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| n | I, ol . , i ! i 1 1 j j - , j 1 -| ] ■ j : ; 1 I j ; 1 , _ - , „ . Ihejj , I j . , . ,• j , . f ,. M t b - , I ■ ,1 , : i- ! i I • - I I I ., 27 j . i THREE PROMINENT TRAINERS I Henry McDaniel, W. H. Karnck and G. M. Odom Have Splendid Records. Three trainers that Generally confine tkelr en-deat i to lh- Last are Henry MeDaniel. W. II. Karr:ck and G, M. Odom. all skilled In the details their profession. All three have been ajaite active and have excellent records to show for their acth ities daring the last thirteen years. HENRY McDANIEL. Henrj McDaaiel, one of the feremosl si eastern trainer-, had limited opportunities last year, having charge of bal a few horses belonging to B. L. : Gerry. Horses have alwayn don" well in hi- skillful I hands as a clan..- at his refold for the last thirteen years discloses: Year. Wins. Amount 190N :.s s mii Hi", l 1MB is l-j .so | 191H Sfl i3.38o PHI LT. 12,42Ti Pip.: :is 12.107 • mi:: :u 10,713 P»i I in in. "To Itl3 a 1T.7K3 1911 1." i PUT lit iH.ftOt! , Pils 11 17.572 , I91B 13 33 !tll IBM I 8 1177 • Totals ii.!. 31 96,S4J j W. H. KARRICK. W. II. Karrick has beta :t prominent figure in Americaa racing for some year past and his ree oi-.i in. m Pius to 1830, inclusive, lore presented, show- the success that ha- been his in hi- lio-on profession: Year. Wins. Amount. puis in s 8,50." 1M0 n ii-. niti 1010 ::•_• 22, Pi.". Pill J7 1 I. ins • P.HL 311 Pi lil I 1S13 -ii Is. tils j Ptl I :;:. -s.t:!. 1*15 26 -l.r.i! . 1*111 i l 30.805 PH7 . . . 15 ill s;| ? P»1s id 85.075 [ 1MB Is 07.582 ■ USB 9 s, is| Totals iP.i SH .s inn. -Jul G. M. ODOM. George Odom; like other saccessfnl trainers, v.i = ■ Jockey in his younger days. Blace becoming .. Ir.iin.r be has met with a goodly measure of am .-. -s. a- the followlag tabula Hon of his winnings from P.ios to I83g -how-: Year. ins. Amoutil. Pins It S I ;.Mi! Pintt 11 23,575 IBM 42 Li; s.;i L P»ll II JJ.7.l3 5 i 1912 |« .;.se,7 r 1813 r, l.4Mt I pit i a 12 ami I 1815 11 iv. it:. , wig a a.ns . P»17 II 32.607 I J"* 8 7.777 H»- l a 31.1-ls t Totals i!3i S8 9277.294 l