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. I i I * ■ •" • J : . I ; I [ . j I , A . • I , t ■ ■ , 1 | I ! — J , ! : ■ j 7 , I J i " I I " ja ■ | j j . 1 b ., g _ and, rt 1 — MB •0 % i • r, • the " 1 1 — id — J j 88 an B 88 Wi I 00 I I M -10 by 18 ; j" • ™" ■* _ rts • • t 77, 0i, W DO in, • h, • K 011 10 10 in rd rd ran ;ll, his ,b, - — ds — ;..1 00 100 m 106 m f. vn E. E. the hc 1, or; fell ,11 :- HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1921. Oriental Iaik. Sev. ;ity tlfth day. tuba Amer-ie.ui Jockey iind Auto Club Winter Mfttlng of loo or more days Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards, J. naihsWlMlll, C. 11. f aaadaln aad V. J. I.ruen. Starter. James K. Milton. Lacing Sec rotary. M. Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:18 p. m Chicago time 1:43 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. rOAQI FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and *JjUlJnJ-§: upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllM , ■ _■ ■ , Sir Tin Jocko;, s Owners O 11 C 1 S 52818 SECOND COUSIN w 1 l"7 1 • U I1 IJ I1 F MerlmeeO L Foster | 7 7 2j 8-3 .V,»! :?K FLYING FROG B 4 M8 11 J -" K I] 2 .1 pitz t Leydecker :: 3 3 8-5 hB5 .v»K« i TOP RUNG wan 8 IM 4 t -»»■ F ; 1 »J C Mamea B Mock I I I hB5 B2837*JAMES w 7 IM I 7 M .v it U Peaman T Doyle I I B I M 52831 LYRIC wn* I M 8 9 si 71 • » 8 Lowe 1 a Herokl 1. I 7. l 1 5231S*STILETTO wn S Ml - E 2s :."k ." 1- F Wilson I. shields I .."1 .*. l 1 52382* FRANK BURKE wa 8 M6 10 3 7: s"_ 7:; 7J J Smith C R Smith 2] 21 2j 1 52883*tLUCKT PEARL fl "• I11-. 7 1 .. B» B* 8* B KenndyJ B Baldwin M L 1- •"• -. 18828 MISS K. w I M5 I I N 10n 10° a- K Hunt Triple Spjs Vm M M IB 12 0 ;.-•.• H 1 1 UISTER QUEEN waa 5 110 111 KF : ■ :• If W MeehaaW Sims I B I I B-S 523*tKATE KAY w G b* 3 14 il 11 n ll 1 BtramonaS Dryden M M M 1*0 10 tMutuel field. Time. 23. 47. 1:1333. Track fast. SJ mntnels paid, Se.ond Cousin. .*!;. .!0 straight, 0.30 place. 3.83 show: Flying Frog. .88 phue. 84.18 show; Top Lung. .30 show. Equivalenl booking odds Beeoad Cousin. 3835 to l»»o straight. 818 lo 100 place. 11". to 100 show; Flying Frog, imi to 100 place. 103 to 100 show: Top Rang, 880 to 100 show. Winner B. f. l Uncle— Latrine bv Mortemer tralaed by O. I.. Foster; bred by Messrs. Bead ley A Miller I. Went to post at 3:38. At post 2 Minute*. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. SECOND COUSIN set a good pace from the start, but had to be ridden out through the last eighth. FLYING FROG forced the pan-. I nt tired in the final drive. TOD RUNG ran well and was going fastest .it the end. FLANK BURKE ran poorly. JAMFS finished dose up. Scratched 53838 Little Luss. 110. Overweights -Ulster Queen. 2 pounds. PTQQQK SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1:11— 6— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and tJttJ tJ tT upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt , ■■ ■■, Str Fin Jockeys Owners o jj • 1 s 32335 CURRENCY wn C M7 3 1 - - 21 1" L Wirth 1. J Sullivan 7-lO7-H»7-101-3 -T 53318 IWKNTV SEVEN a 7 IM B G i V *• 2] .1 Smith V Boaudhamna ■ : G I 1 r.2848sGEORGB C. .IK. W 5 MB G I 7- .". 4 ; 1 y Wilson L Drown 1 2] 3J 8-6 2-5 82332 ORLEANS GIRL WB 4 MB 1 J ll 1»» IJ 4*1 J Franci* .1 D Millin 3 ;: C. t!-5 ::-i .- -;H!»3 SKNTKV wr. 4 110 : r, |«14J ."- 5» W Kei-.i-.- Ll Jlorro Stable 15 15 17 C 3 B333t*PRINCE BONERO w 6 M7 7 1 .".■ 7 •;• •■ L Penman W C Weatmored 3] 31 hB5 3-5 7-;7K» MEADOWORTB a 8 112 4 7 8 s 7- 7i G Mane. in Kentusere F Stb It IS 15 8 B 52324 *BELLMAIN wa 1 M I 3 SJ 81 B 8 8 Lowe AV Gardner M M ."".O 12 t; Time, 23. 472i, 1:1394. Track fast. mutnels paid. Currency. .58 straight, .30 plan-. .88 show: Twenty Seven. .SS.70 place, *4.L0 show; George C. Jr., .88 show. Bquivaleat booking odds Currency, 7." to 188 straight. 83 to 100 place. 4."i to 138 show: Twenty Seven. ;;.- to 100 place, 110 to 188 show: George C. Jr.. 58 to 183 show. Winner— It. g, by Sain — Cold, by Golden Carter trained by T. J. Frown: bred by Estate of Mr. James ],. Haggint. Went to post at U:.Vi. At post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second nnd third the name. CURRENCY raced la closest pursuit to the last eighth and took the lead, but just lasted bang enough to outstay TWKNTY SEVEN. The latter worked his way up on the outside and. finishing fast. barely failed to win. GEORGE C. JR. closed a big gap and finished gamely. PRINCE BONERO had rough race. ORLEANS GIRL set a fast pace to the last eighth and tired. SENTRY, ran well. Scratched- 48252Major Dome. 11.": 53324 Senator James. 111. Overweights -Orleans Girl, 1 pound. ___ ________ _____ ________ —-L-— ____________________ ===____— »k9QQft THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— 1 :0s1 5— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-O— _— r_FvP olds ?.nd upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt jj c ;, Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II LPS* 52352 *GRATIAN w .: M 3 1 2 IJ 2* ll L Penman W C Weat-hored 21 3 :: 1 1-L 1 83331 tDIFFXT KVKS w 6 113 G 2 3 J V 1- _1 J Francis .1 D Millin Q 1". Q 1 7-_ 38848 •MILITARY GIRL wl M ■ 6 I B B ** J smith W R Padgett - 2 2 4-8 3-5 52825* MERRY FEAST waa 7 Ml 4 3 I" 1 1 41 J Dawson j Coatello c E ." - 1 8S8S38TBPSON wa 5 IM 1 1 BJ V ■• W Kelaay W H Hall c || 4 s-5 4-r, 5233S*MES_ KIT WB 1 Ml 2 I I" F V B F Wilson .1 W Pangie « 7 7 :" 8-5 Time. 22. 45*5. 5945. 1:0515. Track fast. S_ mntnels paid, Cratian. 1.88 straight. .20 place. .88 show; Different Eye*, ,S"?.»0 place. 30 show: Military Girl, S-.t 0 show. Kinivalent booking adds Crathm. 4i»t to UMi straight. 188 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Different Eye*, 86 t" 188 place, : o to loo show: Military Girl, 88 to loo show. Winner B. f. by Astronomer -Helen OC. by His Blghaess trained by W. C. Westmoreland: bred by Mr. David Ciihonl. Went to post at :i:1N. At post L minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv ing. CKATIAN raced dose up to the stretch, then took a good lead in the last sixteenth when MERRY FEAST quit. DIFFERENT EYES ran a « oil race, but waa driving hard at the end to outstay MILITARY GIRL. The latter was last until in the last eighth, then closed tip with a rush on the outside. MERRY FEAST set a tremendous pace to the last eighth and tired from excessive use. The others were outpaced. Scratched— 53576 Brother Maclean. 113. Overweights Military Girl. 1 pound: Merry Peast, 1: Stepson. •_ .9QQ7 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102. Fourth Running CUBA-„. _»-£- _f _f 4 AMERICAN HANDICAP. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner ,520: second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt t - •-, Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H I* S 1 58357 BILLY BARTON u 121 t; 5 .".- I1 : 1» B KenndyM tlaldblatt f. _ . 4-5 out 33338 LAST ON8 WB 1U 4 . IJ IJ Is Is! J Francs J Walters -:, 8-6 8-5 1-2 out : Hor,-c.KN .1 M.GOMEZ w 125 2 1 :; M4 ;;! A Pickets* N Adan 8-5 8-6 8-8 1-2 oat 52852 FRIGHT WB 1U I I 4* •"■ •"■■ l»**F WUaon Oneek Stable :;.. 4 4 1 out :V»! .v» ■■WHIPPKT wa Ml 1 3 2_ 2i 2— 6* L Penman M GoWMatt ■-• 2 I 1-; out 81333 ALL RIGHT SIR v • 101; E 8 8 8 J B .1 Ptta A Keith V 15 17j 5 out ftonpled in betting: no separate place or how betting. Time, 23, 46, 1:11%. Track fast. inutiiels paid. M. Ooldhlatl entry. -20 Itraight, S3. 00 place; Last One. .16 iilace: no show arataela sold. Egaivalent looking adds IL GoMMatl entry. _mi to 138 straight. 50 to 100 place; Last One. 59 to 100 place. Winner Br. c, by Bnau II. -Mary Le Baa, kg -st. Savin trained by M. GoMMatt; bred by Mr. A. L. Ferguson 1. Went to poet at 8:43, At post 2 minutes. Start good and slew. Won driving: second and third the -ame. BILLY BARTON, after being saved to the stretch, responded with a rush when called on and. areariag LAST ONE down, got up to win la the closing strides, last ONE set a great pace and fla- kshed gamely, but tired aear the finish. GENERAL J. M. GOMES was eat off when be attempted to come through on the insid 1 the stretch turn, but made a fast and game finish. FRIGHT was unrui.v and straddled the fence while at the past and scraped part of the skin off her hind leg. then ran a gooi- race, bat was slightly lame when pulled up. WB1PPET raced in closest pursuit to the lust eighth and araa eased up. Scratched 18638 Moyena, 186. X9QQ6 FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918—1 :44Vi— 3— 92~ El Mu~n_o_ Handicap. oAwt/O Purse S1.0CO. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second, S150; third. 5. Index Horses AWtllSt , ■ j ■", StrFiu Jockeys Owners Q M J [ S 528S9-SEA PRINCE wa I 101 a :■ :• : ■ V 1- L Penman H B Swan I :•■ 3 1 tuiT .-,JH! 7 RANCHER w 8 IM 4 t 2» I] U .- l" J Fianda .1 Walters JJ .. _. 4-.", out 52348* RIVERSIDE wn 7 115 1 1 li 8_-4» I _ 3» A Plcken* Armoaia Stable t8-5 2 2 .".-.".out r-;H!»7 WALNUT BALL a 7 Ml : 3 !• 4 ::• 5 I- F MerimeoArmonif Stable hS-5 2 2 9 -.". out 52333 FRANK « I IM 1 2 P 83 1*5 B KenndyM QoMblntl - t - ::-. out fCaapled in betting: no separate place or show bettfag. Time. 24»5. «2j. 1:14»5, 1:38»3. 1:45. Track fast. mntnels paid, Sea Prince, .10 straight, .".co place; Baacher. .88 place: as show _sataeJs sold. Equivalent I kiny odds Sea Priace. 885 t 188 straight. 88 to loo place; Baacher, NO to loo place. Winner— Ch. ■. by Sea King -DaacerOM, by Ogdea trained by I". J. Hak: bred by Mr. John I Madden 1. Went to po-t at 4:11. At post 1 minute. Start R 1 and slow. Won easily: second and third dri - lag. SFA PRINCE, after racing far hack, came from behind with a rush rounding the last turn and easily raced into 1 decisive had in the last eighth. RANCHER ran well and raced lata the lead on the backstretch, but tired when challenged. K1YEKSIDE set the enrly pace-, but tired budlv la the stretch WAl.NFT BALL and g— ASK W. slowed speed, but also tired m the stretch drive. eCQQQQ SIXTH RACE— 1_ Mile-and 50~ Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. — _■_—€/€/ 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horse- A Wi ll St ; J j ■■-, Str Fin Joe keys Owners Q TI v | s 52617 : BLACK TBONG WB 5 IM 7 8 5- 4- . 1« ll J Fitz Muckeafuaa 8-5 1 4-5 "--, 88838 CMEFA a M 3 2 2 2 --_ S Low; • Rice _ _. ". 1 r.;, 68343 *LENORA P. wa 4 :i7 1 1 r iui" :; j"J L Penman M B Thompson 7-6 8-6 8-6 1-2 1-4 68343* HOMAM w 7 in. 6 3 ii! 7" i- I 4- A MeLIlnO Tuggle B 8 6 1 S-0 52845* RHYMER ar 7 in. : , 7- 6 61 6» ."■- J Smith .1 J McCafferty G G G " 52326* HUNTER IT. ATI w 5 M6 G 6 M :.u. 4* 6" »."J Francis .1 H Mo»dy 15 15 15 •; 5-J89!» SWIRL WB I 10., 8 4 V SI 7-" 7" 7; C II MillerL K Jon-s 20 Ll 20 B I .V,i8-Jt. VERA TWYPORD w I M . 7 I I I s s 1 GordwB C Middhton .V M 50 JO 10 Time. 23. 473-,. 1:1335, l:38-5. 1:42 5. Track fast. s- niiitu. Is paid, Flack Thoag. 36 straight. .S3. 40 place. .40 show: hefa. 63.46 place. S_.50 show; I.ellol .1 1.. S_. 11 show. I I.cpiivahiit boohing odds Black Thong, 183 to 100 straight, 70 to 188 place. 88 to 100 show- Chela 70 to 100 place, 25 to loo show: Lcnsca P., 28 to loo show. Wlaaer B. g, by sweeper. Blarney or Irish Lad Ascot BeHe, by Gatlhud trained by o. Muck- I enftnut; bred la Fraaee by Mr. Herman B. Duryea. I Weal to post at l:8and At post 2 piautea. start good ami slow. Won easily: seeaad and third dri Ing. I.I.Ai K THONG moved up rapidly after rounding the far tuiii and. racing into a long lead after entering the bocaestretcfa, woa casing up. IHEFA ran s good race and made a game finish. LENORA 1" set a fast pace, hut tired in the stretch drive. HOMAM Made up ground and finished resolutely Overweights- Fera Twyford. t pounds; Chefa, 4; Hunter Ilatt, 1. ROAAA SEVENTH RACE— 1 Milo and 50 Yards. Maroh 6. 1918-1:41—5—117. Purse 00 tJ UV Vr vr 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. . Ind Horses AWtllSt t ; Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q B C P 8 58387 FOSTER EMBRY B 5 105 8 6 ■■ 6 V 1 I Gordon R B Allen M~fT _™S — . — S8326 HUNTRESS u 16MB 7 :, 2 J r - 2— 2 A Pickens. J McCaffert. ti 3 3 1 1--m [52833*BILL HlNI.KY u 8Mb 2 1 1- 4- t: :i. Penman T Doyle 7" g S 3 b 5 1 52834 BUCK NAIL w 8 IM 3 7 7! 7 7" 6« Isa b KeandyL F 6Lcarv :; ;:. tt 8-5 - -_ 38333* PAS DE CHANCEwb 7 MS 6 3 P Jk 3» 6* J Smltb W K Padgett 12 15 IS C ; 3S33SLOYAU8T w 6 IM i 2 tl 1 1] r u W Kelaay Uaaedale Stable 9 M 1-6 3-5 1-3 52343 ALLSMOKE w 7 IM I I 0- .V 6*7- 7- F Hunt J Roatle 3: 6-6 2-5 583S7 ATTORNEY MUTRw 6 166 ; I I s s | ■ 3 Krancta A G Rahcrtaon I 7 7 M 8-5 Time. 88%, ti%, 1:13. It88%, 1:43-.. Track fast. I s. mutuels paid, Foster Kiubr.v. S37.0O straight. 8.80 place. *10.10 show; Baatreu, SI 30 place «0 I show: Bill Huiiky. .40 show. Equivalent booking olds -Foster Kmbry. 1738 to 100 straight. 0 to 100 place. 105 to 100 show ! BuatteM. 11". to 100 place, 88 to 100 show: Bill Himley. .20 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by Stalwart— Margaret Hastings, by Hastings trained bv R. B Mleic ..... bred bv Mr 1 Charles Sachets, Jr.. I W*_ ..rrn r.liv f.! ___ ~ nVn",, - S::,n -0Ml ;n ■*•»• Waa driving; second and third the s.ime. KOSTEB F.M1I1A was outpaced in the early running, but finished with a rush and cot tin to win in the final strides. IHNTRFSS was mm h used in racing LOYALIST into defeat and tired in the , last eighth. BILL III M.Li ran ., | 1 race and made ., K-,m - linish. BUCK NAIL closed a gap bur swerved behind the leader, aa the stretch tara. Loyalist tired after setting a good pace to the la-t eighth. I Overweights— Attarae] Hair, l pound