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i s I i j [ » ■ 1 I e s j i r ,. t II v " i ■ h e il i r i r STAKE WINNING JOCKEYS Records of Riders Successful in Feature Races of 1920. - ♦ — C. Kummer the Leader, with E. Sande, E. Ambrose and L. Ensor Following. — -♦ — •Ickey Clarence Kummer rode Man o War in all bat twa of his racea this year. This in itself was glory rnough ror any rider. And it is ptin- lipally because Kummer was identified with the liaiupions success that his name is feu ml at the head of the list of the stake winning joekeys of the year, the total ralne of the stakes won lathe horses Mhaii he rode amounted to 08,000. I " ill Sande i second with B. Ambrose. B. Elisor. 1". Knack, I.. I.yke. c. Pali bent hei and A. Bchnttin-ner fatloarinti in the order named. The veteran .1. Bntwell. who is the leading rider of the year as far as winning mounts are concerned, is thir teenth on the list, the first installmeut of arhleh is here presented: C. Kummer. Stake. Track and Date. Value Proikne-s stakes. Jamaica; May is 3,000 Withers Stakes. Belmont Park: May 2S 4.SLT. Belmont Stakes. Belmont Bark: June 12.... T..»51 Stuyveaanl Handicap, Jamaica: June 22.... 8.830 American stakes. Aqaednct; July 3.. B.BB0 Dwyer stakes. Aqaednct; July IB 4.S5D Baranae Handicap. Saratoga; Angnsl 17.... 8,4MB Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Bark: September 3 2.775 Nursery Handicap, Belmont Park; Septem-I her 4 4.925 Lawrence Bealiaation, Belmont Park, Sep iember ! 12 oki Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park: September u 2.52.5 Jockey C|Hb Stakes, Belmont Park: September 11 5.850 Nassau Selling Slakes. Belmont Park: September 13 1.700 Arverne Handicap. Aqueduct; September 10 3.200 1otoiua,- Handicap, Havre de Grace; September is 6. sou fVoodmere Selling Stakes, Aqnednct; September 21 :... 2,230 Aqueduct Handicap, Aqueduct; September -~ 4USSB Mineola Handicap. Jamaica: October 7 2,030 Kenilwortli Park «.,,|ii Cnp, K call worth; October 12 80.000 Hiawatha Handicap. Jamaica; October 11.. ;;.mmi Pimlico Serial vTeigbl far-Age No. 1. Biin- lico: November 1 2.200 Hart-dale Handicap, Empire City; October is ;..".iio Total siiis.iMiu E. Sande. Harford Handicap. Havre de Grace; April M I 3.830 Pimlico Spring Hamlicap, llmlieo; May .".. . 4.050 Clark Handicap. Churchill Dawns; May 15.. 10.SM Ionnangbl Cup Handicap. Toronto; slay 27.. ..",L0 Victoria stake. Toronto: May 27 2.420 Indies Handicap. Belaaonl Park: Jane .!... 1.715 Bacelslor Handicap. Jamaica: June 11 1.850 Ulymple Selling Stakes. Jamaica: June- 2B. . . . I.BB6 CliKiunatl Trnpiiy, Latonia; July :; sou", Saratoga Handicap, Saratoga; August 2.... 5.2iiti Expectation stakes. Saratoga; Angnat 8.... 2.175. Miller stakes. Saratoga; Angnal 7 t.7uo Delaware Hamlicap, Saratoga; Angus! 10.... 3.800 Dominion llauiln ap. Porl lai.-: Vinjusi 11 8,450 j.,harci . Magian Memorial Handicap, Porl Brie; Angnal is -j.i;ihi Mohawk Selling Stakes, Saratoga; Aagasl m 1.BB0 Merchant and CI I lac ns Handicap, Saratoga; Angnal 28 5,200 Autumn iii.;hv • ,-hi Handicap, Baratofa; ScptelplK r r, $ 3.110 Pordbam Selling stake-. Empire City; Ucto- I r 2lt 2.201 Ardsley Handicap. Empire City; October 28.. 3,500 Vorktcwu Handicap. Empire City: October SO 4.0-.0 Pimiicci Anlnma Handicap. Pimlicc: November I 8,730 P.owie Handicap. Pimlico: November H 7.700 Total ..9S.780 E. Ambrose. Louisiana Derby. Jefferam Park: March 17.$ 4,073 Metropolitan Handicap. Belmont Bark; May 21 S.8S3 Fashion Stake-. Belmont Park: May 28 4. MM Juvenile stakes. Bell it Park: May Bl. ... o.S-" 0 Tofe«gan Handicap. Belmont Park: May 31 3.82JS Keene M. ni. rial Stakes. Belmont Bark: June 9 5.150 Bosedah Stake-. Jamaica: June 16 4.B50 Bainbow Handicap. Jamaica: June 17 8,900 Youthful stake.-. Jamaica; Jane 10 5,080 Ten Broeck Handicap, Batonia; July 7 ...0X l Astoria Dinne* stakes. Aajnedntt; July 12.. I.:i2."i Empire City Derby, Bmpire City: July 17.. 4.»i.0 Grand Inka Hotel stakes. Saratoga; Angnat Ll 7.000 Adirondack Handicap. Saratoga; Angnat 25.". 3..»2r Spinaway Stakes, Barntoga; Angnsl 28.... 5,000 Rdgenandere Handicap, Aqnednct; September is 8.150 Annapolis Handicap, Laurel; October y.... 8,000 Total .*82.7«.- L. Ensor. Bashford Manor Slakes. Churchill Downs: May 12 % 7.07.". Greenfield Selling stakes. Jamaica: June 21.. 5.830 Brooklyn Handicap, Aqoeedoct; June 24 .".sr.cj Queens County Handie-ap. Aqnednct; SO 4,050 Bockaway Belling stake-. Aqnednct; June 28 1,890 Champagne Stakes. Belmont Bark: Siptom- 14 4.150 Beldame- Handicap, Aqnednct; Sepleiabeni 23 3,725 Boslyn Handicap, Aqnednct; September 29.. 3,175 Stonybrook Selling stake-. Aqnednct; M.-t - temher 80 2.17.". Pierreponl Hnndi rap. Jaasaica; October 2.... 4.8..0 Gowanna Belling Stakes. Jamaica: October 5 2,173 Bemsen Hamlicap. Jamaica: October •..... 3,823 Continental Handicap. Jamaica: October 0.. ;i.27.". Searsdaie- Handicap, Empire City; October 18 3.17."» New Bochelle- Handicap, Empire city; October 20 8,130 Autumn Days Stake-. Empire City; October 21 2.710 Bainhou Selling stake-. Empire City; October 25 2,470 Pimlico Serial Weight-for-Age No. 2. Pimlico; November • 2.800 Pimlico tup Handicap, Pimlico; Nov rmber 12 7,100 Total ? J9,605 F. Keogh. Carter Handicap, Aqnednct; July •". | 3.850 United states Hotel stake-. Saratoga; Angnat 7 7.900 Champlain Handicap. Saratoga; Angnal 14... 3.400 Grab Bag Handicap. Saratoga; Angnsl 18..., 3,ir 0 luturity stakes. Belmont Park: September II 3...S70 Baatern shore Handlecap, Havre Be Grace; September 25 7,000 National Stakes. Laurel; October 2 8,800 Capital Handicap, Laurel; October 1 4.000 T"tal 1921.sh9,020 L. Lyke. Ilinata stake-. Lexington; April 21 | 3.710 Debutante Slakes. Churchill Down-: May 111. r,.ll.. Kntmky Hamlicap. Chun hill Downs; Mav 22 12.873 Clipsctta stake-. Latonia; June 19 8.1BO latonia Oaks. Batonia: June 80 ."..080 Melrose Belling stakes, Bmpire Cilj : July 10 1,838 Demoiselle stake-. Empire City; July 21.... 3.170 I loiuboy Handicap, Belmont Park: Septem- J ber 2 3.50- Qneen City Handicap, Batonia: October If... 15,275 Golden Rod Handicap. Churchill Downs; o- remher 18 o.rjo j Total ¥83,100 C. Fairbrother. Windsor Jockej Cl«fa Handicap, TTIadm. , Anfna 21 | .,j50 Stake. Track nn.l Date. Value. Otorgc ILndiic Mcm.ria; Handicap. Wind-or: August VS | ti.HMj I Saratoga Cup. Saratoga; August :tl 4.950 Autumn Gold Cup. Belmont Park: September L* 4.«00 l Toronto Autumn Cup. Toronto; September 05 5.575 Qrty Stakes. Toronto: October 2 3.«95 Ontario Jockey Club Cup Handicap. Toronto; October -J 5.475 I Uo/ila Championship Stakes. Latonia: October 23 22. 15 Total |*1,8M A. Schuttinger. Suburban Handicap. Belmont Park: .Time 5..S fl.350 i I-ong Beach Handicap. Jamaica; .lune 19.... 3.32.". Krookdale Handicap. Aqueduct: July 3 3.450 Travers Stakes. Saratoga: Aagust 21 9.275 ! Hopeful Stakes. Saratoga: August 31 33.850 Total «.250 F. Coltiletti. Caiiarsie Selling Stakes. Aqueduct; June 29.$ 2.220, Independence Handicap. Latonia: July 5.... 17.950; 1 i Elaab -Stakes. Saratoga: August 2 3.550 ! Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill . Downs: November « 23.695 j ! ; ! Total 7,415 1 I ! T. Rice. Kentucky Derby. Churchill Downs: May S. .0,375 I 1aumonok Handicap, Jamaica: May 15 .... 3.S50 I Myrtle Selling Stakes. Aqueduct; July 1 2.330 Whirl Stakes. Kmpire City; July 17 4. 7~ i j Total 1,230 I i E. Pool. . I Latonia: June 10 •Quickstep Handicap. ,372] •| Knquirer Handicap. I atonia; June 26 ti,56" : I if lls|t— Cup Handicap, Lexiagtoa; September 22 4. r.60 I Breeders Futurity Stakes, Lexington: Sep- j temlier Si 6.393 I J I-itonia Cup Handicap, Latonia; October 30 7.380 I I Louisville Cup Handicap. Churchill Downs; November IS 5,020 ! Total 3,290 »! •Dead heat. J. Rodriguez. . I Olabaugh Memorial Cup. Pimlico: May 14..$ 1.000 J Queens Hotel Cup. Toronto; May 24 950 Iitonia Derby, Latonia: June 12 16,300 I Sanford Memorial Stakes, Saratoga; August 11 4.425 j| Saratoga Special, Saratoga; August 14 9.500 . Total 2,175 -, J. Butwell. Chesapeake Stakes. Havre de Grace; April 1!4 $ 3,550 King Kdward H.»tel Mi Cup Handicap. Toronto; May 29 1 .565 Niagara Stakes. Knit Krie; July 3 2.590 Harford Countv Handicap. Havre de Grace; September II 3.800 Havre de Iran Handicap. Havre de Grace; September 30 6.800 Maryland Handicap. Laurel; October 16. . . . 7.500 Pimlico Serial Wciglit-f r-Agc No. 3; November 10 2.800 luistinas Handicap, Havana: December 25.. 3.330 - Total 1,935 y L. Morris. Toronto Cup Handicap. Toronto: May 26. . . .$ 8,435 - National Handicap. Hamilton: July 1 1,965 - Independence Handicap. Devonshire Park; July 5 1.400 Frontier Handieap. Windsor: July 14 9,400 Detroit City Handicap. Kenilworth; July 29 4.620 1 - Total 5,820 C. Turner. Newt.wu Selling- Stakes. Jamaica: May 17..$ 2,070 j tJaTden Citv Selling Handicap, Jamaica; May 18 2.230 1 Ilollis Selling Handicap. Helmont Park; May 26 1,450 j Bouquet Selling Stakes, Belmont Park; May 27 1.450 j Woodhuven Selling Stakes. Aqueduct; July 6 2,335 -, Speculation Handicap. Aqueduct; July 13... 2.600 Kmpire City Handicap. Kmpire City: July 14 4,650 Fleetwing Handicap. Empire City; July 19.. 2,770 Tarrytown Selling Stakes. Kmpire City; July 20 1,850 Seneca Selling Stakes, Saratoga; August 4.. 1,950 Catskill Selling Stakes. Saratoga; August 19 1.950 . Total 5,305 L. XcAtee. Pimlico Oaks. Pimlico; May 15 $ 3.650 Harlem Selling Stakes, Belmont Park; June S 1.450 Coaching Club American Oaks, Itelmont Park; June 12 4,075 1 Alabama Stakes. Saratoga: August 12 7,275 I Albany Handicap, Saratoga; August 23 2.725 Huron Handicap. Sararoga: August 26 2.325 i Kellorose Stakes. Aqueduct: September 16.... 2.550 Total 4,050 A. Johnson. Treiuout Stakes, Aqueduct: July 10 $ 5.400 East View Stakes, Kmpire City; July 24 .... 4.675 I*aurel Stakes, Laurel: October 23 7.750 Manor Handicap. Laurel; October 30 3.850 Total 1,675 5 R. Romanelli. . Kings Plate, Toronto; May 22 ,005 M Breeders Stakes. Toronto: May S3 1.620 Coronation Stakes. Toronto; May 26 1.970 Maple Leaf Stakes. Toronto; May 27 1.530 j Dominion Plate, Hamilton: July 2 1,775 [I Canadian Handicap, Windsor:- July 19 4.265 I Blue Bonnets Breeders Stakes. Montreal; . ! Septemebr 14 1.160 Derby Cup. Montreal: September 18 750 . ! j Total 9,075 W. Kelsay. Al erdeen Stakes. Havre de Grace; April 27..$ 3,550 Pimlico Nursery, Pimlico; May 1 2,100 Spring Juvenile Stakes. Pimlico; May 12 2,150 | Colorado Stakes, Jamaica: May 22 4,550 Clover Stakes. Aqueduct; July 6 3.150 Schuylerville Handicap. Saratoga; Aijgust 5.. 2.950 Total 8,450 I N. Barrett. Stake. Track and Date. Value. Southampton Handicap. Jamaica: May 20....$ 3.625 , Frivolity Selling Sttkes. Kmpire City; July 15 1.850 Knickerbocker Handicap. Kmpire City: July 22 2.770 I Yonkers Handicap. Kmpire City: July 24... 3.170 I Sprightful Selling Stakes. Kmpire City; July 27 1.850 » Mount Kisco Stakes. Empire City; July SB... 1.925 i Wakefield Handicap. Kmpire City; July 29.. 2,770 i Total 7,960 1 W. J. OBrien. Martin Belirman Handicap. New Orleans: February 7 $ 3.685 Spring Trial Stakes. Churchill Bum; May 2« 7.375 I ! ; Inaugural Handicap. Litonia; June 5 6.160 j | Total 7,220 i B. Byers. Green Spring Valley Steeplechase Handicap. I Pimlico: May 8 | 4.050 Gleudale Steeplechase Handicap. Aqueduct; July 10 2,300 Corinthian Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park: September 11 2.125 Manly Memorial Steeplechase Handicap. Pimlico; NovemlH-r 2 8.300 Total 6,775 G. Stack. Credent City Handicap. New Orleans; January 31 $ 3,835 Hamilton Derby. Hamilton; June 25 4.480 Detrok Stake*. Devonshire; July 3 2.505 Esse* Handicap. Windsor; July 21 4,900 Total 5,720 R. H. Crawford. Saratoga Steeplechase Handicap. Saratoga: August 28 .- $ 2.650 Brook Cup Steeplechase Handicap. Belmont Park; ScpiemlK-r 1.1 3.S.-.0 Qtleeithoro Steeplechase Handicap, Aqueduct; I l i ! 1 i ! . j ! ; ! 1 I ! I I i j I i . I •| : I j I J I I ! »! . I J I j| . -, - y - - 1 - j 1 j j -, . 1 I i 5 . M j [I I . ! . ! j | I , I I » i i 1 I ! ; j | i I Stake. Tmck nnd Date. Vnln v September 25 S 2.2." 0 Hendrie Steeplechase Handicap. Toronto; October 2 , 3. .-.75 Ticket of Leave Steeplechase Handicap, Lau- rel; October 13 2.400 Total 4,725 J. Mconey. Mineola Selling Stakes, Belmont Park: September 8 ,940 Oakdnle Handicap. Aqueduct: September 20 4,t25 ; Bab.vlon Handicap. Aqueduct: September 28 4,000 Lynbrook Selling Stakes. Jamaica: October 4 2.300 October Handicap. Jamaica; October 12.... 2.200 Total 1,465 A. Pickens. Cuba Juvenile Stakes, Havana: March !....! 1.420 Grand National Handicap. Havana: March 14 10.7.V1 . Inaugural Handicap. Havana; November 2."... 2.K 0 Total 4,320 V. Powers. International Steeplechase Handicap. Helmont Park; June 1 ,130 Meadowbrook Steeplechase Handicap. Belmont Park: June :. 1.430 Grand National Steeplechase Handicap. Bel- mont Park; June 10 2.07.". Bayside Selling Steeplechase Handicap. Aque- duct: June 24 1.525 North American Steeplechase Handicap, Sara- toga; August 14 2.47.. Brookliollow Steeplechase Handicap. Belmont Park : September 6 1 .685 Bushwiek Steeplechase Handicap. Aqueduct: September 18 3,450 Total 3,770 A. Richcreek. Hamilton Cup. Hamilton: August 7 $ 2.020 Michigan Handicap. Devonshire Park: Scp- tember 1 4.000 Lansdowne Nursery Handicap. Toronto: September 27 3.5.-.0 William Mulock Cup Handicap. Toronto: September 28 3.720 Total S13.290 J. Callahan. Inion Selling Stakes. Aqueduct: July 1....$ 1 .9."i0 Glen Cove Selling Stakes, Aqueduct: September 27 .1.900 Walden Stakes. Pimlico: November 6 S.60O Total 2,450 I X. Garner. Ben Alt Handicap. Lexington: April 29 $ 3.460 Blue Crass Stakes, Lexington; May 1 3.410 Proctor Knott Handicap. Churchill Downs: May 29 . 5.573 Total 2,145 F. Wilson. Daniel Boone Handicap, Latonin; July 10... 1, 225 I J. Small wood. Idle Hour Stakes, Lexington; May I $ 4.000 Harold Stakes, Latonia; June 23 7.090 Total 1,090 J. Heupel. Minto Selling Stakes. Toronto; May 22 $ 1.610 Windsor Hotel Cup. Montreal: June 12 1.975 Jacques Cartier Selling Stakes, Montreal; June 16 1 £23 Windsor City Handicap. Kenilworth; July 24. 4.400 Colonial Handicap. Hamilton: August 2 1,686 Total 0,996 D. Connelly. Kentucky Oaks. Churchill Downs; May 19.. S 5.470 Falls City Handicap. Churchill Downs; Noli veinber 2 5.080 Total 0.551 T. Rowan. Kings County Handicap. Jamaica; May 22..$ 3.250 Highland Selling Stakes, Jamaica; June 15.. 1.850 Arrow Selling Stakes. Kmpire City: July 26. 1,804 Mount Vernon Handicap, Kmpire Citv: July 31 3.170 Total 0,120 H. Garner. Cuban Derby. Havana; March 28 0,075 H. Lunsloril. Covington Handicap, Litonin; October 2.. $ 4.620 Twin City Handicap. Latonia: October 9.... r.,300 Total ,920 T. Murray. Hudson stakes. Aqueduct; June 26 ,150 Latonia Handicap. Latonia; September 29.. 6.020 Total $ 9,170 S. Bush. Chevy Chase Steeplechase Handicap. Laurel: October 12 ,850 ratuxent Steeplechase Handicap, Laurel: October 20 4.450 . Total $ s.300 0. Willis. Tolmie Handicap. Kenilworth: July 22 ,410 D. and C. Selling Stakes. Windsor; August 26.. 3.870 Total $ 8,280 F. Weiner. Caribbean Selling Stakes. Havana; .Tanu- 18 $ 1.670 Montague Handicap. Jamaica: October 1... 3.025 Pelhani Bay Handicap. Kmpire Citv; October 23 3.250 Total $ 7.94.". T. Nolan. Belle Meade Plate, Windsor; August 23.. $ 4.. ".00 Kings Plate. Montreal; September 9 2.135 Provincial Nursery Handicap. Montreal: September 10 1,305 Total $ 7,940 G. Yeargin. Monte Carlo Handicap. Tijuana; May 16 $ 1,750 Provincial Handicap. Windsor; July 17.... 5,720 Total $ 7.470 H. Thurber. New Years Handicap, New Orleans: January 1 $ 3.810 ! Durham Ctt;i. Toronto; October 1 3,505 I Total $ 7,315 i C. Bucl. Sacramento Handicap. Tijuana; May 29....$ 1.0.-.0 ! Tijuana Futurity. Tijuana : May 30 7IMI j Autumn Handicap. Kilonia; October 2 5.560 I Total $ 7.310 E. Fator. Philadelphia Haixlicap, Havre de Grace: April 30 ,700 Karl Grey Handicap. Montreal: September 11 I.MS I Hochelaga Handicap. Montreal: September 13 l.tilq; Total $ 7.215 D. Stirling. Border Cities Stakes. Devonshire: July 8...$ 2.700 Priuce Kdward Hotel Handicap. Devonshire; July 10 4.175 Total $ 6,875 W. Heinisch. Fort Thomas Handicap. Latonia; October 9..$ 0.740 S. Wida. Mardi Oras Handicap. New Orleans; February 17 $ 3..-.S:. Kentucky Selling Stakes, Saratoga; August 16 l.!»" 0 Total $ 5.:.3.-. ; M. Buxton. Montauk Selling Stakes. Jamaica: May 19..$ 2. 140 KingHbridge Highweight Handicap, Kmpire City ; October 27 .3.025 j Total $ 5,165 | F. Menmee. Camdeu Handicap, Lexington; May 5 $ 5,140 E. Denny. Cadillac Hotel Huudicup, Kenilworth; July 27 $ 5,000 J. Carmody. New Years Handicap. Havana; January 1...$ 1.630 | Indcpchili me llaiKlic..p, ihnanij February 24 3,030 Total $ 4.680 R. Simpson. Slake. Track an. Mate. Valit* loutlli of July Stakes. F. it Krie. .Iul -V I J..totl Hrantford Handicap. Hamilton; July 31 1.760 Total $ 4.660 B. Kennedy. Nursery Plate. Hamilton: August 4 $ 1.S40 Iroquois Hotel Handicap. Fort Krie; August 14 2.820 Cuba Mile Championship. Havana; December 26 2.790 Total | 7,45i M. Mountain. Pte-i.leiit Havana: February 15 $ 2.720 Cuba American Handicap. Havana: Februaiv 29 1 ssn Total $ 4.600 G. Walls. Ontario Handicap. Windsor; August 21......$ 4.069 J. McTaggart. Canadian Derby. Ioi t Erie: July 8 $ 4.000 W. Howard. Hendrie Memorial Steeplechase. Montreal: Septehmber 11 $ 1.765 Woodbine Autumn Steeplechase Handicap. Toronto; September 2." 2.140 Total $ SJMB E. Hayward. King George Highweight Stakes. Toronto: September 28 $ 3.717» C. Duggan. San Diego Business Mlis Handicap. Tijuana: March 28 $ 2.400 Dupee Handicap. Tijuana: April 25 1.20O Total $ 3.600 C. Robinson. Oceantts Handicap. Jamaica: October 11....$ 3.475 J. Kederis. Antilles Selling Stakes. Havana: January 11.$ 1.630 Havana Handicap. Havana: February 1 1.770 Total $ 3.400 J. Hanover. •Quickstep Handicap. Latonia; June 16 $ 3.372 •Dead heat. W. Warrington. Ashland Oaks, Lexington: April 27 3.370 T. Davies. Bayview Handicap, Aqueduct; September 22..$ 3.17r C. Disunion. "onnaught Cup Handicap. Toronto; June 14.$ I.I..O | Spring Brewery Stakes. Hamilton; June 26. . 1.970 Total ,120 P. Brady. Prince of Wales Steeplechase Handicap. Montreal: June 12 ,220 | Shillelah Steeplechase Handicap. Saratoga: August 2 1,705 Total S 2.925 L. Fator. Gazelle Handicap, Aqueduct: June 30 $ 2.850 F. Murphy. Stake. Track ati.l Date. Value Stanley Produce Stak.-. Itoeatv; September 29 $ 2. sou* N. Brooks. Elkridge Steeplechase, Haelie*; Nov. inter 9$ 2.5 0 A. Claver. Kindergarten Stakes. Montreal: June 9..K 1,383 Duke of CoMtiaught Cup Handicap. Coutiatight Park; June 17 815 Totil |2 in J. Zoeller. Suffolk Selling Stakes. Jaanlea; May 15.. ..I 2.395 J. Williams. Woodstock Plate, Toronto: May 21 $ 2,883 C. H. Miller. Belgrade Selling Stakes. Jamaica; Octekei 18.f 2.325 A. Collins. Morro Castle Handicap. Havana: January 25 I 2,678 C. Thompson. Los Angeles Handicap. Tijuana; April 11...* 1.200 Motion Pi tare Handicap. Tijuana; May 23.. 1,868 T.-tal S 2.250 F. Hunt. Aniilhs stakes. Havana: Peceiber 12 $ 2.120 C. Ponce. Amsterdam Selling Stakes. Bare too; AiiL-iist 30 f 1,858 A. Evans. Troy Selling Stak--. Saratoga: August 9 . ...$ lfir.O L. Cheyne. Winfield Steeplechase Handicap. Aqueduct: July r, $ 1,848 L. Woods. Marianao Claiming Handicap. Havana: February 8 $ 1.860 W. Blake. I.evcTwyck Steeplechase Handicap. Saratoga; August 21 | 1,888 E. Landry. Street Railway Steeplechase Handicap. Toronto; May 29 $ 1 .550 P. Martinez. A. B. Spreckels Handicap. Tijuana: Februaiv 22 | 1,288 B. Koppleman. Frank IV Beyef Handicap. Tijuana: May 2...* 1.260 J. Grune. Ch.amplain Selling Stakes. Montreal: September 1 r. | 1,183 H. Williams. New York Steeplechase. P.elmont Park: Mav 24 1 1,183 N. Foden. Oakland Stakes. Tijuana: December 26 $ 1.100 R. Ford. An Berate Handicap. Tijuana: May 81. ...,050 E. Smith. Coronado Selling Stakes. Tijuana: May 9....S 950 J. Roberts. Tijuana Claiming Stakes. Tijuana: March 7$ O..O J. Majestic. San Francisco Handicap. Tijuana: May 30... 8 700 C. Gross. Christmas Haaancap, Tijuana: December 25. .8 700