Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-21


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One. J ev I :er a" Miss ss .1.. 10 11 TIJUANA FORM CHART TUTJAVA, HEX.. SATVBDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1921. Seventy sixth day. Lower California Jockey Clab. Winter Meeting of 12T. or more days. Weather clear; temperature 70 . ___ presiding Steward. 1rnncis Nelson. Assoeiati Stewarda J. W. CoaTrwth and Leon Wiag. Btarter, Harry Morrissey. Baciag Becretery. Leon Wiag. ■ " Bacing starts at |:50 p. m. P blcago tint 3:30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. KOQCt FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1: 11-j— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-yeaj-olds OasstLP O 4 and apward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: -ecorol. 00: third. 0. . lmlev li. ■ vwtiPst | mi Pin Joel Owners Poniv . odds Strt 52943 t.i. . v. ". lb • i raylwr isiiiy SUiblo Tii-imi j 53995 iATSY MACK wn 18 h»7 1 5 l| K| i f w Taylor II W Barnes ipioo r.iiril Kiisi d.l.l.s a 7 MM i ■ " O Willi Thompson 8 Berrj tW-lofi : :!m»«i BAB IVisi w 5 Kff 18 S i I I, W lliuih.. i: Hunter :tMi.i 99934 HICKORYNUT wag 1 ii1.1 i I N - ". . ■. D Paw U •• F Hum fSlO-lOO .*i!31 ETHEL w 6 MB ti 7 B IJ M BTgliteT - Mackaj ."•.Oil VERA WOOD ur :• hs i in v lit V 7 Q Yeargla All »a A Shunia MM M . 52343 SWEET TOOTH v.sr. " 1 1 v I ! 4" • I 8 P Martlne. I- A McDowell ■ I .- -.*«t.-1r MINER Al. .TIM nr 10 117 8 7 7 Foil. A ZeLgler B M Level W0-1M .V!70:i CAFETERIA I * 10". 6 :; G» r. II. I: Marletli Greater Stable tMutuel field Time. 24. 48. 1:14V Track fast. |S ■atari* paid. Velvet, sioo -1 1 :i it; lit . .36 place, $£.66 shew; Pataj Mack, s it i . x place, .26 i slum : Boeellts. 13 -" show. l:.|uiv;;lt in booking odd- Velvet, loo t.. 100 straight. 88 to loo place, 86 i" loo show; Patsy Hack, 106 to 100 plaee, Ho i" Km" show; Uoaellia, »mi to loo shew. Wlaaer -Ch. at. by Transvaal— Pair Alien, by Dandle Dim. t tralaed by v. M. Casatty; bred by I Messrs. Blade * Baker. * Went im post :ii 1:54. At post 1 minute, sun g 1 and slow. Woa easily; Recoad and third ■ driving. VELVET beftaa r.i-t nml. raring lata ;i laa« lead. won easily all Hie tray. PATSY HACK raced forwaidh nnd persistently and wa* easilj Kecood best. ROSELLIH was ■ forward roatender •" from the starl and finished gaasely. llIikoiiYXI T Made ap graaad. SWEET TOOTH stumbled on • the far turn. throwing MINERAL JIM. and CAFETERIA fell orer the latter. Scratched 52828 Last Chance, 63; 52I35:Canciou, 112; 52886;Fannie Sail, 105; 53887 FeUcitor, 107. Overweight* KoseUls, 1 paand; Babj Fauat. 2. J : ETOOGG SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Deo. 20. 1916— 1 :ll2i— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3 -year- olds . I ; Dmi/OO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. I Ii»ile~ Bones AWtllSt :, .■ i sir Im Jockeys Owners Lciuiv. odds Strt [ . BS3633*AUNT ANNIE w~l;_~!. 7 4 4f 21 1 1 : 1 . Marielll .1 A 1 arson 140-100 j ." * S *; 7 DIENBRO waSMV ! ■"• 8* 3J 3*1 Z| .1 Murray c Baeker S466-Ma I .v!jK8! MABEL RULE u 3 MM B U 19 2 3* : Yesurgln Neal 3 Bartholomew W0-100 , A .-.•iHH.- .iri.v FLY w71M 8 :■ !» 6 |61 4" W Taylor J Sharkey IS20-MB - i.-,7 |.-.i.v « I hS S 8 • :"■ M I ; i» Powell W M MIkel ri_o-i» . • 52842 FRETTY BABY ura6115 ! ■■; 6*| 6« VI C Thpeoa .1 Hoaklna MO-ioo 68333 RED MAN n7H! 1 I 6 7i 71 7: A Zelgler White ft Ulley MB6-M6 I i . •»•!! •. » .I.X..I.ISH LADY ws 7 115 ■■ 7 V 11 4 8s M Buxton V Iloud I26-M6 , 52364 PLAYTHING w 4 M7 I 1 s: 8* VJ ,,:; M Sl«hter ". Neal t .-.•,K-K FRIVOLOUS a 3 MB 1 1" H» 9s M M O Willis K McCowa 1MB MB ■ tMatnel field. Time. 245, 4823. 1:15. Track fast. 13 inutiiels paid. Aint Aaaie, 84.80 utralcht, .08 place, 81*28 show; Meaero, 817.88 pteee, ss aj ■ shov : Mabel Rale, I4JB sfcoa . Equivalent hue! lag odda Aant Ann;.-. 1 lo t.. Kmi straight. 80 t . 1»m» place, ;o to inn show ; Dteaera, , 7Mt to 180 place, :uo t.. M i shew; Mabel Rule, no to UM» si„,u. Wlaaer- -B. f. by Cade -Qualify, by sir Dixon trained by I. A Parana; bred by Messrs. Beadle] ..V Miller. Went to l"st at •_:!!». At i "st 1 niiiiiit. . Start ;: . d and slow. « n driving: second and third the 1 siuiie. AINT ANNIE waved up with a rush after roundtuf the far turn and. fargint; to the front after eateriaa the stretch, gaaiely held her advaataite to the end. DIENERO, flnhntinc fast and icaaiely, showed itreal Improvement. MABEL RULE showed most early speed and bung oa well la the final drive. I .It l.Y KI.V daaed I hi ?:v from :i slow beaiaalmc. KI.V. far back in the early maniac, sved much | ! KTonad when enterlac the stretch aad flabshed faatest af ill IUKTTV BABV tired. ENGLISH LADY — J was hard riddea and promineat t i the last eijrhth. Scratched- 53831 Al Wick, 11-: :.J!M1 Perfect Day, 188; 52881 Links Lady/, 100: 8981 MarieTa] , Pet, 110. Overweights Aunt Aaaie, :: powads; i:iv. :.: Krivolons, .i. ! : ROQQQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:1125— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ■ j %y £%J Ol/ °.iul upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: recond. 00: third, 0. Index Bones AWtPPSt , _• % BtrFIn Jockeys Owners K iuiv. Odds strt 7 .Vi!»4-J-*t:oi.llK KOSK w 4 1 T s lo 1- *■_ 4? U B Marielll C Irby 140-100 , .-•«»l»*; STRIKER wn 11 112 4 l Is ♦* 8 - w Hinphy W ■ Parker f0and-M9 I BtS74:QUID NUNC araa 1- 1 1 T : j :.:: H :.l ::■; C Thpaon Matthews and Dunlaa 770-189 J i 52884 Miss SEDALIA w n 11: . 8 8" 7: 8" 4* R Lowe A Land 708-100 " I 82888*TRULANE w«sflI2Mll 11 8*7* "• K Taylor It Ripley • fMM-lM "2 855* APPLE JACK a 7 112 7 7 4! ".!; :.:; i W Taylor W P Cunnlnsham 2440-100 I ja 52858 BILLY JOE w i-. :• 117 I t p i- ii 7; O Wlllb B H Wrhaofer :;!»0 . -iw " 52128 miss tERRMNN wfi no ;: 9 9] sh n1 B1 M Buxton F Rinehart 52844s PINK TENNY wn 5 115 1 1 8* M* M1 •" C Groaa ti Lyon 2248-M0 ■ 528##*CTIANTRB88 ara 7 IM E 5| Si 9I1MS1 11 Low- char Lake Stable 52887s VIVA w 9 MS 11 G M* 11 11 11 L tlaugel lolo Stable oii0W-lCi | fMtituel field. Time. 2335. 48. 1:14. Track fast. si mutual* pahL fiahHr Rose, 84.88 atraight, 88.88 place, 82.88 show: Striker. 7.00 place, 84.80 j j show: juid Naac, 13.20 show. . Equivalent booking odds—Gohlie Lose. 140 t.i 100 strahrht, so to 100 place. 40 lo 100 show: Striker, 350 to loo place, loo to loo show: juid Nanc, o to 1»K show. 1 Winner— I., f. by Sir lltton — Trappiat, by The Friar trained by t. Irby; bred by Mr. Jacob b GreenburgL Went to post nt 2:44, At post i nlaute. start stragrUnx and slow-. Won drlvlac; second and third ., the name. UOLDIE ROSE began slowly, but worked her way up steadily on the outside and. fialahlag with a rush, won drawing dear. STRIKER raced forwardly and gamely and outstayed tjiii NUNC. The bitter raced in loses; pursuit to the stretch and bung on well under vigorous rtdiag. APPLE JACK g tired. BILLY JOE set a fast pace, but quit in the stretch, TRULANB closed a bij; gap and Waal running fust .-it the ad. Scratched— 53S41*Miss Ouri. 188; 52888 Dora Star. li: : 52844 Argento, 117. Overweights — Miss Sedalia. - pounds. _ fxQQQA TOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20, 1920— 5S— 4 — 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and, rt 1 OW«7«7vF upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 20; third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt U c % Btr Fia Jockeys Owner* Eqaiv. Odda StJPt — 52877 S8HIFTV w-,". m :. :: h* 1* V 1" ■ Yeargto A K Stokes 410-100 52785* ROY OBWKY wn 8 M I :. 4] 2; 11 l" B MarTeiM V Dahnken I78-M9 S2PS8MYRTLE A. wasS MM I I "• G I ■ P Martkaea O B Irwin B48-M9 52845 ciKAU LAKH a 7 ins i i 2» pny |ii w Onrgnn A Land 8MB MB "■•i! 4."» MAUN REIOEL w J M 5 4 B* *J 8 » B Josinh W C Woant 2540-100 •0 .-,ll«7 BAST INDIAN 4 M3 7 7 7 7 7 t;1 M STghter .1 G Miller M89-M6 52845s HAMILTON A. u B U8 ! 2 V "•- 6*J 7 AVillis v Wnlkcr M8-M8 % i Time. 23-»5, 485. 1:01. Track fast. 83 nmtneu paid, shifty, sio.uo straight, 84.48 place, 83.28 show; Roy Dewey, si.co place. 8338 • show: Myrtle A.. SI. 00 show Bauivateal booking odds Shifty. 110 to Hhi straight, 128 to 100 place. «0 to 100 show: Roy Dewey. r, 138 to 100 place, so to 100 show: Myrtle A.. 100 to DM show. Winner— Br. f. by Boneywood -Thrifty, by Ugdea trained by A. E. stokes; bred by Nevada stock • larni I. Went to post al 8:08. At post 5 niinules. St:ii*f goad and slow. Wen driving; second ami third the " -.■line. SHIFTY showed the most early speed and Was Momentarily headed midway of the stretch, but, finishing resolutely, outstayed ROY DEWEY, at the end. The latter begun slowly and rushed up into forward contention OU the outside and but for tiring right at the end would have won. MYRTLE A. had no adahaps and raa a ..od race. CLEAR LAKE ran -well. HAMILTON A. showed early speed, bet fell quite lame in tie stretch and was eased up through the last eighth. 1 Overweight*— Shifty, 2 pounds; Myrtle a.. 3; Last Indian. 4. 1 — CslQQCll FIETH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916—1:38 — 3 — 95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and id Dstllll upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S420: second. 20: third, 360. liable ilorses AWtPPSI ; , Sir I- in Jockeys Owners Bqulv. Odda Strt — J j HTlMVTTtTi ; LAKKK w 5 MS l " - - i" i li PJC Thpaon J A Parson 2650-100 88 52332 WATER WILLOW w 5 IM 9 4 1 4 .;• - :■;. P Martinez C I". Irwin 2089-100 an .ViKOI CAVLCADR II. wn 5 101 7 8 G 6*5 6*1 » 1 B Marielll C Irby 900-100 B ." -;!»04 ORCHID KING an 4 104 B :■ S :: 4, L 8" 1 Powell Trowbridge * Officer +1x1:11-1110 88 r-HIti GREAT HAWK w 4 MB G G . t Q i! •"■ M Blghter G W Crippen 100-MB Wi .Vi87 i- PIEDRA WB 5 106 I 1 7 7» VI V C E Taylor C Vail 148-MB I 83331 SEA WAY was 6 147 :: 7 l» 1" S B»J 7 W" Hlnptry W C Ae;int G760-10B 00 I I 52321 SEDGBGRASS I M ■ 8 1 IJ 1" 6s SJ 1: Jostah II W Larnes 14M-M9 M 52881 SPHKLAN w3 v 14 1 ■ I B* B» 9s II B Bower C I: Daniel 52804 RKYDO us 7 111 4 . 8* 918 10 M M Buxton .1 Hunibr-cht KM-MB -10 tMutuel field. Time. 24 i, W*. 1:13%. l:40/5. Track fast. si inutiiels paid. Dob Baker, s.V.no straight. 818.00 place, 810.00 show; Water Willow. 82228 place, S7. lo slow: Cavalcadour II.. 85.20 show. Eoulvalent I king odds Bob Baker, 3850 to luo straight, s;in t.« inn place. 100 to 100 show: Watet Wiilow. 1010 1 0 loo place. i7o to 100 show: Cavalcadour II.. 188 to 100 show. Winnei t n. . by McGee -tlrace Coauuouer, by The Commouer trained by J. A. Parana; bred by 18 ; .Messrs. join, i Carr 4fe Bro.. Went to post at 8:85. At post 1 minute. Start good and •-luw. Won easily, second and third dliv-lag. Dor. RAKER was saved in closest pursuit of the header and. passiag him after entering the stretch, j" • drew away in tie- last sixteenth. WATER WILLOW came through the stretch with a rush and finished ™" gamely. CAVALCADOUR II. made up some ground. ORCHID KING ran well for three -Quarters. PIEDRA ran a 1 r race for him. BKDGEGRAS8 showed a high order of early speed in pacemakiag, ■* but quit badly in the stretch. Scratched 53818s Nebulous, 83; 53585sCommander, 181. Overweights Water Willow, i pounds; Ureal Hawk. 1: Sea Way. 3; Parian. 3. _ "9QQ9 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds rts DMt/t/sa and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISi Btr Fin Jockeys i a tiers K |iiTv7~ MdsTsfrT • • t .-. 2 85831 u D 1 SiT: w 4 105 8 1 1: 1SJ lsl 1SJ 1» C Thpson W A Wright iTT.-ieo 77, 52802 MOUNT*N GIRL vn 4 185 1 E S»J » :: 2 2" » Willis g h Schaefer G4V-MB 0i, 52374*G. MUEHLEBCH wb 5 112 G * 8s ." 4; 4*3* M SIghter L A -McDowell 1848-MB W 52873PERFECT LADY a I 145 2 4 25 V] 2" : 1 K Jesiafa Dtota d Qwena 8M-1M DO 52838 AUDRE1 K. wan 3 I1G S t - P Martlnea C B Irwin 9M-M0 in, .■•.!♦« » CORK wb 4 147 1 2 8 7- 1" -i ■-. ■ E Taylor .1 V Parson 4%--lx. • h, .53333s IMT1.ND ARMS was 7 U2 1 ■ P ••■" 7r- 7 7- C Cross .1 W Tate 260-100 • K 52858*COBRITA wan 4 M7 7 7 7 l 8 I B v ii Rpae Coear dAlone Stable :;160-100 011 Time. 2435. 49-i. 1:1445. D4133, 1:49. Track fast. 82 mutnels paid. Modiste, 5.00 straight, 88.80 place, 84.40 show; Mountain Girl, SO.oo place. 85. 10 10 show: George Muehlebach. .80 show. Equivalent booking odda— Modiste 650 to 100 straight, 380 to ion place. IlO to loo show: Mountain in 1. I 350 t 188 place. I7n to 100 show; George Muehlebach. 280 to hiti show. Wlaaer is. f, by Voa Tromp Modesla, bj Canopaa tralaed by W. II. I aard; bred by Mr. Edward rd 1 . bran. Went to post nt 8:57. At post 1 minute. start good and sj, u. Won easily; second and third rd driving. MODISTE s. t m good pace from the start and easily won all the way. MOUNTAIN GIRL ran ;ll, 1 L.mie nee ami stood ;, hard stretch drive wett. GEORGE MUEHLEBACB steadily Uuproved his ,b, position and was forced whte when entering the stretch, then finished fart and resolutely. PERFECT - I.ADY tired after racing wall to the stretch Overweight — Mountain Girl, 1 pound. — r"QOOQ SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 191C— l:ll2i— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ds O mi*J*3 O and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. IadCS Horaes AWtl "PSI . .1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners l |iiiv. Odds sTr7! — ;..1 52833 *OLLIE WOOD wa 4 MB 2 L! **T? ~77~ FoTvTll ~.~~ s MeDauieN :;oo-iou .-.■i8i l BV. HARRIGAN a 5 112 3 l V I] ., W Hlnp-13 ; Kelly 1120-100 00 52338 MISS PA RNELL wb 4 107 I 3 ■■■ ■■_ 1 l» M Slighter ; Neal 100 ."•:»ai DELANCBY w 8 111 1 1 PJ F . 1 C TbCpson B L Graham 578-180 m 52833s* MEN u ■ 11- G G E B ■■ •"-• B Taylor .1 A Parson 188-108 106 ."•»lo .MAS FRANKLIN w 9 IM 0 f 53 6»J 4 8 A Zelgler V D Millard I250-190 m Time. 24. 4833. 1:15. Track fast. ?J muluels jianl. Ollie Wood. SV00 straight, .80 place. .88 show; Ealyu Uarngun, .00 place, f. .10 show. Miss Parnoll. .40 show. Equivalent bookluj; odds — OUIe Wood, aoo to loo straight 130 to 138 place. 40 la 100 show: Bvalya vn Barrigaa, 30o to loo plan. 133 to lo i show; Miss Paraetl, LO to loo show. Winner — Ch. C, by Doncaster— Seddie King, by Leonid 1 named by F. Samples; bred by Mr. ;. E. E. Reynolds. I. Went to ivst at 4:"7. At post " minutes, st.ntt good and slow. Won driving: second and third the hc the name. OLLIE WOOD raced in closest pursuit of tiu leader until entering the stretch, then fla-ished 1, gaaael] and won drawing chat EVALYN HARRIGAN showed the most earl] spend and. after or; being challenged, bung an well, although tiring. Miss PARNELL showed much only speed and fell ,11 hack when an eighth out. Inn ..line agala and finished eh.se ap. DKJ.AM 1A raa * good race. Mi:. :- was outpaced. Scratched 53854 Ben Payne, 113; 52858 TiUotaou, 112; 53831 Wetga lo7.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921022101/drf1921022101_2_12
Local Identifier: drf1921022101_2_12
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800