No Racing at Jefferson: Governors Objection to a Meeting in Lent Causes Abandonment, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-06


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NO RACING AT JEFFERSON Governors Objection to a Meeting in Lent Causes Abandonment. Tippity Witchet Finds His Weight Too Much and Is Beaten by St. Isidore — Muskaliongc Wins. BY •!. I.. DFMISKV I SEW HRI.KA.NS. La., February :,. There will be no -pring meeting at Jefferaoa Part Uii- year. Tii- i-- in defereace t.. the wishes of Goreraar Parker. «i ppo-e- raring during the lenten period. Ior -onie time there have 1 n rumors thai the coatees plated awetiae. a-onld aal be held, bur Ibe :— name of a program beok far the first eight ■ lay- -reined to have -it the rumors at rest. When Goreraar Parter wa- approaebed oa the sabjeel by sereral aersaaa. including Howard Oats, acting a-a committee r one represeatiag the horseatea, he made it patent thai be v.a- oasBoeed to continuing racing in Lent. Howard Oats held a eeafereaec with O. 1 . Brjraa. Jr., and hi- associates ia the track and the arard was pas-oii that there would ; be ao racing at Jefferaoa Park t.. folios the Pair irounds nn-eting. The declaring off Of the racing at Jeffersaa Park v. as regretted by many of the oeraera, r ut the] Pell that for Ibe gaad of future racing here it was the arises! coin-;- to that doara. The Jeffer- - m Park in;:nagenien! i- preparing a stateaseal that will be i--nei! lae toiiighi. NKW ORLKAN8, I. a. Fchiuaiy .". The task sel for Tippity Witchet this afternoon prove! too seTCre and he wa- downed easily in Hie City Park Handicap, which fea tared today- spieadid card, being beaten decisively by the raasisteal St. Isidore and the lightly weighted Dancing Spray. Tippity Witchet landed third, a good margin before ieneral llaig. Larky B., Waakeag and War Mask. Tippity Witchet was weighted with 120 pounds, conceding St. Isidore sixteen pounds and much more to all the others, but in spite of this big eoacessloa lo hi- "PP -nt- he enjoyed favorili-in and wa- siauchly backed by a large local following. Many, however, gave preference to St. I-idorc. arguing that the P.auer starter was aaeqaal to the difficalt task of . conceding such big weight and -teh deduction- were correct, foi- St. Isidore wasted no time in r aching , the lead and. -nowiug speed for the entire race, led all the way to win in a canter. Tippity Witchet began slowly and suffered Fran crowding on the first turn, where there was a slight mix-up. be made up grouiiil resolutely in the stretch, bin was oiit-laycd for -1 ...nd place by Dancing Spray. which sprinted into that place a half mile from the fiM-h and held to that portion of the pur—. Waakeag and War Mask alternated a- close ronttedcr 1 in the early running, but retired in the stretch. The p.i feet weather and the extra good racing card for deci-ion this after wen an Irresistible magnet in attracting the full strength of racing devotees 111 these parts, augmented by hundreds . Mardi ttras visitor-. The snarl wa- iatereatiag nil 1. 1 1 lag was again be i. . While the City Park Handicap held the place of honor 011 the card, the Dixie Handicap preceding c it three-qnarters held 1- ounce interest to most. ■■- there was considerable cariosity about Mus tallage- rare. The Kentucky Derby eligible was ciriying 121; pounds sad was opposed by excellent -printers an I conceding them considerable weight. lie w. 11 like .1 good colt, making hi- victory particularly bapreaaive from the gam. style he backled down to hi- work when challenged in res lute style by Botheration in tin- stretch. The -pot began with 1 i_r eliag drive between Adventure and Mawrcaroa, the former ju-t mana giag to last n oui. Mi— Muffin- made her three ye ir-ol.l debut in the - cond race, in which she was opposed by -nine fairly g 1 one-, including Linden, a supposed good thing, but the latter was aerer Formidable and Mis- Muffin- lacked her casiomary early speed. Bloc Paradise and Herald fought out the finish, the former winning la the last few stride-. Sandy Mac proved the -urpri-e in the sixth race when he led for the entire rice and won from Plenty and Raider. K.iir Orient and Wad-worths l.a-t. the farered oaea, were well back at the finish. Ihe betting I an. meter indicated that Sir Grafton would run in hi- best -tyle in the fifth race ami the astute ones eagerly accepted the exttetneh shad odd-, bin he narrowly escaped defeat from an un expected quarter, Coauie CI, an outsider, forcing him to do hi- beat to win b] a in.-e. Louis A. al-o shewed raakty improved form over hi- preceding race and landed in third place. Tableau dHonneur has been boagbl privately by G. Drnmhiller from I.. T. Baaer. i.rookland la- been added to the Iuitcd Itemount Si t ii.- breeding depots and will he shipped t. Port liciio for -iini daty.

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Local Identifier: drf1921020601_1_4
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