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MAN 0 WAR ARRIVES AT LEXINGTON I LEXINGTON. Ky, Jaaaary 27. Man o War. in charge of Frank l.oilu-. hi- gr B. and Clyde liordoa, the -table lad. who has regularly galloped I him. arrived lure this morning from Samuel D. Kiddle- farm at I.erlin. Md. lie -hipped in good j condition and came off the car. which was -witched I out to the Keatackj Joekej rlub track siding. in -pb mini healln. l-oiii- PeUStel, his trainer, who ,, came in last aighl accompanied by Mr-. Fetistel. Wan there to meet lii in and to direct the attendant- - to i;. U. Bradley « stable «i tin- local track, where , the son of Fair Ilay — Mahubah is to remain until 1 after his exhibition to the imblie at J oclock tomorrow alu-ruoou. Tin- exhibition is to take the e form of a walk around under color- and will be i- held in the paddock. After tin- exhibition Man a War will 1« put into Mi-s Elizabeth Daingci - and sent out 1 llinata Farm, where In i- |« • • lieaia ins atad career. I In- Walhei today is briuht and warm enough Ii to stall a thaw of the snow that has beea on the . ;iouu l biui.-t Monday night.