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SIRES OF DAMS OF WINNERS I Five Stallions of the 0,000 List of Past Racing Season. Peter Pans Daughters Panasine1 and Verdure Responsible for His Success. BY KXII.K. T WNtc of Peter I.-in in IM9, Bhang abMt rim-lioo time. lull .mention wa- directed to toe eoming virtue of his daughters ;is breed MM be cause »f his Domino descent, the Hermit of his dam indcrclla. the Herod Idood of Mazurka and Ma hilh- ;! ii-l hi- no ill l»t-i-lii i» in the RigoipOche branch of the Burton Barb family. :ind now Peter Pan is known to fame .is the sire of dams of two of the best three-year-olds of last year. Wildair and Dr. riark. As lo the future, from what source are we to look to for broad mare sire success? l.roonistiek is ■ certainty, MeOee will do. Ogden rather ■ di-apimintmonl. hotter as granddams than dams: Handhall a 100 per cent brood mare sire, each of his three daughters last year the dams of winners and. mark you. Handball is jusi another of those good bread mare sires blgettea by Hanover. Hen Brush lias but little good twooil mare bhiod to recommend him. and then there is the unaccountable Kingston. I fear his case is homeless. lie is a failure when all signs |iointed In success. Kilkcrrnn mares begin to do well. This is suggested by his breeding, for is he not a son of Ayrshire, f n m the Harcahline mare Maid of Lara? Of the jnesavgee -uni-.-fiii bread stare sires. Burgomaster is away lo Chile, but Dick Welles make- a goad start and Well bred daughters of his are certain to continue to prove their worth as brood mares. No pretense, however, is made lo see many likely young luood mare sires coming, on. now that Hanover has been permitted to lapse, and il would be undoubtedly good business fa introduce some of the Dollar and l.e Sancy Herod strains Irian France. By the way. I am not alone in my advocacy of a blending of the strains of Herod, Match-m and Eclipse Hear what Sanders I. Bruce, in his preface to "The Thoraaughbred Home." ha- la say i ■ this: "The judicious crossing and intcnningling of 1.,e blood of Herod. Matchem and Eclipse has built up such a grand and noble specimen of the eqaiae race that the original bh oil anuot improve it." In the iudicious erossiag and int rmingliug of the blood of the big three lies the secret of success in bloodstock breeding. Now. if cer. is the psychological moment when a fresh introduction of the Herod -train i- mo-; aeeeeeary. Continuing the brood mare -iie tables here are five ue ic in the list of horse-, daughter- of which produced winneis of over 1921.sh9,999 during the pa-t year: Star Ruby 1G dead, bay. 1892. by Hampton-Ornament, by Ber.d Or. Mare. Produce. Knees. Amount. Animosity. Sentimental 0 $ 4.4*0 Censure. Kecoillit " s.-IOli Censure. Sea Sinner $ - ! - Censurc. Scotch Verdict 1 199 Claudia. War Loan S 1.199 Claudia. Prlaee ■ Imiui 1 s-,s Little Flower. Nebulous 1 Too Bah? Nether-ole. Jllinil I 1,930 Raby Nethemole, Coronado .". 1,99$ Baby Bigot, Sway :* M5$ Knby Right, Redlaad « $.893 Star. Blazeaway $.•$• Star Dreamer Challenger 2 1,489 Subdue. Dayilue 1 elHl Sulxliie. Ina Kay :i l.-t7."i Subdue. ;. M. Miller 1 ? _ Subdue, Finis 1 ~ .r.O Toucan. Title 3 «• _«» Toucan. Toiicanet 1 . * Vndei -tudy. K-.utledge $ M*$ Total *:,.,. 490 Number of male- - Predaeiag daughters H Winners 29 Daces won a? Peter Pan 21. bay. 1904. by Commando — Cinderella, by Hermit. Mare. Produce. Daces Amount Dovclet. Ararat 1 s 899 Fly by Night, Night Rider 1 1.999 Greyboaad, Speed-tor I,* Greyaeand, Whippet - MM Napping, siesta 4 8,919 laii.i-ine. Dr. Clark 7 27,381 Tamira. Foam 1 , 889 Verdare, Wildair •" I7.l4t; Total 5,984 Numlier of niaics 14 Producing daughters 7 Winner- s Dace- won -• St. Amant 14 dead, brown, 1901. by St. Frus-quin — Lady Loverule, by Muncaster. Man. lToduce. Kates. Amount. Itadoura. Bar One 4 ,498 Bride Laae, Gallant Gr a S 1,830 Dride I.ane. Greek Patriot 1 Too Tryst, Tryster •! 49.92.1 Total 134.833 Number of mare- S Producing daughters IS "Winners 4 Races w on Dt Jim Goio 2 dead, bay. 1884. by Hindoo— Katie, by Phaeton. Male. Produce. Races. Amount. Fair Ranpress, i:terininator lo 9,190 Fair Fmpre— Sheba li MM IJebiiaalf Haj Maaaata 3 MM Total S.-.L,-.-.-.! N amber «.f mares »! Pre lining daughters 2 Winners 3 won 15 Oman.ent 12 dead, chestnut. 1894. by Order— Victorine. by Onondaga. Mar. Iloduce. Bares. Amount. Antipathy. Anticipate $ .s :;.7O0 Antipathy. Cum Sail 1 7 »o Belh oi Ashland. Cheer Leader 7 t;.x7: BeUc I A-hlaiid. Belario 7 8,498 Black Silk. Ilanet 2 1,559 Black Silk. Heicules 1 400 Diamonds and Rubies. Precious Jewels 2 7.".0 Diamonds and Itubie-. Diamond l.irl 2 l.iiuo Fvcrgreeii. BoiiiIm.ii 1 tmo tiracc Cole. Louie Lou 2 MM I ; race Cole. Sure 1 459 l.aily Uinam.i. OhOW 4 2,229 l.ady iinain.i. Rapid Stride 3 2,950 Mv Beea, Stanley S 2 519 inadeic. H-mlock 8 2.210 Oseetah, -Mis- Holland r... 7 2,x:,o Ilincess Oraa, Indaleaet •• ". no Princess lima. War Machine 3 3.0tij lrin.e— Una. Ticket 3 2.400 PraaeUa, NeUe korke 4 3,993 Thought!. ■ — . Thinker A A UK! Tornieiiua. Mar-ph 1 210 Total 1,892 Number of mares lit Predaeiag daughters n Winners 22 Itaces won 74