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___ _____ FAm GROUNDS FORM CHART NEWORLEANS. 1A.. SATURDAY, FEBEUARY 5. 1921. Pair Grounds. Thirty -Orat day. Baaiaeaa m Mens Ka iiiK As-o.iatioii. Winter Meeting of :j;; day-. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Htewards. E. . Smith. M. Macfarlan and A. C~ Mehle. JudRes, J. II. Campbell and J. McLeaBan - Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. _ ItaeiiiK starts at 2 10 p. m. tCliii-au" time 2:1.0 i . in 1 •ln.lir.-ite- apprentice allowan.-o. CfcrrftQ FIRST RACE— J-8 Mile. Jan. lo. 1921—34—2— 117. Review Purse "Pursel 000 " K3£d 4 OO 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPBI , Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II i i» s "," •:.". ;« 1 advlmtkl n 11 - 2 v V1 B Pool 1; Q Denny 13-510-63 1 fT : I 1 1 , - . . , 1 • ■ ■ - I " : i 0 0 - - II ,1 ,. ,. _ s - _ i ■ ,l f I. in 11 52000 MAWRCORON W Ifo Ml - F Cltih-ttiFlw oo.l Park Sta S 12 10 4 2 SttaOGENTILITV w mi i i :; V F .Martin . L Blackford 25 21 3] 8-5 9-G .Villi !! LEV VARDEN a no 1 3 I1 4" N Barrett Pelican stable 10 10 10 4 2 Ylftntt MARYLAND BELLE a 197 0 1, 0 L MeAtee Maryland Stable 99 4.1 40 10 S St 449 CORNSTALK 113 I I 6 8* J Williams. I H Lourhh.-im 7 s 0 2 1 52414 JOHNNY DUNDEE a 113 0 7 7- 7-! M Bwsten J Dun.b- 9] I 4] 8-9 4-5 52400FLY1NG BEAUTY W 113 1 0 t1] V L hfcDotU Hefffering 9 9 9 9 S-0 SSitO RED TOM w 119 7 I 8 3 1 ConnelryW Daniel 99 .00 00 20 91 Time, 12r,. 235. 35. Track fast. Winner II. c, bj Jack Atkin Bessie Bbnpaoa, by Deceiver trained by K. G. Denny: bred by Mi. Hal Price ilea. Hoy I. Went to post at 2:10. At post 2 minute-. Start | I and -low. Won driving; second and third the same. ADVENTURE, away well and hard ridd. 11 for the entire 1.0 e. -t.M.d the linal drive gamely and held MAWRCORON safe. MAWRCOROX, from an outer poaitton, moved up with a ru-h and interfered xUghtly with GENTILITY in the stretch, then jnishrd well. GENTILITY dropped back when interfered with, but ran a geed ra... DOLLY VARDEN ran well. PLYING BEAUTY was knocked out of any chance soon after the start. Scratched 02tiS -j.lack Track. 107: 52019 Baby Evelyn. 107: 52O0S! Miles S.. 110. erOryO/f SECOND RACE— 5 riTanfurlngTrFebTlwriSIfliOSyj --4120. Sunset Purse. Purse «-•_ 4 O _ ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net valuo to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtlPSt ""■,""_ ""■", Str Tin Jockeys OwneW O H C P .S .".•;!«: DI.FF PARADISE w 0 09 :: 2" Lh 2j 2" j P* L " -M I ott I J Draiinon 4 8 7 21 0 0 52729s HERALD WB 9 104 1 1 1- I I] 2 .1 Grub.-r J M Coode 4 1 0 2 4-0 52500 DAYDUE ar a ill 7 7 3» :: :: ;:". M Baotton R Fiin.-no x 12 12 4 2 52000 LINDEN w 0 110 0 :: 41 4. 4J li D ConnettyJ .Mcpherson 4 0 lti-01 1-2 51405 Miss MUFFINS n 2 101 I I 0. 0- O" .01. J McCoy M II Fletcher 8-6 Q 8-6 4-5 2-6 52500 VKK-cIIAIKMN wB I 114 0 I. V tl- 8* 8« M Cnrn-r W Lock S 1.0 1.0 5 21 52_4M:BRITLSH LINER wn 3 99.8 :• 3 a 7- 7 F CltliettiT J Pendergaat 24 25 20 s 4 ." i." :i« ST. QUENTIN WB 0 110 4 I 7 7 Si S1 W WartonDunn K- Tahn 10 10 12 5 2J 13;r ; ST KEVIN « I OM 2 0 p* s | a | S WWl Nor»b Shore Sta 99 40 4j 10 •. Time. 23. 47J5. 1:00. I:0OV4. Track fast. Winner — B. m. l.v Helmet — l.andello. bv Kingston trained l.v 1!. J. Hraiinon: bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. Went to neat at 2:41. At paat 3 minut. -. Start goad an.l slow. Won driving; second and third the -nine. BLUE PARADISE wa- dose up from the -tart and. in a gaOM finish, outstayed HERALD through the la-l sixteenth. HERALD showed line speed and. setting a fast puce from the start, made a resolute tini-h. DAYDUE tired aft.-r going 9ve -eighths. LINDEN ran fairly well. MISS MUFFINS bnana slowly and failed to -how her u-ual iiiuh order of -p. oil in the early raCBBg. Scratched .0Ki7o Weatwoed, ill: 52S00IMythoiogy. ill; .02713 Grayson, 104. Overweights- -Herald. 2 pound-: British Liner, 1-..: St. Qaentln, 2. KOF/QK THIRD RACE— 34~Mile. Feb. 9, U B_la Handicap. Purse ,000. Jell Oil 3-3-ear-olds. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtlPSt . ; ■■, Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H CDS 520O2 MUSKALLONGE WB 124 S 4 V. 1» lJ 1»« L Lvke H C Fisher 1 1 4-0 2-0 out 52042 3 BOTHERATION WE UOs 1 1 6" V P 2" W Heir,-chOwnbey ,v- Kney 0 I 0 9-5 4-5 .";»60-i BUNGA DECK MO] 0 2 :: Bt II ::; L Morria M Dattner 12 15 12 .0 2 529300 * MYTHOLOGY a 111 1 o 21 9* 21 4l C, Stone W Durnan Q 4 ::i 1 2-0 .02690 STOTO WB 109 2 7 7 7 7. O. J McCoy M H Fletcher 29 :!" 20 S t 527i4RFN/.AF v 113 I 0 4 4*41 0 N Darrett J W Forman 6 12 10 4 2 52000 MASTER JACK wn 111 I :: 1 h 1 7" H Hamtn.f K Nash 10 12 12 4 8-5 50794s BEG PARDON w 102 :; 1 P P 1 s J J MaeyP. P Marshall 12 15 15 5 2. Time. 23s. 47, 1:10%, Track fast. Winner Ch. e, bv Me.-li. k— iav and Festive, bv Knight of the Thistle trained by Of. IJlock: bred by Mr. George L. Blackford. Went to post at 9:00. At peat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MUSKALLONGE, evidently a crack, showed One speed in pacemaklag from the start and. when forced to a hard drive in the stretch, held on gamely and outstayed BOTHERATION. The latter moved up meiiuehiKly in the last eighth and Qjihkrd pressing the winner hard. BUNGA BUCK ran a cood race and linish.-.l gamely. MYTHOLOGY tired after showing a good order of speed. IUNZAK also tired. Scratched 51001 Day Lilly. 105; 52000Be Sure. Ins. Overweights- Botheration. 1!_. pounds; Bnaga Hack, li-..; Beg Pardon. 1. erOfOO FOURTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Feb. 13, 1915— l:44«s— 3— 104. City Park Handicap. ties 4 OO ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000: second. 30: third, 70; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt t "-; Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II P S GOOOOST. ISIDORE WB S li:: :: 1 li 1U 1 1- D H HamtnJ E Nash 11-52. 2 H-5 1-4 BOOM DANCING SPRAY a G MO 4 .: .".1. 21 9* 2 2 T Jarvis Trcacy and Wker 15 20 20 6 2 52720 TIP Y WTTCHET WB i 128 1 7 9* 0 4 ::i :: TKowin Faucr Stable 1 8-0 7-5 1-2 1-4 52COS*GENERAL HAIG wit 0 100 1 .: 7 7 7 # 4 M Garner W O Stoner 10 10 « 2 4-0 ."2746 WAUKEAG WB 7 10:: 7 0 :: 4 ::. 0 :. H Thurbert N Freeman « 8 8 2i 1 1 00021 LUCKY D. W € M0 2 2 4 P 0 7 tf L.McAt-e 1 Arieux 1.0 20 2i 7 .! "1928 WAR MASK w 5 112 0 1 2 3* 0 li1 7 M Huxon J Dundee 10 20 15 5 2 Time, 24V 48%. 1:10%, 1:3925, 1:46. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g. by Isidoc — Onaga. by Clifford trained by J. E. Nash: bred by Mr. John Sanford. Went to po-t at :5::i4. At post 2 minute.-. Start good an.l slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ST. ISIDORE raced into the lead with a rush and. making the pace fast for the entire race, won eased up. DANCING SPKAV moved up with a rush after going the lirst quarter an.l onttinished TIP-PITY WITCHET. The latter ran a game race under his big weight. GENERAL HAIG finished fast. WAUKEAG tired in the stretch. WAR MASK quit, Scratched -.02740 Snapdragon IE. 104. CTOPTQT FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12, 191G— lA2Vi— 4— 113. Meadows Purse. tlal 4 O 4 ?1.000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; sec- ond, 21: third, 14. Index Horses A Wt li sF4" j~-, StrTin Jockeys Owners O H C P S " 52004 S8IR GRAFTON wr. 0 W, ;; 2 1" 2 21 :;- 1» B Wtaa W E Watkina 6-5 7-5 4-5 1-4 out .".2044 COMME CI wb 5 102 o .: P ;t 7 4i 2| J J Mneyl H Smith 15 20 20 7 :; 5t00SxLOUIS A. wi: 4 10:; 4 1 91 4i 4- 2i 31 J Eob-rts OMeara Eros 2 3 3 7-101-4 00714 DR CARMEN WB 9 MS 1 1 1* 1° 1 l» 4- E Pool R L Laker :; 5 5 7-0 1-2 f 52005 GRANDEE wa 5 149 2 : 4 0" » 5; O-H ThurberE T Zollicoffer 12 10 12 5 2 50002 BONE DRY wn 4 M9_ 4 0 :: ?, .::" 0- 0 D Connelly P 0 Peabody 15 20 20 7 :: 50901SHILLBLAGH II. wn 1 104 7 7 7 7 9* 7 7 W ibert E P ters 30 40 40 15 6 Time. 242i. 48. 1:10%, l:39«i. 1:44. Track fast. Winner Or. h. by Kitz Grafton — Simple Avon, by Ajax trained by H. E. Watkins; bred in England by Mr. Irving II. Wheat.n.ft 1. Went to peal at 0:50. At po-t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SIR GRAFTON, cioae up from the start, moved up fast in the stretch and outstayed COMME CI in a close lini-h. The latter came with a great rush in the last eighth. EDITS A. also ran in improved form, but tired near the end. DIE CARMEN quit after showing high sliced in leading to the last eighth. Scratched -52789 Lucky :.. 101; SST20*Green Gram, 101 : 52729 rUbbertygfttbet, no; 02156 The Archer, !»v 52TiS3Tnntalna, 105; .02001 Day of Peace, lo.".. Overweight- sir Crafton. 2 pounds: Comme i. 1: Hone Dry. li_: Shillelagh II., 1. rTOrCQ SiXTH~RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Jan. 171920— 1:57*16-1657 PtHeTLOOO." 4-year - tJ+d 4 OO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index llorses AWtlPSt -j L. % Str_Iin Jockeys Owners O ll T P S 52665 ;:,SANT7v MAC w 4 M4 2 1 Is 1* I» J 1* !■» T JaTvTv .1 H Laker 1.0 20 20 7 ?, 525051 PLENTY wr. .0 111 4 0 4 ::" .:- 2- 2- L Lvk. M Dattner S 10 » 3 7-5 1 52004* RAIDER WB 7 112 .0 8 I s •■ 4 V L McTioCH Oots o 7 6 2 • ."2766:YA1S "HS LAST w 1 111 , 1 0 7* 4"k 5i 4 J Gruber JMGoode :: 4j 18-57-0 3-5 52120* ROMEO W* 5 122 1 I ti- 51 5 9 5. K RomelliH Fallehv 10 10 15 ti 2 BtTlS*FAIR ORIENT wb 9 112 7 :: 2i 2» 2» ::- 9 E Pool R L Baker s-0 2 9-29-91-1 520tS*LORD HERBERT WB 4 119 3 7 7- 9*7* 7" 7" J J MneyE Arlington 5 1 41 8-5 4-5 .02221 GAIN F, CAUSE WB I 104 8 1 V 4- S s S A RiehcrkJ Arthur 10 15 15 5 2". Time. 24%, 482i. 1:14, 1:40V 1:535. 140%. Track fast. Winner -B. c, by Assagai Brief, by Itadge trained by J. H. linker: bred by Mr. Walter O. Parmer. Went to po-t at 1:2.0. At po-t 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won driving; second and third the -line. SANDY MAC. suddenly improved and showing the mo-t speed, led all the way, but had to be ridden hard right at the end to outstay IM.KNTY. The latter raced forwardly and was gaining steadily under hard riding. RAIDER .lo-e.l an immense gap and Onioned fast. FAIL ORIENT quit badly in the stretch. WADHWORTH8 EAST ran well. Scratched- .022.03 BeavcrkiM. 112. PT OrTOQ SEVENTH RACE— i 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 :44»3— 3—104! Purse " 3yearT tlAI 4 OCF olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses A Wt TlSt ,stil-ni jockey* Owners T 11 C- V S 00000 SENTIMENTAL w 0 10.0 i 4 0 : 4 li li J McCoy W E Jones 8 10 S ii To" 52COO*SASEN wb 8 195 4 7 41 41 :: :: 0" E Pool C Buxton | 12 12 0 J 52722 SERBIAN w 5 111 1 1 1* 1» 1» 1" :,,; I, Lyl:.- II Nevsteter 0 M 8 1 S-5 52440»SPEEDSTER wb 4 104 3 0 :;" 2i 2 4- 4- J j Mneyl P LetteUier 2. 4 :: 0-0 :;-0 52507*CRIM. RAMBLER wt ; 87U* 13 11« 7 P V 0- 1. McDottSilvster Ai DlapO I 1 2 1 52400* BOND am T 199 0 2 2i 5 91 0 ii E Pollard Cain 0: Sanford 10 15 1.0 5 2.. 52025*SALUTE wi: 0 110 12 0 7 Vi 7 7 7 T Jarvis E.irnum and Fizer 10 10 1,0 0 3 5 1404** ALMA B. wn 7 93 2 11 K» «F 10- v s _ AnthonyG W Atkinson 30 to :» 12 1; "2060 DOUGLAS s w 7 119 ! S 8i f* n- n1 »»i H GregoryE L Loubat 10 20 1.0 1 :: 0271C**SEARCH I.T III.WB 5 103 13 :» :• 11- 11 M_ lo.ik p WdatekJ A Coburn 0 0 5 2 1 OCfOOBLUEBANNOCK WB 7 110 11 :, 8*1 9s 8Ul1 111 .1 RocF_e7A M Walle | 12 12 5 21. 52624 P. G. KING w c 100 s 12 12- 12- 12"12"12" S Wida R E Watkins 88 40 40 12 c" 48847 TIE PIN wa 0 114 7 » 13 13 13 13 II W HeinckJ s Ownbey 20 30 30 10 5 Time. 24«5, 4823, 1:14%, 1:40. 1:46«5- Track fast. Winner I! m. by Marathon — Aniin.-sity. by Star Ituby trained by E. U. Mitchell: bred by Mr. Jerome I. Bespeas. Went to po-t at 4:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but CKI.MSON KAMBEEK. Won easily: second and third driving. SENTIMENTAL moved up with a rush in the stretch and won with speed in reserve. SASIN raced well and finished with a rush. SERBIAN set a good pace and tin ish.-.l gamely, but tiring. SPEEDSTER tired in tiie last eighth. CRIMSON RAMBLES was away slowly and cloned a great gap. Scratched 52025JBantry, 105; 52000Magnet Land, 100: 1. 021173 IE ing Neptune. Ill: 527js Mary loii-o. 80; 02743 Sir John ergne. 11.0; .02024 Bene ..lent. 11.0: 52713 Grove A.. 103. Overweights — Crimson Rambler. 2*4, pounds: Tie Pin. 5.