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SWEEP CLEAN WINS EASILY Oriental Park Races Run Before One of the Best Crowds of the Meeting. HAVANA. Cuba. F.bniaiy .". II. K. Barla b-.u-ht from W. II. 11. ill the six year. Id KeldiaK Ci.iint l.oris. which xtartetl aadei the rotora of the pew owner la the third today. The Goldapple MUMex pood looklag sn ,,r Sweep Sweep Clean showed a !_.».d p.rf..rmaliee ill the mile condition race at Oriental Iark this afternoon when be ran the mile iii 1:3:.-.. Sweep Clean set a dazzlim: pace and racial into a CI ■ mainline lead in the early runninj. and at the ■finish appealed t.. be only caaterbag. The races were run before one of the btrgeal crowds of the meeting. Speculation n- qntte active. There were many recent arrival! from the Stales aniline the ast throng. lalward ebrian furnished another winner in the two var ..Id lace when Whispering, he Von Trump filly, beat out HJirh Mark I.y a nose in the opening race. Keiaay rinle a desperate finish on the winner and it was mainly throagh his efforts thai WMla-periap won. Mrs. J. K. Wade claimed Cabin Creek from T. Hodge for ,180. Some of the ridels for the -take to be run tomor-iow are: Guaranteed, MrDrrmott; Frank W. uncertain I : Matinee Idol. Kennedy; MuuiIm. lutnbo. Boyle; Graady, Pita; Bxhorter aacertaiB; I.uford. C. N. Miller: PaaZ-Col, Frincis; Allivan uiucer tainl: Smart Money. K. Karnes; The Pirate. I. Hunt: Daily. Wilson, and War Iliune, X. J. Baraea. The Havana Electric and Power Hand:, ip will have its inaugural maaiag toaa pi row afterno 11 with a pane of ,500 added by The Jockey Club. It will be contested for by thirteen horses, comprising one of the lust fields that bjlf siarfed out f r any race at this meetlag. lie- An lia Stable has sold on private tenaa to 1:. .1. Crawford the horses Black irinee ami Graady. The latter will atari in the race I. morrow under the colors of the new owner. c. K. Moor.- disposed of lis American Soldier to M. Smith. Jr.. for a private consideration. The in ir.- Co liniauret ta. which has been stationed at Oriental Park for three years, foal il a fine 1... kinjr filly by Solomon this BMraiag. This is the third foal the mare has had by that Hire. The owner is arraagiap to breed her to Dr. Bicarde botxa pood bar at Dally. The horse Cus Seheer. which has been suffering fr.m f.-ver. is fast recovering and will be in training shut ly