Current Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-28


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I I j I ,, - , 1 e i- - |« • • Ii . CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Jockey T. Murray, the well -known Kentucky rider, eras married yesterday lo Mi-- Virginia Coaley of Coviagtea, Ky. Blebs rd Tea Broeck, a -• n of the famous lurf man of thai name, who owned and raced the noted Ten Broeck and ether noted racer-, died recently in Looisville. Ky. Pe|. its from Paltiiin re saj that Laurel has made appUcatioa for twentyflve racing days in 1921. tin- tlng lo be held during the mouth of October, a- ha- been the case in past year-. J. P.. Pe-pe-s has jusi concluded negotiations with Miss Blbmbetll Daingerf ield vOacre.. the latter will have the management of the stallion Last Coin for the next three yeera. No teas than nine American stallion- now coin main! a stud fee of 81,998 ar more, while Broom -tick -and- at 92,500, Peter Pan and Negofol Bi ,008, Pair ilay and Whi.-k Broom II. at 11.300 .1. u Keene ha- sold and shipped to .1. t . Fletcher of Toronti the four mares Fine Ait. Highland Mary, Hidden Crown and Meroih . The iii-i named two an- bred I.. Peter Qninrc ami the la-l liaiiod iwo to Luke Mel like. Tiny ate to b. i|ii.niei -.-il al Fhtchers new farm. Pownsview. which new i- the home of the -tallini Kuight-I Differ.

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Local Identifier: drf1921012801_1_7
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