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] I I . I I | 1 t 1 , v 1 Jack Irwin REAL STABLE INFORMATION MY CONNECTIONS HAVE A LINE ON SEVERAL BIG SPECIALS THAT ARE TO BE SPRUNG, WHICH SHOULD MAKE MY FOLLOWERS LOTS OF MONEY. GOOD INFORMATION IS CHEAP AT ANY PRICE. MONDAY ALL MY CLIENTS RECEIVED: PASTORAL SWAIN... 2-1 WON TUESDAY ALL MY CLIENTS RECEIVED: ULTRA GOLD 1-1 WON WEDNESDAY. ALL MY CLIENTS RECEIVED: PLENTY 5-2 WON THURSDAY ALL MY CLIENTS RECEIVED: ROYAL DUCK 9-2 Lost The above horses were wired this paper before post time and every horse I give out from now on will bo wired this paper before the race comes off. On account of the very poor prices paid at New Orleans as a rule. I will make a concession in my terms. Just go to the nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and wive me 0 TODAY and you will whole week think it receive a — of — only TEN DOLLARS FOR SIX DAYS. In wiring be sure and give your correct address where a telegram will reach you after 2 p. m*. New-York time day of race, as no information will be released until 2 p. m. NO PROPOSITIONS ACCEPTED. j.Trwin 102 Berkeley Place BROOKLYN, N. Y. ■ 1 : : . I , ; t | - Winners! Winners! A well-known rachiK: man at New Orleans has in.-ide information from two prominent stables and morning work outs from a trustworthy docker. This means one or two probable good things each week. Will wire this information to responsible parties for a percentage of winnings. Will also wire one or two choice selit tions daily for a weekly consideration. Write and I will identify myself fully and satisfactorily. B. N., Planters Hotel New Orleans, La. " p 1 - THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING RACING WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODE: Elepoant-Code-Montreal-Readers-Readeis THE WINNING POST .00 per year. 15 cents per copv 101 Weat Forty-fint Street New Yotk City y Subscribe for Daily Racing. Form I Will Have An EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL Saturday or Monday, Which is expected to be at grealer odds than when DAY LILLY AT 5-1 WON TERMS Remit by telegraphic money order only the cost of five prepaid ten-word day messages and I will send you my information prepaid five times by wire. Wire me winnings of a ten dollar straig-ht bet day after the race. Communicate with us only by telegraph for the present. Bill Turner Suite 336. 17 West Forty-second St.. New York THE American Racing Manual for 1921 Is Now on Sale THE 1921 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been modernized, into fifths. Before the tables and their application charts is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nim S. Hand, an expert of the first class, who roccntly died in California. THE 1921 MANUAL contains engraved diagrams of thirty-two leading American race courses, with their locations, capacities, chutes, stands, widths of tracks and lengths of stretches in detail. PRICES BY MAIL: LEATHER BOUND 51.60 PAPER BOUND 1.10 PRICES AT OFFICE: LEATHER BOUND ,50 PAPER BOUND 1.00 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. V. T. WINNERS That is -what you get in The Standard. On sale al till ii.WS-Ntamls, ;6 per copy. FRIDAYS VOHM SPECIAL: April -Banana -35-33 -97-73. THE STANDARD TURF OTJIDK. Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, miaou.