Greatness of Longfellow: Prowess of an American Champion of Fifty Years Ago, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-21


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GREATNESS OF LONGFELLOW * Prowess of an American Champion of Fifty Years Ago. ♦ His Victories Over Famous Harry Bassett and Kingfisher Recalled. - ■ • Nnw YORK, X. Y . February i i- The American tart has mi More brilliant mt n its raster thaa that of Longfellow, MM of LeaMiagtOB -Nnn-1ura. by Hrawners F lipsc. which gained renown through his splendid performances in the Fast at. Saratoga and Monmouth Park in lsTl :iikI 1S72 whea in- eef a ted Kingfisher and Harry Bnaatitl in Till- Saratoga allll MaBMOBlh Clips respect i vtly . His record in tin- stud matched his turf career. ;intl much of his glory was shared b.v liis part owner and traiaer, .lolm Bupii1, wheat personality was unique even in thai ilay when the tnrf hud ■ MM rovaaUc aaalitj than it peaseeees at pmnt. laHagffllOW li l imt rare as ;i two-year-old. He achieved fame in the Wast as a three-year-old. winning his best races in ike autumn. Whew the korae was fear years old the Harpers Hen, Jacob and John -all bachelors and living with their nmideii sister. Hetty, determined to invade the East. John was the trainer and manager of the stable, and it is recorded iliat he s-ivi- Sew Yorkers I treat on his way to Monmouth Park. Longfellow was led behind a light spring wagon, which contained, besides several young negro boys, a supply of home grown feed and a barrel of water from a spring ma rlie Harper farm. At th" sight Ol tin firs policeman the aged turfman shouted: "Mister, can you tell me where Mister Price MHJrath Uvea Prieo Mctirath. of Lexington. Kaintucky. suli!" Itnngtcllow was a superb individual, a rich brown in rotor, with a broad stripe down his honest face. He had u trace of white on all four of his ankles also. It was not to be wondered at that the outfit attracted the attention of the populace, which nils to know more of the great horse within the next few weeks. It is a Mattel of turf history bow Longfellow ran away frees Preakaesa and Helmbold in the Monmouth Pup. lie followed] up this performance by deflating Kingfisher in the Saratoga Cup. though the bob of Lexington made him run the first mile of the race in the then unheard ■ f time of 1:40 it: order to beat him. Although he was beaten at four miles at the name meeting by Helmlold. the nice was in deep mud. in which a long strhter Uka L.ngfellow whs lit ;i great disadvantage. The horse returned home with a great reputation, which WW enhanced b.v a couple of fine MrfoTMaaces in the West during Ike spring , f his f ive-year-old form. The be-t horse in the Last thai jrear was the four-year -old Harry Baaeetl and in response 10 a demand for a meeting between them the Harpers starter for Legg Branch with their champion, the sj, |,. of the car containing tin- oatfll hearing a boaaer announcing "loajfi Una on his ■way to Loag Blanch to meet his friend Harry Bassett in the Monmouth Cup." LONGFELLOWS UNIQUE OWNER. This s:ime banner was nailed across the end of John Harper* bedr i till the day of his .hath. rivaling in interest the visitors book in which were • hMeribed the names of the best known men and women of the period. This register was kepi in a small rosea of the log cabin in which Longfellow was housed dining his stud career. Some of the names were laboi ioiisly traced, for men in all stations i:i life e.nne to pay their tribute to the great horse. President Greats name was in the book. He was a gnat admirer of Longfellow and saw .ill of the h rsis races in the East. The lead lag statesmen of the period were also enrolled in the register. Joe Blackburn. Procter Knott, senator George Vest and congressman Ihil Thompson weie frci|iient visitors at Nantura. and all of them More warm personal friends of the Harper family. The outcome of the race for the Monmouth Cup showed tin- superiority of Loogfetlow, which, ridden by the colored lad Sample, tan awuy from Basset! ■with Kowe as pilot ami passed the finish line -ii rank* in adraaee of the MeDaaiel ebampioB. The next meeting of the pair was in the Saratoga Cup. Ii was a mom! disappointing contest, hut it sened " sh,,» Longfellows gameueas. At the start he grabbed his uaarter. twisting the plate so that it was bent double, pressing into the frog or hi* foot at every stride. Despite this, Longfellow stiuggled valiantly for a mile and a half when the tendons gave w.i.i and the superb creature palled up on three legs, ids racing career at an end. John Harper wis heartbroken. Before leaving for his ]|«. me he wrote a letter to Wilkes- Spirit, of which the following exeei]. I gives ample evidence of the iualitis of h art and sportship posaesaed by the eighty -year old turfman. "1 am about to return to my home in Keiitueky and may never come east again. I em an Id man year readers may not be interested to know how old. but 1 have been the er.iupa nion of race horses for three score yearn, and every year that I have lived I have learned something. I have never, however, learned that there was nay la leg more reliable thai a game thoioiighbrod horse, unless it was a game chicken, but with 1 he latter it is its nature to fight unto the death, but a harse js an Intelligent animal. Mj horses always nadersl on me and 1 know just what they ask for. 1 have award and bred many go id horses, aajr one of which when I trained BUN for a race would wit! it if he lotild or die in the attempt. They never deceived me. and unless they met a better faarse they always won. Therefore, knowing that thej weald never ee-oc-ivo lue I have made them m coaauaaioaa and et»-twined the pleasure of my life from their association. Who that has trusted any other animal at Indeed a human betag, can say more." Lougfell-ws stud .success «ra« amazing He gave the turf many "f its greatest performers, and to ull Of thiin he traaaaaitted his ability to stay. Freehold ««■ a neat race haree. Loagatreet, Leoaatae, Itiley. Poet Seont and Rainbow were hor«f"« of great size, and they had speed and statu - Continued on second pace. 3: t. le " Br c-j I • m Ii. i. il ... , a. «, GREATNESS OF LONGFELLOW J • Con tinned from first page. laa as well. Wadaworth, Liades. Lsag Knight. t Philosophy and a host of other good ones owned, ,1 bun as sire. Thora »n- Ills lies! daughter on the „■ tarf. she was the dam of three ftoe performers iu in I successive years Vorkvllle Belle. Bir Praacis audi „l Dobbins, ie. NVvffington. Lavlnla Belle, Hypocrite i,. and Kale. I ii were al- ;ood male-. The former, f I .mated with Hanover, threw David Garrlek, while |.. the union of the -am.- sire with another daughter.. Mollie I... was reM -iide for Pen Hoiladay still jj another daughter, Lfamie Baker, was the dam of The Priar, while laagshore produced Applegate, e. Kit. tool and Winged Foot. The fact that the horses pedigree was short on ,n I i the .lams side did not prevent the breeders of his js i Ilim patronising him. It is a fait however, that ,, the familj has not endured. It Is perhaps best. sl . known today through the descendants of Uatata and i,l uUej The rormer was unite saecessful in Prance. ,. and his s..n Oversight, sooa lo be broaght t thi-k. ,1, ... linn. . Will SO doubt be fives a ehanre by those M breeders in oar ranks who have faith In the old hi I ; -train. Bileys daaghter Hnrly Barlj gave the] he tarf a high class performer in Burgomaster, Daisy -v p., by Biley, i- the araad dam of Begrel and i,!i Thunderer. —

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