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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS Jockey Marinelli continued ea his winning way last week, riding eleven winners and eaashterablj increasing the big lead he holds at the head of . the list of the thirty leading riders of the year. B. Lancaster and L. IVniuau ahe rode well last week. each with eight victories to llpir credit The ! standing of the thirty IcaQJBg riders from .lanuar.v 1 to and including the racing of Saturday follow: Jockey. Mts. 1st. f«t. 3d. Inp. I.C.L.W. Marinolii. B. .. -43 83 Is 31 !»• -T 11 Taytor. i: 308 SB 3n 1! 123 .17 1 Wilson. F 142 30 JS -| 88 .21 Q [lancastet. It. ..138 27 IS 21 BJ 17 8 i Slaugliter. M. . .143 23 20 lit 7ft .17 I jFiancis. J IB* 22 20 17 ftft .14 3 | .larvis. T 188 2J 18 13 BB 2 » 8 Ienman. 1 137 23 2.". 21 Sj 17 H Mariinez. P. . 2tM _l 27 31 12o .10 0 Veargin. J 17ft 21 23 21 111 12 I Kelsay. W ■» 30 C« 11 II 22 •; Pieheas, A I8S 2n 14 is SB 1ft I Kennedy. K. . 88 SB 13 21 31 .2 1 2 Harnes. i: 10s- 17 1ft lo SI .18 1 tlross. C 107 10 10 13 8j l" 8 Boberts, .1 ftl li 12 II S3 IT 8 Kowe. H 107 1"- 22 IT 113 .08 I Mooaey, J. J. .126 l" 18 ft M 12 8 XlcOeratott, L. . 11 12 1« 81 -to 2. Hinphy, W . 80 12 7 10 :.l 1.". 1 Barrett. S 40 12 I 2 22 JB o Hunt. F Tfl It 3 12 II M 2 Thompson. C. ... ft2 11 10 la 98 12 I peace, c 98 11 Hi I 38 20 8 King. H St 11 T I 3.". .1ft I Pedea, N 11s 1" I » IB os 0 Lege, 1 44 Ut ft T 18 .23 8 1Ih 1 E B1 » I 11 34 .15 B lleupel. J BB » I I 43 .14 0 duner M TO » 3 II 43 .13 0