Havana Entries and Past Performances for Sunday, February, 6, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-06


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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY, 6 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Baring utarta at 2:1", b . at. Caleago tiaae 1:43. ® superior mud ruaaer. x Qoad mud . ruuaar. :j: Fair muil runner. M Maidens. * Apprentice allowance, b I.linkers. First Race — 3-4 Mile. .! year ic|s. riainiiag. ■ Track Record: Jan. 8, IBM 1:11 0— 10CI Todays Inn". Horse. Wt. Bee. AW t. Han. 32907 »Vle Mun..:-. Ill 1:14% 111X725 .12030 Vooria Ilo 1 :i:i -, 105.. 720 ..2n7".l •Winall 141 1:14, 140X713 -"L-Gl I *.iint ll.-.l.i NO 1:15% llll 7Kl 52204 •Bay Ann i.Mi ....107 1:10 OB.. 700 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. t-year-eUa and upward. Claiming Track record: Jan. a, 1030 1:11 I 103. 53738- Kd Garrtaau 110 1:13% 7 1iisx7.."i u2737**bKaaau .1 103 1:14 I 101x730 53004 •aTbaotbj .1. Bogaa. 114 1:10% 0 1004:715 53708* Prince Beaew ill 1:10% 0 104x715 :.21s2 liS.nator .lames ...114 1:13% 11 1114:715 .~.2C!I7 Short ya First Ml I 04.. 710 53787s •Willie Woods 111 1:1:1:, 5 MB. . 711 53704 biirat Consul 105 1:10 I 100x710 nii.ll oral 110 1:14% 0MB.. 703 53708 Lucky Pearl 1001:14 5 104 ,7ir. 53018 Plaatagaaet 114 1:10% 0 111X700 53708 Marry II. Steven*. 110 1:10% .". lllxiM Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Kl .Ilinn-rcio Handicap. t-year-«Ua and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 8, Duo- i:ii 0 103. 53C00 i. lie Bene Duke ...104 1:11% .". lllx7r, 537403 Koran 108 1:13% 0 lOlsfcTSfl 53070 l?al!y 107 1:13% 7 100X715 r.2t;7.» Walnut Hall 107 1:11% 7 110.. 715 :.ti!». Kurlx-low 1U 1:13% llllxDi 53070 fcCi 1W4-11 ill 1:11% :. 114x705 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. I i car ..Ids and upa;d. Ctabniug. Track record: Jaa. Ll. 1017 1 :"•".-. .". HtJ.I 53077 bMlllUry : irl 100 140% 1 100X735 537401 *l iff. rent Eye* ... Its 1 : i." :;.-. ". 111x730 r.LCiti ■■•l.Assumptioii 113 1:07 .". IM. .715 53730 liltunn.wcu 107 l:ti.-, 4 107.. 715 03738 •Discussion ll!M:07., .".103X710 53740 *Meaa Kit 108 1KW%* I 103.. 710 1 1 53IDM Oagood 107 140% .". 1o7®7lO 1, 53553s Merry rea«l 100 140% 7 110.. 703 "■ Ml.n; Baa Mego M....104 1 :07 .-, 4 108. .700 I Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Havana Electric an-i Power Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-year-otda and ■purard. rialatnag. Track record: Peb. 0, 1018 1:44%- I i i. 53741 bG KINDT 102 1:43-. 7 108X750 , 53710tbMattnee Idol 113 1:43% 0 111x740 i.i2i37i iFrank W 100 1:45% 4 10b X 740 53740 Guaranteed 104 1:47 4 111:;:740 ! .- i47.. Rnford 112 1:43% 7 110X705 53701 Allivan 144 1:40 4 104x700 53554* Smart Money 104 1:43% 7 107x730 1 53557s Paax-Col 110 1:44-.-. 8 108X700 1 53710* llumbo Jamba 100 1:40% 7 115*730 » 33879 The Pirate 00 1:40% 4 101. .730 " 53809 Betty .1 Ill 1:47% 4 101X73S "• R2R70 Kxhorter no 1 :45% 7 104 x 727. : 33007 l.War Ill Ill 1:48% 7.100 720 J :m. Goliii.latt entry. Sixth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jaa. lv 1030 1:30% B 105. 7.21171 •I.ucl; Nail 107 1:33% !t 100X733 ", "2701 •Lackawanna !I4 1:50 7. 100*730 I 52720-*bAmerieaa Soldier. .100 144% 4 103x717, 7. 153059 Naptbaliua 100 1:53% 0 113X710 1 53030s •Fiicworth 103 1:54% 4 100 X 70S 7, 533151 •I..l|i,i 4 105X700 II 53741 •Bill Pauley 100 1:34% 8 100X7001 D Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 4-vear-olds and upward. Claimiag. Track record: March 0, mis 1:41 -3 117.1 53700 •Punctual 07.1:42% 4 00X733 7, 53730 Mather 107 1:43 0 100X720 n .".27;.ot hXighl Wind 110 1:40% 0 111x717, 5 7,2721 bXorfOtk Hello 1 101x710 0 7,2721 •Beuudel 102 1:41 5 100*710 U 53721s Hnntrem 10 lOOxTlO it 7.2 1!t7.-»liSol Gils.j l,l 1:44% 7 103X707. 7, 32741 *l.Sinn Keiner K»4 1:14-.-. 5 100X703 " 7,2721 Biaaca 100 1:44 5 MO X 705 53750 bSemaer stalwart ... 107 1:45% 8 108X700 11 53008 Paa Be Chance 111 1:44% 7 1080700 8

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020601/drf1921020601_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1921020601_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800