Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-06


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HAVANA FORM CHART _____ HAVANA. CUBA, "SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 19121. Oriental Park. Blxlj lie-: ,I.i Yuba Ain.-i i. :m loekc Mini Aiiln Chili. Winter Meeting of 1»o iIm.vs or more. Weather clear; temperature 90 . steward-. .1. Ha. Inm-i-i. v. c. li. Laasdale Mini F .1. Biwii. Starter .lame- r. Milton. Lacing Secretary. M. Snthanson. Racing utartu it 2 .:.» p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.i. *Indicat ii apprentice allowance. CrOr7l_r£» FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile Jan. 21. 191$— 34 V— 2—113! j Purse 00. 2~-year-olds fJdid 4 4 O Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. linlox"~Tl»r-- AWiirst !, *« Str Fin Jockeys Bwiw 11 """ P S 10*469 WHISPERING LIS 2 1 V 1" W Kersfiy K Cebrlan 1-5 8-5 9-5 1-2 out StS93BIRCH MARK w 115 E I ::-.. 21 F Wilson U U Coe U 23 21 1 out 52530 OPULENT « 112 3 2 Is n1 .1 Demick William Broa 21 2 1 nut 00710 ATHGA*RVEN w 118 ! :: •»* ** C Barnes T Hodge 3 3 1 1 out MlttCGL CHILE a 112 1 E E S i: Barnea Mariana.. Stable i 41 U I o out Time, 23. 36. Track fast. liiiiiu.K paid. Whispering, .40 straight, .90 plate; Birch Bark, 44.00 place; n skew mntnela I Sold. Equivalent booking oddi Whispering. 120 to 100 straight, 13 lo loo place; Birch Bark, IM* la loo 1 Ill Winner -Ch. f. by on Tremp Bllea Atkia, I ■ Kingston trained by-J. Lowe; bred by Mr. Edward 1 Cebrlan. Went to post al 2:31. At post 2 minutes. Start good ami alow. Won driving; lecini an.l tliinl the ai -. Wll IMPEKING net a fast pace, bat swerved ,,v.r t.. the inside in the stretch an.l was tiring at the end. BIBCH BARK ran ll an.l wa* wearing the winner down at the lalah. OPULENT Oalshrd in , resolute fa-hion behind the leaders. ATIK.ABVEN tired in the -notch. - TOfryry SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:0s1 :,— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year . t-Pm« 4 4 4 olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index llorscT" AWtlPSt U i_ "4 Str Fin Jockeys- Owners II C 1» S . 52050 SLEEPY DEAR wf. 105 S I li l4 1- l1 E Barnea ST Baxter :: 21 2] 8-6 3-5 |52575 *THE ENQUIRER n i MC :: :. ::" 31 2* 2* J Era mis Willianaa Bros 7-.". 7-0 7-0 2-0 1-0 599390 PERHAPS wr. lo_- :. :i 7.. 7:. 61 ::! x .1 BrnesC Fountain 16 16 1". « :: 52076 3*CABIN CREEK w 1M 7 I 4»i 4. ;:; 4* F Wilson I Hedge 2-6 8-5 8-6 3-6 1-3 St41t*CHEFA w io." I s s; s- 8* :.- R LcasterL M Iribarren 16 1.". 1.". »; :: cS4JM*AUTOMATIC RED w 188 2 2 8* 0- 4 8* C Earn-s ; K Allen 16 1". 10 8 526»« iKLEWHICH wi: 107 1 t; !• I :i 7 F MerimeeP A Bolin I I S :: *-0 ,v «75 BLACK fat w loo v i j" 2 .p. g] s Boyle H E Bwan 12 io io o :: 52056 TWO F.VF.S w IIP 1 7 0- at 71 I .1 Collins .1 L Wade 20 20 20 fc 4 Time. 23 V 48. 1:00V 1:06%. Track fast. mntuels paid. sleepy Dear, 0.40 straight, S4.4o place, SS. 70 shew; The Eaaanrer, S3.«io place, .-2t show. Perhana, . 1."..lo show. lvillivalent boaktag odds — Sleepy Dear. 420 to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place, S."« to 100 show: The , En.|iiirer. SO to Kio place. H to loo -.how: Perhana, MS to ion show. Winner— 1!. f. by Contest. X Qnteaane, by Freak trained by S. T. Baxter; bred by Mr. Edward 1 Frazer. Went to peat at 2:01.. At pn-t 2 minutes. Start geed an.l slow. Won easily: second and third driv-ing. • SLEEPY DKAK raced int.. a long lead after ronnding the far turn and was under restraint at the ■ end. THE ENQUIRER ran a u 1 race, hut tired and had to be hard ridden to outstay PERHAPS. The ■ latter closed a big gap ami Baiahcd gaaaely. CABIN CREEK was pulled np just before entering the - stretch, then linish.-.l fast. BLACK PAT showed speed. Scratched 52C5d Btavanna. 100; r.2707:, ;eor!;e . Jr.. 10.0. 0 « er weighti Black Pat, 2 pounds; The Enqnirer, 2. CTrt"_rpTO THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and I O oaf 4 4 O upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. ~ Index Horses AWtliSt-t ]-- Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S ."2654*MAHTV LOU we. 10 ioi 1 4 i» 1» 1* l». H Fields Rooedale Stable :: :: ;; 6-6 3-5 " .0-J63."»*MNT lUHIS VllN 0 S 81 4 4- 2 J Fran, is W H Hall 8-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-1 StSMDRIPPIELD wr. 7 io:: 2 o # ;;nk .. || n Bridgea A C Niehana :; :: :: f.-o l-:; SSiUo*JUANITA III. w ii 10:1 :: .: ::± 0- 0 41 L Penrntia O Toggle 0 8 8 2. 6-5 GMM*JANICE LOGAN w :•:» 4 2 2.. 2- ::: o- R LcaaterE G Woods I io io 4 2 C2717 FLYING FROG wji 1 110 :• 1 5* 6* li"i;". .1 Collins C I, ydccker 20 2.0 2.. 10 0 BS*M*P*NCE OF CO.MOv. si: n 1":: s 7 7 7 7- 7" P Wilson T Hode :: ;; :; 8-5 .".-0 SZSSS*B.-NA-BREKNA wi: 1 :«7 7 8 M !i 8 N- C Farrv-h .J Keatle .00 00 00 20 10 .2674* JUTLAND wis i in:: I 8 B 1 n- 8 •■ X .1 ISries.J H Devoe .00 00 .00 20 10 Time. 23. 47V4. l:132-5. Track fast. 82 mntuels paid. Marty b»B, XlO.30 straight, .30 place, .*3.40 show. Clint I.oi is, ;3.S place. 83.00 show: Driffield. 1921.sh.70 show. Equivalent booking ohls Marty Ltm, 41.0 to 100 straight, 113 lo 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Count Derta, 08 to HNI place. 4.0 to 100 show: Driffield. SO to 100 show. Winner — Br. m. by Malta Santa — Miss Louise, by Esher trained by J. Haggerty; bred by Mr. Dan Lehan. Went to ost at 3:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MARTY I.OC set a last pace for the first half, hut was tiring at the end. COUNT BORIS finished in resolute fashion and would have Avon with a bit farther to go. DRIFFIELD was a forward contender all the way. PRINCE OK IO.MO could never improve his position. JANICE LOGAN ran well to the stretch. Scratched 02001 Doctor D.. 100; 52028 Nettie Wahatr. :is: 09005 Kibbler. 103. Overweight — Boaer-Xa-Breena. 2 pounds; Janice Logan. 1: Count Boris, .!: Plying Frog, 5. : Er«~ ""rr7C_ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 111— 6—102. j Purse 00 4-year-olds and i *3 Jmi 4 4 *J upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. ~ Index Horses AWtlTSt « a "t Str Fill Jockeys Owners O H C P S lO0074*BLONDEL wit 0 110 :; 0 6 6 :i:; V F Wilson H Herdel 1 1 1 1-:: 1-t; SZOISCLARK M. wi: 11 112 2 4 0" »* 1» V .1 DotnlckG Holmes I 21. 8| 4-0 2-0 r.870*IWHIPPOORWTLL wit C 113 1 I 1* T 8* :" .1 CarmdyR Groves 4 4 4 7-0 7-10 0 .-••. .- ! .- JAKE FELD wit I 1 ll_ 6 6 8J 6* V 4 _ C II MillerE J Sullivan :;. :r. ::. 8-6 7-18 0 0S07SSUPERIOB w ! M0 i 1 0- P 4" ." F htesfmceW Dannnn M 10 10 4 2 U«77POKEY JANE w 107 2 0* B «: 1 F Hunt W C Weatlaad 0 5 5 2 1 Time. 23. 47. 1:1225. Track fast. S2 inutuels paid, l.londel. S4.00 straight, .*2.70 place. .00 show: Clark M., .70 place. .00 show: Whippoorwill. 02.70 show. Etliiivalent booking .Mids-Hlondel. 100 to 100 straight, K to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Clark M., s.o to Km place, SO t loo show; Whippoorwill, :io to km» show. Winner — B. h. by Sir Huon- l.ooina, by Alvescot trained by A. D. War ley; bred by Mr. George I. bang. Went to past at 3:40. At post 2 minatea. Btartgood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BLONDEL began slowly, but slipaed throogh nesl t . the inside wfcea catering the stretch and raced inlo a long lead in the last eighth. CLARK M. ran well, but had to be hard ridden to outstay WHIPPOORWILL The latter set a fast pace to the stretch and tired. JAKE FEED ran well. Scratched 32033*Mngivan, 108; 52428Tborn Bloom, 113. Overweights Jake Fehl. 21- pounds; Whippoorwill. 1. e_ r "TQ/k FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1:38 5— 5—105. Purse m 3-year-olds~and tjJmi 4 O" upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third. 0. Tmlex Horses A Wt CI st !4 % *_ Htr Fin Jockeyt iwnejjJ o H~~c y s~ - - .- 2«7! SWEEP CLEAN W 4 106 4 I 1- l- 1» Is l7 F Wilson Coldapple Stable 7-M-7-107-1O1-:; l-« rtillH PANSY wi: 3 ! 2 2 2 C :: ::• 2 2 L Penr.ian P A Herald 7 s s 2. 6-6 ,- «71H RAMA nil !S 7 7 7 0* 6* 3«4 V F Hunt 1 GoMMatt -L -■ 2. 7-101-:; 0*710 Il.VRAX w n I 100 i; 0 2i 2 2* I* 4- 1. Gordon E C Griffith io 12 12 S 2. 6t?lB*BLACK TOP : 90 1 1 31 4 V ..» 0 A McLblinb S Fountain 10 12 12 0 2 . 52000 PIE wn 4 MO ." 6 •: 7 7 7 6_ r, Manganl-; i Van Winkle 1 I s :; •-." ."•2740 HENRY G. w n 0 105 i .; 61 Sl 0* : 7 F Mertniee 1 Monahan 7 S S ;; -0 Time. 2435, 47«3, 1:10%, 1:3835. Track fast. S2 niutii.-N paid, Sweep Clean. .00 straight, 00,00 pla.-e. .00 show; Panay, 111.00 place. |5.30 II show: Kama. s::.7o show. Bqaivalenl booking odds Sweep Clean, so to loo straight, 00 to KM place, 48 to KM show: Pansy. 40.0 to KM pi. i.e. 10.0 to 100 show; Kama. NO to 100 shew. Wi r Br. e. by Sweep Tina wha. by Jenny trained by II. .1. Kennedy ; bled by Mr. Thomas McDowell 1. Went to peat at 1:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and fa-t. Won cantering; second and third ,1 dritiiij;. HWEEP LEAN, showing .|iiicl; Improvement and great speed, raced int.. a long luad on the ,. barkatretch and won in a canter. PANSY ran well, but had to be ridden out to outstay KAMA. The ,. latter was far back for the lirst quarter, but closed a gap and Pnlshfd fast. HARAN ran well. Thiol hers iuit. Overweights Kama. ." panada. _ fTOPyO-j SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1 : 38%— 5— 105. Purse 0o! 4-year-olds s tlaf 4 O JL and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt U j *-4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~1 H C T ii - _ SS7S0*DARNLEY wr. 5 107 0 .0 0« 0N ." " :":!i 1* C Fames I Graham 7-6 7-6 7-5 1-2 1-4 52701 "POLAR CUB wit t 88 2 2 V l 1 1- 2 J L Penman T Doyle 6 1 0 2 1 ISS7S0THE BELGN II. wn 7 113 C 3 4-. 4- U - :: J Cmpbell Florida Stable 8-6 8-6 S-a 1-2 1-4 |0t000AMERN EAGLE w 6 116 1 1 21 3» 3» ! I K Barnea B Mock 8 I 1 Q 8-5 50701 » BYRNE a 5 MB : I Si 2* I" or- .1 Pitz RoaedaVle Stable 21 3 :: 1 2-6 .".•».-»36 » FOSTER EMBRYwa 5 1W 4 1 ,0 1 8 6 G J Francis R i: Allen 10 1.0 10 0 3 Time. 241;,. 48, 1:13. 1:39. Track fast. |2 inutu.-N paM, Dariih-.v. .08 straight, .20 place, 92.70 show: Polar Cub. 0.20 place S4 00 --how i The Belgian II., 90.10 show. Bqnivaleat baekhsg adds Damhry, 140 to loo straight, ;o to loo place, S3 to too show; Polar Cub. ■ 410 to 100 place. ISO to 100 show: The Belgian II., ."."» to 10O -how. Winner BUt. h. by Magneto— Mizzle, by KUkerran trained by II. Bpargner; bred by Messrs Talbot ,l Uros. Went to pool at 4:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and fa-t. Won driving; second and third the f same. DARN LET wa- under restraint until rowndiag the far turn, where he moved up rapidly and, I. wearing POLAR CUB down, ot up t win in the anal strides. POLAR CUB set ■ fa-t pace for oeven-etghths before he began to tire and tini-h.-d gamely. THE BELGIAN II. raced forwxrdly, but tired in 11 the la-t .-uht;, AMERICAN EAGLE qnit. Over weights Poster Rmbry. t panada; Daraley. 2: The Belgian II.. 1. 9789 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. fJJm 4 O ±d 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. I. Index Horses AWtlPSt U j "n Str Fin lockeya Owners J H C P S ." ;." 7 7 * SALVO « 0 lot; 4 :: ]» li* lie jj !-• j FrancTsTrWa It Jrs ::-0 :: 0 ::-0 1-:; - OJOSl-.KiSK UK T.KSw.-B i: lo.O :: 2 41. 2»i. 2 • 2« 2" N .1 Uru.-sl D.-lbarrio 6 7 7 2 1 02797 *HOMAM 7 102 6 4 2] :;■ :: ; :; ::■ L Penman* Toggle 8 8 8 3 vo .V.J075 disci h;d w 5 1M 1 1 8* 7: 6s 4J • Eamea s Bnrnaide IS 2.0 20 8 4 50and0t*MEADOWORTH w 8 182 7 0 0 o- 0- 0 0- p Wllaon Ktaaere Fm Bta 5 0 .0 2 1 ." 1fir»8 PLANTAREDE wan 5 107 0 7 I P 1. 7 .: E Barnea 1! W Plant 4 41 4. 8-5 4-5 320SS*MISS SWEEP w 0 lOo 8 6 ::; P* r. 1 7 . Smith t. K Allen 19 16 M 4 2 r.i-.-Ht CONSTP-NTINE wan 5 119 2 10 8] 8 :•- »*• 91 W M.-hanW Sims 10 10 10 1; :; 52000 CLARE BOOTHE a S KC HI 8 1 7 9* v : .1 Pitz I-. D Sprteger 20 91 88 8 4 .-473« DEE i» « . 199 I I N M 19 PJ M F Merim •-.! .1 HoHman 19 :i0 30 lo 5 Time, 24, 47. 1:1225. 1:40. 1:40%. Track fast. 92 iiiutiu-1- paid. Salvo, S3. .00 straight, 92.00 place, 92.60 show; Jane de Vales, 94.70 place, s.i.sii " -now: llomain. 94.70 -how. E.|uivai.-iit boohing ...Id- Salve, 7". to 100 straight, .in to 1 m place, 23 to ion skew; Joee .!.• Vales 13.0 to 100 puce, 00 to 1111 show; Domain. i:i.o to loo sbjsw. Winner I:. ;.-. by Charles Edward Shoo Fly, by Meddler .train. .1 l.v H. Van By; bred by Mr George M Heiidriel. Went to |«.st at .0:i». At pool 1 miiiut.-. Slait good an.l -low. Won ridden out: Strand and third ■ driving. SALVO -printed into a long had hi I he tir-t half, but tired badly after going three i|ttarterN JOHN DE VALES meed well and wa.- gradually wearing the winner down. 1IOMA.M wa- u forward .on leader throughout. DISCORD closed a yap. Scratched- 027. 7 l.mina ... JO. Overweights Malvo, 1 pound-: Jose de Vales, 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020601/drf1921020601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921020601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800