Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-28


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 27. 1921. Pair Uroaada. Twenty-third day. Baalaeas Men- Raring Aaaoclatlon. Winter Meeting of S3 days. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Steward-, i:. r. Smith. M. Maef.ulan and A. «. Mehle. Judges, .1. B. Campbell and J. McLennan. starter. A. B. Hade. Raciag Seen t.nv. Joaepfa Mel., aaan. Baring -tart- at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 2:13 p. m.i. Indicate* apprentice allowance. i fT 0«Q-| Q FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 15. 1821— 34 S— 2— 117. Purse ,000. 2-yeaj-olds. OlOll/ Maidens. Claiming. Net. value to winner 5700: second. 00: third. 00. Inrl-x Hoi-wh AWtllSt Vi % str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 8 DOI.i7y VAltLHhfx a 11- 7 G S3 i1 N Barrett Pelican stable 7 14 I :: 4-5 52514*LITTLE AM.M11-: RBI 2 I F T t; Babin Eaaer Stable I li 12 E 21 .Vi-HCi ROSA LEE " 113 . 8 :, :;" .1 Williams. i II Loachetm 1 8 ■il v-G 1-.", 52514 BABY EVELYN v, 107 1 2 K .Martin T Doyle i; 7 4 2 1 WHO CAN TELL v U2 1 1 4. ." D Connelly J McFheraon 11-54 MT-W1-1 ."•■•».* « ; MARGRET ELNORAa M4|M 8 I M Garner Hall Bros i. 10 10 4 J 52514 LAND s.U. a M4| 4 7 8| 71 C Jackson C Van Shoiek Lt LO 1." •; :: 52442 BELLE WRACK u 107 4 1 ; v s Wi.i.i Eetael A Her*dex 8 7 I s 1 .V»4;«i DADJA a 14412 1! !" P Smith W Bernhardt 34 :.o 34 12 i; : - . l« PAREWKLL TAPS w 144 13 18 1 24* H Kins RJ Frown 1". 4 88 I 1 B2 1C*PLUNELLA " 144 I 12 11] HJ T Jarvis T W •Frier. 1- 44 24 I I C2474 CARRIE BAKER w 112 11 J 1-- 11* F Murphy R Gooa M IS IS i i .■-»44.- 1.1 F WOLF a 1M S 13 13 13 •■ •Hack M 4i .1 Lowsteln la M :;n U ■; Time. 12U. 245. 3625. Track fast. Wiaaer- B. f, by Sain gxerdeae, by acmproaina trained bj J. i;. Wagaaa; bred by Mr. George .1. Laag ». Went to post at 2:13. At poai - minntes. start good and *l w. Waa handily; aecoad and third driving. DOLLY VARDEN saved much ground on the stretch tem and. finishing fa-t and gamely under hard riding, oatstayed LITTLE AMMIK and woa going away. The latter, away weB and setting a fast paee. ran oat on the -treteh turn, bat recovered and lini-hed gamely. ROSA LEE came with a rush in the last eighth. BABY EVELYN tired in the last seventy yard-. WHO CAN TKI.l. wa- forced to come uid i the stretch turn and tired near tin- end. BELLE WRACK also tired in the -treteh. Scratched- 52516*8tamp, 110. Overweight — Little Ammie, IF poaada; ttoaa Fee. F. Margaret Bbsora, I1-: Land Sail. if-, ftadja. F farewell laps. 1. pT OfQOA SECOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1 : 42 Vi— 4— 113. Purse ,100. OmOmU 3-year-olds and upward. Fillips and Marcs. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: fecond. 00: third, 00. ludex Morses A Wt PPSt 4 Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 8 .: i IXDFNK wii . :t! i ■ I. McDoOH . usteter 11-521 12-54-6 S-Z B2SlCa*RAGAZZA wa 4 MS 2 1 Vi 23 11 V 2a N Everett G PeteratfD 3] 12-61 1-3 52582*SITHAN M. a 187 8 "• 5* F 4:; J Roberts D McDenaid 4 7 .", 8-3 7 W .-•.»:.-»:; THUNDERBIRD wa I MS 7 S 7; 71 5 41 F F Mnrphy P .1 Reran 4 ." 4] 8-5 7-18 .-,.4!M» PANS"! BLOSSOM v 1114:: 1 3*51 4* 6 ."• .. Heupei 1 i: Bradfleld ii 7 7 1 t;-:. :z: ~,! BETSY a •"■ HM 6 4 4 8 7s 4 4* T Aran F. Lob. IS 88 28 7 I T.tiA » OBSTINATE wa J 88 S 7 .- 61 8 I 7 E Joaiah Maryland Stable 24 24 24 7 :; 52272 TIGER R SE wa 5 109 1 z V lh :: 7 I B Martin .1 Robertson 8 1- 12 E I Time. 244i. 49. 1:15. 1:4125. 1:45"4. Track last. Wlaaer Br. f. by Wrack -The Welkin, by Caatract trained by II. Neaateter; bred by Mr. J. H. Wheelwright. Went t., |„.-t at L:II. At poat S miiiut,--. Start good and s!,,w. Y,.n ea-ily: STCOBd and third drlv- i hjj: I mum: gained steadily after taalag graand on the tir-t turn by going wide and. raciag lata the lead, drew away decisively in the -treteh. RAGAZZA showed a ,,o,l tliuht of speed, but tired near the end. sFsan M. ran well and made a game liui-li. THUNDERBIRD lo-t maeh groaad by gatag wide ,,n the lir-t turn, tin n closed a cap. TIGER B06E qnit badl] after leading to the far turn. Scratched 51920 WilUgaa, 102; 52587*Charlotte C, 843; 52348 Loaise Wynne, s.-,: 52482 Peggy C, Fi:.: 32138 Mi— Ni 11. 105. OverweigbtM Thanderblrd. I pounds; I.in-y Blossom, -_■. fT nan-| THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12, 1916— 1:42 5— 4— 113. PurseT.10o! UDmX 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third, 00. Inilev Horse- AWtFFSt 14 V* St 8tr Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 TriKll - *7. IKIFN A MOSS wb I iS] 8 9 8 i i _,; 1" J Hob-rt.-s .1 Fuimiffe :i I 4. n--,"» 4 .", .-•4KI LIGHT WINE w 1 101 1 2 717 8s* :.- Zl.l BbeleptaE K Fry.son « 7 7 2i o-O 52228SENTIMENTAL w r, 107 _ 1 .. .",". 4 41 :•- J McCoy W E Jonea i 7 8 2 1 S2»17*MARY PONSO v. I 3 7 :. ! 81 4 1± V F L .MclFott Huffman «V Lane IS L0 1-0 7 3 r-2SM:*WALK VI w3 84 6 S 8 B1 :: • ■"■ B Joalafa Bppertey 2h i". 11-64-5 2-5 52250s VERITY a iU6 3 I 41 2" 2] 31 8s .1 Heapel Booker at Whtons I 7 q C-5 ..-J445 LOY8 w 3 188 7 7 8*1 1» 9 7 7 S Pool R G Decay ess :: 7-6 R2*02*SEIJdA G. w :• 107 ." .: I* ::■ 71 8" 8«s J J MaeyR Goose I t; r. ■: l 52445 GLOOM w 4 U4 t • -• 8 9 . • H Kiac I .1 .loehum ::i 48 48 13 S Time. 2435. 49. 1:14%, 141%, 1:45«5. Track fast. Winner Br. in. by Sir Wilfred Kitty K.. by Gotham trained by J. PhUtips; bred by Mr. A. I. Humphrey, Jr. i. Weal !•• posl at :i:H. At pact 2 minute- Start .""I and slow. Won driving: seeond and third the tame. I.tlltKNA Moss began -lowly and moved up rapidly on the -treteh mm. but had to be ridden hard i. :.i the end and scored a lueky win. LltiHT WINK was Kept far bark to the last iiuarter. where ahe came with a rash and wa- going fastest at the end. SENTIMENTAL ran wellmd male I fa-t latsh. MAKY PONSO raced int., the had on the last turn, but tired badly. WALK IP wa- far back nearly all the Way, but wa- running fa-t at the end. LOTS and SKI. MA F. quit after thowiag the most earlv speed. Scratched -50544 Belle Roberts, Kiti: 52589Celtic Lass, •• ;: 52587 Ionia. IS; ."20-ji. Ballygibea. 40. Overweights Loreaa Mo—. l.F pound-: Light Wine. 4: Mary 8*00*0, 2; Walk lii. 1: I.oys. 4_.. "T OgQO* FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19. 1916— 1 :0535— 4—120. i Purse ,000. 4-ycar-O MlU Jmil £d olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third, 03. "index llorsea AWtllSt M V4 % Str Flu Jockeys Owner* 5 "c"l»s"~ 624M*HIDDEN JEWEL w n a 108 12 2 1 1- 1 F .1 .1 Mi. v., Cunnlffe 2 ■». s-." 4-.", z-U 52S75*TRUBTY wa 7 MM l t F 3*31 -- T Jarvis C K Daly 5 I 8 2 1 52588**THE NEPHEW a 1 147 - I 8« V V ■;• .! Roberta I- St John 8 10 4 7" C2S75 PORT LIGHT nil 188 I 1 :i 2* II 41 M earner AY O Stoner i; s 7 i". 6-8 52411 BRISK 5 M4 7 s 7 :- SI :■" 11 King; .1 Kennedy 10 u 12 q :.l.iA-! SLGARMINT w 4 M8i S 5 ". ll •* 8* K Pool E P Sanunerf leld 15 IS IS I ."ii." KH ROYAL DCCK wa 4 114 6 I! W MB . l 7- Q Stack M 41 .1 Lowateln I 8 il I 1 ."i5»iH SHILLING a I 1M ! 7 IF 8 7 81 A Collins An, bison Jir,,„ l0 24 38 I I .V».- »H JOCTK Sin! a I 7 111 11 F 12 1- h1 P* J RodgesM .1 Murphy 8 13 F ."• 1". R2445:*SANDY H. wb 4 142 M 14 : h I U" f L Aron 1 Parrar 12 IS H 8 :■ .- I ;." : • FA liUY B w S 108 • 3 :. V 11- 11- F Snnti F .1 i.raiinon 12 14 U •"• U 50813 DESTROYER w 1 115J • 8 B| !1- 12 !_ .i Grelner C W Clark 44 M 84 8 i Time. 23*5. 4725. 1:00. 1:0€5. Track fast. Wiaaei B, -. by Disgaise Babia Graada, by Greeaaa trained by C. Baafard; bred by Wlckllffe Stll.l 1 • Went 1,, past at 8:21. At past 8 mlaatea. start | 1 and alow for all bat JOCK SCOT. Woa handily: aecoad and third driving. HIDDEN JEWEL raced into the lead at aace and set an extremely la-t paee. bat was ridden hard near the end t,, ,.iit-ta. T1JFSTY. The latter suffered from Interference on tin- turn-, but tinklied fa-t. THE NEPHEW closed h cap and raa a good race. PORT LIGHT showed -i, ,,1. but tired in the la-t eighth. i.ItlSK ran well. ROYAL DCCK waa away poorly. JOCK s til was pra llcally left. Scratched 52388 Archie Alexander, 114: : i roreclosare, b7: 51424 The Decision, 114; 52415 Pill Rendered. 111.: 52000 Plyiag Orb. K17. Overweight* Sngarmlnt, 1.. pound-: Destroyer. 8%. CTO£JOO EIFTH RACF— 1 1-8 Miles. ;March 14. 1908— l:51*s— 3—122. 00 Added. 4-yea7-OmOmO olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 00: second, 24: third, 16. Tndev Ibuses AWtllSt 4 /» % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 1 H C 18 ." T.i! i» »KIMPALONG w* 1 112 6 J 5i «• ",■ l» ll J Roberts J I. Knight 3 H 22 4-52-S .".•,*.-.!« FROGTOWN w 1 2» 2s H HanVtonC A Applegate 2 2] .• 1 2-3 52571 THE PORTCGSE a-B 0 108 4 2 J Heap R B Watkina M 15 1 I 52521 RAIDER w 7 1W I » l ] I. iIcDottH Oota 7 t 8-5 7-K 92t02*Lt RD HERBRTwb KM 1 I pi l1 1. .1 .1 .. . 1 Arlington I 8 - 51254 KINGFISHER w 7 1» 2 6 7 7 7 8 1 1 .! Burke F J Brannon 15 15 1" 1 .".!::.; kOI XG ADAM wb ; 109 7 ! 1 1 e, ■- 7 l| ; Hmea 7 I [. s .", 7-lo Time. 24!a. 48si, 1:14%, 1:39-.,. 1:52%. Track fast, Wlaaer Br. g, by Pita Herbert Semirami* II., hj Sir Archibald fra d by 1:. t". mckett; bred in Ir.ine b. Messrs. Mackaj vV CarroBI. Weal to post ..t 1:01. .t posl 1 minnte. Star! e I and -!..w. ,,n easily; - 1 and third driv- 111. KlMl,Al.iiN, wa- saved under bard restraiat until in the utreteh, then came with a rash and ,;:-il. outstayed PBOGTOWX. TIs latter raa a goad race, had no mi-haps ami tired in the -treteh drive. THE POBTCOUESE -le.w, d much baprovemeal and oatstayed KAIDEU. The latter Bnisbcd fast. 1TOI SO ADAM unit after setting a good pace to the Car turn. beratcbed 52521 Waterwuod, iuj. 9ft9J. SIXTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 44 .,—3— 104. Purse ,100. 3-ycar-*Jmdj£d~3i o.uk and upward, Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third, 00. in, 1, v Boeses AWtPPSt , str Fin -loekey* Owners O H 0~ P 8 r»2l84 BENEVOLENT « 9 M8 7 4 2* . I ! L Morris Sunny land Sta 11-5:; 21 8-188-S 51421 •♦DOCTOR JIM «4 R I 1 4* 6 :■"::- :- F AndsonOgdea Stable 10 10 S 4 8-5 52482*SEAR II Flir in.wB 5 10.: 12 4 8* 8k ■ i . .1 .1 MneyS A CloptOn 1". LO 15 C I 52518 ASSUME w it 7U1 1 :• 2*1 4T 1" z 1 F Mnrphy J Leonard 2] 5 4 8-6 1-5 52449 MAGNET LAND a ..111 E 7 8» 61 7 7 B» ; Btaot M 4 .1 Low stein 15 :0 L0 8 4 52587*NTOBE w3 s 8 z F 1. . ! 8 B Joaiah .1 M Goode 1 M L0 li •: 52402 JACKSTRAW . 7 111 I 11 IF IF s 0 7- .1 Qruber A 1. Kirbv 10 15 15 ti 3 52482 RTCHELTHL WB 4 148 4 W M ,0 10" V l J K kfartii 51 Shields 13-54 n-5 4-5 :•-.. ."•257-i BLCEBANNOCK wb 7 148 » 1 i I •• 8" P Smith . M Wall* I 12 1. S t] 52471 P. G. KING w 4 111 11 12 12 12 111 10* 10* .1 Heapel R E Watkina 88 34 ::0 12 t: .■•.•| ; i amiai.a -i wa 4 KM S S s- 7" :•■ 1 1 " "l 1 T Jaivia 1 Arlington IS IS I 3 ■-:. .■:■.:: BPORTG CHNCE WB 2 841e ft ."•■ : "F 12 12 1 SchvVtsP Reoter M 48 "W .0 Ki Time. 24«5. 49. 1:14 5. 1:40=,. 1:47V Track fast. Winner K. -j.. by Benveaato Lintoa Lily, i » Macbeath traiaed by R. A. smith; bred in Bagiaad by Mr i. 11. Peacock. Wein to poat at I :-•" At past 1 miaate. Start o,,.| and slow. Wen handily: -eeond and third dri -logs BENEVOLENT raced close ap from the start and. taking the lead on the hi-t turn, kept it t,, the end. DOCTOR JIM ran a good race under a creak ride. SEABCH LIOHT III. rlaaed a big »ap and Im i-hed well. ASSUME showed speed, but tired. NIOBE qait after aettiag the early pare. RICHELIEK ran poorly from a bad -end off. Scratched- 32188 Pindar. X2: 52572 fountain ray, 108; 52001 Alexander. ins; 32t04 Priekley. 106. PTO|-»r Jr SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13, 1915— 1:44"5— 3— 104. Purse ,100. 3-year-•JAUArfO obis and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Inde» Horses A Wt IjPSt J4 Mi % Str Pin Jockeys Ownera O H C 1 8 52280 URANDEE wb 5 184 I S « I I l i H Tharberr T Zolllcoffer 3 4 ~ U-:.4-:, j-r. 52440 BANTRY wa 6 Hi" S 10 3* z l«] i» !• n Ham* ton J B Naaa 8] :. ::■ 7-:, 7 10 52005- »NEWEL W. a I MB 4 1 M B1 6" 31 S J F Lonp .1 l„ Knight 14 1". 12 E 2j 52445 *LOWELL wB 5 144 ! I 1 I" :. 4 4! .1 .! 14neyJ .M Naaamaker IS 38 34 13 6 58572 •SALUTE wa S MO M 7 7 4s 51 V G Babm Parana .v- Plxer 6 I s :: 7-:, 524B4J3* ROISTERER vl 83 I S 4 :: ■ 1: 8k ■• 1. McDottl! L Rogers Q ;: 8-S 3-6 T-3 524S1*BNX G THROUGH w 4 M 1 8 * :• 71 7- 7- K Anthonv.f H Baker 14 ::o :;t 1- | 52SSw*ANNTE TELLER wa I 88 " : 1" .v s- |« s" t J.ar;s M F Hirsch 15 IS M 5 52SM FAi.w.w ■ 1; ". ini 7 I 81M :i- ;• :• K Joaiah Galio t; 10 10 4 r-" 14415 STARTER wb 7 IPS 1 2 B] 71 16 M 10 i: Martin .1 Bernadaa 34 M 68 "0 10 Time. 242and. 483a. 1:12%, 1:4023. 1:«J%. Track fast. Winner — Ph. g, by Lnrenao rrowboroagh, by Crowbrrrj traiaed b w. A. McKiaaey; bred in England by Major C. Hartley 1. Went to posl at 4:30. At post 1 minute Start good and -low. Waa drivinu: second and third the same. GRANDEE, saddealy improved, came fast through the stretch and outstayed B ANTES in a close tini-h. The latter raced into a eh ; ■ r lead on the -treteh tin 11. but tired in the last eighth. NEWEL W. closed a iz gap and taished gamely. SALUTE was almost thrown on the lir-t turn LOWELL |nit badly after making the pace to the far turn. Scratched- 52001 Teachers Pet, 80: 52482 Lady LoagfeBow, 100; 52848 Warlike 108- ."■,V,3 lea Frehin. 1 m;: 52220 Sasin. Ill; 52478 Old Faithful. 02; 52111 Tony. l r_. Overweights Baatry, 1 pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012801/drf1921012801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921012801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800