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FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. No track record. WIRELESS, ch. c. 3 M 112 By Uncle— Round the World, by Lackford. Trainer, H. Randolph. Owner Farnum It Fizer. 52690 F.Gnds 51 f 1:07. 16 115 I S S 6 ■ f,J J Conley 10 Be Sure. Vulcanize. Stoto 62M4 F.Gnds 3-4 1:16%fast 8 114 5 2 I ii- 4" J Connolly 13 GaUot, Vulcanize, Joe Whipple 622M F.Gnda 51 f 1 :ll4f.hvy 12 116 6 6 6 ff V- D Hopkins 10 Voormir. Sea Cove. M. Josephine 62005 Jefson 6-8 l:02ifca;ood 3] 116 3 3 3 3- 45i D Hopkins 7 Aco, Philanderer, John Arbor 61903 Jefson 5-8 1:01 ~fa st 10 115 : 2 4 41 5"! D Hopkins 11 Trantula. Ace. Tony Sutton i|824 Jefson 3-4 1:18 mud 20 MM, 1 3 5 S 818 If Hopkins S WhiteStar. BungaBuck, Parader 51651 Jefson 2.-4 1:11 -"r. Tast 10 H8 4 4 6 75 7-1 D Hopkins S Parader. Lady Stella, Rolo MABEL JOSEPHINE, b. f. 3 M 107 By Martinet— Anna L, Daley, by Lissak. Trainer. W. Alford. Owner, W. Alford. B2«e F.Gnds 6J t 1:07. :.0 Mi 12 13 12 12* 12** A Riclu rk 13 Jim Kog. Repent, n.-itnoiis B2M4 F.Gnds S-4 l.l.V-.,fast 20 111 1 M 10 V 12 A Richerkl3 Galiot. Vulcanize, Joe Whipple L?SV F.Gnds 6] f 1 :lH-hvy 12 111 6 7 7 6" 413 A Collins 10 Veoratir, Sea Oare, Wireless 51943 Jefson 3-4 1 :lK-.,hvy l: ffl 4 6 4 4- 4,: N Bverett 8 Toss p. Secretary. Piuilico 51777 Jefson 11:43 good 12 89 9 13 13 M M 1**8 Mitchell 13 Ionia. Salute. Old McKenna 51735 Jefson 3-1 1 :i: - In y 5 109 5 5 I 4" 3-W Hinch 7 Meutillo, Secretary, Puzale 51646 Jefson BJ f lrs-fast 15 106J1 1 10 10 10= 10" H Moore IS The Moor. Big Son Repent PLATO, ch. g. 3 M 112 By Uncle— Dike, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. P. Dunne. Owner. P. Dunne. 62762 F.Gnda im7o l:4S%hvy IS i 5 l" 9 6 6 5;. |«» M Garner Id Secretary, B. Rendered i«H-..Jim ntiM F.Gnds 51 i lM%tmmt J2 IM 7 7 7 6- 43 L Morris 13 Jim Fog. Repent. Damoris 52587 F.Gnds lmTt 1 :43 fast IS Ml 7 9 9 11 11 11 T J 1 MneyH T.Korner. M.Head. CharlotteC. 634M F.Gnds lm7*y 1:47 fast 41 1 » 10 9 7 8 8- S13 H King 11 Hopover. Roisterer, P. Blossom 52441 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast IS 115 5 6 r 31 3i L Lyke II Cat Up, Vulcanize, Sea Cove 62359 F.Gnda lm7«y 1 :4o fast 20 90 13 1112 8 8- 914 S Mitchell It Salute. Wild Flower. Lor. Moss SIR JOHN VERGNE. b. h, 5 M 118 By Sir John Johnson— Auvergne, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, W. St. Vincent. Owner, W. St. Vincent. 52975 51 t l:18%hvy 4 115 6 6 ; 41 S" A Collina 7 Peppery Poll. v. L.Mildred. St. Just 52743 F.Gnda 3-4 l:M%hvy 58 Ml I 9 7 44 VI A Collins 13 Destroyer. B.Roberts, PlainBill 52496 F.Gnds lm7oy 1 :47 fast 10 115 7 10 S 9 9« "- E Martin 11 Hopover. Roisterer. P. Blossom E2231 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :19V5hvy 30 107*9 11 11 lfl2 ? E Martin 1 . Kirah. ThdayNighter, Trackstai 51309 Church 1 I l:3f*fctaat 103 113 10 13 13 13 13 I2»»*R DaviS 13 Tulsa, Doctor Jim, Lady Britain 48296 Latonia 3-4 1 :12%aat 108 111 5 6 6 6 6 L Mink 0 R.OverMight, Angon. B. Paradise HAND SWEEP, b. g. 3 M 112 By Sweep— Hanrose, by Hanover. Owner, E. Trotter. 65374 F.Gnds 3-4 l:lS%faat Ml Ml 12 13 12 i:: II" E Anthony IS ScaCourt. Sil.Sprinss. J. Whipple C_27; F.Gnda lm7o - l:47«jgood 25 1"! 5 6 t; S* ■ S WHa Pimlieo, Richelieu. Norniaudie 51702 Jefson ::-4 1:11 mud M Ml 10 M 9 I* •** S Wida M Dannell. Tom Roach, PfjaUee I1M7 ChurchI 3-4 l:la%raat I4f 109 lo 14 14 P. up. T Murray 14 Ring Rose, Natural. Lucv Kate MM Latonia 3-4 l:13Hfaat 26f 112 6 8 10 M" 10" T Muriay 12 UarkBea, All Right Sir. Tribune 56818 Latonia 51 f 147%taat 4f 107 12 12 12 12 11" L Coney 12 Bcot.Chhrf, HaeiatBtar, Ring Rose HOREB. b. c» 4 M 118 By Horron — Cyprienne, by Kingston. Trainer, J. Boland. Owner. R. S, Steele. 62M4 Jefs.m 3-4 1:15 slow M 111 2 I I 6 11 » E Smith 13 M. Maxim. PlainP.ill. Traekstar 61886 Jefson 3 I l:l:-.,hvy 12 115 4 2 2 ]i 31 B Smith 11 .rlineS.. Bopovet, Spartan Bov 51843 Jef. s„n 51 f 1:13 hvy s 112 I 4 i 4 41 E smith 11 Teaeher*aPet, Tiptord. Hapover 61777 Jefsnii 11:43 good 35 llo 111 3 61 7- E Smith 13 h.nia. Salute, Old McKenna 61722 Jefson 1-4 1:18 hvy 6 1l::j7 7 I 7 3 5i3.I Rodgez 9 ».l «mi. . McKenna. Nermandie SHI* Jefson S-4 1:16-.,good :.$ 112 4 5 4 31 39 I HopkinslO A. Rose. Norinaiidie. Bees«aw HAY. br. g. 9 M 118 By Leonid— Dolly Hayman. by Crighton. Owner. R. Poole. r.lsll .■ -f son S-4 lls.hvy 30 11V. 7 10 10 ] ". M*1 D HopkinslO IK.nhleVan. Optunity. Dr.Cphell BM36 .liifir../. 3 -I 10 10-5 13 12 12 12 12« A 1hk.ns 12 Originator PitBgeraM, Vireo 24481 Juarez .:-1 1 :i ;•;.!:. st 5 Ml 14 14 li 14 i4-» w Oraaea 14 U.Lad. KatheriaeG., Oriciaator ANNES PET. ch. f, 3 M 107 By Great Britain— Idle Box. by Box. Trainer. J. M. Brown. Owner, L. J. Brown. 62486 F.Gnds lm7»y 1:47 ttuH ino 88 111111 11 11 II1- N Everett 11 Hopover. Bototerer, P. Blossom f.2394 F.Gnds : I 1 IM lo8 13 12 12 11- 11" N Everett IS GaUot, Vulcanize, Joe Whipple C1223 ChurchI :: I 1:14* fast 7f ho" 14 14 14 14 I4,a G Stack l.i ranehird. Ionia. F.leanor S. C1281 Church I 3-4 1 l.V ..mud:: : let IIL 14 13 12 li- 12"- J Roberts 14 LoiiiseWvnne. Gold. Quince. Ionia 18441 Chagrin Ab5-s I :it3«;.sIop 9 109 V E Smilh S Busy Bird. Dorothy, Qtyee 50745 Chagrin A 1*5 s IM 6 102 4" K Smith B Get Km. Busy Bird. Dorothy J. E. HERTZ, ch. c. 3 Ml 112 By McGee — Spiteful, by Orlando. Trainer. W. D. Bernhardt. Owner. D. Womeldorff. First start.