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i : 1 . . J * : 1 1 * - 1 * 1 f . f r 1 i 1 1 INDUSTRIOUS RACERS OF 1920 RECORDS OF THE SELLING PLATERS WHICH STARTED IN EORTY-riVE OR MORE RACES IN THE LONG CAMPAIGN OF LAST YEAR - Coaaider the raee of Bea Hampaoa. This gelding ran in seveatj -i race- in limn, more than any lior-e of the year, with the net result of four won. Vet. such an abiding tiling is hope, it is unite probable that in each and every one of his races he had here and there followers who vhrfoaed him as winning and invested in his chance- accordingly. However, there were other silling platers which treated their admirers better in the course of their strenuous campaigns, each :|s Capital City. Semper Stalwart. Woodthriish. Concha. Don Dodg, Verity. Pierrot, Summer Sigh, lhedodi a. Bedford Bay, Viva Cuba. Kuklux and particularly A--umptioii. recording a much higher nereeataxe o| "in-. Then- are bmuj in thi- broad laud who will probably conclude they acted foolishly at CCTtaia ruefully remembered tinn-after, the. have carefully considered tin- lvelatn a- of tin- following tab!. : Horse. Col. Sex. Age. Iedigice. Owner. St-. 1-t. Id. M. Inp. Won Ken Hanip-oii ..Dr. g. ti Hen Irmato Margaret Ii.iuip-i.n . .1 K. SUinker .71. I 7 11 34 $ I.:i7s Capital City g. ti Babbie Kean — Kriinola I. Kennedy ....71 1" II 11 :Ss 11.771 Jaaalta III. g. 5 sweeper Bantu Anita o. Tuggh- t;s n is it; :u 4.M5 Semper Stalwart. b. g. 7 Stalwart -Semper Victoire I. C. Katon ...til in s 7 : » 5,728 Wi.odthrusli ...b. h. 5 Olambala I.Aloiietle C. Morton HI 11 11 Id :n 111 ."| Concha ch. m. s Albula Miss Freda B. K. Major ....38 M f« 7 29 ... ISA Kutland Arms..| . g. i; Tin u-h I.u- inia I. V. Tate 57 ti 10 ! ::i .«it 0 Don Dodge Ii. g. 5 Tnddiugtnii Mi— Oerte] W. talker 55 11 11 7 24 B.B2S Kentucky Boy. .eh. g. • Toddington My Fair Ken tacky ... C. Vail 55 ;i l : :u 7.5:J.n Verity ch. f. 4 Ivan the Terrible Vciaeioii- S. A. t lop ton ..SI 11 «i !• 23 SI-".. 079 Pierrot b. g. N Calvi-tou Ihnntiisnia B. E. Crabam ,.32 15 14 K BI 9.743 Neeaah ch. f. .", MeeBeh March Past B. F. Coppaxe ..32 •; 4 t» :i:; 4 no Mike Dixon g. 4 Banmdale Hahy Dixon B. B. Ciahain ..52 :t ti 7 M L.Jlo Siiinnier Sigh g. 4 Orniondnle Summer Night I. It. Skinkor. . .51 11 11 s ul !i.L".lu Phedoden ch. m. 5 Uctiee- Melissa II. K. Criat 5o ii- |q 11 17 8,143 Keep br. f. 9 Put and -Possession V. Bwehke ■ 7 I i 29 7*929 Bedford Hoy br. g. 9 Juiekstridt — Lady Kent W. K. Woods . . | t 1| |3 | 14 :,..-,iiu Viva Cuba b. f. 1 Assagai— Argosy K. !•:. Major. ...49 10 Ii lo 17 5T:J5 Mex b. g. 8 Mexican— Bastern shore 1. a. Paraoa ..lit it 0 t; 23 1,399 Hevelry .lames. . ch. g. B Star Kuby — Lady I.indsey C. H. Kowe . . . . lit 5 11 S ■_:! 9.489 Kuklux b. g. 5 Broom-lick — Valkyrie C. W. Hall 17 lo il lo 19 11*921 Ticklish b. •■ 4 King .Iiimts Tickle W. F.irnum ....47 4 7 14 22 7.H44 Almino b. g. 7 Dr. I.eggo Norinne II. .1. King 47 5 5 7 :io 4,989 ViMirmel br. c. L* Voorhces -formeila It. W. Mitchell. 47 I 8 10 23 1.113 Tugs br. g. 5 .lack Foint Mis- Vigilant . Hill 47 5 !l 5 "s ::io7 Early Sight . . . l« g. 7 Heap o! a. Mis- Marconi .. T. I,. Water- ...47 1 s .v :nt •• li-o Capl. Hodge . . . .Ii. g. 5 Kits Herbert In-h Byes P. J. Mile- . . . .47 1 2 !» :i". 1,998 Ned Mlleybricht.b. g. 5 Dittb- Dutch loisteress 1 Itson 47 L 5 1:4 27 1,879 Hlazonry br. g. 5 Whisk Broom II. Pageant T. Hodge 11; s 9 |] is 9*899 Helen Atkin 111. 5 lack Atkiu — Helene J. T. Buckley ..Hi *.» s 11 is :i :;!» Who Cares . c. :4 Wrack Lizzie II F. Farrar 4ti 5 s ! 24 9.441 tllive .lame- f. :! King .limie- -tleia It. Scully n, 1; ]•_ s 29 9 579 Apple -lack g. Ii Hurst Park Mescal W. P. Cunghani4t 9 4 7 -];i 9*293 Mi— Sweep ...b. m. 5 Sweep Sweet Charlotte 1;. K. Allen ...49 5 ti 11 i;4 1.189 Muriel- Pel in. 7 Marta Santa Little Fraud W. Wright ....Hi 5 7 7 27 1 s7n Waldo .1r b. g. :i Waldo May Sutton I. Bishop Hi 2 :i ! "l7 1.151 Assumption g. 4 Jack Atkin Arrogance I. s. Whatl.y. .15 It 7 7 17 8*993 Paul Connelly .br. g. 5 P.allot--LanipoMi II. Twyasaa ....43 1; H I "7 8.489 Pit eh. g. 7 Leonid Belle Rankin I. Philllpa 15 7 4 7 27 4.842 lilastoi b. h. 5 Snutoi-- Iteveille M. Kelly 15 : 5 s 29 4 198 li.laneey b. g. 7 Kuck Sand Delusion 1;. E. Graham ..43 7 7 12 Pi 4 ir5 Cork b. g. 5 H.-.rrigan — Flarney si rite A Vtiae.43 ti s i~; 25 8*989 Gaiaway b. g. 9 Ualvestoa Uainaway 1. s. Baldwin. .43 9 5 10 24 1.313 Bed-Baa ch. g. 6 Abe Frank- Alma Gardia Whit- ,V Lilley.43 5 ti 7 27 1 883 .