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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Friday. February 4. 1921.— Sixty second day I/ California Jockey Club, i Winter Meetlag of 12.-. or aaaee dppra. Weather clear. Preahttep Otearard. Francis Nelaoa. Aafaclate stewards, j. w. Caffratk and Leon Wine Starter, Harry Motiliany. Racing secretary. Leaa VTlag. Racing -st;irt - at 1 :.u. p. m. Chlcaga time 8:50. 527fiQ First Race — 5 12 furlongs. June 28. " 1916— 1:05 5— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Eqair. Odds. Did. Hera*. wt. Fin. Jock.y. straight. 4P7BO Thinly ThreelW p* B Marin. Hi SSMUn : HWH Ed Le Van Hi 2- 0 Willis 270-MW SSOSSSlbitake i"". 31 E Taylor 9 1 109 1 52S14 Ihciaii Ml 1- .1 ciciiints MOd-ipb SS001 lov.r Junta 109 "- X Kaden ;7»-Hmi 62211 Mouatn Oirl IDS B! W Taylor DiOP-tOO 62007 oiiina ll:: 7* H Rove tlOOVKO 62007 *Adorock mi 8J D Powell S8750-|»K 62344 *8adie 1 :.:• !•- .1 Huntamer 9460 !". 30020* Paradigm 110 HM V. Whlttlnirton I S1SSS UtplMn la IP D Martinez t .VJ5K1 Cold. Plisbt ill 12 K McCrann .Wi- : k- vMuluel field. 82 inuluels paid. Thrifty Three. $.S.40 Btralgbt, 10.20 place, 83.00 abaw; lid Le an. .20 place, 82.08 show : Mistake. ,v:i III show. Eqair a lent booking odds— Thrifty Three. SS8 to 100 Rtraight, 210 io loo place, Sfl t.. 100 show: Kd l.c Van. 110 to 100 place. 40 to 100 ihaw; Mistake. 30 to 10O show. Time. 1:07--,. Track fast. Wlaaer s. .1. Eellya ». r. I. by Hilarious Ke sponsiui. i.y Meddler Uralaed b 0. J. Kelly; bred by Mes~iv. Williams Itros.i. Went to at 1 :."2. At post 1 minute. Stall pcod aid slow .n easily: second and third dririag. Overweights Mistake. 2 pounds; Mountain 1 1 ill. 1: laphaai, 3; Adarack, :!: Phclaa, .".. ■19770 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 v*ji i j _J,1|«4 .%. 11 . pms,e 00. 4- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. ?50. Eqair. bids. lad. Herat. Off. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 62032 •oille Waod aji P 1 1owell IHMO 52083 "Rifle BhterlOS 2- O Whitngton 2anda»-tat 62027 : Colonel Matt llo :;" E Fator ltt-109 ." Ji-; Last Chance 101 1* PlRaker t22.".i-ioo 5204 7 -Maud P.aeon 11:: ."• N Foileti SN-10 . 2 i4 ; Klee Ko :ta i;-V p Martin.-/ s07 MW ."J57l Perfect Day IPS 7- l: Marinelll 280-MO 52007 Kath. Cany ins R Mel rami i 623S4 Handy Girl 1*8 9« J Murray 0M0-18II 52152 Bobby Fib rj8 1 Willis I GerttC W.o.,1 1M V. T Kindle US8H-M0 IMatael field. S2 muniels paid, oilie Wo,„i. 824.88 atraiaht. , *1".20 place. S."..0i show: It I fie Snooter, 0.89; place. .40 alioar; Felaael Matt, 82.40 Know. Equivalent bookiag odds oilie RTcod, 1140 ta 100 straight, ooo to 100 place, 130 te MO abear; Rifle 1 Shooicr. ESQ to luo plan-. 170 to 108 show ; Colonel Matt, 20 to loo bow. Time. 1:10*4. Track fast. Winner J. s. McDanil- eh. C. 4. by Boacaatl r Scildie Ktag. bv I.. . uid itraine.l by F. Samides: breil by Mr. G. B. Key nobis i. Went to p. st at 2:20. Al post 2 minutes, start i and slow. Won easily; retond and third di Iriag. Scrat.he.l 52S8.1 iiudc 103. Overweight* Gertie Wood. 1 pound : Klee Ko. 4: Handy Oirl, :i. K0771 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Dee. 20. 1916— U* * 1:11—3—110. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. Eqair. bids. Did. lloise. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. St53t*Ar!eUa I0J 1, D Powell 1128-tOu 62027** J. J. Mdck:;:: Si W Taylor 189-101 62001 Bar. RhillingiHS 3» c Whitlngton I..0-HH1 ; 2«10 Alice Can- HM 4*1 J Murray iso-ph, 52157 Cbattan Crt IM :■_ O Willis 17:o 1 00 52100 okla. Irish NO B3 H Joins S4S0-NN 62200 Sir Oliver no 7 x Foandsn ■ M WO 525.-.! Choir Master IP si M Matthewa 980-181 52170 Pegjo MartlnlS v B Taylor 62828 Helen Hayes M8 1". R .M.Crann 52028 Prairie MS IP II Rowe 1250-108 52501 liiii Martin IP 12 P.I linker 1 !"■• IM tMntuet field. IB mutu.-ls paid. Arietta. 0.80 Ktraipht. 0.60 place. 228 show; J. J. Mardoek. -l.oo [dace. show: Barbara ObllBag, .20 show. Eqairaleat baokhtR odds Arietta. 1730 to DM atralgbt, ISO la loo place. 100 la loo -h.,w ; J J. Murdock 100 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; bare Shilling, llo to loo show. Time. 1:18%. Track fast. Winn, r Woodland stables b. in. 3, by Bateawa II Golden Wave, b.l Mirthful trained by W. A. Preach; bred by Mr. John s. Mabea. Went to post at 2:10. At post 7 minutes. siart good and slow. Won hnndiP : sec.nil and third driving. . Orcrwelghta Peggj Martin. .". pounds n9 779 Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. a* ,m 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eqair. Odds. , in. 1 wt. Fill. Jockey. Straight. 52705 Baby Slater 112 I* P Martin. /. 33*3-100 58082 ►Lobelia Pn 2*i C Whitlngton l.v-lc 52030 Teo Bkridgel05 3s P. Marinelli M20-10I [S27Sla Pink Tenny !1! 4] C Uroaa 1080-100 1 52040 »Cobrtta 110 •"■- l Powell SaO-lOQ j 52751 Mernice B. 112 •• R McCrann I7809-M0 [ S240S*Oila 100 - E Taylor 12190-109 1 32000 Canute Ml 8s N Poden 1130-108 52040 Tamilian 112 8 O Willis 2009-MO 52382 tP. Drapeaa IIS MP H Howe JJO-WO 52084 Lazy Den 110 11SJ AV Taylor I 5204! Argento ill 12 M Matthe va f tMatael field. S2 paid. Baby Obiter, 1921.sh0.80 atraigbt, 0.40 place. 0.20 show; Lobelia, .80 place, j I .00 show: Teo Breckearhtge. .20 show. Kipiivabnt booking odda -Baby Sister. 8880 to 10 1 straight. 020 to loo place, 710 to 100 ahow; Lobelia. M to 100 place, .".ll to 100 show: Teo Brecfc- earldge, 100 te 100 i«bon Time. 1:48"43. Track fast. Wlaaer c B. Irwiaa br. m. 10 by Lord Baler Bag Annie Lauretta, i.y Eatperor trained by C. IB. Irwin: bred by Mr. Walter O. Iarmerl. Went to post at 8:18. At p. st 1 minute. Start [g ad and slow. Won dririag; eecoad and third 1 1 1 -sainc Overweights Cautite. 3 pounds. 9 77 Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. U£ " 1916— 1:05 5— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 90; second, 40: third, 0. Eqair. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Straight. S1003 Brit - Ally 105 1; W Taylor 3720 100 52071 Cacatnbo HM - W Hlnphy 1389-14* I 32000 -Anna Wood M7 P« K Denny 120-104 52404-T. ,,• th MglU I11 N Poden 4Ki-Kk» 52000 Lady in Bkll* ". P .Martin. 7 7" 100 52SS8 Ike Mills M 6*3 V Parka 47S9-1M 5S707 Myrtle A. !- 7". H Marinelli 52071 Wcllnce I.. IP x- C Whitlngton 54-MOfl 52000 "y P*k MaldlOS 9 11 Rowe ICI0-M0 fCoapted in bettiag as C. B. Irwin entry. S2 mntnels paid. I.ritains Ally. 0.40 Ktraigkt, 0.00 pla.c. 0.40 -law: Cacambo. 0.20 place, ST. 21. -Low ; Anna Wo id. .20 show. i; piivalent liookiii- odds I.ritains Ally. 8720 to loo sti-:,j-iir. 800 to IPS place, 428 to Dm ahew; • Cacanibo 810 to 108 place, 200 to HHI show; Anna Wood. 80 to loo show. Time. 1:0635. Track fast. Winner ll. W. Baraea eh. g 0. by Baaxettaw My H y. by To el Key 1 trained by J. Hill; bred b] Mr. Harry GhMiapa. Weat to post at 8:42. At post 2 minutes, start p ad and slow. W on dririag; second and third the aaaae. Bcratcbed- 33011 iPbrone Ward 112. Overweight; — Ike Milis. 2 pounds; Cacaaibo, 3: Uritains Ally. 1; Valley Park Maid :; PJO774 Sixth Race— 1 DIG Miles. June 24. t*,, * 1910— 1:45—3— 110. Purse 00. 3- year-ol U and upwurd. JlaimiiiB. Net vhIiic to wii.iii- 50; Maaad, 00; third. 0. Eqair. odds. In. I ll.nse Wt. Fin. Jockey. Rtraight. I 52704 Lit th Gink IM l» B Taylor ..7"-lt oi"i6o JJabv C»J Ho ; .N iliUcu .1 .," St7033*Le Daaure I!.: :;:: 11 p,,. p....;. 5S7P0*Cnris. iilt.rsps 4*« D Powell 1 «. 5S0S4*Iriab Dalayl«8 ■"•; C Whitngton :400-lno . i7:t Al Wick l.i 8* P Marlines 1260-IPS ".J0H8 Cor* .07 7 B Marinelli E0i*-MH inuluels paid. Kiltie Giak, 3.48 Ktraigkt, .00 place. .28 show: Baby Cal, 88.00 place. .00 show : I.e Dinosaure. 82.80 show. Bqaivalenl bookiag odds Little Gbtk. 570 to 100 straight, so to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Daby Cal, so 10 Iiki place, SO to loo show; Ke Dinosaure, 40 to 100 show . Time. 1:48. Track fast. Wlaaer J. 1. McPheraaaa b. a. 8, by Tim Payne -Ka Pacta, by Honduras 1 trained by J. J. Mcpherson: bie.l by M.-sms Lawrence Si Comstockl. Went to pant at 1:05. At post 1 minute. Start gaad and s|,,w. Won easily; second and third driving 52775 Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1;« 3— 6— 122. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: se-ond, 00: third. 0. Bquiv. Odds. lad. Hois.-. t. Fin. Jock.y. Straight. -••; ;.- • Louis lag p B Tayhar 2SV-109 52003 "Hor. L.i li ill 2J ll Bowe J10-100 47100*Clara Martin IM :; _ 1! .Marinelli PJ0-r8l 32548 Pol. Baker IM P* C Cross I889-M0 S2707*Sea Way ill .",• C Whitlngton MO-MO -5il7:t Sam ii-ii .".• 1; x Poden U0O-M0 32732 Ola P ■ 111 7 P Martin./. USJ.J88 inutiic|s paid, Louis, so. 10 atralgbt, 88.40 place, s.i.oo si„,w. Horace Lerch, .80 place. 83.40 show: Clara Martin. .40 show. Bqnivalral bookiag odds -Louis. 220 to loo atralgbt, 7o t.. loo place. 50 to loo ahaw; Horace Lerch. Uo to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Clara Martin. 70 to 100 ahaw. Time. l:45l3. Track fast. Winner W". I.. Stanfi.-lds br. n. I. by Leonid — Butts lla.Miian. b. Prigbtufl tiaiiied i.» W. I.. sim, told, bud b] Mr Wade Mcl.en.otci W.1,1 to [.osf at 4:20. At pest 1 minute Slut good and slow Won caateriag; iccoad and lliird driN inj:. Hcratrbed 52752 Irisl, Maid. 100; 52752 Marie 1 oi-ii. 11 UP. .2072 .N.-.ulous. JO.