 m l» 8* 4 A Pickens li Morrisaev ••" ■■" *i 1 1 • 51S3B CA.NNOXBALX, w BR j 1 ,, , ts V P J Pit/. L L, Allen I | I I Lfi -7 hV-V,,"ViVvA,-IA-N WXr* 5 :" ■" - i= K.nndy.1 V Dyne , , ! L « Time. 2335. 48,. 1:02»5, 1:08. Track fast. MmUST76 show T"M: M •*«»*■♦. •»•»• Il-- 9*M show: Flewhigh. 8BJ8 place. .28 show: 1001pimltBiW%% £! so riffmtS " N 104 ■*** ~7 f° KK *" *!* * :i°° """ t% l,V K""1 l""" l,y *" 1,l,v "■"••I moat k» C. II. Davis; kted by Mr. August Del- " ■•Ats,/°. " ar 2::U- A r"wt 1 ,"i1"" Wirt seed and Mow. Won easfly; second and third driv- Overweights- Lullaby. 3, pounds; Dae, h-malian. 3: Flewhigh. 2; Felix M.. 1.,.. 52614 SEC°ND RACE-5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917-1 :06Vs-5-108. Pirrse M~yea7 *-FA-V"-1-t: . oldi;- Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Horses ARTtPPBt R % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners "~0~H OPS VOORIN yV in. ;; ,; j _ j — ,.• Barnes J H Moodv 4 i~~~a~~t~i~:~ BtSUACNT DRDA will:.:. * • 2» ? V C Rames T Hodg« | t"5 f* •-;•--- ,A1!XT " "" s 1_ W1 ■■" B KenndvM Goldblatt 1 T 1 • r.257.yM..[,l.KK.i wahR 1 1 ,;.. ,,• V V F Wilson A .1 Molr, a .. I ]- LIGHT FANTASTIC W MB . i fj 31 ;, V J Pit/. . d AVorlv s s « ■■ ■ : -*;«?. M ,-;: M1,;x,,x w m » " P P V Mcimeei. Brown i li h .J .1018 P--Il4jgl WJJ88 1 II V N s A M.l.hl.nl. I.nn.-I,,. ;:o .„ . M Time. 8894. 48, l:il%. 1:0745. Track fast. lal.an.sMsheu"1 V"":" Ml"" ":IU;I" MMM |,h" M70 •*"»•: *•■ DNhl, 88s lace. show : Equivaleal booking odds -Vssria, 8BB to 100 straight. 838 t.. 100 nktee ISO to loo show A"Mt „,,» tie.i ,H,!: to lot! place. IRS to UK. show; Tslent, 88 to 168 show SpreckelsT " " • V,""ll,~ N",i"""- ,! ""- "trained by .1, W. Naylo, ; bred by Mr. A.lolpl, R. Went to post at 2:03. At post 1 minute. Start good and fa-t. Won drivin"- irrsai" in.l tfciiJ ti. V£SSS mV* V",,:"" T!,il- ,",l,:"i,,!: ""• n"-n,ni "", li""i"« thlosh nexV ,h a"1 : sec,. ... shed fast and won drawing dear. AIM DRDA ran well and came wide when enTerlng ■ stretch, but came again and was pressing the winner hard. TAI.F.NT set a fast DM* hut oalt ta cghth. COMSSJLIA . . cenld nev, r gel up and tired badly after g«ta« a tSStJE. MOLINKl.n S Overweights Taleat, 3 pounds. 5261 5 THIRD if-3.-4 Mie J,an 8 1920~1 l-O-TlOzT Puise 00. -yearToldlsnd "sJI JLnJt upward. Claiming Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0 leJ - iiorses a W t DP St V, % 8tr Fin Jockeys oTyneTs- " — 6 H O P ■" t58SS8PRLX. MYRTLE wa 4 BM I i l| 1- F Hum j~D Bart«.i.,mi-» " ~4~~T~=-T, = «GOU STONE wn i 181 I I s 5 4 ::■ R Lctstertl T Btxtw a Jl a Ls U r-MM SiADLIA II u J mi B 5 2 2 » « B KeandyW H Hall tif i U. NnKFnUiUl.Kn.i* It i c:,: |P|ta H E Davis i„ pi I„ 1",,r- kkwkssa waallHB I S m 8 f P .; Dreyer w L mier r, r. - ,■ FICKLE FANCY n 1 1M 4 ; I«l 7* I 7 F MVrtmeeT Doyle r r | i RHADAMES w 4 in 2 7 t i B 8 I « ..,■„, dy I . H D axter . M H It H Time. 23 5. 47»5. 1:13. Track fast. s.s1::::;.n:!:1;:J:,■ir;-s,1• iM ,te,wt sr vhu--s:!" -! iv- •i- » ■*«*. liuivalent I king odds Princess Myrtle. :,4.-. to 108 straight. IBB ts loo [dace 70 to IBB show- Perigourdine, S3 to Dmi place, o to loo show; tb.l.l Btone 80 f.. lot s|,„w Mi,C,".!e!lwel,i- """ M"U"1 *yrtI,! M:""" ,y XV"""I" tnfa by C. ,,. N.,,1; bred bv "SAg SSSk tthi:! -ft --£ **•% AR1 IA 11. was Much used in racing with PF.lCH.or PDINF. and tired in the stretch mini. overweights Norfolk Belle. 2 pounds; Bhadames, t. 5blb 9l»1 fi I OURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan 34 1917— 105 r, , rtP . ,". „ , IPsmm slooo. 3-year-o.ds a.fd isTtX* Jl"rs"" Z . "AWtPPSt H ■ Str Kin Jockeys UWSSBS O H O P a S2482MAYOP HOUSE wa 5 194 i C ■ 1-1 I Fietcher V H Qilrov 7— . , ,- FRIGHT wa 3 188 1 |. ,,- ,i. F wK Onock Stable h, V l* °U .-•LV-,4 MUMBU JUMBO w 7 Us 3 2 : ■ . i ,.,t/ T n vl. tt* * I - ou POLAR CCB a i BR 8 1 . , , ,T- ,, llllnt T D . ,. ": MESS KIT w» 4 BM 14 " • , -,." , :- f* •« div i,ii ,.m . , - " »- ■ t ,.r L . . T ,..,,,, 111 » Jl 1 .1 s, M.J ,,„ Pit- ,- ». -- « S-.i llllt BAN DIEGO w IRR I 1 |m » •] ,. N j frmesE J Albright 8 18 M » out ut Hoppled m betting; no separate plate ..r show betting. Time. 23/j. 485. 1:00, l:06*s. Track Cast Wb-oli Winner- Dr. 1, b, liaiibndg. IP,,,,., s . „y Cc, ien XL- by* TImSSfUftfgC Went to p..-t it I iv : pool 1 MhMh Marl good I -Fw r«r all bat MATOB liotsi: Won easily. -.-,• | mi, | third driving. MAYOR HOUSE began elo-vl* and a - -I uillci bark to I :-t plarp. hot saved ground when •■nit rui- ii... -pitch and flnished with .-i great rosb t. win going away. PBKJHT made a fast Bnish. UlMBO .n Miu 1-1:1 u- nsnal good ::;ici i::mid i n « -»-. POLAR i Il: Mini after raciag into a iaag I •-:» • 1 s. DIEGO set ■ fast earl pare, imi bolted on tin stretek turn and farced .-ill bat rotiAB tFB and tin- winner cut with bint. Overweights Ban Diego. :: pound*. R.O#G"| r* FIFTH RACE— 1 1-1G Kilos. .Feb. 3. 1918— 1 IM1 ,,—3—92. i Purse 00. 4-year-olds %3 Md3 A 4 .ml upward. Claiming. Not value to winner S550: second. 00: third, 0. Index Homes AWtllSt , ■ Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C I S 5 l!»5i niCK KAIL v 9 l". . l: Kcnndyl I • I I 1 1 . i. 1 1 1 1-3 out ."MM BLACK THONG wa 5 111 E | | 31 I** ll 2* W fnmp • Mnckenfusa I oui .-•»4a5" i:iiVMi:i; w 7 IN til! .i 1it- II Shields I I I 7- i oat 02401 *LEXORA P. wa I SO 2 1 2 I I I i it !.■ terld K Thompaon 1 I M 3 out 52453 BEY EXXI8 w lor, .". 3 2] I E S G F Wilson 1. Criat 8-5 1-5 8-5 1-2 oat Time. 2C. 50. 1:15. 1:40V 1:4.-.-,. Track fast. |3 DiBtaeh | I, Back Nail, 84.00 straight, 83.20 place; Rlark Thong, 80.70 place; no show mataelt ■old. Equiralenl booking odd* Bark Nail, 190 to 100 straight, 00 to loo plare; Black Thoag, 83 to loo place. Winner — i;ik. ::. i,v LeoaM Bessie Beaibert, by Daagarrrn trained by I.. F OLeary; bred by Mi. W. i:. N.i ili. W nt t post .1! ill. At past i nuiiut,. Start good and alow. Woa eaaily; seeoad and third driving. I.l tK NAIL traa under reatraiat t 1 1 » » - laat nun. then raced into the lead aad won going away. BLACK THONO raced into tiie lead aad tired arhea challenged by the winner. BHTMEB ■el i slaw pace to the fur tarn and dropped back. LENORA P. rlaisi-ed gamely. BEY F.N N is can d lnueli better! Overweights Lenora P.. 1 poand; Black Thong, 1. KOni O SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918— 1:41—5—117. ~ Purse 00. iyd3 lO 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0 in, l -x Harass AWtPPHt % hi _ and 8tr Fin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 8 525 II PAI LA V. m; 4 Kfl i - I- I i: Barnes SJ B Thompson 3 :; :: 6-6 3-6 345 15 •ATTORNEY Mil!: w 4 147 7 8 8 N 6*1 S»* 2*3 I- lia in A G Bohertaon 7-5 7-5 7-5 3-5 1-3 52525RIAXCA a I Ml L 1 P | I w Keisay T Daaca I I 8-5 I " 52405* RAVF.XHEA mi: 1 14 ■"• 7 4s 2 0* 5* 1 R Lci iterL M Iribarr-n 6 t I U • " 5t511*PrNCTUAL a 1144 - 8* t 4* 4 5* .1 BrnesR D Carter i t I 4-5 4-4 52558 1 . v l n HESTER wa 5 99 I t l ll F Z _l 8*1 .1 BtaunnnaE Saonderson ." 8 6 -I ■ r«tUl PLANTAGEXET w : W" 8 7.7" I 7 ~ * C Same* S Bamahle in 14 M -t 2 .-■..-.."iti Wli.KKKUA WS IT. 1 :: -=",■..- ;,". 7 N R F V. : , r Fni, 14 10 1" 1 J Time. 2335. 47-j, I:1S%, 1:3925. 1:43. Track fast. si niutueis paid, rauin .. 4P.T0 itraight, si. in place, 42.80 show; Attaraeji Mair, s:mo place, kj ga viinu : Biaaca, 43.84 ahaar. t:,|tii:il, nt booking odd- PaaU .. ., , t.. i mi strnitht. in" to Kki place, «i to nm thaw; Attorney Mair, Tti to ltM place, :« to Km ~i„.« : Bianca, 40 to Itio ahow. Winner Br. in. by Mnrntlion Miv- Alert, by Haadapriag traiaed l y A. Finlcy: bred by Mr. leroaae B. Beapeaa. Went to post at 4:46. At poat l aaiaatea. sturt goad aad alaw. Waa baadtty; aecoad aad third driving. PAI LA .. after raring in i-loae-ap paraait to the atretch turn, fraaa where ahe moved up steadily, iwaaed LADV HESTER, bal bad to be ridden out to ontatay ATTORNEY Mlllf. ATTORNEY Ml IK ran a bad la-t for the fir-t half, bal gradaally Improved hi- paoithm la the lat half mid fini-hed fast and raining, BIANCA made ap guHiad and ran a goad race. LADY HESTEB quit after aettiag ■ fa-i pace to the atretch. BAVENSEA finished fast. Overweight* -Panetnal, 8 poaada; Bareaaea, 1; Biaaca, -.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012801/drf1921012801_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1921012801_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800