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FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June | 24,1916—1:45—3—110. GREAT HAWK. b. f, 4 IOC By Great Britain— Hawksora, by Hawkswick. Trainer, G. W. Crippen. Owner. G. W. Crippen. ESSM Tijuana 1 1 !•; 1 :.". l|o« -•"• 1"! li B MariVlli l. Thrift. .lake S-lias. Parnay , S2S84 Tijuana 51 f l:1o-..slov 2J 103 2i P. Marielli 7 SliennanA.. Siilg.grass. B.mlora 52440 Tijuana lm70y 1 :4.; .fast J 1-5 ! ". 1J B MariVlli ft Regreso, ThevS. Not Pass, Kevdo . 52388 Tiluana 3-4 1:1". hvy 24f M 5« F J Baker • Cacambo, M. Slaulsby. V. Welles I 52282 Tijuana 3-1 1 :13Viiast 14f M 6i B Marielli 11 Sturdce. May Maulsby, Ike Mills ] VERDI LOON. b. f. 4 104 By Marathon— Bonnie Eloise, by Clifford. Trainer. J. J. Rice. Owner, J. L. Brannon. 224*1 Tijuana I 1-16 l:49%alop 1 ion 1« B Marielli S H. Ler.-h. W. Willow. M.Coiniell [ 52BB Tijuana lmTOy 1:l4-r,fast 6 91 V B Marclli 1 T.S.X.Pasx. Paniay. llor.Lerch :. 52243 Tijuana 1 1-S 13%faat "- 10:: 4i K Taylor .". Kegrcso. Horace I rch, Darnay c 52065 Tijuana ll:40V-fast 21 110 V K Fator ». Liola. Lady in Black, Eulah F. 519S1 Tijuana lmTOy l:4" 6-5 101 i»k B Marielli S PortePrapeau. Pierrot .BabyCal 61879 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:47 ofast 4-5 102 V B MarlnellilO B.of tlieKifn. B.Mount.. Zetetic 3 JAKE SCHAS. b. g. 6 106 By Norford— Laura E„ by Ben Strome. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner. J. A. Parson. , 53510 Tijuana 1 1-1* 1:50 slow 10 DJ ::4 G Teargln S Great Hawk. Thrift. Paniay 52508 Tijuana 1 1-K 1:51 3hvy 14 10::. ?i G Yeargin t Regreso. WarSnioke. TliePcsert 52a5 Tijuana lni7ii 1:45 fa- t 5 113 3"JP Martinez 8 C-iffield. Sea Way. Baaccraft 52130 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 23-5 110 tl P Martinez 7 Piedra. PeerlessOne. Hor. Irch 12*84 Tijuana lmTOy l:44fast 14 US SJ P Martinez S MterMaik, T.S.N. Pass. Regreso 620X7 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :46%fast H 1« 4" J P Martinez 7 Paddy Whack. Regreso, Sailor 61942 Tijuana ll:42*imud 15 HI 23 P Martinez 10 Anzae, Lady in Black. Phedoden SHORT STOP, b. g, 6 107 By Garry Herrmann— Little Nell, by Cederstromo. Trainer, J. T. Strite. Owner, Strite ft Valentine. 62386 TijUM-.;: 1 1 M 1:52 slow 1-2 1-J9 T B Mai i- Hi 8 Yeniiak. C«-inmander. Audrey K. 62560 Tijuana Im7 n- 1 :50-3mul 7-10 106 V FJ Taylor 7 Viva Cuba, Runeeraft, Yermak 52426 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 44 107 5" R McCrnn 7 Van. Welles, Sturdce. ClcarLake 52338 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 hvy 24f 105 6* G Yeargin 9 Cacambo, M. Maulsby, V. Welles 62151 Tijuana 3-4 102%taat :« 96 S* B Marielli 8 W.Smoke, OianKing. Car.Moore 61685 Tijuana 1 l:42andfast 10 108 CTJ B Marielli 7 Huf bub. Weinland, Baby Cul THEY SHALL NOT PASS. b. f, 4 109 By Fayette— Auatralina, by Montana. Trainer. C. T Worthington Owner, C. T. Worthington-. 534*0 Tijuana lmTOy 1:l"«ifast 11-6 IB 3:i Q Y-argin 8 Great Hawk. BegreaO, Ueydo 68983 Tijuana lmTOy 1 8 . 101 . _ .... . V G Yeargin 8 Darnay, Verdi Iioea, Hor. Ijerch ."2216 Tijuana lmTOy 1:4a fast 17-10 ME 7" Rowe s Cofficld. Sea Way. Jake Schas 62173 Tijuana 1 3-16 U-W Wl l1 Rowe B Hor.Lerch. Miss Orb, Perf.Lady 52084 Tijuana lm70y 1 :44Vifast 7-5 104 2J E Taylor B MistcrMark, JakeSchas, Regreso IRISH MAID, ch. m, 7 98 Fy Irish Exile— Raveal, by Ravelston. ] Trainer. H. Higgins. Owner, B. Lewis. 5:4"0 Tijuana lm70y 1 :4"- 19 1«7 31 H .Ton-s ti Yermak. Minnie H. Saner 6S3K Tijuana 1 1-4 2:08/5good 70 103 S11 H Jones 8 Ueydo. Cork. Baby Sister 62086 Tijuana 11-16 1:48 fast 6 102 1" H Jones B MikeDaly, Gen. Byng. AudreyK. 62001 Tijuana lm70y l:45%tast 39 If* 25 II Jones lit Cavourll.. B.of theKit.. B.Mtu. 61940 Tijuana 5!fl:09mud 11 1*7 7 C Duggan B Max. Milda. I cwis P.. 61805 Tijuana bl I l8%fast 5 108 4i O Willis 12 John Jr.. Lady Small. Bob Baker DARNAY. br. h, 0 111 By Magneto— Mizzle, by Kilkerran. Trainer, D. Kearney. Owner. D. Kearney. I r.-iM Tijuana 1 1-16 1:5* elowtS-M 111 l»l II Rowe * Great Hawk. Thrift. Jake Bekaa I 68383 Tijuana lm70v l:44%faat 2 1 I f Rowe fi T.S.X.Pass. V.l.oon. Hor. I-rcl 52564 Tijuana 1 l:4P~,goodl7-10 109 4 E Taylor S Coffield. The Desert. Hor.I.erih 52:i02 Tijuana 1 1-S 1:53 fast 3-2 MT l8 Rowe *i Ueydo, Baby Sister, Our Maid . I 62243 Tijus-na 1 1-8 l:53ifast 9 104 31 Rowe o Regreso, IIoraccLcrch, VdiLoon I