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HAVANA Ike kMH which seem Ixst ill Sunday s races • re: HaTana. Cuba. February 5. 1921. 1 — Vie Miiiioz. ViHiriu. Shy Ann. - Kd Garrison. Willie Woods, Prince l.ouoro. I llic- liluo Duke. Cromwell. Furbelow. I Dilf. rent Byea, Assumption. Merry Feast. 5 Guaranteed. .M. GoMbhttt entry. Grundy. •— DI"CKNA1L. Uickawanua. Nn|lli:i!ius. 7 — Niltht Wind. Kotindel. Sol Gilsoy. T. K. Lynch. IfetV York III! ml ten |. 1 — Vie Munoz. S li Ann. Aunt Deda, Yoorin. 3 First Consul. Willie Woods. p.d Garrison. Harry ,M. Btemi, 8— The Blur Duke. Furbelow. Bally, Koran. 4 — Assumption. Different Kyes, Military Girl. j Kunnyven. 5 Mumho .1 mil ! «■. Matinee Mat, Kvliort.-r. Alli- van. ■ Lackawanna. Buck Nail, Dnlph. Bill Hunloy 7 -FAS DE CHANCE, Mather, Bel GUeey, Sifhl Wind. Chicago :iinl ItiilValu II a ml lr:i |i«. 1 Vie Munoz. V.K.iin. Wiiiall. Aunt Deda. 2 — Ed Gain-on. Emm .1.. Timothy .1. Bogaa, I Irinee Bonen... :i Tin- Blue Duke. Koran, Walnut Hall. 4 — Military Girl, Different Kyes. Assumption. Kunnyven .". GUFNDY. Matin. e Idol. Frank W.. Guaran- 1red. I I.u.-k Nail, I-ickawanua. American Soldier, i Xaptbaliaa. 7 Punctual. Mataer, Sight Wind. Norfolk Belie. Observer* II a ml lea i . 1 Yoorin. Vie Munez. Winall. Aunt I eda. 2 — Timothy .1. Hogaa, Ed Garriaoa, Willie Woods. ; Mace r.onero. 3— Koran. Tin- Blue Duke. Walnut Hall. Furbelow. 4 Military Girl, Assumption. Different Kyes. Basacd. 5 GKVNDV, M. GaMMatt entry. Guaranteed. Allivaa. I Back Nail. American Soldier. Lackawanna. I Dot ph. 7 -Night Wind, lunctual. Mather. Huntress. CoilNCllNIIM of II amlic.l | s. 1 Vic Maaoa, Yoorin. Shy Ann. Aunt Deda. •J Kd Garriaoa, Pint Coaaal, Timothy .1. Hogaa, Willi.- Woods. 3 The Din.- Daka. Koran. Furbelow. Cromwell. 4— MILITARY GIRL, Diffi -rent Kyes Assumption. Kunnyven. 5 Grundy. Gnaraateed, Maaibo Jumbo. M. Gold-Matt entry. I Buck Nail. Lackaaraaaa, Napthalius. iMph. 7— Night Wind. Punctual. Fas .1. Chance. Mather.